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Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Community Portal. This is where the community, small as it currently is, can come to discuss the wiki.

To reply to a section, click the "edit" button on the right side. To begin a new section, click the "+" button on top of the page, or click here. Remember to sign all comments with ~~~~.


Hey guys, I'm Scottch and I've invited all editors here to address some stuff for reviving this wiki. Please chime in however you like. I'll break it into headings. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)


I'm getting together a list of ideas on a user subpage for expansion of the wiki; mostly it's ideas for articles, but there are some other things as well. You can look at it at User:Scottch/Revive, and feel free to edit the page to add something you think the wiki should have an article on. If everyone is ok with the general idea of the list (and of course we can always add/remove stuff later), I'll move it to a page that's not in my userspace. To create an article, just click a red link and start typing the content. Articles don't have to be perfect right away. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)


A bunch of images are going to get deleted. Remember that images of copyrighted characters, like the organization members and whatnot, can't just be used on a whim. They have to be fair use, which if my impressions are right, basically means this:

  1. Source info.
  2. Only one picture per idea or concept; three different similar pictures of a character wouldn't be ok.
  3. Doesn't limit the copyright holder from making money off of it (you usually won't have to worry about this with pictures).

I think promotional photos, like the pictures found on Wikipedia's Organization XIII article are okay because they're used to promote the game.

A number of images lack sourcing info of any kind and are excessive in use - being used for decoration, rather than informative. Unfortunately, Wikia doesn't really allow this :-( I've tagged several for deletion and they'll probably get deleted soon by a staff member, but if you think one that was deleted was really fair use, don't panic; I saved all the pictures on my hard drive in case that happened. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

  • Update, they're deleted. I'll save them temporarily in case someone disagrees. Scottch 05:09, 1 December 2006 (UTC)


I'm wondering about titles for the Organization members; should the page titles be just the name, or the full name and "title" they carry? Here's screenshots of both possibilites for the Axel article:

File:Org XIII Title I.PNG

File:Org XIII Title II.PNG

What does everyone think? Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

JUST THE NAMES IN THE TITLES PLEASE! whats in the name goes into the URL, URLs should be kept short

Captain Obvious saves teh Day again!! - unsigned anonymous comment

  • I was originally advocating the full title, but I'm starting to think you're right. Those would be long titles. Of course, Axel's is the longest, os it's not really representative of the length (I just used it becausae it's the only article on the XIII we've got right now), but still, short names might be better. Scottch 19:16, 30 November 2006 (UTC)


I have no idea who is going to even be here for editing, but eventually, if we have any growth at all, especially in membership, we're going to get vandals and spammers. Staff members can help out (Look at Special:Listusers/staff and go talk to them on their Central Wikia talk page) if you see any of that happening in recent changes. They can also be reached in IRC on the irc.freenode.net network, in #wikia (to join, type "/server irc.freenode.net" and then "/join #wikia").

It may get to the point where it is no longer convenient to rely on staff members for vandal/spam cleanup, so eventually we'll have to find a way to come to a consensus and appoint ourselves an admin (I'm guessing we discuss it amongst ourselves and then inform a staff member who would make that person a sysop). Any ideas on how we can do this are welcome, as I've got none. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

  • Well, I can help on spam and vandalism... I'm cleaning the Heartless page as I speak... Making them into articles and whatnot.--Dreyfus 05:08, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
OK, looks like two good admin candidates here, unless there are any objections I will set Scottch and Dreyfus as admins when I return from my week being Christmassy -- sannse (talk) 10:47, 22 December 2006 (UTC)
I volunteer also, I guess. I've been a large editor of Kingdom Hearts articles at Wikipedia, as seen here. Interrobang 06:36, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
The last thing I want to do is sow early hostilities, but I'm not sure we need more than two, and it seems like you're already editing very aggressively. It's not something I would want in an admin of a very small wiki, but then again, I'm only one voice. Scottch 08:18, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
=/ Interrobang 08:21, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

If we're still going to show suspicion for admin volunteers, I wouldn't be confident in Dreyfus, with his apparent knack for speculation and bizarre contributions. Things like Template:Maleficent2, Category:Magic Heartless, or [1], all of which have no place in actual canon, don't exactly make me brim with respect for Dreyfus. I'd prefer he learned to separate his own ideas from what the games actually say before becoming a judge. Interrobang 13:24, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

More on this in a bit, but I just want to point out that admins are not content judges. As I understand, they are around to assist new people, prevent disruption, and facilitate collaborative editing. Dreyfus has been more than responsive to concerns I've brought up in the past. Perhaps you'd have similar luck if you brought your article concerns to him. Scottch 13:27, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
I'd still prefer it if admins didn't violate basic content policy. Otherwise sets a bad example, as admins are supposed to be the models for users to aspire to. Even if they're theoretically only supposed to do what you say, they're realistically more than that. Interrobang 13:43, 30 December 2006 (UTC)

Editing Help

For editing help, see Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Help. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

This Page

Community Portals are places to bring up issues to everyone on the wiki, so if you have something that you'd like everyone's attention or need help or whatever, you can edit here. To reply to any section, just click the "edit" button in the right margin or the edit button at the top of the page to edit the entire page. I've added a "__NEWSECTIONLINK__" bit to the top of the page; as long as that's there, you can start a new heading by clicking the "+" button on top of the page, so please don't remove the "__NEWSECTIONLINK__".

One more thing: it's a good idea to sign comments you make with 4 tildaes: ~~~~. This will put your username as a link to your userpage and also put a date and timestamp on it. This can help us keep track of who says what. Scottch 09:11, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

{{SITENAME}} change

I've asked if the SITENAME (which appears when you type {{SITENAME}} and is the heading for all project namespace pages) can be changed from "Kingdom Hearts Wiki" to "Kingdom Hearts", since it's shorter and more manageable, and more standard to other Wikia wikis. However, I told them I'd see if anyone has any objections. So, anyone? Scottch 04:32, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

Huge thanks

Huge thanks to everyone who is helping expand the wiki! It's coming along great. Scottch 00:18, 22 December 2006 (UTC)


I've set up an IRC channel for us at freenode (irc.freenode.net). There's the main Wikia channel at #wikia, but now we have #khwiki. If we oculd get together here and there, it'd be great! Scottch 10:46, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Images in context?

Hey, what do any editors think about the images being in context of the game? I think it might be better to have them from the game wherever possible, rather than just from a Disney movie, but we can't have it both ways due to fair use rules. So, can I get some opinions? Scottch 11:59, 27 December 2006 (UTC)

  • Oh another thing, can people who uploaded images have actual links to the websites where they got them? Without a source, it's not really fair use. I hate to be a nag, but it's important that the wiki remains free content. Scottch 12:40, 27 December 2006 (UTC)