I am struggling to come up with something to write. Its gotta be good because Im probably never gonna update it(My Facebook is a testament to my terrible updating skills).
I'll think of something....
Okay, I hate talking about myself for one thing, so this is gonna be hard.
I get along well with people and see making new friends as a fun challenge. I generally get along with everyone and am 100% non-discriminative.
One thing people learn about me fast is that I trust people VERY easily, which is something that usually ends up getting me hurt.
I have no tolerence for backstabbing or mind games. I usually end my friendships with girls early becuase I can't stand the bitchiness, so I'm usually hanging with guys. Sadly, this causes me to be seen as a 'threat' and most girls immediatly dislike me because of the good friendships I build with guys.
To alot of people that don't know me I'm percieved as the bitchy popular girl, but I'm far from it. I'm actually a major nerd and I am totally proud of it. I am smart, good at most video games, I have a large collection of comics and think reading is one of the best hobbies someone can have.
So, I guess my personality is kind of a broad area and I don't really know how else to describe myself. I can't imagine what else anyone would possibly want to know, but if you have a question, just ask!
Okay I'm a normal sized girl and I like to think of myself as tall, but when I'm around my friends I'm the smallest. I have dead straight, longish brown hair that I try to make volumous, but my hairs so darn thin it hardly ever works. I don't like makeup becuase I find that unless you're a professional makeup artist eyeliner hardly looks nice. So I've got a very natural face. My casual dress is everyone elses formal wear and I only own one pair of pants that I got for jogging (which I never do). I've had my ears pierced multiple times but I have sensitive skin and always get infections, so I only have one piercing in each ear with a silver hoop in each. I like heeled shoes because they make me seem taller. I have ridiculously long nails that are constantly painted, because I keep forgetting to buy nail polish remover and I hate chipped polish on nails.
Kingdom Hearts and I
I am a mega mega dinosaur fan of Alice in Wonderland and one of my hobbies is researching Alice in Wonderland related media and thats how I came across KH. A game where you can play in Wonderland? I had to have it! So, I sent my father to the video store and got him to rent out Kingdom Hearts I. All it took was the beginning of Simple and Clean to start and I was hooked. I played the game through, savouring every moment and managed to rack up a $100 bill on my parents video store account by constantly renting Kingdom Hearts. After that I moved onto KHII and I have to admit that I got a little lost with that storyline. By that point, my parents where getting a little sick of the money they were spending on one game, so I had to return it. I had a little KH break (and by break I mean I obbsessed about it for a few months) and I eventually managed to convince my parents to let me play it again. During my KH hiatus I had become a gaming prefectionist, so I rented out both games again and played them through again fully completing every possible task (max stats, no deaths, journal etc.) and I also got to see the end of KHII for the first time.
I recently managed to buy my own copies of KH 1 and 2, which made me so happy that I started to annoy everyone I knew with my constant KH talk. I also got my hands on a set of the KHI manga.
For christmas 2010 I was lucky enough to get a PSP and BBS and the BBS guide, which made me so happy I cried (I dont cry on a day to day basis btw)! After that I brought the KH Guide and for my bday I got Days.
I'm planning to play the rest of the games hopefully soon, which I hope will help me understand the full story a bit better. I wanna play the games in order so Ill buy the games I dont have in chronological order, so I can play them accordingly. So yep, thats my Kingdom Hearts story.
And I lived happily ever after....
Im gonna say right now, that I do not mean to offend anyone at any time. So if I happen to step on your toes just flick me a note and Ill set myself straight. Also, Im pretty new to wikia..ing and if I break any unspoken rules just let me know!
Things I Like...and Hate
Category |
Best |
Second Best |
Game |
Kingdom Hearts |
Kingdom Hearts II |
Ive only played those two
Story |
Kingdom Hearts |
Kingdom Hearts II |
I only know those two
Character |
Sora or Namine |
Roxas or Axel |
King Flippin' Mickey
World |
Wonderland |
Halloween Town |
Port Royal
Heartless |
Creeper Plant |
Darkside |
Fat Bandit/ Bouncywild
Nobody |
Namine! |
Beserker |
My Signature
Lots of Boxes
File:KH reCOM-Namine.jpg
FinalRest - "Has my house been involved in any illegal activities?" TALK - 23:46, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
My tester. Quote from Skullduggery Pleasant, a totally wicked series of books
File:KH reCOM-Namine.jpg
Final Rest Talk! — "I'm cap'n of you, Whale!" You sir, are a mover and a shaker.
Another tester. This time quotes are from the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. I should also mention I am doing these boxes with the help of JFHavoc's TalkBubble 101 page which is ----> here
File:KH reCOM-Namine.jpg
Inverserific! Its also another Skullduggery quote.
FinalRest"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
01:07, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 02:47, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
My happy bubble
FinalRest - "We often confuse what we wish for with what is. " TALK - "Google googly googly, go away." – 02:47, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
And my shocked bubble!
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.

