Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


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I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to.
Young King Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Dilan was one of the six apprentices to Ansem the Wise, and the complete being of Xaldin. He is a confirmed character to appear in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Dilan is confirmed to appear in the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. At the Tokyo Game Show 2009, Dilan was seen in a new trailer for the upcoming PSP game. He assumes a guard-like position and uniform with Aeleus, after Even's conversation with Ven. He wields a single blue lance, referencing his choice of weapons in the Organization. This trailer was the first appearance of the original beings of Organization XIII in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Kingdom Hearts II

Dabbling In Darkness

About a decade prior to Kingdom Hearts, Dilan was one of six apprentices to the ruler and scientist of Radiant Garden, alongside Xehanort, Braig, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo. Worried the Darkness in people's hearts would eventually consume his world, Ansem began performing tests on Xehanort's heart. Eventually, he created a laboratory in his castle's basement for such experimentation. However, Dilan and the other apprentices had their own intentions for the laboratory, and began conducting inhumane experiments on the human heart and the darkness within it. Such experimentation led to the creation of Heartless. Ansem quickly discovered their secret experiments, and immediately ordered them to stop. One day, after being advised to review their research data by King Mickey, Ansem found that the effects of their experiments had become irreversible. Eventaully, Dilan and the other five apprentices dabbled too deep into darkness through their continued experiments. Dilan, along with the others, was consumed by the darkness, producing a Heartless. However, the apprentices all had strong wills, and so Dilan also became his Nobody, Xaldin. The six Nobodies formed Organization XIII, and banished Ansem the Wise to the Realm of Nothingness.


Dilan has been seen wearing a grey guard uniform with white cuffs and a red heart on the chest, identical to the one Aeleus also wears. Unlike Even or Aeleus, Dilan looks fairly different from his Nobody, as he does not possess Xaldin's dreadlocks. Instead, Dilan wears his black hair in more simple cornrows

See Also