KHWiki talk:Unnamed enemies: Difference between revisions

Butler, Master, Arts is a college joke
(Butler, Master, Arts is a college joke)
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*[[Blizzard Plant]] (ブリザドプラント) - Dark blue and white.
*[[Blizzard Plant]] (ブリザドプラント) - Dark blue and white.
*[[Poison Plant]] (ポイズンプラント) - Black, green, white, and yellow.
*[[Poison Plant]] (ポイズンプラント) - Black, green, white, and yellow.
*[[Image:MINI POSSESSOR.JPG|20px]][[Possessor (358/2 Days)]] (ポセッサー)
*[[Image:MINI POSSESSOR.JPG|20px]][[Possessor]] (ポセッサー)
*[[Massive Possessor]] (マッシブポセッサー) - Large Possessor that breaks into smaller ones.
*[[Massive Possessor]] (マッシブポセッサー) - Large Possessor that breaks into smaller ones.
*[[Bulky Vendor]] (バルクベンダー)
*[[Bulky Vendor]] (バルクベンダー)
*[[Rare Vendor]] (レアベンダー)
*[[Rare Vendor]] (レアベンダー)
*[[Surveillance Robot|Surveillance]] (サーヴィランス)
*[[Surveillance Robot]] (サーヴィランス)
*[[Guardian (358/2 Days)|Guardian]] (ガーディアン)
*[[Guardian]] (ガーディアン)
*[[Destroyer]] (デストロイヤー) - Red and gold Surveillance.
*[[Destroyer]] (デストロイヤー) - Red and gold Surveillance.
*[[Minute Bomb|Minutes Bomb]] (ミニッツボム)
*[[Minute Bomb]] (ミニッツボム)
*[[Skate Bomb]] (スケートボム) - Icy looking Minutes Bomb.
*[[Skate Bomb]] (スケートボム) - Icy looking Minutes Bomb.
*[[Image:THUNDERBALL.JPG|20px]][[Storm Bomb]] (ストームボム) - Green.
*[[Image:THUNDERBALL.JPG|20px]][[Storm Bomb]] (ストームボム) - Green.
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*[[Soldier]] (ソルジャー)
*[[Soldier]] (ソルジャー)
*[[Image:NEW TYPE OF SOLDIER.JPG|20px]][[Commander]] (コマンダー) - Yellow claws.
*[[Image:NEW TYPE OF SOLDIER.JPG|20px]][[Commander]] (コマンダー) - Yellow claws.
*[[Crescendo|Loudness]] (ラウドネス)
*[[Crescendo]] (ラウドネス)
*[[Flare Note]] (フレアノート) - Red Loudness/Crescendo.
*[[Flare Note]] (フレアノート) - Red Loudness/Crescendo.
*[[Image:GIANT BLUE CRESCENDO.JPG|20px]][[Bubble Note]] (バブルビート) - Blue Loudness/Crescendo.
*[[Image:GIANT BLUE CRESCENDO.JPG|20px]][[Bubble Beat]] (バブルビート) - Blue Loudness/Crescendo.
*[[Barrier Master]] (バリアマスター) - Blue/purple Bookmaster, puts barriers on enemies.
*[[Barriermaster]] (バリアマスター) - Blue/purple Bookmaster, puts barriers on enemies.
*[[Shadow Block]] (シャドウブロック) - Purple pod-like thing stuck to walls and ceilings, destroyed in some missions.
*[[Shadow Block]] (シャドウブロック) - Purple pod-like thing stuck to walls and ceilings, destroyed in some missions.
*[[Image:HeartlessBattleScan.png|20px]][[Large Armor]] (ラージアーマー) - Armored Large Body, gold and silver armor.
*[[Image:HeartlessBattleScan.png|20px]][[Large Armor]] (ラージアーマー) - Armored Large Body, gold and silver armor.
*[[Soil Armor]] (ソイルアーマー) - Green, gold, and red armor.
*[[Soil Armor]] (ソイルアーマー) - Green, gold, and red armor.
*[[Solid Armor]] (ソリッドアーマー) - Red, silver, and gold armor.
*[[Solid Armor]] (ソリッドアーマー) - Red, silver, and gold armor.
*[[Grand Armor]] (グランドアーマー) - Blue and gold armor.
*[[Ground Armor]] (グラウンドアーマー) - Blue and gold armor.
*[[Rabid Dog|Mad Dog]] (マッドドッグ)
*[[Rabid Dog]] (マッドドッグ)
*[[Image:GIANT GREEN RAPID DOG.JPG|20px]][[Biting Dog]] (バイティングドッグ) - Large green Mad Dog / Rabid Dog
*[[Image:GIANT GREEN RAPID DOG.JPG|20px]][[Biting Dog]] (バイティングドッグ) - Large green Mad Dog / Rabid Dog
*[[Image:purpledog.jpg|20px]][[Mad Bull]] (マッドブル) - Large purple Mad Dog / Rabid Dog.
*[[Image:purpledog.jpg|20px]][[Mad Bull]] (マッドブル) - Large purple Mad Dog / Rabid Dog.
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*[[Neoshadow]] (ネオシャドウ)
*[[Neoshadow]] (ネオシャドウ)
*[[Image:943346 20090528 screen009.jpg|20px]][[Nextshadow]] (ネクストシャドウ) - Large, red and purple Neoshadow.
*[[Image:943346 20090528 screen009.jpg|20px]][[Nextshadow]] (ネクストシャドウ) - Large, red and purple Neoshadow.
*[[Image:0FLY.JPG|20px]][[Air Battler]] (エアバトラー) - Like a blue, armored [[Air Soldier]].
*[[Image:0FLY.JPG|20px]][[Air Butler]] (エアバトラー) - Like a blue, armored [[Air Soldier]].
*[[Aerial Master]] (エアリアルマスター) - Purple Air Battler.
*[[Aerial Master]] (エアリアルマスター) - Purple Air Battler.
*[[Flying Arts]] (フライングアーツ) - Blue and gold.
*[[Flying Arts]] (フライングアーツ) - Blue and gold.
*[[Sky Grappler]] (スカイグラップラー) - Gold, black, and red.
*[[Sky Grappler]] (スカイグラップラー) - Gold, black, and red.
*[[Icy Cube|Ice Cube]] (アイスキューブ)
*[[Icy Cube]] (アイスキューブ)
*[[Image:ICY CUBE GIANT.JPG|20px]][[Snow Crystal]] (スノークリスタル) - Large purple Ice Cube.
*[[Image:ICY CUBE GIANT.JPG|20px]][[Snow Crystal]] (スノークリスタル) - Large purple Ice Cube.
*[[Cannon Gun|Aiming Cannon]] (エイミングキャノン)
*[[Cannon Gun]] (エイミングキャノン)
*[[Image:CLEAR BLUE CANNON GUN.JPG|20px]][[Ice Cannon]] (アイスキャノン) - Silver and blue Aiming Cannon/Cannon Gun.
*[[Image:CLEAR BLUE CANNON GUN.JPG|20px]][[Ice Cannon]] (アイスキャノン) - Silver and blue Aiming Cannon/Cannon Gun.
*[[Tread Launcher]] (トレードランチャー) - Yellow and red.
*[[Tread Launcher]] (トレードランチャー) - Yellow and red.
*[[Huge Cannon]] (ヒュージキャノン) - Black and yellow.
*[[Huge Cannon]] (ヒュージキャノン) - Black and yellow.
*[[Morning Star (Heartless)|Morning Star]] (モーニングスター)
*[[Spike Crawler]] (スパイククローラー)) - Silver, blue and yellow Morning Star.
*[[Burning Ball]] (バーニングボール) - Red Morning Star.
*[[Burning Ball]] (バーニングボール) - Red Morning Star.
*[[Creep Worm]] (クリープワーム) - Cute little bug.
*[[Creep Worm]] (クリープワーム) - Cute little bug.
*[[Rare Ghost]] (リアゴースト) - Search Ghost in dark blue.
*[[Leer Ghost]] (リアゴースト) - Search Ghost in dark blue.
*[[Image:NewSearchGhost.JPG|20px]][[Carry Ghost]] (キャリーゴースト) - Dark blue ghost dressed in brown.
*[[Image:NewSearchGhost.JPG|20px]][[Carry Ghost]] (キャリーゴースト) - Dark blue ghost dressed in brown.
*[[Living Pod]] (リビングポッド) - Black ghost in white.
*[[Living Pod]] (リビングポッド) - Black ghost in white.
*[[Roll Thrasher]] (ロールスラッシャー) - Blue [[Dualblade]]
*[[Roll Slasher]] (ロールスラッシャー) - Blue [[Dualblade]]
*[[Dualblade]] (デュアルブレード)
*[[Dualblade]] (デュアルブレード)
*[[Heat Saber]] (ヒートセイバー) - Dualblade with red fire blades.
*[[Heat Saber]] (ヒートセイバー) - Dualblade with red fire blades.
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*[[Powered Armor]] (パワードアーマー) - Blue Guard Armor.
*[[Powered Armor]] (パワードアーマー) - Blue Guard Armor.
*[[Invisible]] (インビジブル)
*[[Invisible]] (インビジブル)
*[[Ogre (Enemy)|Ogre]] (オーガ) - Reddish Invisible.
*[[Ogre]] (オーガ) - Reddish Invisible.
*[[Darkside]] (ダークサイド)
*[[Darkside]] (ダークサイド)
*[[Dark Follower]] (ダークフォロワー) - Purple Darkside.
*[[Dark Follower]] (ダークフォロワー) - Purple Darkside.
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*[[Image:Trickmaster Lookalike.jpg|20px]][[Parade Performer]] (ブリードパフォーマー) - Twin Trickmasters.
*[[Image:Trickmaster Lookalike.jpg|20px]][[Parade Performer]] (ブリードパフォーマー) - Twin Trickmasters.
*[[Sky Ruler]] (スカイルーラー)
*[[Sky Ruler]] (スカイルーラー)
*[[AntiSaïx]] (アンチサイクス) - Mission Mode recolor of boss Saïx (since Saïx is playable)
*[[AntiRiku]] (アンチリク) - Mission Mode recolor of boss Riku (since Riku is playable).
*[[Morning Star]] (モーニングスター)
*[[Spike Crawler]] (スパイククローラー)) - Silver, blue and yellow Morning Star.
