Talk:Vanitas Remnant

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Revision as of 21:58, 15 September 2010 by khwikia>Breaktheice16
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Wouldn't this being's name be more accurately translated to Vanitas's Sentiment (that is, the Sentiment of Vanitas), since the Japanese name is "Vanitasu no Shinen"?--Lapis ofthe Night 00:04, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

I think the name is okay. --Cococrash11 00:06, January 14, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

It isn't a question of opinion, "Vanitas's Sentiment" is a more accurate translation, at least I think so.--Lapis ofthe Night 00:25, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

You don't even know the correct name of this character so I might as put it like that. --Cococrash11 00:34, January 14, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

By "At least I think so" I meant that I didn't know if it was officially named "Vanitas Sentiment". "Vanitasu no Shinen" literally means "The Sentiment of Vanitas", thus, Vanitas's Sentiment.--Lapis ofthe Night 00:37, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

To make it gramatically correct it should be Vanitas' Sentiment.Correct, right? 23:59, January 17, 2010 (UTC) Anonymous
I would normally agree with you, but it's wiki policy to use "Vanitas's" and the like. Both forms are gramatically correct, but it was decided to use "s's" here.--Lapis ofthe Night 00:10, January 18, 2010 (UTC)


In the article it only mentions Aqua but I've seen Ven battling him so shouldn't it say Ven and Aqua?
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

Really? Could you link me a video because so far I have only seen aqua battling it.Xsonicdragon 00:41, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

The first thirty seconds isn't Ven, but the rest is.

Here you go.[1]

Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
Mickey (Talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.png
Birth By Blu - Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light.
TALK - I'll help you!
Well, from that video, it almost looks like even Terra can fight him aswell.
Most likely, but he hasn't been seen yet, so until then...
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

It's been confirmed that Terra can fight him... It's just easiest for Aqua to access it, just by clearing Last Episode.


LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png Anyone know if beating this guy nets you any sort of prize, or is it more of a bragging rights boss?
Well I don't think anyone has seen anyone beat him yet so it's tough to say. This is brought up towards the bottom of the Vanitas talk page if you want to see there. There's no more info though...
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

you get his keyblade the void gear


NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Do we really need a "strategy" against this guy...cause, well...there isn't one! No one's beaten him yet, and no one even knows how really - hell, they can't even damage him... Not to mention, as I read through it and fixed it up yonder here and there, I just noticed quite a few erroneous-sure-to-be-certain-death "strategies" placed in there. I don't know about you guys, but I'm firmly against typing in random bullshit just to fill up the blank space...
LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png Yeah, other than the really basic information (1 health bar, ridiculously strong and fast), we barely know anything about fighting it. Better to wait until someone can at least hurt it before we really put a strategy.

Nomura said that a specific deck command or set of deck commands is needed. 22:31, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Okay. So, do you know what those are? ...Didn't think so.

Venkix - Having no heart, no emotions. It's Better this way.
TALK - Open your heart. -
Is there a video of Terra fighting Unversed vanitas? maybe Terra is the onyl one who could pysically hurt it. I could be wrong though.

everyone can phsically hurt it but it gets the most damage from ventus' tornado takes off almost half his health


There's finally a winning video.

After you have defeated him ones can you do it again? I hope that he can be defeated more than just ones..P456 18:36, March 25, 2010 (UTC)


Shouldn't it be just Vanitas' Sentiment? In normal english, as long as it has the posessive sound at the end we don't need the 's at the end. Just the ' for it. Are the rules different in Japanese? Hyperwre_2.0 22:52, January 18, 2010 (UTC)

No. On the wiki we spell it as Vanitas's Sentiment.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

Ehhh whatever. I don't really care, just thought I'd mention it. Hyperwre_2.0 22:53, January 18, 2010 (UTC)

Look at the top of the page, I already answered that.--Lapis ofthe Night 22:57, January 18, 2010 (UTC)
You only remove the possessive s if the word's s is plural. So, "Jesus's", but "Cats'".Glorious CHAOS! 22:58, January 18, 2010 (UTC)

No, it needn't be plural. It can be singular, too.

Lars' shirt...

Felix' shirt...

etc. Zyrax 15:13, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Both ways are correct, but the "S's" spelling is the standard on the wiki for consitency's sake.LapisLazuliScarab20:56, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

terra confirmed


NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Thank ye. :3

Reason for existence

It appears that 'sentiments' are sentient lifeforms created by the intense emotions of a person who has lost their bodies, emotions finding residence in anything that could serve as a shell to hold their form together. Their power is completely fueled by their emotions, so naturally, they're pretty powerful, as seen in BBS when the Lingering Sentiment's power is enough to create a giant barrier to prevent Terra-Xehanort from escaping, amongst other powers. While primarily fueled by hate, he still has compassion, as he still thinks about Ven and Aqua. Vanitas's Sentiment on the other hand, was formed from a creature of pure evil. Because of Vanitas' nature, he was able to linger on in a ghastly form as a sentiment and it also explains why he is stronger as he has no positive emotions to offset his negative ones. Kaihedgie 15:29, February 13, 2010 (UTC)

Voice Actor

Does it really says that Miyu Irino is his voice actor? I mean the game credit didn't even says its him. --Cococrash11 05:27, March 10, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

Tsk tsk tsk. *shakes head in utmost disbelief* Vanitas and Vanitas' Sentiment share the same voice actor. I mean, come on. The sentiment of a person has to have the original person's voice, and thus Vanitas' Sentiment is credited as Vanitas. It's that obvious.
So if they were to use Haley Joel Osment or even Donald Reignoux as Vanitas, then they'd use the same person for the sentiment too. After all, many of them are the same battle quotes. It's just like the Lingering Sentiment and Terra in BBS : the same voice was used, but Terra is cited directly.
Here too, I'd like to answer ENX's question on the Lingering Sentiment page : I know that the voice actor of Terra is responsible for the Lingering Sentiment's quotes, and that the LS is never cited in the credits as having a voice. But we should put the person responsible for his voice - at least we'll know it's voiced, instead of just being plain voiceless.
It's quite a good thing you both raised this up, because I can finally solve the whole problem with one locus standi. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 08:16, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

Obvious doesn't cut it. You guys are the one who said that you need proof and no speculation. There aren't any proof that its his voice actor. --Cococrash11 23:06, March 10, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

A sentiment is a representation of a character, and for a sentiment to have a voice, no matter how enigmatic, the voice of the original character must be used. Vanitas' Sentiment, as you know, is directly linked to Vanitas. And so is the Lingering Sentiment directly linked to Terra at the end of his own story. Thus, Miyu Irino = Vanitas's Sentiment ; whoever's voicing Terra = the Lingering Sentiment. The only reason why it was not credited was because they make reference to the very first characters ; or it could also be due to the fact that they both have the same battle quotes as their original characters.
So I'm not going to play rough and literally lay down the rules, but think upon the direct link. After all, it can't be anyone else. Vanitas' Sentiment can't be Akio Ohtsuka, of all people. That's pretty much common sense.
And on a side note, sentiments and real selves have always used similar voices. Take a cue from II Final Mix+ - the Absent Silhouettes share the same voices with their Chain of Memories counterparts. Auditory/visual proof, as per the videos, is proof enough. Note : Never in the Japanese/English versions has someone with a similar-sounding voice ever been substituted, except for cases where, perhaps, the original voice actor is engaged or cannot be found. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 23:16, March 10, 2010 (UTC)

To be fair, we require literal, 100% confirmation here don't we? Take for example when we first heard Vanitas himself talk, and a whole bunch of people wanted to place the actor it sounded like, but we kept that from happening because it wasn't confirmed. Surely the credits page of the game says who voiced him?--Lapis ofthe Night 01:43, April 3, 2010 (UTC)


The Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania does not classify Vanitas's Sentiment as an Unversed. Instead, it is classified as a non-Unversed enemy, like Zack and Master Xehanort. However, the Unversed ensignia on the sentiment's helm is misleading, and is leading me to think that the logo may not signify the sentiment being an Unversed, but instead his connection to the Unversed. Vanitas's Sentiment's status as an Unversed or non-Unversed needs to be decided on, so that this article may be removed from the "Unversed" category if necessary. --DTN Room Core.png 06:40, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Y'know, I'm pretty the Ultimania isn't correct about everything. There's too much going against sayin' VS isn't an Unversed. He wears the symbol and is literally Vanitas's remnants in a physical form. A manifestation of his being. By all rights, he would be considered an Unversed. No doubt about it. He's a lot like the Lingering Sentiment in regards of how he operates. Being a creature of darkness whose strength seems to run on emotions, but not offset by positive ones, only negative ones. I'm not seeing he how he isn't an Unversed.Kaihedgie 06:48, April 9, 2010 (UTC)


Check KH13 and you will see when you beat him you don't just get the Hidden Ore, in the North American version you get the Hidden Ore AND Vanitas's Keyblade!--My Keyblade + Your face = pwnage 19:26, July 8, 2010 (UTC)Chihuahuaman


So... exactly how do Terra and Ven get to fight him? What circumstances need to be met? I know Aqua just has to clear the Last Episode, but I don't see that mentioned in the article either. Seems like something worth noting.LapisLazuliScarab07:33, July 10, 2010 (UTC)

As far as I know the only condition to fight Vanitas's Sentiment is to clear the game with the corresponding character. After that it's possible to select another landing place at Keyblade Graveyard from the world map. --ShardofTruth 08:32, July 10, 2010 (UTC)

Terra and Ven are playable in the last story after Aqua defeats Terranort (their appearance in the last story is non-canon and is merely for gameplay.) Also the sentiment only appears if you've beaten Xehanort and gotten all the Xehanort Reports.

Terra Video

The video of Terra fighting him is an english mod that needs to be removed, i would have done it but i don't know how to add videos and i don't want to leave the page without a Terra video.--My Keyblade + Your face = pwnage 20:53, July 16, 2010 (UTC)Chihuahuaman

Can Vanitas's Sentiment be Stop by Stop?

Can you use the stop magic on Vanitas's Sentiment at all.--Edgeshadow

I'm pretty sure he is immune to it because most bosses cannot be 'stopped' and he's a super/secret boss, so surely he would have the same case. Danjam

Sentiment = Spirit?

iZerox Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the dusks are gonna crack this one... — 14:04, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
Lea Frisbee.png I realize that the name change is based off a guide book scan. But I believe Spirit and Sentiment would just be translation differences. And most likely easily interchangeable. But if this is what we're going with here shouldn't Terra's Lingering Sentiment be called a Lingering Spirit as well?
Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngNot really, at least not unless the game calls it like that
Roxnick867 - My friends are my power, and I'm theirs!
TALK - I'm asking you as a friend, just... put an end to me. 10:04am, Sept,3/10
Vsymbol.pngi think the name change was because a sentiment is like an emotion and the lingering sentiment is a SPOILER: emobyment of terra's emotions but the lingering spirit is kinda like vantia's ghost
iZerox Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the dusks are gonna crack this one... — 19:32, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Lea Frisbee.png I understand. Well thanks for responding.

Can it be fought more than once?

Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngI was watching some videos of the battles against him and it seems fun so I wanted to know if it could be fought more than once
Roxnick867 - My friends are my power, and I'm theirs!
TALK - I'm asking you as a friend, just... put an end to me. {{{time}}}
Vsymbol.pngi dont think so because its kinda like a absent silhouette and im pretty sure you could only fight those once soo...
One-Winged Angel "The things you want to say the most are the things you fight yourself the hardest not to say."

TALK - Do you think you can erase your past? - 11:23 September 4, 2010

What I do if I want to fight a boss more than once (e.g. Sephiroth in KHII), I just save the game to a different file when the boss is beaten so I still have the prize (:D), and or still can progress and still have the save file right before I fight the boss.


maggosh The steel is forged... "Souls as far as the eye can see..."

"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."

Near the end of this video; the Reports call him the "Vanitas Remnant".

iZerox Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the dusks are gonna crack this one... — 19:32, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Lea Frisbee.png maggosh is quite correct! It's real obvious that's what it is. We should change it then I suppose.

Ventus KHBBSFM.png
Xabryn - VenCharm.pngMy Friends are my power
TALK - Mobile ventus.png19:35, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Wayward Wind Keychain KHBBS.pngOh come on we just changed the name. Besides the first two name were so much better

Well, in the battle the info bar calls it Vanitas's Lingering Spirit, as does the stratagy Guide. --Evnyofdeath 19:49, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 18:43, September 12, 2010 (UTC)
TerraCharm.pngI agree with maggosh. The game should be what we go by, not a contradictory strategy guide. The "information" thing in a battle is never useful. It often jokes around or phrases the obvious objective of the battle and plot. Also, "lingering spirit" is a clever way to refer to "remnant". The guide only calls it that because it quotes the information bar's text before each strategy. The info bar also states "Vanitas's lingering spirit" as if it were an adjective rather than a proper noun. "Vanitas's Remnant", which was actually written in the game as "Vanitas Remnant", is capitalized, as all names of objects are, meaning THAT is this guy's proper name. For those still against this and wishing to use the other name "because the guide said so", keep in mind you refer to an object that called Terra/Xehanort "Xehanort/Terra" on and off in the strategy and even called "Chaos Ripper" by its Japanese name, "Chaos Reaper".
The info bar may say the "lingering spirit", but it doesn't say "Defeat Vanitas's Lingering Spirit" it says "Defeat Vanitas's lingering spirit". There's a difference, the first one is in the form of a name, and the second one (which is what it says in the game) refers to something of Vanitas's. In the report it says "Vanitas Remnant", which is what the name of the article should be changed to. --BreaktheIce16 (talk) 9:29, 15 September 2010 (UTC)


DeadManCandyLand - Good. Let's See what your made of.
TALK - Someone's gotta whip him into shape. Someone's gotta whip him into shape.
so no one knows how to fight vanitas's remnant with terra or ventus

You beat the game, save, and go back to the normal save file. Simple.--Random!to a point! 21:18, September 14, 2010 (UTC)

DeadManCandyLand - Good. Let's See what your made of.
TALK - Someone's gotta whip him into shape. Someone's gotta whip him into shape.
that was pretty blunt thanks hope its right

It is. I beat Vanitas's Remnant the other day with Ventus. Void Gear pwns. --Evnyofdeath 16:34, September 15, 2010 (UTC)

Sounds like a good idea to me, glad the mods actually WANT to move pages again.--My Keyblade + Your face = pwnage 16:31, September 13, 2010 (UTC)Chihuahuaman

I'll have to face the facts the page have to be moved again, this is so annoying--Xabryn 17:27, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

After beating it and reading the journel myself, I say I'm for the move. After all, Vanitas's Remnant is not only easier to type/say but it sounds cooler. --Evnyofdeath 17:30, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

Heartless Emblem.png
Erry - Let me think about it.
TALK - Scherzo Di Notte ~ {{{time}}}
Go with it, it's the official name. I'm in.

Falcos - You've done it, Ventus.
TALK - Now that my body is about to perish... You and I will have to join together!
I was actually just coming to the page to point out this needed to be moved. ^.^
Can I just point out that in the report it's name is just "Vanitas Remnant" not "Vanitas's Remnant"... --BreaktheIce16 (talk) 14:58, 15 September 2010 (UTC)