Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Deck Command (KHBBS)

Revision as of 13:39, 27 October 2009 by HeartOfOblivion (talk | contribs)
I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to.
Young King Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
This article is about a game or product that has yet to be released.

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File:Terra vs. Unversed Deep Space.jpg
Deck Commands appear on the Command Menu in the bottom left corner

Deck Commands are attacks, magic or items that appear on the Command Menu in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. The attacks, magic, and items are often only able to be used once and then they disappear for awhile. Some of the Deck Commands also have to load or charge before use. This system was described to be like the card system in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.

Command Board

The Command Board is the leveling up board game that lets the player obtain new Deck Commands or level up old and new Deck Commands. This is one of the ways you can level up Deck Commands. The other is by obtaining CP, Command Points, from defeating enemies in battle. The player can use both ways or just stick to one throughout the game.

Mode Changes

Mode Changes have specialized Deck Commands that can only be accessed if you have and are in the Mode Change.

Joint Struggle

In the Joint Struggle multiplayer mode of the game, there are some Deck Commands that do not appear in regular gameplay and are only found in Joint Struggle. More information on this area have still yet to surface.

  • Ice Barrage
  • Provoke
  • Heal Light
  • Vanish: allows the user to "disappear"
  • Friend Cure: allows the caster to heal self or a close friend
  • A longer form of Shoot Lock with a new extension

See Also