Forum:Best/Worse battle quotes?

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Best/Worse battle quotes?

Oogie (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Bananaphone1996 - Cause I'm a gamblin' bogeyman, although I don't play fair!
TALK - Look's like it's Oogie's turn to boogie now!
I know it sounds like a wierd topic, but... I like listening to battle quotes from enemies. I find them helpful. Here are mine:
  • Oogie Boogie: HUG ME! (That is what he's saying isn't it?)
  • Zexion: Your memories shall be mine!
  • Sephiroth: The planet! It has failed me!
  • The worst:
  • Ursula: Not very tasty!
  • Jafar's constant outburst of gibberish.
  • Pinnochio: GET ME OUTTA HERE! (During 1st Parasite Cage.
ZexionFan321 - I'm gonna show these guys what happens when they mess with a true hero.
TALK - A true hero is measured by the strength of his heart. - 22:25, July 6, 2010 (UTC)
Pinocchio annoys me so much during that battle!