Could someone stock up on Ice Creams, then make a video where they attack the mailbox or something inanimate in Disney Town after activating each style? Making sure to have the finishers. Hopefully, Frozen Fortune will show up in their too; there should be just enough command slots to do each style once in one take, but if not, do the LV1's first, then the LV2's. Please have the video do each of Terra's, each of Ventus's, then each of Aqua's. Thanks!Glorious CHAOS! 17:52, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Notes for pending rewrite
- Attack (たたかう) > Blitz [Surge] (ブリッツ) > X > Barrage [Storm] (バラージュ) > Y
- Attack (たたかう) > Ice Blitz [?] (アイスブリッツ) > Z
- Fatal Mode (ファイタルモード) - Blitz [Critical Impact - Surge]
- Magic Wish (マジックウィッシュ) - Blitz
- Speed Rave (スピードレイヴ) - Blitz
- Fire Blazer (ファイアブレイザー) - Blitz
- Diamond Dust (ダイヤモンドダスト) - Blitz [Diamond Dust - Surge]
- Thunder Bolt (サンダーボルト) - Blitz
- Rock Breaker (ロックブレイカー) - Barrage
- Dark Impulse (ダークインパルス) - Barrage [Dark Impulse - Surge]
- Blade Charge (ブレードチャージ) - Barrage
- Ghost Drive (ゴーストドライヴ) - Barrage
- Air Rider (エアライダー) - Barrage
- Cyclone (サイクロン) - Barrage
- Wingblade (ウィングブレード) - Barrage
- Ice Blast (アイスブラスト) - Ice Blitz [Frozen Fortune - ???]
Dark Impulse
Falcos - You've done it, Ventus. TALK - Now that my body is about to perish... You and I will have to join together!
Now, I'm bringing this up here, as I don't feel like editwarring. Anyway. I swear Dark Impulse is acquired after you talk to MX again, not when you fight Eraqus. I am sure of this for two reasons. A, it gives the message then, and B, I went to the MA to level up before the Eraqus fight, and used it there. Now, maybe I'm wrong, and I accept corrections if I am, but I am about 95% sure of this. Can I please get verification either way?
ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 13:21, September 24, 2010 (UTC)
You're absolutely right, Terra gets Dark Impulse after visiting the Keyblade Graveyard for the second time. I think the reason for the confusion is the fact that the fight against Eraqus starts with the Command Style.
KrytenKoro - "I'm the doctor, I'm the patient. Don't forget that - it's important! If you love me like I love me, everybody will be sorry." TALK -
Sorry. I guess I just wasn't trying to activate it correctly or something. Weird.
Ghost Drive
I just love watching Aqua use that command style. It's like you beat Vanitas, then come up to fight Braig and Vanitas-Ventus and they're warping around, and Aqua's like "Yea, I can do that too!" HA... just fun.--Hyperwre_2.0 20:27, September 25, 2010 (UTC)