Forum:Forum Renovation: Difference between revisions

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''DoorToNothing acknowledges the fact that KrytenKoro did not tell his entire life story. Since the surgery, DoorToNothing has taken up a [ political position], and also currently plots the [ down][ fall] of physicists and rocket scientists.''}}
''DoorToNothing acknowledges the fact that KrytenKoro did not tell his entire life story. Since the surgery, DoorToNothing has taken up a [ political position], and also currently plots the [ down][ fall] of physicists and rocket scientists.''}}
{{KrytenKoro|''Fine, stay on your doomed gotdamn planet. All the physicists and rocket scientists will be laughing and drinking margaritas in a newborn universe while you suffer the long, cold, heat death of your own. Neanderthal.''}}
{{KrytenKoro|''Fine, stay on your doomed gotdamn planet. All the physicists and rocket scientists will be laughing and drinking margaritas in a newborn universe while you suffer the long, cold, heat death of your own. Neanderthal.''}}
{{DTN|time=21:03, 20 July 2011 (EDT)|text=''DoorToNothing contemplates exiling KrytenKoro from Exile Town. This will be brought up in the next Town Hall meeting with the can population.''
Also, my thoughts on margaritas: [ this]. Apple juice is a far superior drink.}}
