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|bc8=black|bg8=black|im8=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Takecareofher_zps2406fa14.png|fc8=gold|t8='''[[Riku|<font color=gold>Take care of</font>]] [[Kairi|<font color=gold>her</font>]]'''.
|bc8=black|bg8=black|im8=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Takecareofher_zps2406fa14.png|fc8=gold|t8='''[[Riku|<font color=gold>Take care of</font>]] [[Kairi|<font color=gold>her</font>]]'''.
|bc9=#333333|bg9=#333333|im9=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Dontyourecognizeme_zps4d7c7f24.png|fc9=gold|t9=Stop it, [[Sora|<font color=gold>Sora</font>]]! '''[[Riku|<font color=gold>Don't you recognize me</font>]]'''?
|bc9=#333333|bg9=#333333|im9=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Dontyourecognizeme_zps4d7c7f24.png|fc9=gold|t9=Stop it, [[Sora|<font color=gold>Sora</font>]]! '''[[Riku|<font color=gold>Don't you recognize me</font>]]'''?
|bc10=indigo|bg10=indigo|im10=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Youreekofdarkness_zps447b72de.png|fc10=gainsboro|t10=[[Zexion|<font color=gainsboro>You</font>]] reek of darkness, even the light '''[[Riku|<font color=gainsboro>can't block the smell</font>]]'''.
|bc10=#1B0216|bg10=#1B0216|im10=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Youreekofdarkness_zps447b72de.png|fc10=#C4A5D6|t10=[[Zexion|<font color=#C4A5D6>You</font>]] reek of darkness, even the light '''[[Riku|<font color=#C4A5D6>can't block the smell</font>]]'''.
|bc11=midnightblue|bg11=midnightblue|im11=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Allthepoweryouhadtogive_zps72f5d38c.png|fc11=ghostwhite|t11=I used all the power [[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness|<font color=ghostwhite>you</font>]] had to give— and [[Sora|<font color=ghostwhite>Sora</font>]] '''[[Riku|<font color=ghostwhite>still beat me</font>]]'''.
|bc11=midnightblue|bg11=midnightblue|im11=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Allthepoweryouhadtogive_zps72f5d38c.png|fc11=ghostwhite|t11=I used all the power [[Ansem, Seeker of Darkness|<font color=ghostwhite>you</font>]] had to give— and [[Sora|<font color=ghostwhite>Sora</font>]] '''[[Riku|<font color=ghostwhite>still beat me</font>]]'''.
|bc12=#6699CC|bg12=#6699CC|im12=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Slacker_zpsd791d98c.png|fc12=ivory|t12=That's it. When [[Sora|<font color=ivory>this slacker</font>]] wakes up, '''[[Riku|<font color=ivory>I'll tell him off</font>]]'''.
|bc12=#6699CC|bg12=#6699CC|im12=http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo23/Troisnyx/Slacker_zpsd791d98c.png|fc12=ivory|t12=That's it. When [[Sora|<font color=ivory>this slacker</font>]] wakes up, '''[[Riku|<font color=ivory>I'll tell him off</font>]]'''.

Revision as of 18:19, 10 June 2015

Youreekofdarkness_zps447b72de.png You reek of darkness, even the light can't block the smell.


To use this template, paste the following code into your user page:

{{User Riku Q}} (Random)
{{User Riku Q|1}}
{{User Riku Q|2}}
DIDestroyedRiku_zpsbdac00dc.png But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us!

{{User Riku Q|3}}
Iwontlosetodarkness_zps721284c7.png I won't lose to darkness. Not today.

{{User Riku Q|4}}
IveAlwaysWondered_zpsf59049ca.png It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island.

{{User Riku Q|5}}
Youvegottorun_zps7816e764.png You've got to run! The Heartless are coming!

{{User Riku Q|6}}
Workingontheraft_zpsa68b7885.png So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft.

{{User Riku Q|7}}
Heartlessobeymenow_zps042147dd.png The Heartless obey me now. I have nothing to fear.

{{User Riku Q|8}}

{{User Riku Q|9}}

{{User Riku Q|10}}
Youreekofdarkness_zps447b72de.png You reek of darkness, even the light can't block the smell.

{{User Riku Q|11}}
Allthepoweryouhadtogive_zps72f5d38c.png I used all the power you had to give— and Sora still beat me.

{{User Riku Q|12}}
Slacker_zpsd791d98c.png That's it. When this slacker wakes up, I'll tell him off.

{{User Riku Q|13}}
Lightenup_zps770b2a60.png Man, lighten up. It's just a name, after all.

{{User Riku Q|14}}
Islandwinds_zps053cb673.png I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much...

{{User Riku Q|15}}
Justaslazy_zps4d85381e.png And you're just as lazy as he is!

{{User Riku Q|16}}
Winnerpaopu_zps4c08d908.png Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi.

{{User Riku Q|17}}
You%20and%20Kairi_zpsplwbym7a.png I knew when I met you. You and Kairi smell the same.

{{User Riku Q|18}}
Boring%20place_zpst88ixyun.png This seemed like a boring place to take a nap anyway.

{{User Riku Q|19}}
Contact_zpsr8vg4ibv.png If you try and make contact with Kingdom Hearts, the last thing you'll get is your life back.

{{User Riku Q|20}}
Eternal_zps8ktfpfrt.png You're right, light and darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever too.

{{User Riku Q|21}}
Thought%20it%20was%20too%20far_zpso1wwkcnh.png But... uh, how did you make it here? I thought it was too far.

{{User Riku Q|22}}
To%20Soras%20side_zpsizkudghj.png I'm going back to the real world, and then to Sora's side.