Deep Jungle

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Ok, I am trying to test out a test page to see if anyone will notice or respond to it so I got a small topic to start things off with. Is there anybody who thinks that the Deep Jungle world plays a big part in the Kingdom Hearts series?

  I do ! After all that talk about hearts and the reuniting of Donald, Sora and Goofy, it's a pity Square Enix and Disney couldn't use it anymore. :-(

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Lol, well that's good to know that I'm not the only one XD. Its just that its my fave world of all the others. Plus it was kickass to have my fave movie in the series. I could understand why it wasn't put into CoM because of copyrights, but what really bugs me is that people are starting to say and believe that if it wasn't a part of the game, then is must not be an important world. UGH. Hate it when they do that, the only useless world if you honestly ask me is the Monstro world. The best thing I can describe that world is like being an anime filler that really serves no point or connection to the plot. Of course how Monstro helped was that it showed the struggles between Sora and Riku because of Maleficent. Sorry about the rant ^^;. But still it just annoys me when people say stuff like that. Its like saying Port Royal doesn't have any part of the story at all even though it clearly does.

  From what I see, every world has its importance. Monstro would've been rendered useless if it were not for the episode with Gepetto, Pinocchio and Riku. Port Royal has Luxord. Deep Jungle has the talk about hearts. Although I wish they could get copyright once more - so that they could make use of the "Two Worlds, One Family" tagline. I've yearned for that and I have a feeling my yearning might just come to nothing.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
True, too true there about the worlds. Personally, I don't mind that Tarzan wasn't in KH2. I was a little disappointed by the really easy gameplay even on Proud and the poor attempt for story in some worlds, I always figured Deep Jungle was spared lol. But I was still disappointed that it wasn't in CoM, even if the Disney worlds weren't really there. The game just felt incomplete without it. Which is why I hope to make a little fan story of it to try it out and make some cards. Which is why I need the references from the Re:CoM game to try it out. As for the GBA game, THAT'LL be even trickier ^^;. So yeah, I always felt that Deep Jungle was underappreciated, and to be honest, out of all the party members in that game, Tarzan never once died on me. That strong and uses the most useful magic abilities. Now THAT'S tough!

  I somehow feel my favourite Disney AI party member is Tarzan. Never mind about the loincloth and the Babel. ^_^

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
I was actually impressed of how much faster they made Aladdin in KH2.

  Ha ! Aladdin in Re:Chain is the best. For giving me all those Moogle Points !

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Oops, I read your 2nd last text wrong, I thought you said Aladdin was your fave party member. lol sorry ^^;. Anyways, that's what I meant, Tarzan just has that great strength to wipe out so many enemies and great magic abilities such as cure and wind that he's almost a perfect party member. its a shame that he could be only used in the one world. Oh well. I noticed they passed the same kind of abilities and strength onto Simba in KH2. and yet, its almost like he wasn't as strong as Tarzan. Faster for sure, but not as strong. what do you think?

  I haven't taken much notice of Simba (as most of the time, I use Donald and Goofy in the party).

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Ah ok, that would make a difference since I use different party members in each world lol.

Rikloud - sleep
TALK - Yeah well seems like a boring place to take a nap anyway
I don't know who my favorite party member is probably a tie between Aladdin and Beast though I didn't use Beast much because I had to switch him out for a trinity funny thing is I wasn't able to beat the second battle against Dark Riku until I put him in my party even though he couldn't help with it
HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Good choices there, though honestly between the 2 I think Beast is the better one, not for his strength alone, but also compared to the other party members, he actually uses his items wisely and not randomly. Its a rare sight to see from an AI partner lol.

Rikloud - sleep
TALK - Yeah well seems like a boring place to take a nap anyway
yeah I know he seems to be the smartest AI character that i've encountered though I don't know about KH2 because I resolved to not even start it until I beat 1 and I guess I wont continue Re:CoM untill I beat 2
HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Another problem I got with with the recent absence of Deep Jungle because of the copyright is the continuity of the series. I know the other worlds are still in the series obviously, but I remember seeing some scans of a Ultimania book of KH2 and while they did reference the other worlds, they only use a few screencaps of Deep Jungle without proper referencing and character images. That's just not right >_<.

  First off, I need to seek information on the copyright issue. Something just doesn't seem right.

But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out! TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Is there anything I can help with in finding information on the copyright issue? or do you just need clarification?

  I'd like to seek information on the copyright issue... particularly because I'm a law student, to start with. I'd be handling copyrights soon enough...... so this seems like a good case to start with.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
To be honest, its hard to tell if I got the right information or not but I hope this place is a good start btw, did you see the jungle king keyblade card on my page? i actually managed to find a sample of it on a very rare screenshot of CoM, things are looking up to make a CoM story for the Deep Jungle world lol.

  I took a look at that card. That was quite cute, I'd say ! I wouldn't mind it being a card slightly higher than Three Wishes. I'd have used it.

By the way, thanks for the link to the Terms of Use. I can see a whole lot of exclusion clauses inside it (among other things) and it's going to take me a while to digest this contract !

It is rather funny what I would do for honey. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
I know I would use it in my deck all the way through lol. Now if only i can find a good 3d reference of the keyblade i'll be in business. and i'm glad i was able to help you out there ^^. I did find some references that somebody actually made if Tarzan was in CoM, including Jane, Clayton and Stealth Sneak. Plus i'm working on getting a few more images for this site. also, i don;t understand all that but could you possibly explain how those copyrights works for the tarzan licence?

  I can't say much because I haven't studied the terms fully, but all I know on the surface is this : when you copyright something, you legally have the rights to own it, and others will have to get your permission in order to use it. (It's harder to do so.) Also, you can set your own terms and conditions as to how others use your stuff (in this case, Edgar Rice Burroughs imposed very strict terms, greatly limiting usage......... and, because it's in writing, it can serve as evidence if anyone breaks those terms, and Edgar Rice Burroughs can succesfully sue in court. Now I can really understand why Square-Enix and Disney had a hard time with them.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
dang, they're getting stricter with the rules these days. But at least we can say that at least that Deep Jungle was part of the trilogy set of the KH series. BTW, I just had another theory. After playing Re:CoM I just realized, when they added in the cards with the keyblades from KH2, i noticed that there wasn't one for the Circle of Life keyblade for the Pride Lands. Makes you wonder, if they ever had a Deep Jungle world in CoM, would their special treasure be the Circle of Life keyblade card?

  Possibly, considering that Circle of Life was intended as a last-minute replacement for the Jungle King. As for rules getting stricter...... I'm beginning to wonder what the difference is between fair use and unfair use, as well as the boundaries. Law has a rigid set of rules, yes, and particularly in contracts.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
I just thought it maybe a good idea, so it could be possible I could try to make a card of that, though Re:CoM version only, no good with sprites ^^;. To be honest, I don't know how it could be unfair use in the game, my guess is that today's owner of the licence probably just wanted more money and took the permission away when they didn't get the money. Seesh, does everybody have to put a price tag on everything?

Possible BBS worlds

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
This is something I'm sure by now that a LOT of people are thinking about for the new Birth By Sleep game for the PSP. But asides from the worlds confirmed so far in the game, wonder what other worlds have potential of being in the game. These were a few I was thinking of.

- Sword in the Stone - The Jungle Book - Robin Hood - The Black Cauldron - The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Atlantis: The Lost Empire

So far that's what I thought of.

  I hope the Hunchback story comes out. If not in BBS, then in a sequel. Archaic Paris has never been so... fun before.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
That would be really nice indeed though there would be 2 major problems with that world. One a possibly reason is the whole religion and God concept. It really worked for the story of course but people can be pretty picky about religion being in certain games, especially the parents. PLEASE don't get me started on that >_<. Anyways, the other problem is a MAJOR, as mentioned before, Tony Jay, who voices Frollo is dead.

  Aw crud.............

This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
I know, it would take a miracle to duplicate such a malevolent voice like that. But, here's hoping *crosses fingers* Besides that world, I thought it would always be funny if they ever had a Robin Hood world, and either Sora, Ven or Terra (whichever game they put it in) would be the very first and probably only human in that world.

Rikloud - sleep
TALK - Yeah well seems like a boring place to take a nap anyway
what a coincidence that is another world I was thinking of using in one of my fan-fictions
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy!
TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
Aww, no love for The Emperor's New Groove? Bonus points if Sora gets turned into a llama!

Then again, you run into the same problem as Hunchback, as the magnificent Eartha Kitt is no more.

  Aw crud ! But ew, Sora turning into a llama ? Kuzco nailed the part well because of his long hair. I can't imagine a llama with spikes !

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
lol no offense, i do really like the movie myself but its kinda hard to picture that movie as a world. Though I always pictured Kuzco in his llama form as a summon for some reason, i dunno, take a potion and turn heartless into items? XD lol

  Okay, since the header said Birth By Sleep, I doubt it too. But as Nomura indicates, KH is a trilogy. Let's hope for the very last episode of KH it comes......

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy!
TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
Spikey-haired llamas aren't too far fetched; llamas rarely comb their hair, after all. ^_^ But yeah, the movie is a little goofy compared to the others picked for Kingdom Hearts so far. It would be a good setting for mini-games, though, similar to 100 Acre Wood. Imagine Sora, Donald, and Goofy trying to make their way out of the gorge. Or a rail course based on the roller coaster into Yzma's lab. I like the idea of a Kuzco summon, though. Or Kronk. "Would you like a spinich puff?"

Now I have an image of Kronk in Radiant Garden teaching Yuffie and Aerith how to speak squirrel. I think I need to go to bed.

  Uh, squeakly squeak... squeakel ! ^_^

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne

Rikloud - sleep
TALK - Yeah well seems like a boring place to take a nap anyway
I like the idea of using Atlantis as a world I can already imagine Commander Rourke as a boss in both human and crystal forms

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
so much squeaking lol. that can be possible of the atlantis world, plus i always did wanna get my hands on Rourke for what he did in the movie lol.


KrytenKoro - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on."
I think, if we're going to list Sora, Donald, and Goofy as characters in the various worlds, the other who appear there should count as well - Jiminy, who is always with them, and Riku and Mickey, who also go through the KH worlds.

If you're taking Riku and Mickey out because they did not go through the actual world, but merely a Castle Oblivion floor, then never mind about them. But Jiminy should definitely stay.

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
That was just my focus in terms of riku and king mickey yeah. and sorry about the jiminy thing, I know that he did go with them in every world, but I was trying to sort it for how they appeared in the storylines in each world. Like in KH one, he was in disney castle, traverse town and monstro. I was just going by story like when you see them in the cutscenes and dialogue scenes. That's all. Again, not trying to cause a problem here.

Pixar Worlds?

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
I'm sure this is something a lot of people have thought of recently, if there were any Disney pixar movies they could use, which do you think would work best and how? Plus I did find out that it may be impossible for them to use the pixar movies because they're just as strict with the copyrights as the Tarzan licence.

TALK - {{{time}}}
Oh I'm definitely hoping for Toy Story to show up!! Toy Sora VS Zorg would look awesome!! Or maybe just against Cid's dog? Who knows but I'd love to see it. After all Toy Story does have the whole friendship theme and stuff that might fit into KH... or maybe I'm just hoping too much 8D

By the way, nice to meet you, I'm sort of new around here. (I would've said 'I'm Yer mom' but that just sounds wrong, disadvantages of picking a double edged user name).

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Lol its ok, I'm aware, I haven't been on the internet for so long to know the difference between a harmless username and an actual insult for nothing you know lol. Anyways, to be honest, Toy Story is kinda on the iffy side for me, the way I've noticed how the Kingdom Hearts series worked is that they mostly take worlds based off of anything involving fantasy, nothing with a hint of real life unless they can find a way around it. But in a way, I could picture the toys from that movie taking refuge at Traverse Town or even be part of a nursery at Radiant Garden before it was taken over and turned into Hollow Bastion. In my opinion, I can only picture 2 movies being useful and having potential in the series, Monsters Inc. and The Incredibles, but again, its just what I think lol.

TALK - {{{time}}}
How about Finding Nemo? It would be such a NIGHTMARE to control a fishy Sora lol! Not to mention he'd have to control the keyblade with his fins XD!!

I like the idea of Monsters Inc. being a world, with Donald being afraid of ze monsters and freaking out. It would be hard to pick a party member for that world tho, since both Sulley and Mike could be considered as the movie's main characters.

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
Hmm... that one I am not too sure about, probably most people won't take it seriously. As for the Monsters Inc. I think it would be more of Sulley, he was more like the main character while Mike was like a main buddy, but if Sulley had a limit, i can bet Mike would be a part of it too, like Mulan and Mushu lol.

As for possibilities of others, well, I could picture Lightening McQueen and Mater working together on different gummi prints or a new design of transportation from world to world, Remy, Alfredo and Collette cooking to come up with different kinds of potions and ethers that the moogles can't and Wall-E as a summon =p.

Talk Template Archive

  You might've heard of the Talk Template Archive that came into existence quite a while ago. Right now, I'm not the only one contributing to the page as BebopKate, Xiggie and Ultima are also working on it. All the talk bubbles there are for public use.

The question is, should it stay where it is, or should it be moved to the public domain (Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Talk Template Archive) ?

Have your say at User talk:Troisnyxetienne/Talk Template Archive. I'm waiting for your feedback ! ^_^

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me ^^;, and I hope you don't mind that I put mine there as an option

Ansem or Xemnas?

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
This was something I've been thinking about for a while now and I am curious. Who does anyone think is the better villain between the 2?