Kingdom Hearts series (manga)
Kingdom Hearts is Shiro Amano's manga adaptation of the Kingdom Hearts series.
Kingdom Hears
The first series was based on Kingdom Hearts It was realised in 43 chapters and 4 collection books and was translated to English by TOKYOPOP. It unlike the other series was made to be read left to right, while the others was right to left.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories
The second series was based on Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories It was relished in 2 chapters and translated to English by TOKYOPOP. Kingdom hearts Com manga has more humour than it's games such as sSora's first confrantaion with Axel is a spoof as seen when he crashed to the wall with Goofy also Axel looks more younger in the manga lLarxene has more beauty and Marluxia always has flowers around him. Vexen is also hotheaded and works with Zexion and Lexaeus they do three things patrol doze off and cook.
Kingdom Hearts II
The third series was based on Kingdom Hearts II. It is still being serialized.