Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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D-Thundaga is a Type C Overclock Finisher in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It lets you use the D-Pad to quickly take aim, then press A to drop lightning on foes and then hold A to intensify the lightning. Pete uses D-Thundaga while fighting him for the second time in Hollow Bastion.


D-Thundaga can be activated by  . When activated a ring of lightning appears which can be guided around the field with the D-Pad. Press   to drop a single fork of lightning on the ring, harming enemies near, and hold down   to intensify the lightning. While it is intensified, the ring of of lightning can still move although at a slower speed. It lasts for fifteen seconds however it only lasts eleven seconds when using an ability tree that ends at Level 3. The difference between D-Thundaga and its weaker version D-Thundara is that D-Thundaga lasts longer, moves around the field quicker and has a larger attack range.

Learning D-Blizzara

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

  • Data-Sora can buy D-Thundaga from the Moogle Shop after completing the game for 99000 munny.