Does Shan-Yu become a Heartless? Cause he kinda glows a purpley glow when you fight him. Is it possible that he could've been around his Heartless army and somthing happened and he became a Heartless? Mcoolister

He can't because he doesn't have the emblem. XienZo 16:35, 2 November 2008 (UTC)

heartless dont have to have emblems, as stated in the ansem reports. the emblem is just the sign that recognizes manufactured heartless from regular heartless. if the heartless was duplicated by maleficent's machine then it will have the emblem. but if someone just loses their heart to the heartless, then the heartless that someone becomes will not have an emblem. Lexaeus66 17:23, 2 November 2008 (UTC) lexaeus66

Shadow heartless don't have an emblem, but you'll have to be stupid if you thought it wasn't a heartless. Myself 123 17:29, 2 November 2008 (UTC)

Well remember what happened to Scar, he became a heartles (As Pete clearly states) and he looks exactly the same but has the same purple glow that Shan Yu gets. So yeah it looks like he does become one but its never clearly stated.

Xaldin KHD.png
Flashpenny - You'll wear the face of despair.
TALK - Where's the fun in this?
I think he was just opening his heart to darkness but not fully a Heartless. The same thing happened to Maleficent just before the final fight with her in the first KH game but she doesn't turn into a Heartless. Honestly I just have to say Shan-Yu was harnessing the powers of darkness rather than turning into a Heartless.

Trivia Section

Disneyvillainman -   I'm what you might call an expert in the art of Darkness.
TALK - Rather a stubborn ol' goat, wouldn't ya say?
  In the trivia section, it says that Shan Yu is one of five villains who's use of the heartless has nothing to do with Maleficent. There are several things wrong with this statement. First off, it says "five villain" but only lists four. And secondly, it lists Chernabog as one of those villains and Chernabog did NOT use the Heartless. Just thought I'd give you the heads up that I'm going to re-write it so that the number and villains are correct.


Gr8champ -   One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
TALK - Submit!   I'llCrushYou! 15:51, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
 The trivia says that Barbossa and Shan-Yu are the only Disney bosses in Kingdom Hearts II not to use The Encounter as battle music. If my memory serves me right, the Hydra didn't use it either. Is that right?
LevL Fear my mighty instruments! — 11:55, March 30, 2010 (UTC)
You're right. The Hydra did not use The Encounter, and the same goes for Shan-Yu, Barbossa, Pete, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, Lock, Shock and Barrel and maybe even more. That's why I think that Trivia bit should be removed.

It think it should just be clarified. Barbossa and Shan-Yu were the only two MAIN antagonists of their respective disney worlds not to use the encounter. It was also used with Cerberus and that battle with the Fianl Fantasy characters after Goofy's alleged death. (That's probably my favourite piece of battle music.) (Bananaphone1996 00:05, April 17, 2010 (UTC))