
Hello. My name is Moonlight Soul. Yes I know I changed my name from Mikazuki Heart to this on but....still. I had another account but i forgot it. I think it was Mikazuki*cresentmoon*. Oh well. If you want to email me (no one does....so if you want go ahead...) here is my email. Dragongirl102@gmail.com

About Me

I love to read Fantasy Manga

In real life I can be very shy (but hurtfull!)

My sign is Virgo.

I have ADD

I can stay up all night for four nights.

I have 5 sibilings

More things...

My favorite song: We wish by ayumi hamasaki

Favorite food: Lemons

Favorite Type of book: Manga

Favorite book:...none of right now.

Talk Bubble

My Talk bubble:

Moonlight Soul - don't bother a Bakeneko
TALK - - "If you bother me I will hurt you..."

To whom it might concern

I am not always on. I have a life. So you who do not...please do not try to make me lose it. IF you do you shall perish. Anyway...


My height I don't know. My hair is just plain black. When I brush it , it gets all fluffy.People tend to mess my hair up because of that. My hair is usally a mess so I do not care. I always wear black. That makes people think I am emo for I have so many scars on my arms and legs (It is from climbing and yes, giving cats baths >.<)


I like to hit people I know over the head. I play soccer and softball. I also dance. I love to listen to music.Climbing is fun to me (though my mom complains about me getting hurt and all). I am kinda evilsp some. I play the clarinet. I laugh when ever my min...friends comlain about me hurting them or at other peoples pain. I tend to stay up late giving me the nick name Night Owl and Neko (cat). I tend to read. I make excuses alot (they alwys work). I can be very serious. I am to lazy to put anymore up so i will do that some other time. I also get confused easily...


"Why shall I tell you my name. You are a stranger. I don't want you to stalk me." Quote from my friend Zeus (yes that is his name) when we first met.


...Because of my friends I now enjoy pokemon....>.>

My favorite color is moonbeam silver.

If you complain about me I usally ignore it.

I like to read...not so much..

My school Mascot is the Hawk


I hate Rap.

I have way to many minions...I mean friends to count.

My min...friends have werid names.



Here are thing I tend to say. "Leave me be. I want to sleep"

"If you didn't notice. I am not nice."

"Why do you talk so much?"

"Right. Like I am going to fall for that."

"Ok. Will you just SHUT UP!"

"I don't like the feeling of here"


"No. I said no.I SAID NO!"

"Like I was going let you win"


"This is boring...nap time..."


Hello there. If you are reading this. Congrats. You have not been bored to death. You have made it this far...anyway on to random things. Summer is almost here! I won't be on much till my laptop is fixed and I can't use the homework excuse to use my fathers. (As if I am on anyway...) I like cookies. I discovered I can bake really well No cookies for you.   Template:User Nobody

Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.


Template:User Manga

Template:User World That Never Was

Template:User Clothes

Template:User Cookies

Template:User Poke

Template:User Reason

Template:User Pleasestandby

Template:User Takeover

Template:User Nobody Cares

Template:User PCKH

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ja-2 この利用者はある程度日本語を話すことができます

Template:User Novels