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Revision as of 20:15, 19 January 2011 by Dark-EnigmaXIII (talk | contribs)
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Gender Male
Date of Birth 02/13/93
Type Unknown
Number ZERO
Title The Light in the Night Sky
Weapon Keyblade "Empty Shine"
Attributes Light & Darkness - Nothingness
Original Name Sylar Yazer
Hair Color Silvery white
Eye Color Yellow (Natural: Gray)
Home World Keyblade Graveyard
Battle Theme Treachery [1]
Dark-EnigmaXIII is Online
"You stand at the brink of delusions... and I am a being of Solitude!"
—Sylar to Sora

File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png Personality File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png

Well, to be honest, I´ve been classified as cruel and merciless. And I am. I can see people suffer, but not feel anything at all... my little niece suddenly became blind, my sister cried, and I just sit there, emotionless, unable to feel sad. I hate myself for that. Only a handfull of people are able to make me feel something... I loved once, but it broke my heart, if I had one to begin with. I care only for success, be it in life, in school, or in a game. Not too many people want to be around me, and those who want are really close to me, the only ones who call me a "loyal, good friend". Overall, I am plain unnafected by things. Im the closest thing to a real Nobody that someone can become in life. Kingdom Hearts made me realize that, and give me someone to relate to... Xemnas. He is nothing... he care for nothing... he is just like me, but I differe in one thing: I want to feel... So, its up to you, if you wanna come any closer to me...

File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png Appearence File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png

I am tall , and my body structure is similar to that of Xemnas: robust, wide chest, long hair that I dryed white before I knew of Kingdom Hearts, and now I keep it like that. I wear a white & black wristband on my right wrist all the time, along a Dog tag with my name (Sylar) on it. I usually wear in black, though my favorite gear consist of a black t-shirt, under a dark jacket whith white fur in the neck. The jacket is almost always open. I wear black jeans with a dark belt with silver details. Also, I wear a pair of fingerless black gloves. Pretty Dark, uh? I needed contact lenses, so I got a yellow pair.

File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png Weapon File:Xemnas - Replica Data.png


Keyblade: "Empty Shine"

Attack: + 5

Magic: + 8

  • A weapon born from corrupted memories, with the only purpose of guiding his user to his fate. Though born from the light, this Keyblade empowers itself in the darkness of the abyss.

Ability: "False Radiance"

  • The keyblade absorb the darkness of the enemies it destroys, shining purple as it power growns. But if not feed for a period of time, its power goes down. This is a weapon made for endless fighting.


  • "What is this feeling...? This... thing... in my face -Oh, wind... I remember it."
  • "That... "mist"... it was darkness? It felt... so nostalgic. No! I hate it!"
  • "Friends...? Why... do you wanna be my friend?"
  • "B-but why?! Why did the light... hurt me?!"
  • "What am I doing, you ask? What I... was supposed to do..."

Which Organization Member am I?

I. Xemnas

[x] You are the leader most of the time.
[x] You like black.
[x] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[x] You don't listen to others.
[x] You like doing research.

II. Xigbar

[x] You have bad eyesight.
[x] You like throwing things at others when angry.
[] You wish you were able to teleport.
[] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[] You have/wish you had a gun.

III. Xaldin

[x] You like windy days.
[] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[x] You like dragons.
[] You have/like dreadlocks.
[] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.

IV. Vexen

[x] You are disrespected by the young ones.
[x] Someone has already considered you a traitor.
[] You are the oldest of your group.
[x] You like experiments.
[x] You like cold days.

V. Lexaeus

[x] You are not very talkative.
[] You like brain games.
[x] People are afraid of you because of your appearance.
[x] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[x] You are very strong, physically speaking.

VI. Zexion

[x] You love reading.
[x] You are not very sociable.
[] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[] You have a very sensible nose.
[] You like to elude others.

VII. Saïx

[] You have double-personality issues.
[] You are more active during night rather than day.
[x] You like werewolves.
[x] Your superior trusts you.
[] You have a scar on your face.

VIII. Axel

[] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[x] You care deeply for your best friends.
[x] You are a two-face when you need to be.
[] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[] You have a very fiery personality.

IX. Demyx

[] You like music.
[] You know how to play a guitar.
[x] You like rainy days.
[x] You like swimming.
[] You are usually a very happy person.

X. Luxord

[] You like playing cards.
[] You like to gamble.
[] Your favorite color is gold.
[] You have stolen money from others.
[] You have/wished you could curse someone.

XI. Marluxia

[] You like pink.
[] You like flowers.
[] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[] You were betrayed by someone.
[] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.

XII. Larxene

[] You're the only female in your group.
[x] You like storms.
[] You're pretty agile.
[x] You like to mock others.
[] You think ninjas are cool.

XIII. Roxas

[x] You love ice cream.
[x] You are the youngest of your group.
[] You think people are hiding something from you.
[] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.

So... It wasnt a falacy... I am like Xemnas

Opinions about bosses in the KH franchise

Why about bosses? Dont know, I just seem to like an intense fight, one that can test my skills as a gamer, or one who create a great atmosphere. So, my top 10 bosses, with a short explanation, are:

  • 10- Phantom (KHI): Why? He was cool looking, and hard. The only thing that prevented him from going further in my list was the horrible controls of the first game.
  • 9- Xion Final Form (KH 358/2 Days): A very epic battle. I really never liked Xion that much... but this battle was really good, and the sad music behind it just made it better. But as I dont like her, she wont be going much further
  • 8- Sephiroth (KHII): What can I say about this guy that hasn´t been said before? Hard, good music. Period.
  • 7- Xemnas (KHII): I just like it... In the first fight, the menacing Disappeared made a good atmosphere, the World of Nothigness talk for himself, and his Final Form fight was epic... Sora & Riku together, fighting against Nothigness itself... The end was pure win.
  • 6- Roxas (KHII FM): Almost made me cry... I really like Roxas, and "The Other Promise" really touched me... And the fight was intense, indeed.
  • 5- Vanitas & Incomplete X-blade (KH BBS): Quick, awesome music, and I always found similar things beetwen this and the Sora-Roxas fight... heck, it even take place in the Awakening
  • 4- Vanitas Remnant (KH BBS): He can kill you in 2 strikes. He is a cool recolor. And the reward is good. Problem? The AI... Was pathetic!
  • 3- Unknown (KH BBS): This is absurd... I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE the collision magnet attack! He can strike you right after with ANYTHING, and it will certainly kill you. I like intense fight, but this one lack somenthing the 1st one has...
  • 2- Xehanort & Guardian (KH BBS): Hard and challenging for a storyline boss, and for some reason, absolutely epic. I mean, the unnamed track of this fight really make you sad, knowing Aqua is fighting one of his best friends, possesed by Master Xehanort... And when the guardian apperead... The "Dual Limit" Finisher was awesome, and really gave me hope... Terra wasnt completely lost, he was still fighting. An epic & sad end to such a awesome game.
  • 1- Lingering Sentiment (KHII FM): He was hard... He was awesome... And he ACTUALLY allows you to fight, not like some other Super bosses... (Unknown, Im looking at you!) You can participate in this thing, and its pretty fun, even if you lose! "Rage Awakened" always made my feel... strange. And the story behind this will-powered armor is just too much... heroic, I think... It just the will and feelings of Terra, what made the armor stand, and fight... All just to save his friends from Xehanort... And look... If the armor is Terra´s will to protect Aqua and Ven, look at his powers... He REALLY want to save them!

All in all, the Lingering Sentiment take the prize for now

Talk Bubbles

Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm!
TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 21:17, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
My happy Xemnas bubble (creepy, is it not?) It´s supposed to be used with friends, but... I wonder if it gives the feeling I want?^^ Images by my close friend Roxas!

Dark-EnigmaXIII - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light...
TALK - Nothingness... is eternal! 02:19, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
My "I am SOOOO COOOLLLL!!!" Bubble XD Used when I feel like it. Thanks for the image, Roxas!!

EVA Unit XIII - The beginning and the end share the same moment.
TALK - I've been waiting for this moment... 12:33, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
My Armored one, used when im ashamed, embarrased, or I just feel like it. Image by WHO? By the most XOWESAME of all!! ^^

Dark-EnigmaXIII - I am what is left... or perhaps all that ever was...
TALK - My name is of no importance. 00:41, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
Hooded! Same purpose as the one up there! New image, by my closest friend, RoxasXIIILK! YOU ROCK!! ^^

Dark-EnigmaXIII - Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoids of heart...
TALK - Those who ravage all worlds and bring desolation... 12:33, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
My first Talk Bubble, made by ANX219. From now on, you dont wanna see this one, cause that mean im MAD! But I wont use it that much, anyway^^ Image by me


If we are friends, you can put my userbox, kindly made by ANX219, in your userpage, the code {{UserfriendDE13}}

760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
KZtjZrZ.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
MeoGwdI.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
qk6vzKA.png This user not only defeated Xemnas, but also had a chance with the Lingering Will!
jhdYTAx.png This user conquered Castle Oblivion and took down Marluxia.
OwyYcz4.png This user mastered the darkness and defeated Ansem.
SBxRUwt.png This user has beaten all of the Organization XIII Data Replicas.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
gIcQw2d.png This user has collected all 144 puzzle pieces.
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
6vqhXgC.png This user became the Lingering Will and completed Terra's story.
jArRktg.png This user dove to the heart and completed Ventus's story.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
AquaCharm.png This user not only completed the trio's stories, but also completed the Final Episode.
zuD393l.png This user has taken on the Vanitas Remnant and won!
sNrGZMg.png This user did battle with the enigmatic Unknown and won!
Template:User Ansem the Wise
UfuGwYK.png This user loves the song Darkness of the Unknown.
mgR1lLf.png This user loves the song Disappeared.
vRd320Q.png This user loves the song Fate of the Unknown.
wMKLInP.png This user loves the song Organization XIII.
4Dq1gQV.png This user loves the song The Other Promise.
ooQPoJr.png This user loves the song Rage Awakened.
PJwgCoE.png This user is a fan of DiZ.
nXQSvrR.png This user is a fan of slave to Vanitas.

7jSGSbY.png This user is intrigued by the Lingering Will, and hopes that one day he may set things right.
BMdaYVP.png This user is a fan of Terra-Xehanort.
Template:User Xemnas Quote Template:User Roxas Quote
NeoshadowKHFM_zpsnjqntfd4.png This user is the next evolution of the dark being.
UserTwilightThorn.png This user will be a thorn in your side for all eternity!
roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.
XionArtTalk_zpsc9015712.png This user said her name wrong again...
Ending 03 KHII.png This user and their good friend Darkheart3 are inseperable.
userseph081250px.png This user fearlessly faced Sephiroth0812 and gained friendship with the blademaster.
JFHtalk.png This user is a friend of JFHavoc, and assists in the wreaking of havoc.

UserVentus.png This user helped Secret agent clank to unmask Vanitas and destroy the χ-Blade!
seasalticecream.png This user loves Ice-Cream.