
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 06:27, 9 August 2010 by LegoAlchemist (talk | contribs) (My userpage is too big. Go ahead and check out my userpage + for what I tossed.)
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Sorry about my sudden disappearance over the past few days. Life, as well as acquiring the very entertaining Sims 2 Deluxe has sidetracked me from wiki activity. It will probably stay that way for a while.
Be sure to keep up with the RC during Kryten's abscence.
HEY! Do YOU have a Kingdom Hearts Story idea that you're just itching to get out? It's not allowed here, so head to the Fanon Wiki to make it public!
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you. — 03:10, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png Hello. My name is LegoAlchemist. You can call me Lego or LA. I am a user here on this wiki. One who has been slightly less active nowadays.

Here is a link to the irc. Type in #wikia-kingdomhearts in the second box.

Stuff I need to do

  • Work on the wiki more.
  • Eliminate the word "grey" from the wiki


  • Rarely Active
  • Maybe Active
  • Definitely Active
Weekly Schedule
Sunday~Saturday It's summer!!
I wake up at about 10:30 or so, do stuff, get on whenever, watch LOST, go to bed late!

Oftentimes, I will disappear from the wiki and be inactive for an amount of time. This is where I go:

  • Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki - As of now, I am the only concept artist there working for Kingdom Hearts Legacy (until Xiggie comes back). I am often wrapped up in important discussions there, and end up being there for a while. It's my job, i guess. I have my own story there, but it's kinda lost under... everything.
  • The IRC - I spend a lot of time here. You will definitely catch me there often.
  • Sims 2 Deluxe - I recently acquired it and spend a lot of time on it too much time on it.
  • Life - Shoot, people, I do have a life! I can't spend all of my time here, and I spend most of my life at school, doing other stuff, drawing, etc. My personal life is very complicated right now. I'll be there a lot. Unless you know me personally, you won't find me here.

JFHavoc stamp of appreciation

JFHavoc Stamp of Appreciation

JFHtalk.png Thank you for helping out the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. You've proven yourself a good editor and an even better person. Please accept this little token of my appreciation for all your hard work.

Given to me by my good friend. :) It really made my day ^_^

My Image Gallery


Userpage +

User:LegoAlchemist/Userpage +

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RoxassSymbolsmall.png Main Pages RoxassSymbolsmall.png
User page Vsymbol.png Image Gallery Vsymbol.png Lab Vsymbol.png Talk Bubble Image Archive Vsymbol.png Photoshopper's Talk Bubble Images for Dummies
RoxassSymbolsmall.png LA only pages RoxassSymbolsmall.png
Sig Vsymbol.png Autosig