A tutorial that, although not as long as the Kingdom Hearts 2 tutorial, is still just as informative and interesting ;-)

Name Jacobmirror
A.K.A Cody Dunkin (The Oathkeeper)
Hometown Radcliff, KY
Age 17
Weapon Watergleam (Personal Creation)
Spells Firaga, Blizzaga, Waterga, Thundaga
Summons Stitch
Limits Tidal Wave, Tsunami Crush, Light From the Darkness

My Profile

First off, to clarify what everyone at my school has been wondering about, yes the rumors are (partially) true. Although I am not completely gay, I know for a fact that I am bisexual.

Now, its time for more important info: I first became interested in Kingdom Hearts when I saw commercials advertising the game on Disney Channel back before even the time of Suite Life (the hotel not the boat.) I always wanted it but I never had a PS2, so when CoM came out I settled for that. When my mom finally got me a PS2 for christmas in '07, I was thrilled, especially since she got me Kingdom Hearts 2 as my first game for that console. (Yes, I never played the original game until my birthday 23 days later.)

Anyways, I am a writer, I am on my school's yearbook staff as a writer. It keeps me on the pulse of my school, and it helps when I want to get out of class for a little while ;-). Besides school, I do a lot of (although it might be considered fanfiction sometimes) novel-work. I center my stories on a boy who has been chosen to fight for the light. His faith in God is the main focus of the series, because, although he faces many villains, in the end his ultimate enemy is Lucifer (Satan's) right-hand-man. I don't try to make his faith in God the big focus of the stories because I know that people will stop reading the stories when people realize the author is a "nutter" and that the novels are "Bible-Thumper-Nonsense." However I make sure that by the end of the series everyone knows who i serve (God, duuuuuh.) (I plan to eventually create a website or something that will feature all of my writings.

Each part of the series is put into sections. If you could imagine my novels being compared to a TV show, I would say that each section could be a "season", with each book being a "fall/spring season" and each chapter is an episode. Each section goes by the title of: Quest. For instance, the third set is called Quest 3. (For all you guys who are fans of Kingdom Hearts, I wrote the plot before Coded came out. It is based on what takes place a year after the events of KH2. If anyone wants to know what happens in Quest three and wants to know why it should NOT be considered fanfiction, they can email me at: cody.dunkin@stu.hardin.kyschools.us. I'll be glad to share my character bios and anything else. The first person to email me will become my confidante (is that spelled right?) and I will tell them everything about my stories.)