Experience is a vital in-game system by which certain characters can progress through the game via level up. The system has a set number after each level up which has to be completely depleted to zero in order to progress to the next level. The set number can slowly be depleted after defeating enemies, different enemies provide different number of experience once they are defeated. The set number increases after each level up therefore meaning harder to reach the next level.


In Kingdom Hearts the overall number of experience really depends on what type of enemy it is and at what point through the game they are defeated i.e. battle level. The battle level shows how strong the enemies in the selected world are and hence more experience points are obtained once they are defeated. As you progress through the level table you will be rewarded with boost in HP or MP and learn new abilities.

In Kingdom Hearts II experience is obtained after defeating enemies and the overall amount obtained varies accordingly in relation to the battle level. However unlike Kingdom Hearts experience points are not obtained after defeating bosses instead bonuses are obtained. Furthermore there are also newer sub-counterparts to the battle level system such as Moogle level ups, Drive Form level ups and Summon level ups. Of which they have their own requirements for level up. It's harder to level up in Kingdom Hearts II due to experience can not be obtained after boss battles.

Experience is obtained by characters Sora, Donald, Goofy and guest characters in both titles.

Hints and Tips

In Kingdom Hearts leveling up is done easy through juggling Rare Truffles, they give you heaps of experience after 100 juggles.

In Kingdom Hearts II the best way to level up is the usual - defeating strong enemies. Worlds with more battle level means more experience is obtained in return after defeating enemies.

See Also