Unlocked |
World |
Track |
Missions |
Clear Reward
Clear Unwavering Melody |
 Writhing Melody |
Wave of Darkness I |
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Defeat 525 total Shadow enemies
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better |
"Aqua" Memory Dive MS Material
Initial |
 Destiny Islands |
Destiny Islands |
Clear without items
Score 5200000 points or higher
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings |
"Kairi I" Memory Dive MS Material
Bustin' Up on the Beach |
Get 60% or higher Good or better ratings
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies
Miss 30 times or fewer
x4 |
 Melody of Fate |
Night of Fate |
Score 5200000 points or higher
Clear with 30% HP or more
Defeat 35 total Shadow enemies |
Summoning Star
 Melody of Destruction |
Destiny's Force |
Miss 30 times or fewer
Clear with 30% HP or more without items
Score 5950000 point or higher |
No. 25 Darkside - KH x2
x7 |
 Traverse Town |
Traverse Town |
Get 65% or higher Good or better ratings
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Clear on or difficulty without items |
Blazing Shard x11
Hand in Hand |
Score 4550000 points or higher
Miss 19 times or fewer
Clear with 50% HP or more
x10 |
 Melody of Beginnings |
Shrouding Dark Cloud |
Clear without items
Get 70 or more total Good or better ratings
Defeat all multi-attack enemies |
No. 26 Guard Armor - KH x2
Clear Melody of Beginnings |
 Wonderland |
Welcome to Wonderland |
Clear without items
Score 5400000 points or higher
Miss 15 times or fewer |
No. 180 Alice - KH x2
To Our Surprise |
Score 4750000 points or higher
Clear with 50% HP or more
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping
 Agrabah |
A Day in Agrabah |
Get 50% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Clear with 40% HP or more
Hit all glide targets |
"A Whole New World" Field Battle MS Material
Arabian Dream |
Miss 28 times or fewer
Defeat 55% or more of Bandit enemies
Hit all glide targets
 Atlantica |
Under the Sea |
Defeat 55% or more of Sea Neon enemies
Clear with 55% HP or more without items
Get 80 or more total Excellent or better ratings |
"Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS Material
An Adventure in Atlantica |
Clear with 30% HP or more
Miss 18 times or fewer
Defeat 60% or more of Aquatank enemies
 Halloween Town |
This is Halloween |
Get 60% or higher Good or better ratings
Miss 22 times or fewer
Clear with 50% HP or more without items |
Frost Shard x12
Spooks of Halloween Town |
Defeat 50% or more of Wight Knight enemies
Score 5400000 points or higher
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
x22 |
 Olympus Coliseum |
Olympus Coliseum |
Miss 20 times or fewer
Score 5500000 points or higher
Break all barrels and boxes |
Pulsing Shard x14
Go for It! |
Get 40% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Miss 20 times or fewer
Defeat 10 total aerial enemies
 Monstro |
A Very Small Wish |
Clear without items
Get 65% or higher Good or better ratings
Break all barrels and boxes |
Lightning Shard x11
Monstrous Monstro |
Miss 26 times or fewer
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Hit all simultaneous targets
 Neverland |
Captain Hook's Pirate Ship |
Clear with 30% HP or more
Score 5550000 points or higher
Defeat 60% or more of Battleship enemies |
Lucid Shard x10
Pirate's Gigue |
Clear with 35% HP or more without items
Defeat 55% or more of Pirate enemies
Hit all simultaneous targets
x20 |
 Hollow Bastion |
Hollow Bastion |
Defeat 50% or more of aerial enemies
Hit all ability crystals
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping |
No. 43 Kairi - KH x2
Scherzo Di Notte |
Get 30% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Miss 18 times or fewer
Obtain 25 total items
 Wicked Melody |
Squirming Evil |
Clear with 35% HP or more without items
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings
Defeat 165 total ground enemies |
Pulsing Gem x7
 End of the World |
End of the World |
Defeat 50% or more of ground enemies
Get 55% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit all ability crystals |
Lucid Gem x5
Fragments of Sorrow |
Clear with 45% HP or more without items
Miss 18 times or fewer
Hit simultaneous targets a total of 35 times
x30 |
 Seeker of Darkness |
Guardando nel buio |
Get 50% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit 50% or more of hold targets
Hit all simultaneous targets |
Team Days
Clear Seeker of Darkness |
 Castle Oblivion |
Castle Oblivion |
Miss 13 times or fewer
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Clear on or difficulty without items |
"Naminé" Memory Dive MS Material
Forgotten Challenge |
Defeat all jumping enemies
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Link a Chain of 58 or more on difficulty
 The Other Twilight Town |
Lazy Afternoons |
Miss 13 times or fewer
Hit all ability crystals
Score 5300000 points or higher on or difficulty |
Item Boost
Sinister Sundown |
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies
Defeat 60% or more of Dusk enemies
Get 50% or higher Excellen or better ratings on or difficulty
Clear Castle Oblivion |
 Melody Without a Heart |
The 13th Struggle |
Score 5000000 points or higher
Defeat 290 total ground enemies
Miss 13 times or fewer on or difficulty |
Blazing Shard x11
Clear Melody Without a Heart |
 False Melody |
The Force in You |
Miss 22 times or fewer
Clear with 50% HP or more
Link a Chain of 71 or more on difficulty |
No. 142 Riku Replica - KH Re:Chain of Memories x2
Clear False Melody |
 Melody of Oblivion |
Lord of the Castle |
Clear with 40% HP or more without items
Defeat all jumping enemies
Hit all ability crystals on or difficulty |
No. 166 Marluxia - KH Re:Chain of Memories x2
x4 |
 Melody of Waking |
Tension Rising |
Clear without items
Defeat 180 total Dusk enemies
Link a Chain of 74 or more on difficulty |
No. 70 Twilight Thorn - KH II x2
Clear Melody of Waking |
 Twilight Town |
The Afternoon Streets |
Miss 15 times or fewer
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Get 50% or higher Good or better ratings on difficulty |
Writhing Shard x18
Working Together |
Clear with 50% HP or more without items
Defeat 60% or more of aerial enemies
Hit all ability crystals on or difficulty
x62 |
 The Mysterious Tower |
Magical Mystery |
Get 50% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Link a Chain of 27 or more on difficulty |
Writhing Gem x8
 Never Land |
Secret of Neverland |
Clear with 50% HP or more
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Link a Chain of 46 or more on difficulty |
Lightning Shard x11
Crossing to Neverland |
Score 5100000 points or higher
Defeat 60% or more of ground enemies
Defeat all jumping enemies on difficulty
 Soaring Melody |
Fight and Away |
Score 5050000 points or higher
Hit all simultaneous targets
Link a Chain of 79 or more on difficulty |
No. 71 Ruler of the Sky - KH 358/2 Days x2
Clear Never Land |
 Melody of Returning |
Vector to the Heavens |
Get 65% or higher Good or better ratings
Miss 10 times or fewer
Score 8350000 points or higher on difficulty |
"Musique pour la tristesse de Xion" Memory Dive MS Material
Clear Melody of Returning |
 Melody of the Dark Path |
Another Side -Battle Ver.- |
Get 75% or higher Good or better ratings
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping
Get 35% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings on difficulty |
No. 35 Riku - KH 358/2 Days x2
x10 |
 The Land of Dragons |
The Home of Dragons |
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings
Defeat 60% or more of Nightwalker enemies
Clear with 35% HP or more on difficulty |
Frost Shard x12
Fields of Honor |
Defeat 60% or more of Assault Rider enemies
Hit 170 total glide targets
Miss 22 times or fewer on or difficulty
 Beast's Castle |
Waltz of the Damned |
Get 35% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Score 6000000 points or higher
Link a Chain of 81 or more on difficulty |
"Beauty and the Beast" Field Battle MS Material
Dance of the Daring |
Score 5200000 points or higher
Miss 18 times or fewer
Clear with 45% HP or more without items on or difficulty
Clear The Land of Dragons |
 Melody of Lost Loyalty |
Vim and Vigor |
Get 35% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Clear with 55% HP or more without items
Link a Chain of 92 or more on difficulty |
No. 130 Shan-Yu - KH II x2
 Olympus Coliseum |
The Underworld |
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies
Hit all glide targets
Score 6350000 points or higher on difficulty |
Lucid Shard x10
What Lies Beneath |
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit simultaneous targets a total of 120 times
Get 50% or higher Good or better ratings on difficulty
 Pride Lands |
Adventures in the Savannah |
Defeat 60% or more of ground enemies
Defeat 65% or more of Living Bone enemies
Miss 21 times or fewer on or difficulty |
"Circle of Life" Field Battle MS Material
Savannah Pride |
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Break all barrels and boxes
Clear on difficulty without items
Clear Beast's Castle |
 Dancing Melody |
Desire for All That Is Lost |
Clear with 40% HP or more
Defeat 20 total multi-attack enemies
Score 6400000 points or higher on or difficulty |
No. 58 Dark Thorn - KH II x2
 Timeless River |
Monochrome Dreams |
Miss 16 times or fewer
Hit all simultaneous targets
Score 5550000 points or higher on difficulty |
Pulsing Shard x14
Old Friends, Old Rivals |
Defeat 60% or more of ground enemies
Defeat 65% or more of Hot Rod enemies
Clear on difficulty without items
 Halloween Town |
What A Surprise?! |
Miss 24 times or fewer
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Defeat 60% or more of ground enemies on or difficulty |
EXP Boost
Happy Holidays! |
Clear with 40% HP or more
Hit all simultaneous targets
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping on difficulty
 Tricksters' Melody |
Rowdy Rumble |
Hit all 15 total ability crystals
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Get 40% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings on or difficulty |
Pulsing Gem x7
x34 |
 Radiant Garden |
Reviving Hollow Bastion |
Miss 13 times or fewer
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Link a Chain of 52 or more on difficulty |
Writhing Shard x18
Scherzo Di Notte |
Clear with 45% HP or more without items
Hit all simultaneous targets
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies on or difficulty
 Space Paranoids |
Space Paranoids |
Get 55% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Score 6950000 points or higher
Jump 24 times or fewer on difficulty |
Lucid Gem x5
Byte Bashing |
Defeat 65% or more of aerial enemies
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Clear with 45% HP or more on or difficulty
 Crushing Melody |
Sinister Shadows |
Score 5500000 points or higher
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better on or difficulty |
Writhing Gem x8
x45 |
 The World That Never Was |
Sacred Moon |
Clear with 45% HP or more without items
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Link a Chain of 138 or more on difficulty |
Blazing Shard x11
Deep Drive |
Clear with 40% HP or more
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Score 6450000 points or higher on difficulty
 Melody of Betrayal |
The 13th Dilemma |
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies
Hit 300 total glide targets
Link a Chain of 121 or more on difficulty |
No. 151 Xigbar - KH II x2
x102 |
 Superior of the In-Between |
Darkness of the Unknown |
Hit 55% or more of hit targets
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit 45% or more of slide targets on or difficulty |
Team 3D
Clear Superior of the In-Between |
 System Sector |
Wonder of Electron |
Get 55% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all glide targets
Break all barrels and boxes on difficulty |
Team BBS
No More Bugs!! |
Defeat 60% or more of aerial enemies
Defeat 80 total Shadow enemies
Clear with 45% HP or more on or difficulty
Clear System Sector |
 Traverse Town |
Traverse in Trance |
Defeat 55% or more of ground enemies
Clear with 60% HP or more
Hit all simultaneous targets |
Betwixt Shard x13
Hand to Hand |
Clear with 45% HP or more without items
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit simultaneous targets a total of 135 times
 The Land of Departure |
The Promised Beginning |
Clear with 60% HP or more
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Defeat 40 total jumping enemies |
Twilight Shard x12
Future Masters |
Score 5600000 points or higher
Miss 13 times or fewer
Hit all star targers with a rating of Excellent or better
x4 |
 La Cité des Cloches |
La Cloche |
Clear with 45% HP or more without items
Defeat 60% or more of Kooma Panda enemies
Hit all glide targets on or difficulty |
Betwixt Gem x6
Le Sanctuaire |
Get 55% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit simultaneous targets a total of 70 times
Link a Chain of 154 or more on difficulty
 Reverent Melody |
Majestic Wings |
Defeat 60% or more of aerial enemies
Hit 20 total ability crystals
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings on or difficulty |
No. 114 Wargoyle - KH 3D [Dream Drop Distance] x2
 The Grid |
Access the Grid |
Clear with 40% HP or more
Defeat 130 total Meow Wow enemies
Miss 18 times or fewer on difficulty |
Twilight Shard x12
Digital Domination |
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit all simultaneous targets
Hit all glide targets on or difficulty
x12 |
 Prankster's Paradise |
The Fun Fair |
Defeat 60% or more of Jestabocky enemies
Clear with 60% HP or more
Jump 17 times or fewer on difficulty |
Twilight Gem x6
Prankster's Party |
Defeat 65% or more of Jestabocky enemies
Dodge 10 total ranged attacks by jumping
Clear with 45% HP or more without items on or difficulty
 Country of the Musketeers |
One for All |
Hit all glide targets
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping
Break all barrels and boxes on difficulty |
All for One |
Clear with 50% HP or more without items
Hit all ability crystals
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings on difficulty
x20 |
 The World That Never Was |
Sacred Distance |
Score 6900000 points or higher
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Miss 9 times or fewer on difficulty |
Betwixt Shard x13
Deep Drop |
Defeat 60% or more of aerial enemies
Miss 13 times or fewer
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping on or difficulty
 Melody of Slumber |
L'Oscurità dell'Ignoto |
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit all simultaneous targets
Defeat 65% or more of Toximander enemies on difficulty |
No. 148 Xemnas - KH II x2
 Temporal Melody |
L'Impeto Oscuro |
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Hit all ability crystals
Defeat 70% or more of aerial enemies on difficulty |
No. 181 Young Xehanort - KH 3D [Dream Drop Distance] x2
x28 |
 Dreaming Melody |
The Eye of Darkness |
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Defeat 70% or more of ground enemies
Defeat all multi-attack enemies on or difficulty |
No. 183 Armored Ventus Nightmare - KH 3D [Dream Drop Distance] x2
x4 |
 Dwarf Woodlands |
The Secret Whispers |
Clear with 60% HP or more without items
Miss 12 times or fewer
Defeat all multi-attack enemies on or difficulty |
No. 258 Snow White - KH Birth by Sleep x2
Risky Romp |
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Break 100 total barrels and boxes
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better on or difficulty
 Castle of Dreams |
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo |
Get 50% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Score 7250000 points or higher on difficulty |
No. 260 Cinderella - KH Birth by Sleep x2
Castle Escapade |
Clear with 45% HP or more
Get 55% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Break all barrels and boxes on or difficulty
Clear Dwarf Woodlands |
 Enchanted Dominion |
The Silent Forest |
Get 40% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Defeat 65% or more of Maleficent's Goon (Mace) enemies
Defeat 60% or more of aerial enemies on or difficulty |
No. 253 Aurora - KH Birth by Sleep x2
The Rustling Forest |
Score 7500000 points or higher
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Defeat all multi-attacke enemies on difficulty
 Disney Town |
Mickey Mouse March |
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Hit all simultaneous targets
Defeat all jumping enemies on or difficulty |
No. 146 Minnie Mouse - KH II x2
Up Down Adventure |
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Break all barrels and boxes
Defeat 55% or more of Flood enemies on or difficulty
 Never Land |
Daydream upon Neverland |
Get 65% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Score 7300000 points or higher on difficulty |
Betwixt Gem x6
Neverland's Scherzo |
Defeat 60% or more of ground enemies
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Score 7600000 points or higher on or difficulty
Clear Castle of Dreams |
 Negative Melody |
The Tumbling |
Clear with 50% HP or more without items
Hit all simultaneous targets
Score 6900000 points or higher on difficulty |
No. 92 Symphony Master - KH Birth by Sleep x2
 Radiant Garden |
Radiant Garden |
Miss 14 times or fewer
Hit all simultaneous targets
Score 6950000 points or higher on difficulty |
Frost Shard x12
Black Garden |
Clear with 65% HP or more without items
Dodge all ranged attacks by jumping
Defeat 65% or more of aerial enemies on difficulty
 Deep Space |
Hau'oli, Hau'oli |
Get 55% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Hit all ability crystals on difficulty |
Twilight Gem x6
Mákaukau? |
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Hit all ability crystals
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better on difficulty
x16 |
 Evil Fairy |
The Encounter -Birth by Sleep Version- |
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings
Hit 220 total hit targets
Hit 55% or more of slide targets on difficulty |
No. 122 Maleficent - KH Birth by Sleep x2
Clear Evil Fairy |
 Melody of Culmination |
Black Powder |
Hit all glide targets
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Hit all simultaneous targets on or difficulty |
No. 177 Master Xehanort - KH Birth by Sleep x2
 Melody of Pure Darkness |
Enter the Darkness |
Hit all ability crystals
Hit all simultaneous targets
Link a Chain of 170 or more on difficulty |
No. 174 Vanitas - KH Birth by Sleep x2
 Melody of Will |
Rage Awakened -The Origin- |
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Defeat all multi-attack enemies
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies on or difficulty |
No. 179 Terra-Xehanort - KH Birth by Sleep x2
x24 |
 Unwavering Melody |
Dismiss |
Clear with 80% HP or more
Break all barrels and boxes
Get 55% or higher Excellent or better ratings on difficulty |
Lightning Shard x11
x280 |
 One-Winged Melody |
One-Winged Angel (from FINAL FANTASY VII) |
Get 77% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Defeat 70% or more of ground enemies
Clear with 50% HP or more without items on difficulty |
No. 147 Sephiroth - KH -FINAL MIX- x2
 Melody of Clashing Keys |
The Other Promise |
Defeat 70% or more of Samurai enemies
Get 250 or more total rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all simultaneous targets on difficulty |
"Another Side" Field Battle MS Material
 Lingering Melody |
Rage Awakened |
Score 8800000 points or higher
Hit all star targets with a rating of Excellent or better
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies on difficulty |
"Fate of the Unknown" Field Battle MS Material
x165 |
 Toy Box |
You've Got a Friend in Me -KINGDOM HEARTS III Version- |
Hit 55% or more of hit targets
Hit 300 total hit targets
Hit 60% or more of slide targets on or difficulty |
No. 184 King of Toys - KH III x2
 Kingdom of Corona |
Happy Hair Day |
Get 70% or higher Good or better ratings
Hit 65% or more of slide targets
Hit 70% or more of hold targets on difficulty |
No. 186 Grim Guardianess - KH III x2
x4 |
 Monstropolis |
Monster Smash! |
Get 60% or higher Excellent or better ratings
Hit 70% or more of hold targets
Hit 60% or more of hit targets on or difficulty |
No. 188 Lump of Horror - KH III x2
 Arendelle |
Let It Go |
Hit 55% or more of slide targets
Hit simultaneous targets a total of 75 times
Hit 70% or more of hit targets on difficulty |
No. 189 Sköll - KH III x2
 San Fransokyo |
Robot Overdrive |
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit 65% or more of slide targets
Hit 70% or more of hold targets on or difficulty |
No. 190 Dark Baymax - KH III x2
x9 |
 Keyblade Graveyard |
Graveyard Labyrinth |
Get 45% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Defeat 65% or more of ground enemies
Link a Chain of 101 or more on difficulty |
Mythril Shard x12
x11 |
 Melody of Past Light |
Rise of the Union |
Get 55% or higher rainbow Excellent ratings
Hit all ability crystals
Miss 23 times or fewer on difficulty |
No. 192 Demon Tide - KH III x2
Clear Melody of Past Light |
 Melody of Memory's End |
Stranded Beyond Kairi III Dark Domination March Caprice for "Melody of Memory" |
— |