Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Heat Slash

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Heat Slash is a Finish Command in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep that can be used by Terra, Aqua, and Ventus.


Heat Slash 1

Heat Slash 1 is a Level 2 Finish Command for Terra, Aqua, and Ventus which can induce fire damage.

Heat Slash 1 involves doing a two-stage flaming spin the deals fire damage.

It is unlocked after you used the Firestorm Command Style eight times.

Heat Slash 2

Heat Slash 2 is a Level 3 Finish Command exclusive to Aqua that can induce fire damage.

Heat Slash 2 involves a flaming spin that deals fire damage. It can add two more hit combo by tapping X when prompted.

To learn it, you must have learned Heat Slash 1, then use the Firestorm Command Style twelve times.