Forum:Social media coordinators

Revision as of 05:34, 5 December 2022 by Chainoffire (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Social media coordinators

KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 11:42 PM Tue, November 22, 2022 MDT

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png *pops head out from the snow-covered ground outside Flynn's Arcade*

Hey there, hi there, ho there! So! The KHWiki's Twitter account... it's a thing! And I think it'd be a good idea to make it more of a thing, along with our Facebook page. I've been sitting on both for the last couple years, occasionally retweeting things and such, but not really using it as I've been busy with a nearly-four-and-a-half-year ongoing project, its subprojects, and its social networks. Despite that, the wiki's Twitter and Facebook pages are still pretty popular. Our last Facebook post was in 2019 celebrating 200 likes; now we're just 2 like away from 1,000. Our Twitter's just over 8,500 followers. I'd like to do more with them, but I just don't have the time to do it all myself. SO! From what I can tell, the wiki's still semi-active; I figured it might be the right time to consider nominations/suggestions/volunteers to help staff our social channels!

Here's how I'd like it to work: I'm not going to be giving up the accounts' access, at least not yet. But I'd like to have more people to discuss things to post on our social channels, and then those people who help coordinate would be able to post on our social channels. Whatever we post, I'd like them to still bring people back to the wiki and try to keep a professional voice, but not an overly stuffy one, if that makes sense. In the past, we've had a schedule for stuff like trivia, featured content from the wiki, etc. We could discuss here what kinds of stuff we want our social channels to post. Then, we'd have a channel on the Discord server for those who will be part of our social media coordination team and there we'd discuss the specific posts. We could even discuss other social networks to sign up for (you know, since Twitter' an interestingly tight spot of...someone's making...).

I don't want to be too gatekeepy about this, but I'd like the coordinators to be people who are actively editing on the wiki. No random KH fans from Twitter, please. Let me know what you guys think!

*pops back into the grid* Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
I totally meant to do this earlier when this was brought up on the Discord, but I got busy and time got away from me. I don't keep track of the social media accounts for the KHWiki, so I am surprised to hear that the FB is quite popular, since I've viewed it as a dying, outdated site. ^_^; I do wonder if it might be possible to just focus on a single social media rather than multiple ones since it can be hard to coordinate across different platforms, but I understand that can be difficult if the aim is more exposure. Maybe that's something that be discussed, depending on what happens to certain platforms *coughs* Twitter *coughs*, in the future.

On that note, while I can't volunteer to help with managing the social media accounts, I want to reiterate what I brought up on Discord and get the ball rolling on this topic. Because of the dumpster fire that Twitter is quickly becoming with misinformation, security concerns, system manipulation, and failing infrastructure, we might want to discuss where the KHWiki can migrate to if Twitter becomes too much to bear. Since our small talk on Discord, I've decided to make a list on the new, upcoming social media sites that many people are going to. We do have options of going to Tumblr and/or permanently settling on FB if need be, but as KSM and others pointed out, it might be a good idea to consider alternatives in the future. Judging from we've seen so far, here's the list:

Established Platforms

1.) Tumblr - No brainer since it's of the long-standing, established platforms out there. I think some of the staff also have personal accounts there (Shard, I think, has one)? Know it hasn't been very popular since the NSFW purge and has its own brand of issues, but it's still one of the most popular sites out there.

2.) Facebook - Active account for the KHWiki currently, but I know it's not a platform that a lot of us would want to go to because of numerous issues.

3.) Mastodon - Mastodon become one of the go-to spaces when the dumpster fire began, but I've heard very conflicting accounts about it on Twitter. Others say it's good, but I heard that a lot of people find it confusing/complicated to navigate and it's buggy?

Notable New/Upcoming Platforms

1.) Tribel Social - New social media platform that has, from my observation, has thrown down the gauntlet against Muskrat. Created by a progressive activist Omar Rivero, who is also a founder of news platform called Occupy Democrats. According to Wikipedia, they apparently had a bad reputation for misinformation, though I've seen their account and all they do is report the same news as most other outlets have, though it more bombastic way? Anyway, this is one of the platforms I've heard of the most since they're heavily promoting on Twitter, and many people have to migrated to it since the dumpster fire started. Seems to be the similar in terms of format to Twitter, but as a new site, technical issues and TOS concerns have been reported. Has an website and an app available.

2.) Hive Social - Next to Tribel Social, Hive is definitely a big contender as a new platform, but unfortunately, the team behind it consists of two people (?) and there has been issues raised on its TOS and reports of security issues, forcing them to shut down until they get sorted out. I think some of the staff (THS and KSM?) said they're also on Hive. Currently only have an app, with talks of them developing a website in the future. They're active on Twitter, which they're using to promote themselves.

3.) Spoutible - Upcoming social media platform created by CEO Christopher Bouzy of Bot Sentinel. Very established and well-known among the progressives and tech industry, it seems. Currently operating with transparency and with large engagement with followers. Been keeping an eye on his progress on developing his platform, and has the experience to properly create/host a social media platform with proper security clearance and making sure they follow standard TOS. Expect to launch officially by late Jan. or Feb. of next year, but the beta is expected to launch on Dec. 5.

4.) Post - New platform currently in beta, where a lot of journalists are flocking to. Don't know much about outside from that since users who join are either accepted as beta users or stuck on a waitlist. So far, the only bad thing I heard about it people saying it's "elitist"? Don't think this would be a good alternative for us to go to, but I'm putting it out there on the basis of, again, I don't know anything the platform and keeping an open mind.

5.) Counter Social - It's a platform I've seen popped up several times, but I don't know anything about it since it's one of the new (?) platforms that aren't getting a lot of attention. They have a website and app, but you can only view it if you're signed up.

Among all of these, I've narrowed it down to Tribel, Hive, and Spoutible as the top contenders, with Spoutible being my top pick based on the transparency so far that the CEO has operated with the users' feedback and setting up the platform and their established good reputation. I'd love to hear the rest of the staff's feedback about this and go in-depth with discussion since only lightly touched upon in the Discord. We all agreed to just wait and see what happens with the new platforms, so while we're not talking about outright leaving Twitter or migrating elsewhere immediately, it's good to get the conversation going for now.

Chainoffire - "Hey, wait... I'm enjoying this. You guys are something else!"
TALK - :) Eternal Flames KHD.pngChainoffirePizza Cut KHD.png 05:34, 5 December 2022 (UTC)
Eternal Flames KHD.png Personlly, I think keeping the Twitter wouldn't be the worst idea. Also, Tumblr seems like the safest move. I could see alot of these "new" apps dying after a short period of time. Do we get better SEO spreading ourselves out like that even if the site dies? It'd be nice to put f*ndom at the bottom of the google results... Eternal Flames KHD.png