Destati is a song that has many different versions and they are featured in both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. They are included in the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack, Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack and Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack Complete.
In Italian, Destati means "Awaken", which goes with the theme of the conflict of Light over Darkness. Only sections of the track were reused in "Dive into the Heart" during the tutorial in both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
- Destati was used in early commercials for Kingdom Hearts and was added on the Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack as a bonus track. This is version has more singing and more instruments in the orchestra.
The songs below are all based off of Destati and have many of the same themes.
- Dive into the Heart -Destati- was the first background music used in all of the Kingdom Hearts series. It was the background for the Awakening stage for both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. A more faster paced version with the same name was used for the battle music in Kingdom Hearts.
- Fragments of Sorrow is the battle music for the End of the World in Kingdom Hearts. In Kingdom Hearts II, it is the battle music for Awakening stage.
- End of the World is the background music for End of the World.
- Guardando Nel Buio is the boss battle music for the last battle against World of Chaos.
- Fragments of Sorrow is the boss battle music for the last battle against Xehanort.
Original Italian LyricsDestati! Destati! Le porte verranno schiuse E'giunta l'ora! Su rimembra tu trepida! Destati! Destati! E ancora una volta Su rimembra tu trepida! Eh? Come? Non lo vuoi!? |
English TranslationWake up! Wake up! The doors will unfold the time has come! Come on, remember you who are anxious! Wake up! Wake up! And once again Come on, remember you who are anxious! Eh? What? You don't want it? |
Audio Sample
Destati |
Dive into the Heart -Destati- |