Cloudofdarkness - Schools out!!!!! TALK - {{{time}}}
What's your favorite KH song, mine's Sanctuary, the opening song to KH 2
Simple and Clean, opening song to KH. =D TheSwordofDoubt 05:32, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
Scottyboy4 - Dance water dance! TALK - dancin time!
Sanctuary, that song rocks! Simple and Clean is good too though.
| NëA 思い切って言う
| since I'm tired from hordes of editing today, why not? Mine's Rage Awakened, the music played when you fight Terra/Enigmatic Knight. An impressive and Invasive war-like battle music, kinda reminds me of FF Tactics.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - {{{time}}}
The slower version of "Simple and Clean", and "Passion" (Japanese: Sanctuary)
{two across- i like the other promise
Henryacores - You don't need a reason to help people TALK - 21:42, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
Whatever plays on Twilight Town. Tat place is wonderful.
My fav song is Dearly Beloved.
KH Girl 20:42, 31 May 2008 (UTC)
Cavern of Remebrance.Marexl 22:02, 31 May 2008 (UTC)Marexl
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
The end version of "Passion" and the boss battle theme "Desire for All That is Lost".