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General parameters
kana The Japanese name of the ability. These parameters are used in all tabs, unless a game-specific parameter is used (e.g. kh2kana). The translated name will only show if it is different from the English name.
romaji The Japanese name of the ability in rōmaji.
jpname The translation of the Japanese name.

Kingdom Hearts parameters
kh1name The English name of the ability.
kh1kana, kh1romaji, kh1jpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
kh1image Image of the ability.
kh1desc Description of the ability.
kh1atk1, kh1atk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If kh1atk1 is not specified, it will use kh1name instead.
kh1el1, kh1el2, etc. The element of each attack.
kh1pow1, kh1pow2, etc. The power of each attack.
kh1crit1, kh1crit2, etc. The critical hit rate of each attack.
kh1bonus1, kh1bonus2, etc. The critical hit bonus of each attack.
kh1def1, kh1def2, etc. Whether the attack can be deflected. Use O if it can be deflected, leave blank if it can't.
kh1rec1, kh1rec2, etc. Recoil for each attack.
kh1ap AP cost to equip the ability. Shows 0 when left blank.
kh1mp MP cost to use the ability. Shows 0 when left blank.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories parameters
comname The English name of the ability.
comkana, comromaji, comjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
comimage Image of the ability.
recomimage (Optional) Image of the ability in Re:Chain of Memories. Only use when two images are available.
Single ability
comdesc Description of the ability.
recomdesc (Optional) Description of the ability in Re:Chain of Memories. Only use when it differs from the original.
comel Element of the ability.
compow Power of the ability.
comcard Card combination to use the ability. Use the {{Sleight}} template.
comboost Enemy cards that boost the ability's power. Use the {{Sleight}} template.
Multiple abilities
comatk1a, comatk1b, comatk2a, etc. The possible attacks used per Lv. 1a is the first attack of the first Lv, 1b the second attack of the first Lv, 2a the first attack of the second Lv, etc. Use only when an ability has multiple possible attacks (e.g. Showtime)
comel1a, comel1b, comel2a, etc. The element for each Lv and attack. If the ability has a single attack, only use 1a, 2a, and 3a.
compow1a, compow1b, compow2a, etc. The power for each Lv and attack.
comcard1, comcard2, comcard3 The card combination for each Lv. Use the {{Sleight}} template.
comdesc1, comdesc2, comdesc3 The description for each Lv.
comboost Enemy cards that boost the ability's power. Use the {{Sleight}} template.
Re:Chain of Memories tab
recomimage, recomdesc Same as above
recomel, recompow, recomcard Element, Power, and Card Combination for a single ability in Re:Chain of Memories. If left blank, comel, compow, and comcard are used. (One of these is required for the tab to show up.)
recomel1, recompow1, recomcard1, etc. Element, Power, and Card Combination for each Lv in Re:Chain of Memories. If left blank, comel1a, compow1a, and comcard1, etc. are used. (One of these is required for the tab to show up.)
recomboost Enemy cards that boost the ability's power. Use the {{Sleight}} template. If left blank, comboost is used.
Second tab
tab2 Title of the second tab. Use only when two abilities share the same page (e.g. Cross-slash and Cross-slash+).
tab1 (Optional) Title of the first tab. Uses comname if left blank.
comnamet2 Name of the ability Uses tab2 if left blank.
comkanat2, comromajit2, comjpnamet2 Japanese name of the ability.
comimaget2, recomimaget2 Image(s) of the ability.
comdesct2, recomdesct2 Description(s) of the ability.
comelt2, compowt2, comcardt2, comboostt2 Stats of the ability. See above for details.

Kingdom Hearts II parameters
kh2name The English name of the ability.
kh2kana, kh2romaji, kh2jpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
kh2image Image of the ability.
kh2desc Description of the ability.
kh2atk1, kh2atk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If kh2atk1 is not specified, it will use kh2name instead.
kh2el1, kh2el2, etc. The element of each attack.
kh2pow1, kh2pow2, etc. The power of each attack.
kh2frm1, kh2frm2, etc. The form value of each attack. Either kh2frm1 or kh2drv1 is used.
kh2drv1, kh2drv2, etc. The drive value of each attack.
kh2def1, kh2def2, etc. Whether the attack can be deflected. Use O or X, or leave blank to show —.
kh2fin1, kh2fin2, etc. Whether the attack counts as a finishing blow. Use O or X, or leave blank to show —.
kh2ap AP cost to equip the ability. Shows 0 when left blank.
kh2mp MP cost to use the ability. Shows 0 when left blank.
kh2sum Summon Gauge cost.
kh2lim Limit Gauge duration.
Second tab
2fmname Name of the 2nd ability. Used for abilities with two separate instances (e.g. Infinity)
2fmtab Name of 2nd tab. Uses 2fmname if left blank.
2fmkana, 2fmromaji, 2fmjpname Japanese name of the 2nd ability.
2fmimage Image of the 2nd ability.
2fmdesc Description of the 2nd ability.
2fmatk1, 2fmatk2, etc. The name of each part of the 2nd ability. If fm2atk1 is not specified, it will use fm2name instead.
2fmel1, 2fmpow1, 2fmfrm1, 2fmdrv1, 2fmdef1, 2fmfin1, etc. Stats of each attack. See above for details.
2fmap, 2fmmp, 2fmsum, 2fmlim Stats for the 2nd ability. See above for details.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days parameters
khdname The English name of the ability.
khdkana, khdromaji, khdjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
khdimage Image of the ability.
khddesc Description of the ability.
khdatk1, khdatk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If khdatk1 is not specified, it will use khdname instead.
khdpow1, khdpow2, etc. The power of each attack.
khdcrit1, khdcrit2, etc. Whether the attack can be a critical hit. Use O if it can, leave blank if it can't.
khdflin1, khdflin2, etc. Whether the attack can flinch enemies. Use O if it can, leave blank if it can't.
Final Limit
khdatk1fl, khdatk2fl, etc. The name of each part of the Final Limit.
khdpow1fl, khdcrit1fl, khdflin1fl, etc. The stats of each part of the Final Limit. See above for details.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep parameters
bbsname The English name of the ability.
bbskana, bbsromaji, bbsjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
Single Commands
bbsimage Image of the ability.
bbsimageT, bbsimageV, bbsimageA (Optional) Images of the ability for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Used when the ability animation varies between characters.
bbsdesc Description of the ability.
bbsother (Optional) Additional column with custom title. Used for extra stats like "HP recovered" or "Jump distance".
bbsatk1, bbsatk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If bbsatk1 is not specified, it will use bbsname instead.
bbshit1a, bbshit1b, bbshit2a, etc. The number of hits of each attack and LV. 1a is used for the first attack at LV1, 1b is used for the first attack at LV2, 2a is used for the second attack at LV1. For example, for the second attack at LV5, use 2e.
bbspow1a, bbspow1b, bbspow2a, etc. The power of each attack and LV.
bbscp2, bbscp3, etc. The CP required for each LV. bbscp1 doesn't exist as it's the first LV.
bbsother1, bbsother2, etc. (Optional) The value for what is used for bbsother for each LV.
bbsel The element of the ability.
bbsstat The status effect afflicted by the ability.
bbsreload The reload speed of the ability. Only use the number of seconds, the word seconds is added automatically.
bbsgauge The amount of the Command Gauge filled by the ability. Shows 0 if left blank.
bbsbuy The ability's buying price.
bbsshop The Shop Level required to buy the ability.
bbssell The ability's base selling price.
bbsselllv The additional selling price per LV.
bbssellabi The additional selling price for an attached ability.
Finish Command(s)
bbsimage1 Image of the ability.
bbsdesc1 Description of the ability.
bbsatk1a, bbsatk1b, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If bbsatk1a is not specified, it will use bbsname instead.
bbshit1a, bbshit1b, etc. The number of hits for each attack. Shows 1 if left blank.
bbspow1a, bbspow1b, etc. The power of each attack.
bbsel1 The element of the ability.
bbsstat1 The status effect afflicted by the ability.
bbslvl1 The Level of the Finish Command.
bbslvl2, bbslvl3, bbslvl4 The level of additional Finish Commands. Use only for Finish Commands consisting of multiple variations (e.g. Magic Pulse 1, Magic Pulse 2, etc.)
bbsimage2, bbsimage3, bbsimage4 The images of the additional abilities.
bbsdesc2, bbsdesc3, bbsdesc4 The descriptions of the additional abilities.
bbshit2a, bbspow2a, etc. The number of hits and power of each attack. 2a is for the first attack of the second ability, 2b is for the second attack of the second ability, 3a is for the first attack of the third ability, etc.
bbsel2, bbsstat2, etc. The element and afflicted status effect of the additional abilities.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded parameters
recname The English name of the ability.
reckana, recromaji, recjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
recimage Image of the ability.
recdesc Description of the ability.
recatk1, recatk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If recatk1 is not specified, it will use recname instead.
rechit1, rechit2, etc. The number of hits of each attack.
recpow1a, recpow1b, recpow2a, etc. The power of each attack at LV 0, LV 50, or LV 100. 1a is used for the first attack at LV 0, 1b for the first attack at LV 50, and 1c for the first attack at LV 100.
reccrit1, reccrit2, etc. The critical hit rate of each attack.
recclock1, recclock2, etc. How much each attack fills the clock gauge.
recblock1, recblock2, etc. How many Bug Blocks will be broken by the attack. Use either Single or Multiple, with (↓) behind to indicate Blocks below Sora.
rectype Whether an attack is Physical or Magic. Use either Physical or Magic, with the {{AT}} template.
recel The element of the ability.
recstat The status effect afflicted by the ability.
recreload The reload speed of the ability. Only use the number of seconds, the word seconds is added automatically.
recair Whether the ability can be performed in the air. Use either O or X.
recreach Whether the Keyblade's length affects the ability's reach.
reccp The ability's maximum CP.
recmem The amount of Memory the ability uses.
recbuy The ability's buying price.
recshop The Shop Level required to buy the ability.
recsell The ability's selling price.
recdonald, recgoofy The command used by Donald or Goofy in Hollow Bastion.
reccompiled The compiled command in the Coliseum's labyrinth.
Labyrinth stats
recname, reckana, recromaji, recjpname, recimage, recdesc Same as above
rechit Number of hits of the ability.
recpow Power of the ability. For compiled commands, only LV 1 is required.
recrate Hit rate of the ability.
reccrit Critical rate of the ability.
rectar Target and range of the ability. For example, Single, Random, or Single (Far).
rectype Whether an attack is Physical or Magic. Use either Physical or Magic, with the {{AT}} template.
recel The element of the ability.
recreload Reload count of the ability.

Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] parameters
dddname The English name of the ability.
dddkana, dddromaji, dddjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
dddimage Image of the ability.
dddimage2 A second image of the ability. Optional.
dddimage1tab, dddimage2tab Tab names of the two images. Default to "Sora" and "Riku".
ddddesc Description of the ability.
dddatk1, dddatk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If dddatk1 is not specified, it will use dddname instead.
dddel1, dddel2, etc. The element of each attack.
dddpow1, dddpow2, etc. The power of each attack.
dddreac1, dddreac2, etc. The reaction value of each attack.
dddgauge How much of the Link Gauge is used for the ability. The dddgauge parameters are used for Link Attacks and replace the dddstat and dddgrd columns.
dddstat1, dddstat2, etc. The status effect afflicted by each attack.
dddgrd1, dddgrd2, etc. Whether each attack can be guarded.
dddinv1 How much invincibility time the ability grants. For movement abilities. Replaces the dddstat column.
dddreload The reload speed of the ability. Only use the number of seconds, the word seconds is added automatically.
dddbonus The bonus gained when using the ability for creating a Spirit.
dddbuy The ability's buying price.
dddbarg The ability's buying price during Bargain Flurry.
dddshop The Shop Level required to buy the ability.
dddsell The ability's base selling price.
Flick Rush parameters
dddfrimg The Flick Rush card image. Only include the card name, e.g. "Attack 1".
dddfrdmg The Flick Rush damage correction.
dddfrstat The Flick Rush status effect.
dddevoimg The Flick Rush card image. Evolved Command: Use in place of ordinary Flick Rush parameters for Evolved Commands that have different stats from the normal Command Deck version.
dddevoimage An image of the attack.
dddevoel The element of the attack.
dddevopow The power of the attack.
dddevodmg The Flick Rush damage correction.
dddevostat The Flick Rush status effect.
dddfroimg The Flick Rush card image. Flick Rush Only: Use when the Flick Rush version of the command is made up of multiple ordinary commands.
dddfroimage An image of the attack.
dddfroatk1, dddfroatk2, etc. The name of each sub-attack.
dddfroel1, dddfroel2, etc. The element of the attack.
dddfropow1, dddfropow2, etc. The power of the attack.
dddfrodmg The Flick Rush damage correction.
dddfrostat The Flick Rush status effect.
Additional tabs
dddtab1, dddtab2, etc. The title of each tab. dddtab1 will default to the ability name.
dddatk1t2, dddatk2t2; dddatk1t3, dddatk2t3; etc. The name of each part of the attack. The first part will default to the ability name.
dddimaget2, dddimaget3, etc. Images of each attack.
dddelt2, dddelt3, etc. The elements of each attack. dddel2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
dddpowt2, dddpowt3, etc. The power of each attack. dddpow2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
dddstatt2, dddstatt3, etc. The status effect of each attack. dddstat2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
dddfrimgt2, dddfrimgt3, etc. The Flick Rush card images. Only needed if the ability appears in Flick Rush.
dddfrdmgt2, dddfrdmgt3, etc. The Flick Rush damage corrections.
dddfrstatt2, dddfrstatt3, etc. The Flick Rush status effects.

Kingdom Hearts III parameters
kh3name The English name of the ability.
kh3kana, kh3romaji, kh3jpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
kh3image Image of the ability.
kh3desc Description of the ability.
kh3atk1, kh3atk2, etc. The name of each part of the ability. If kh3atk1 is not specified, it will use kh3name instead.
kh3el1, kh3el2, etc. The element of each attack.
kh3pow1, kh3pow2, etc. The power of each attack.
kh3grd1, kh3grd2, etc. Whether each attack can be guarded.
kh3stat1, kh3stat2, etc. The status effect afflicted by each attack.
kh3form1, kh3form2, etc. The Form Value of each attack.
kh3reac1, kh3reac2, etc. The Reaction Value of each attack.
kh3rev1, kh3rev2, etc. The Revenge Value of each attack.
kh3rep1, kh3rep2, etc. The Repel LV of each attack.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] parameters
uxname The English name of the ability.
uxkana, uxromaji, uxjpname (Optional) Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
uximage Image of the ability.
uxname2, uxkana2, uxromaji2, uxjpname2, etc. (Optional) The English and Japanese name of additional abilities. Use only for abilities with multiple variations (e.g. Cross Slash, Cross Slash EX, Cross Slash EX+, Chain Slash).
uxpsm1a, uxpsm1b, uxpsm2a, etc. The attribute (Power, Speed, or Magic) of the Medal that can use the ability. 1a is used for the first ability, 1b is used for the first variation of the first ability, 2a is used for the second ability, etc.
uxur1a, uxur1b, uxur2a, etc. The attribute (Upright or Reversed) of the Medal that can use the ability.
uxtar1a, uxtar1b, uxtar2a, etc. The target of the ability (Single, All, Random).
uxgauge1a, uxgauge1b, uxgauge2a, etc. The gauge cost of the ability.
uxdmg1a, uxdmg1b, uxdmg2a, etc. The damage multipler of the ability (not including Special Attack Bonus).
uxdesc1a, uxdesc1b, uxdesc2a, etc. The description of the ability.
Second tab
uxtab1 Title of the first tab. Will use uxname if left blank.
uxtab2 Title of the second tab. Use only for abilities with a variation with a different image (e.g. Magic Pulse, Magic Pulse II).
uxnamet2, uxkanat2, uxromajit2, uxjpnamet2 English and Japanese name of the ability.
uxpsm1at2, uxpsm1bt2, uxur1at2, etc. The attributes of the Medal that can use the ability.
uxtar1at2, uxtar1bt2, uxgauge1at2, etc. Target and Gauge cost of the ability.
uxdmg1at2, uxdmg1bt2, uxdesc1at2, etc. Damage and description of the ability.

Kingdom Hearts Dark Road parameters
drname The English name of the ability.
drkana, drromaji, drjpname Japanese name of the ability. Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
drimage Image of the ability.
drdesc The in-game description of the ability.
drcol1, drcol2, drcol3, etc. The color of the Cards that activates the ability. Higher numbers will use drcol1 if left blank.
drtype1, drtype2, drtype3, etc. The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability). Higher numbers will use drtype1 if left blank.
drel1, drel2, drel3, etc. The element of the ability. Higher numbers will use drel1 if left blank.
drpow1, drpow2, drpow3, etc. The power of the ability. Higher numbers will use drpow1 if left blank.
drname2, drkana2, drromaji2, drjpname2 The English and Japanese name of additional abilities. Use only for abilities with multiple variations.
drdesc2 Description of additional abilities.
drcol21, drcol22, drcol23, etc. The color of the Cards that activates the ability. Higher numbers will use drcol21 if left blank.
drtype21, drtype22, drtype23, etc. The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability). Higher numbers will use drtype21 if left blank.
drel21, drel22, drel23, etc. The element of the ability. Higher numbers will use drel21 if left blank.
drpow21, drpow22, drpow23, etc. The power of the ability. Higher numbers will use drpow21 if left blank.
Second tab
drtab1 Title of the first tab. Will use drname if left blank.
drtab2 Title of the second tab.
drnamet2, drkanat2, drromajit2, drjpnamet2 English and Japanese name of the ability.
drcol1t2, drcol2t2, drcol3t2, etc. The color of the Cards that activates the ability. Higher numbers will use drcol1t2 if left blank.
drtype1t2, drtype2t2, drtype3t2, etc. The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability). Higher numbers will use drtype1t2 if left blank.
drel1t2, drel2t2, drel3t2, etc. The element of the ability. Higher numbers will use drel1t2 if left blank.
drpow1t2, drpow2t2, drpow3t2, etc. The power of the ability. Higher numbers will use drpow1t2 if left blank.