"Curse you Sephiroth!!!"
―Me, after losing to him 5 times in a row
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast. — 23:37, May 7, 2010 (UTC)
Welcome! Status:Check the IRC. If I'm on, I'm there.
The Silent Sketcher
The Silent Sketcher
Dual Keyblades
Home World
Destiny Islands
Hikari, KH
DarkHeart and Shineheart
Limit Break
Light and Dark
Games owned
Game Played
Favorite Characters
Roxas and Naminé
About Me
My REAL name i'm not telling, and I'm fluent in English and Portuguese. I have few friend outside the computer, I get picked on all the time at school. I've been told I'm preety by adults, but I don't see it. I have shoulder long, curly black hair, light brown, almost green brown eyes, pale skin and many, many, many freckles, I have a strange, mixed up personality. I can be happy and cheerfull and talkative, the without warning become quiet and melancholy. I have a VERY short temper. And yet I'm lazy and preffer T.V. to outdoor activities. My mom hates that. I love KHII above all. I'm Christian, and I live in Brazil, where I was born. Due to the fact I speak fluent English, MANY people think I'm North-American. I'm at the top of my class, and people act as if I have 7 eyes (I mean, I wear glasses, but COME ON!) and I tend to let things get under my skin. I feel hurt when my friend ignore me (wich is often).
My Favorites
- The Other Promise --- Drammatica
- Simple and Clean planitB/Hikari planitB
Male Characters
- Ven
- Axel
- Sora and Riku
Female Characters
- Tifa
- Aqua
- Xion
- Kairi
Games (That I've played)
- Kingdom Heats 2
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- Kingdom Hearts
Outside KH
- Sparring with my friends
- Watching movies with my mom
- My cats, Mr.Darcy and Gaya
- Drawing
- Reading
- Sniperwild
- Ruler of the Sky
- Bouncywild
Nobodies (Org. XIII not included)
- Snipers
- Assassins
- Samurai
And a big thanks to...
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast.
To DTN and KingdomKeyDarkside for welcoming me to the wiki!
HikariKH - Tobi is a good boy! TALK - {{{time}}}
Also, a thanks to SilverCrono, for helping me fix the coding for my second AND third talkbubble!
HikariKH - ... Never seen a shark-person before...? TALK - {{{time}}}
And Xion4ever, for teaching me how to upload images, so my third talk bubble will work
And to Gr8champ, for making my Signature!File:KHCoM-Namine.gif HikariKH File:KHCoM-Namine.gif. 13:39, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast.
Regular. The "normal" bubble.
HikariKH - Tobi is a good boy! TALK - {{{time}}}
My equivalent of a hooded bubble.
HikariKH - ... Never seen a shark-person before...? TALK - {{{time}}}
Sad/Thinking/Quiet bubble.
Angry/EVIL bubble.
HikariKH C'mon Silver! You too, Kris!
Random. You actually have to READ what I'm saying to know how I feel. Yes I do like this show. And if I where to make a bubble for every show I liked, this page would be endless...
Me and Kingdom Hearts...
Well, my friend once told me about this cool videogame she wanted to buy, called KINGDOM HEARTS. I found the title interesting and looked it up on the wikipedia. Now that I remember, I didn't pay much attension, but later, while researching FFX-2, I finnally saw It's Disney-Final Fantasy thing.Then I asked my dad to give it to me, but he got me Kingdom Hearts 2 instead of the first. No problem. In two weeks I finished beating the stuffing out of Xemnas, and got Kingdom Hearts 1. I stayed a week lost in Monstro, then I couldn't find Surprise in Halloween Town. Afterwards I kicked Ansem's behind, and I later found this place. I pride myself in having read most character pages, and all keyblade, heartless and nobody pages. I am currently :
a) Looking to buy RE:CoM...
b) Finishing Days next time I see my brother and his Nintendo DS...
c) Read all the pages of this wiki
Quizes & Polls
[ ] You are the leader most of the time.
[X] You like black.
[X] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[X] You don't listen to others.
[ ] You like doing research.
Total : 3
[X] You have bad eyesight.
[X] You like throwing things at others when angry.
[X] You wish you were able to teleport.
[X] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[X] You have/wish you had a gun.
Total : 5 O.o
[ ] You like windy days.
[ ] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[X] You like dragons.
[ ] You have/like dreadlocks.
[ ] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.
Total : 1
[X] You are disrespected by the young ones.
[X] Someone has already considered you a traitor. SUSPICIOUS GLANCE
[ ] You are the oldest of your group.
[X] You like experiments.
[ ] You like cold days.
Total : 3
[ ] You are not very talkative.
[X] You like brain games.
[ ] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
[X] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[ ] You are very strong, physically speaking.
Total : 2
[X] You love reading.
[X] You are not very sociable.
[X] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[X] You have a very sensible nose.
[X] You like to elude others.
Total : 5 ¬¬""
[X] You have double-personality issues.
[X] You are more active during night rather than day.
[X] You like werewolves.
[X] Your superior trusts you.
[ ] You have a scar on your face.
Total : 4 D:
[X] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[X] You care deeply for your best friends.
[X] You are a two-face when you need to be.
[X] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[X] You have a very fiery personality.
Total : 5 YAY!
[X] You like music.
[X] You know how to play a guitar.
[X] You like rainy days.
[X] You like swimming.
[X] You are usually a very happy person.
Total : 5 O.o
[X] You like playing cards.
[ ] You like to gamble.
[ ] Your favorite color is gold.
[ ] You have stolen money from others.
[X] You have/wished you could curse someone.
Total : 2
[ ] You like pink.
[ ] You like flowers.
[ ] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[X] You were betrayed by someone.
[ ] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.
Total : 1
[X] You're the only female in your group.
[ ] You like storms.
[ ] You're pretty agile.
[X] You like to mock others.
[X] You think ninjas are cool.
Total : 3
[X] You love ice cream.
[ ] You are the youngest of your group.
[X] You think people are hiding something from you.
[X] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[ ] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.
Total : 3
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast.
So I'm a Xigbar/Axel/Demyx and a bit of Saix/Vexen hybrid on the personality thing. No problem
World Cup
Who are you cheering for?
HikariKH - Tobi is a good boy! TALK - {{{time}}}
Poll closes on June 26
My Links
Template:HikariKH - My talk coding
My Custom Images
My Neopets 1
My Neopets 2
- The KH game that took me the longest to beat was KHI
- I like to fight with long, heavt weapons. I tend to hols 'em like a two handed shord
- I've beaten KHII multiple times
- I've never defeated Chernabog. After losing to him a few times, I started going through the Hades Cup over and over again. I then dared my friend, who was over at my place at the time, to play D.O.N., and he defeated Chernabog for me. This day is marked as an EPIC FAIL in my book.
- I love to fight Behemoths in KHI!
- I hate fighting Xaldin. WORST ORG. 13 MEMBER EVAH!
- I'm almost constantly surrounded by idiots wherever I go. Even here.
- I <3 the IRC!