Welcome to my polls page. Please fill it in. Secret agent clank.


<Poll> What is your favourite Keyblade in BBS? Lost Momory Ends to the Earth Ultima Weapon Void Gear Brightcrest No Name </Poll>

<Poll> Who's role would you want to play in BBS? Ventus Vanitas Master Xehanort Terra Aqua Mickey Master Eraqus </Poll>

<Poll> If you could choose, who would you want to return? Master Xehanort Xehanort </Poll>

<Poll> Who is your favourite main antagonist? Vanitas Xehanort Master Xehanort "Ansem" Xemnas </Poll>

<Poll> Who is your favourite main protagonist? Sora Donald Duck Goofy Ventus Terra Aqua Riku Kairi Master Eraqus King Mickey Yen Sid </Poll>