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I would smash the world if it would make a pretty sound.



  • Rewrite Reaction Command
  • Attack infobox
  • Coliseum infobox
  • Gummi infobox
  • Rearrange weapon infoboxes - if main image repeats more than once, or is a keyblade, move it to the top. Example of revamped weapon article: Kingdom Key
  • Once infoboxes are up for KH and KH2, go through and rewrite the actual Heartless articles. Models: AntiSora, Air Pirate. Story section for bosses, verify journal and location info.

Organization XIII Jukebox

Not mine

Xemnas's theme Xigbar's theme Xaldin's theme Vexen's theme
<youtube width="160" height="120">qhnEu3Ci5Hk</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">llXN30ZUqXI</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">uhdG_aDaaoE</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">8datcqZrB4E</youtube>
Lexaeus's theme Zexion's theme Saïx's theme Axel's theme
<youtube width="160" height="120"></youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120"></youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">BnJOfZXpBwI</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">t68RMfVgnxQ</youtube>
Demyx's theme Luxord's theme Marluxia's theme Larxene's theme
<youtube width="160" height="120">ildOLIGn-Fc</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">cN0SlgjMhFo&NR</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">YqCYL-giMws</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">uZHYnQqTiPs</youtube>
Roxas's theme Naminé's theme Xion's theme Ixion's theme
<youtube width="160" height="120">NXN_BgvnTro</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">38UnUqIDY5w</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">Xre7ZycAlnI</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">IHPiDSnN_mw</youtube>
Organization themes
<youtube width="160" height="120">H4LG8PyjE8A</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">1mN9TnLmGv0</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">e_NDRThY7SA&NR</youtube> <youtube width="160" height="120">4QSoWMSSv9o&NR</youtube>


  • First off: This is IMPORTANT. More than anything else online, I abhor those who knowingly pass of mistruths as facts. If you're obviously joking, fine, you're a little annoying but manageable. But when you are truly trying to make fools of innocent readers, by, for example, making up characters, items, etc., and passing them off as official, you are being deliberately malicious, and I really do despise you.
  • Education: Senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering with focus on Controls Analysis for Space-based systems. Minoring in Astrophysics.
  • Likes: Digimon, Pokemon, Transformers, The Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, Metroid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Harry Potter, South Park, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Family, Children, Sleeping, Animals, Plants
  • Religion: Modified Roman Catholicism, some Episcopalianism. Large influence from the writings of C.S. Lewis - while I am zealously Christian, and very much a literalist, I haven't yet found the passage that says that a "non-Christian" who embraces Love, Truth, etc., actually rejects God. Stuff like that.
  • Pets: Previously - Megan (Russian Blue), Ginny (German Shepherd), Dione (Venus Flytrap), Scylla (wild Praying Mantis), Charybdis (wild Praying Mantis), Bran (Shibunken), Tevye (Fiddler crab). Currently - Damien (Goldfish), Maxwell (Tabby), Laplace (Bombay).
  • Dislikes: Moral relativists, Global Warming, this world full of vandals - I don't give a **** about your B.S. that it's a "legitimate social experiment" or "actively bringing about progress". It's not. You're simply a selfish, malicious, mealy-mouthed crotch-pheasant who is doing your part to hasten the end of whatever progress the world has made.
Also: Code Geass. The pillars of Heaven cannot be built upon the foundations of Hell.

My personal beliefs about KH

Note: These may or may not be true, but I need to find citations before removing them from this list.

  • Pureblood Heartless are manifestations of the darkness within hearts, but not those hearts themselves. This is why Heartless will always exist until (and only until) only light is within hearts.
  • Emblem Heartless are hearts which have been separated from the body and soul, and have regained a pseudo-life due to the darkness within them.
  • Nobodies are the body and soul, and are not truly real because the part of the body that keeps them real is "busy" taking the role of the motive force which the heart would usually perform.
  • The strongest Nobodies retain their human form, and a facsimile of emotion, because they have used the elements themselves to replace their hearts. While they are still not truly real, as the elements are not living things, they are closer to it than any other type of Nobody.
  • Unbirths are the separated souls, bereft of both emotion (heart) and reality (body). The purpose of the soul is give thought and make something more than a puppet - with the soul not able to ably perform that function, the being appears to be nothing more than a mechanical or puppet. Thus, something that was not born.
  • Spectre and Tiamat (the ships piloted by Marluxia and Xemnas) are Nobodies in the same class as Twilight Thorn. Spectre belongs to Marluxia, Twilight Thorn belongs to Zexion, and Tiamat belongs to all of them, I guess. They really need to make more high-ranking Nobodies, not replicas and Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts Merchandise

  • Manga: All but KHII
  • Games: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+, Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories