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===''Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories''===
===''Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories''===
An easy way to defeat Vexen is by using sleights in quick succession. Blitz and Sonic Blade are powerful and do large amounts of damage. The Jafar card is very good to use in this fight, as it will prevent Vexen from breaking your attack cards. Make sure you also leave three or four zero cards at the front of your deck in order to break his sleights, Freeze and Ice Needles. Put some Cure cards at the back of your deck as well to be used in combination.
====First Battle====
At the beginning of the battle, the player should immediately begin to attack Vexen, but one must also take note of the fact that the boss will Guard against all frontal attacks. Thus, he must be hit from behind. One also should be careful not to abuse Sleights, as this will rapidly deplete the number of usable cards in Sora's deck, possibly making Vexen's attacks harder to nearly impossible to Card Break. Any Friend Cards should be saved for usage in Sleights or singular usage if they are of high value, should this occur. In terms of what Enemy Cards to bring into the battle, the player might wish to consider the Oogie Boogie, Captain Hook, Jafar, or Maleficent Cards. Each of these will either make attacking Vexen easier or aid Sora in terms of HP and survival.

As for avoiding Vexen, keep moving. When Vexen says, "''I shall freeze you!,''" start dodge rolling so he doesn't catch you in his ice block. When he slams into the ground, keep running to avoid the ice spikes that will follow you around the battlefield.
Should Vexen activate an Attack Card, he will perform a single slash with his Frozen Pride. This can be dodged with a simple run or even Dodge Roll. If Vexen plays a Magic Card, he'll shoot a Blizzara spell at Sora. This attack is easily dodged, especially with Dodge Roll. Vexen will also only have access to one Sleight, Freeze. When this Sleight is executed, the boss will attempt to freeze Sora in a block of ice, damage slowly being dealt to Sora as he's trapped. A well-timed run or Dodge Roll can be used to avoid the ice block, but should Sora get captured, the player will have to wait for the ice to break. Vexen will repeat these tactics throughout the battle, so the same strategies can be used each time. Attack Vexen from behind enough times or bombard him with magic Sleights, and he'll fall rather quickly.
====Second Battle====
During the second battle with Vexen, the gloves are off. While his HP remains the same, the boss now has new Sleights to use against Sora. The Blizarra and slash attack will return, as well as the Freeze Sleight. The same strategies can be used to avoid them. The same Enemy Cards used to help Sora win the first battle with Vexen most likely will be useful in this battle, as well.

This battle can be very difficult, so just keep trying. The Jafar card can save you, however, as it will prevent Vexen from his annoying habit of breaking your sleights with his zero cards.
The first of Vexen's new Sleights is Ice Burn. This Sleight, when utilized, causes the boss to create pools of slippery ice on random areas of the battlefield. When Sora steps on them, his speed will be reduced, and he will merely trip. Careful maneuvering can be used to avoid the ice pools. Vexen also may use Ice Needles, a Sleight that causes iciciles to rise from the ground as they follow Sora. These icicles will not stop until they hit or until the Sleight runs its course, so it is best the player keep at a constant run to avoid the icicles. Aside from these two new Sleights, the second battle with Vexen will be fairly straight forward. His most annoying trick, however, reviving ability granted by his Vexen Enemy Card. While this will increase the length of the battle, this unique Enemy Card shall be the prize for Vexen's defeat.
Vexen's deck contains exactly nine zero cards. Another possible strategy is slow but effective, Vexen has a tendency of using sleights and zero cards, but he will often times hold a sleight and the value of his three cards will be availably seen. When this happens, collect cards with a higher value to defeat that sleight and break all of Vexen's cards as to not attack first. This will defeat Vexen's strategy of just breaking your cards. [[Oogie Boogie]]'s card is also very helpful in the second battle as well.
The battle against Vexen in ''Reverse/Rebirth'' mode will be nearly identical to the boss's second battle with Sora in every aspect. The only differences will be Riku's greater power and speed overall, the presence of HP-restoring King Mickey Friend Cards, and the deadly Sleights allowed because of Dark Mode. Vexen lastly has access to a new Sleight, Diamond Dust. During this Sleight's execution, Vexen will create an ice storm that covers the entire battlefield. Simply Card Break him to avoid the attack. While Riku's movements and abilities are slightly different than Sora's, the strategies for obtaining victory are the same. Simply wait for Riku to enter Dark Mode and use its powerful attacks and Sleights whenever possible. King Mickey Cards will restore a great deal of HP, so this should be of no concern during the battle to the player. If one is patient and careful, Vexen will fall.
There is also another slow, but very effective strategy, which is to create a fire-based zero deck. Make a deck full of zeros, three high cards and many Fire cards. Don't attack yet, just evade his physical attacks and when he does a magic attack or sleight, counter with zero and cast Fire. When you are out of cards simply recharge and repeat the process. He will then slowly run out of cards and health. Do this and you will win in no time.
You can also make a Fire Raid ({{sleight|Fire|Kingdom Key|Kingdom Key}}) deck. Put at least seven Fire Raids, three Ethers and a Potion. Cure cards are also good here. Just stock all the cards except the items and smash {{Button|t}} continually.

===''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix''===
===''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix''===

Revision as of 00:57, 1 September 2010

This article is about the enemy.
You may be looking for the character.

Vexen is fought as a boss in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. First appearing to Riku in hopes of recruiting him to help accomplish his goals, Vexen instead was defeated and obtained valuable combat data he would later use to test Riku and even Sora in the form of the Riku Replica. His "product of pure research" dubbed a failure by Marluxia, Vexen later appeared before Sora to prove himself and his strength to his traitorous fellow Nobody. He then craftily lured Sora to the memory-based Twilight Town for a second battle, hoping to ruin the rebellious Marluxia, Axel, and Larxene's plans to take over the Organization at the same time. This attempt led to Vexen's own elimination, however, at Axel's hand, the Nobody appearing to Sora a year after these events transpired as both an Absent Silhouette and a Data Replica.


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

First Battle

At the beginning of the battle, the player should immediately begin to attack Vexen, but one must also take note of the fact that the boss will Guard against all frontal attacks. Thus, he must be hit from behind. One also should be careful not to abuse Sleights, as this will rapidly deplete the number of usable cards in Sora's deck, possibly making Vexen's attacks harder to nearly impossible to Card Break. Any Friend Cards should be saved for usage in Sleights or singular usage if they are of high value, should this occur. In terms of what Enemy Cards to bring into the battle, the player might wish to consider the Oogie Boogie, Captain Hook, Jafar, or Maleficent Cards. Each of these will either make attacking Vexen easier or aid Sora in terms of HP and survival.

Should Vexen activate an Attack Card, he will perform a single slash with his Frozen Pride. This can be dodged with a simple run or even Dodge Roll. If Vexen plays a Magic Card, he'll shoot a Blizzara spell at Sora. This attack is easily dodged, especially with Dodge Roll. Vexen will also only have access to one Sleight, Freeze. When this Sleight is executed, the boss will attempt to freeze Sora in a block of ice, damage slowly being dealt to Sora as he's trapped. A well-timed run or Dodge Roll can be used to avoid the ice block, but should Sora get captured, the player will have to wait for the ice to break. Vexen will repeat these tactics throughout the battle, so the same strategies can be used each time. Attack Vexen from behind enough times or bombard him with magic Sleights, and he'll fall rather quickly.

Second Battle

During the second battle with Vexen, the gloves are off. While his HP remains the same, the boss now has new Sleights to use against Sora. The Blizarra and slash attack will return, as well as the Freeze Sleight. The same strategies can be used to avoid them. The same Enemy Cards used to help Sora win the first battle with Vexen most likely will be useful in this battle, as well.

The first of Vexen's new Sleights is Ice Burn. This Sleight, when utilized, causes the boss to create pools of slippery ice on random areas of the battlefield. When Sora steps on them, his speed will be reduced, and he will merely trip. Careful maneuvering can be used to avoid the ice pools. Vexen also may use Ice Needles, a Sleight that causes iciciles to rise from the ground as they follow Sora. These icicles will not stop until they hit or until the Sleight runs its course, so it is best the player keep at a constant run to avoid the icicles. Aside from these two new Sleights, the second battle with Vexen will be fairly straight forward. His most annoying trick, however, reviving ability granted by his Vexen Enemy Card. While this will increase the length of the battle, this unique Enemy Card shall be the prize for Vexen's defeat.


The battle against Vexen in Reverse/Rebirth mode will be nearly identical to the boss's second battle with Sora in every aspect. The only differences will be Riku's greater power and speed overall, the presence of HP-restoring King Mickey Friend Cards, and the deadly Sleights allowed because of Dark Mode. Vexen lastly has access to a new Sleight, Diamond Dust. During this Sleight's execution, Vexen will create an ice storm that covers the entire battlefield. Simply Card Break him to avoid the attack. While Riku's movements and abilities are slightly different than Sora's, the strategies for obtaining victory are the same. Simply wait for Riku to enter Dark Mode and use its powerful attacks and Sleights whenever possible. King Mickey Cards will restore a great deal of HP, so this should be of no concern during the battle to the player. If one is patient and careful, Vexen will fall.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the absence of cards completely changes Vexen's attack style. Fought as an Absent Silhouette, Sora must conquer the phantom version of this Nobody with Donald and Goofy at his side.

At the start of the battle, Vexen's Absent Silhouette will surround Sora in a stream of data. In a flash of light, the player will find Sora trapped within a massive block of ice. Rapidly press Triangle to set him free. Vexen's Absent Silhouette will then most likely attempt to hit Sora with twin, large snowflakes as they quickly spin around him. Dodge Roll multiple times or use Reflega to avoid the attack. The player can then attack the HP bar of the boss's Frozen Pride Shield. Depleting the weapon's HP will not only lower the boss's defenses, but it will also allow Sora to attack Vexen's Absent Silhouette himself. The player should use caution, however, for if the purple Data Bar at the top left of the screen should fill as Sora stands in the homing data stream Vexen's Absent Silhouette summoned at the start of the battle, an Anti-Sora with its own HP bars to deplete will attack. This is merely a distraction method, but the Anti-Sora's attacks are powerful, and this power and its HP will only increase as the Data Bar fills from zero to five over the course of the battle. Thus, the player should make the Anti-Sora the first target. Otherwise, most combos the player attempts to use against Vexen will most likely be interrupted. Defeating an Anti-Sora will relinquish MP orbs to restore any MP Sora has used up. One can then continue to hammer Vexen's Absent Silhouette with physical combos or even Fire spells. Should one attempt an aerial combo, however, the player must prepare for Vexen's Absent Silhouette to counter by shooting an icicle up from below Sora to halt the onslaught. Vexen will only use attacks the player has previously seen for the rest of the battle, so one should utilize the same strategies to avoid them as before.

All in all, the battle against Vexen's Absent Silhouette is not exceedingly difficult. One simply must, as with all boss battles, have patience. The player also should know when to dodge and to heal. Defeating any Anti-Soras the boss creates should also become the first priority as soon as they spawn. The fact that the player must break through a constantly refilled HP bar just to get to the boss may be tedious, but a surprising amount of HP can be depleted before the Frozen Pride returns to Vexen's Absent Silhouette if one combines the usage of Fire spells with Sora's most powerful physical combos. The player should immediately go into Wisdom Form if they wish to attack Vexen with Fire or its upgrades, since this will boost the spell's power. An Ether should be used right before Sora's MP hits zero rather than afterwards. This will increase the amount of Fire spells that can be launched before Sora reverts to normal. Keep this up, and Vexen's Absent Silhouette will fall in due time.

Data Rematch

The battle against Vexen's Data Replica will flow quite similarly to the battle against his Absent Silhouette. The only differences will be the amount of HP the boss has, the pattern in which he uses his attacks, and a deadly new ability that allows Vexen's Data Replica to summon large chunks of ice that will rotate around him and even rush at Sora before the boss creates an icy shockwave. Comet is a good way to avoid this attack, so long as one continues to hit the boss throughout its execution and uses an Ether right after Comet ends, thus allowing it another immediate use to counter the boss's lengthy ability. In short and aside from these minor differences, the battle against this Data Replica should not be difficult. All the player must do is recall the strategy used in the Absent Silhouette. Sora also should be of a relatively high level, using spells such as Curaga and Reflega, as well as Drive Forms and a powerful Keyblade such as the Bond of Flame (this will make Fire spells even more effective, along with any power boosts granted to them by Wisdom Form). Defeat Vexen's Data Replica, and a Lost Illusion will be obtained.

Deck Statistics

Card types

Attack Card Magic Card Item Card A Item Card B Enemy Card A Enemy Card B Enemy Card C
Vexen - A (card).png
Vexen - M (card).png
Mega-Ether (card).png
Elixir (card).png
Blue Rhapsody (card).png
Vexen (card).png
Air Pirate (card).png

Card values

First Battle - Sora

Card 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

Vexen - A (card).png Attack Card 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 17
Vexen - M (card).png Magic Card 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 4 18
Mega-Ether (card).png Mega-Ether 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4
Elixir (card).png Elixir 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4
Blue Rhapsody (card).png Enemy Card
Second Battle - Sora

Card 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

Vexen - A (card).png Attack Card 4 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 5 20
Vexen - M (card).png Magic Card 4 2 1 1 0 0 2 4 4 5 23
Mega-Ether (card).png Mega-Ether 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5
Elixir (card).png Elixir 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 6
Blue Rhapsody (card).png Enemy Card A
Vexen (card).png Enemy Card B
Air Pirate (card).png Enemy Card C

Card 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total

Vexen - A (card).png Attack Card 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 13
Vexen - M (card).png Magic Card 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 13
Mega-Ether (card).png Mega-Ether 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Elixir (card).png Elixir 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4
Blue Rhapsody (card).png Enemy Card A
Vexen (card).png Enemy Card B
Air Pirate (card).png Enemy Card C

Sleights and attacks

Attack Description Card
Shield Blow (シールドブロウ Shīrudo Burou?) Vexen slashes at Sora or Riku with the Frozen Pride, an icicle rising from below to damage them at the combo's end.
Vexen - A (card).png
Blizzara (ブリザラ Burizara?) Vexen sends a homing ice shard at Sora or Riku.
Vexen - M (card).png
Elixir (エリックサー Erikkusā?) Reloads all Attack and Magic Cards.
Elixir (card).png
Mega-Ether (メガエーテル Mega Ēteru?) Quickly reloads Magic Cards with no charge time and resets the Reload Counter. Even normally unreloadable cards are restored.
Mega-Ether (card).png
Sleight Description Requirements
Ice Needle (アイスニードル Aisu Nīdoru?) Vexen channels his power into the ground, creating icicles that shoot up from below and attack Sora or Riku. Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png
Freeze (フリーズ Furīzu?) Vexen focuses his power on Sora or Riku, encasing either character in ice and coming in close to attack, dealing additional damage. Vexen - A (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - A (card).png
Slide Break (スライドブレイク Suraido Bureiku?) Vexen elongates the bottom of the Frozen Pride, transforming it into a monstrous ice blade. He then slashes Sora with the empowered weapon numerous times before performing a downward slam, thus shattering the ice blade and reverting his Shield to normal. Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - A (card).png
Diamond Dust (ダイヤモンドダスト Daiamondo Dasuto?) Vexen creates an ice storm that slowly deals damage to Riku and covers the entire battlefield. Vexen - A (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png + Vexen - M (card).png


Vexen I - Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Vexen I - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
<youtube width="320" height="240">dtACwFWl7jw</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">fHe48aY0pVc</youtube>
Vexen II - Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Vexen II - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
<youtube width="320" height="240">7byT_76RQRY</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">N2b-sGMrc_s</youtube>
Vexen (Riku) - Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Vexen (Riku) - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
<youtube width="320" height="240">onAEvl0lnpc</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">MpoQSrGAeJI</youtube>
Vexen Absent Silhouette - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Vexen Data Battle - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
<youtube width="320" height="240">xg-sI1Xv5WU</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">aYKKYFFpKjE</youtube>

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