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| No, Nomura hasn't said anything else. This realy isn't the place to ask something like this, but this topic piques my intrest: How do you know that there even were that many Keybalde weilders at one time? There can only be four Keyblade weilders (and their Nobodies, and possiblly their Heartless or Unbirths) at a time. There could be a number of diffrent explanations. Some of the Keyblades shown in the trailor are Sora's meaning they could represent memories, worlds, or people. It's also possible that those are the Keyblades of previous Keybalde weilders and that the Crossroads is where their Keyblades are laid to rest. Also, how to we even know the "Keyblade War" was fought with people? It's possible it was the Keyblades fighting themselves, resulting in the four Realm's (Realm of Light, Realm of Darkness, Realm of In Between, and Realm of Nothingness) indivigual Keyblades. Their's way too many possiblities to go further with this. | | No, Nomura hasn't said anything else. This realy isn't the place to ask something like this, but this topic piques my intrest: How do you know that there even were that many Keybalde weilders at one time? There can only be four Keyblade weilders (and their Nobodies, and possiblly their Heartless or Unbirths) at a time. There could be a number of diffrent explanations. Some of the Keyblades shown in the trailor are Sora's meaning they could represent memories, worlds, or people. It's also possible that those are the Keyblades of previous Keybalde weilders and that the Crossroads is where their Keyblades are laid to rest. Also, how to we even know the "Keyblade War" was fought with people? It's possible it was the Keyblades fighting themselves, resulting in the four Realm's (Realm of Light, Realm of Darkness, Realm of In Between, and Realm of Nothingness) indivigual Keyblades. Their's way too many possiblities to go further with this. |
| -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]] | | -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]] |
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| | Maybe they (Ven, Terra, Aqua) didn't die but were passed one as the infulence of the next generation, but Terra apperantly goes evil, Riku, the '''origanil''' realm of light keyblader master, goes temporay evil, leaving the realm of light to chose Sora as, unlike Ven, the keyblade master of light, leaving Darkside to Aqua and Mickey, and the left over keyblade, Way to Dawn to Riku as, like Ven (I guess?), chose the [[User:Clarkmaster|Clarkmaster]] |
Does anyone else think they should have just stuck with Heartless and Nobodies? I just feel like adding an enemy that precedes the Heartless (originally, the REAL threat) seems kind of silly. It would have been better in continuity of they just stuck with the original enemies instead of trying to give us another "original enemy". 18:21, 12 September 2008 (UTC)
Heartless started within the timeline of Kingdom hearts 1. so they had to have something else. Zack fair 007 23:15, 12 September 2008 (UTC)
But here's a thought, guys : in the Another Side Another Story trailer, they explicitly mentioned "The Third Enemy - Nobody" meaning to say that the Heartless were already intended to be the second. The first would be the Unbirths, I guess.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
You think that the mad hatter's song " A Very Merry Unbirthday" has anything to do with
them? Roxas-rules 19:20, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
- WHY do people keep claiming that Xion is an unbirth??? We dont even know for certain what unbirths are!!
- Ahem, anyway, I hope they tie them to the sleeping part of this game. And then there could be stuff from Sleeping Beauty (which could already be the wheel master).
Summon:WALL•E 08:24, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
Instead of being negative souls, they are negative LIFE.
See this:
Heartless: Corrupted Hearts
Nobody: Corrupted Bodies
Unbirths: (Presumingly) Corrupted "Lifeforce".
See the contradictions in names?
They are the "opposite of human life", being life without reason, without a body to sustain, no heart to guide it.
"Birth By Sleep"-Born In Sleep. If sleep can be called the process of the division into heartless, nobody and unbirth, you got an origin right in the title.
-Good Night Everybody! MEXORAN
I must say I have to agree with this theory whole heartedly (pun intended). Like you said Heartless are a heart in a body of darkness, nobodies are the body and soul leftover when the darkness invades, so maybe unbirths are just a body and a heart?
unbirth = soul
An unbirth is the soul just like the nobody and the heartless are the body and the heart.
In the ansem report 7 it says wen ar heartless is created the body and soul are reborn into another world.
A good example is Sora his heartless a shadow was born in Hallow Bastion but his nobody Roxas was born in Twilight Town.
And there is good proof that Xeanorts unbirth is leading the unbirths because his heartless and nobody leaded the nobodys (Xemnas) and the heartless (Ansem)
one last thing Xion is not an unbrirt she is a !nobody!
except Nobodies are the body AND soul.ass
But we don't even know MX is Xehanorts unbirth, and a lot of people think Terra is Xehanorts unbirth.
Master Xehanort and Xehanort may be connected to each other but MX is definitely not' Xehanort's unbirth. I mean, look at their age !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
I think that when a Nobody meets with it's original being ( Such as when Roxas meets with Sora ) the nobody goes back to the normal soul, meaning that the nobody is non- existint anymore, resulting in the nobody being unborn. ( Namine and Roxas are exceptions ) When this happens, another being is created. But instead of one occurence = one heartless/nobody, it creates one unbirth with the power to multiply. Every time this happens, the original unbirth goes to a certain world. When it reaches this world, it starts multiplying. When the original unbirth is defeated, the other unbirth's are destroyed also.Master of Valor 00:18, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
You mean as in a neverending circle of threats ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Clarkmaster says- Ralfiki did said that its the Circle of Life
That was the Circle of Life lol ! This is like some sorta circle of death !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Just a thought
I was wandering if these unbirths (See pictures) will be the "main" unbirts, like Shadows are the main Heartless and Dusks are the main Nobodies?Xiggie 13:42, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
Methinks they are. By the way, Shadows are the main Heartless and their Nobody counterparts are the Creepers. The Heartless counterparts of Dusks are the Neoshadows.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Oh, I didn't know. Thank you :D Xiggie 19:21, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}
I am also thinking that maybe Unbirths are both Pureblod (like heartless (shadow) and Emblem (like emblem heartless (Soldier). If that's true then that means that someone is making them with a machine (ore something), right?
see pictures of "emblem" Unbirths and of "pureblood"Unbirths
Quite plausible, but who could be making those Unbirths ? I know the Generic (Shadow equivalent) and Neo (Neoshadow equivalent) Unbirths look about the same as their Heartless counterparts.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}
yeah, the one that "could" do it might perhaps be MX apprentice (Or Terra (Whoever becomes Xehanort). he could have worked on it (Secretly?) but then something must have happened to stop the Unbirths for good and when he lost his memory (perhaps he didn't loose all of it) he kept on his work but since Unbirths were no more, he worked with heartless and eventually became one.
Tell me if this is just some of my crazy imagination acting up again :D
I don't think it's your imagination. There're quite a few theories on who becomes Xehanort. But maybe, Terra isn't Xehanort. Clarkmaster, take a look at this ! Maybe Terra isn't Xehanort because Xehanort was with Braig (who is later known as Xigbar). And in The World That Never Was, Xigbar says "You're not half the hero the others were", and Nomura says he did have a showdown with Terra, Ven and Aqua. If Xehanort was with Braig and Braig had a showdown with all three of them, then Xehanort is not Terra.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}
That's right! (I think)
The thing about Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts is that even the impossible could happen. :D So let's not keep our expectations too high, ya ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}
Although, it could be that Xehanort/Xemnas just told Braig/Xigbar about them! just a thought of mine :P
If you ask me, I've got no idea anymore. First I thought Terra was Xehanort, then I thought he wasn't, then I refuted someone's theory, then I brought back the Terra=Xehanort idea, and now I reject it again...
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
not just the soul
the problem is that it cant just be the soul because then there would be an overwhelming number of ubirths in the other kingdom hearts games and there absense would require an arbitrary explaination. heartless\ nobodys are made when you lose your heart something that is not natrule. but you are suposed to lose your soul its called dieing.
now for some reason not every heartless spawns a nobody my theroy is this if a heartless is formed it affects the soul in such a way that it will move. if the soul sticks with the body you get a nobody if the soul gose with the heart instead of geting a heartless you get an unbirth. of course its also likely that if the soul will chose neither in wich case you get one heartless and a dead body. this would explain why heartless are more abundent then the other 2
It should only be the soul, because remember what Nomura himself said ? An Unbirth is the opposite of human life, so when you lose your soul, you die, and an Unbirth is created. For a human to be born, the Unbirth should die. By actually coining the theory you're contradicting yourself, aren't you ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Clarkmaster thunkSince Troisnyxetienne is right than that means Ven is NOT soras unbirth, unless the game takes place 14 years before kh 1
But here's another thought: The game takes some years before KH1. Terra and Ven are on the Main Island of Destiny Islands and Ven begs Terra to erase him. And Terra is also seen alone on Destiny Islands, watching young Sora and Riku train with their toy swords. There is a high possibility that this could've taken place more than ten years before KH1.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
And that would be the end of Ven's story, wouldn't it? That defintley means Ven is an unbirth, and if that's true than the first major unbirth seen is Ven so riku has no major importance to BBS as of yet, so Terra has got to be Xehanort!Clarkmaster been thinkin
I'm putting the pieces together in the next section. Do watch the page along with me. At the same time, whoever's got access to what Nomura says about Terra, Ven, Aqua and Xehanort, kindly put it up here.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Guys, let's put the pieces together
Okay. Let's seam everything together and see what we get:
- We know that Birth By Sleep takes place at least ten years before KHI.
- We know that Terra, Ven and Aqua are Keyblade wielders, and followers of Master Xehanort, who is a Keyblade wielder himself.
- Terra, Ven and Aqua have been looking for Master Xehanort, only to confront him in that rocky place (which most people call Sunset Horizons).
- Ven is petrified while MX lets this blue light into the sky, creating something which looks like Kingdom Hearts, albeit blue in colour.
- We know that the first enemies were the Unbirths.
- We know that MX confronted Ven and, with a ball of darkness, asks Ven to liberate his true self (perhaps planning to erase him). Mickey Mouse confronts MX and protects Ven.
- Terra and Ven were seen together on the Main Island of Destiny Islands, and Ven tells Terra to erase him.
- Some time later, Terra sees four-year-old Sora and five-year-old Riku sword-fighting on the Small Island.
- We also know that Terra's eyes turn amber while his hair turns white at the end of Birth By Sleep.
- We know that a guy named Xehanort survived the Keyblade War with no memory of his past, and was taken by Ansem the Wise as an apprentice along with Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus and Ienzo.
- We know that Braig (or perhaps his Nobody, Xigbar) had an encounter with Terra, Ven and Aqua for him to tell Sora, "You're not half the hero the others were."
- Xehanort, Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus and Ienzo all turned into Heartless and left Nobodies behind. Coincidentally, Terra, Xehanort and his Nobody Xemnas all have the same centre-parted hair. Xehanort assumed the name of his master, Ansem and sent Kairi to Destiny Islands to tap the power of the Keyblade Master, whom he felt was in Destiny Islands. He also banished Ansem the Wise from Radiant Garden.
- Ansem the Wise decided to befriend Darkness and travel in the realm of Nothingness, calling himself DiZ (Darkness in Zero).
- We know that Xehanort and company continued Ansem's research on darkness and created Heartless.
- Xehanort created many Heartless artificially and placed his emblem on them. Coincidentally, the Heartless emblem and the emblem worn by Terra, Ven and Aqua bear the same shape.
- We know that based on Ansem's Secret Reports, the mayhem of the Heartless have lasted some eleven years.
- A meteor shower took place in Destiny Islands, suggesting that the barrier of the world has crumbled. Kairi is the "new girl" in the mayor's house and Riku and Sora, who hear of her coming, talk about it in the Secret Place and decide to go and see her.
- Sora, Riku and Kairi grow up together.
- Riku, then 15, opened the Keyhole of Destiny Islands because he wanted to escape that island, and he rendered himself to darkness. Sora became the wielder of the Keyblade and went in search of his friends Riku and Kairi. Then we have the whole KHI, Chain of Memories and KHII story.
- We also know that Sora sacrificed his heart to save Kairi, creating his Nobody, Roxas - and when Sora was brought back to life, Roxas endured. Coincidentally, Roxas bears an uncanny resemblance to Ven.
- From the events in Final Mix+ we see that Xemnas sees Aqua's armour and Keyblade in the Room of Sleep and talks to it, and calls it Friend, and the armour seems to respond to him.
- Mickey Mouse refers to Xehanort/Xemnas/Xehanort's Heartless as Xehanort and not Terra. (IMHO, if Xehanort were really Terra, and he had lost his memory, the first name he could think of was the name of his master.)
- We know that someone who has forgotten how to wield the Keyblade cannot do it anymore. Terra was a Keyblade wielder. Xehanort wasn't. But Xehanort, in writing Ansem Reports, wanted to tap the power of the Keyblade master, and did not understand the power of the Keyblade, which is not likely for someone who has forgotten how to wield the Keyblade.
- Also, from the events of Final Mix+, someone called the Lingering Sentiment, with Terra's armour and Keyblade, attacked Sora and company, thinking Sora was Master Xehanort's ally.
From this course of events, what can we say ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
We can say that Terra's a jackass just like Xehanort, but seriously, We can put together that Terra is the only one able to be Xehanort, Ven is Sora's Unbirth, we have no clue who is Aqua, the apprentice looks like Dark form Riku, and that apperintly we are very good at puttin stuff together-Clarkmaster
LOL you got me on that one. :D Who IS Aqua anyway ? I guess Nomura must've done a good job doing her up because not a single soul can speculate who she is.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Well as far as we know, she died, or turned into heartless/nobody/unbirth because of her armor in Xemnas room, I've also seen that Xemnas in armor form vagly resembles Terra in his armor-Clarkmaster
What puzzles me the most is that Aqua's armour actually responded to Xemnas.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Well, there's two ways this could happen, one: her soul is possesing the armor, two: Xemnas is crazy-Clarkmaster
ROTFLMAO. :D Sounds plausible.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
I vote on him being crazy, but what I just thought the two heartless optional bosses, phantom and kurt ziza, they could be the apprintece-Clarkmaster
When Xigbar is talking to Zexion about the room of sleep (Where Aqua's armor is), he is ends by saying that: Maybe, in Calstle Oblivion, that's where the "other" room is. (Or something like that) What could be in the Other room? Xiggie
What I know about the other room is that it's called the Room of Awakening, and it is definitely in Castle Oblivion. Not sure what's in there, but that could've been the reason why Xemnas chose Castle Oblivion as an operating base in the first place.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Well the awakening could be what sora and roxas had to go through, exactly why I dont remember, but it could be the awakening of the only one that's missing, Ven, so that could further help explain Ven choosing Way to Dawn as the castle was in the nobody castle, a castle of twilight- Clarkmaster
Maybe so. But the castle wasn't originally theirs, I'd say. No doubt, Castle Oblivion is situated in the Realm of In Between. They just came upon it, and seeing that no one actually had possession of the castle, they used it for themselves.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Ok, but technacly they are nobodies so no one is actually living there, but I get what your saying, so what are the unbirth atributes? Heartless=Darkness. Nobodies=Nothingness/Twilight. Sora and friends=Light.-Clarkmaster
I suppose that, only Nomura knows. But what's the opposite of human life ? We can choose whichever power we want for ourselves, so to speak. If the Nobodies were a menace to beings of both Light and Darkness, then the Unbirths might've been a menace to them all - and them all here means all realms !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
I thank you nailed it at menace. If you can't controll something powerful, than it causes chaos and if they're is a realm of chaos than the keyblade and its weilder would have to be one of the five new keyblade weilders from Birth By Sleep-Clarkmaster
Sweet, a realm of chaos ! :D Now what, find Keyblade Master #5 in the sequel ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Well, if all of the keblade Masters die or something in birth by sleep than there's gotta be a sequel with a keyblade masterClarkmaster
In that case, a Keyblade master apart from Sora, Riku, Kairi and Mickey. Now, who could be that chaotic ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Of course, but that would mean another major character, the revealing of Ven, Terra, and Aqua to Sora and the revealing of the new Clarkmaster
Well, Xehanort's apprentice was seen wielding a Keyblade.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
What happened in the keyblade War?
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— {{{time}}}
What do you think happened to all those keyblade wielders that must have had those keyblades at sunset horizons? (I think that when a keyblade-wielder dies, his or her keyblade appears there, stuck down in the ground, or maybe they can choose to do so and loose the power to wield the keyblade but still live) Perhaps this is just some crap coming out of me, hehe :D
But seriously, what does anyone think happened? has Nomura said anything about this? I need tho know! :D
No, Nomura hasn't said anything else. This realy isn't the place to ask something like this, but this topic piques my intrest: How do you know that there even were that many Keybalde weilders at one time? There can only be four Keyblade weilders (and their Nobodies, and possiblly their Heartless or Unbirths) at a time. There could be a number of diffrent explanations. Some of the Keyblades shown in the trailor are Sora's meaning they could represent memories, worlds, or people. It's also possible that those are the Keyblades of previous Keybalde weilders and that the Crossroads is where their Keyblades are laid to rest. Also, how to we even know the "Keyblade War" was fought with people? It's possible it was the Keyblades fighting themselves, resulting in the four Realm's (Realm of Light, Realm of Darkness, Realm of In Between, and Realm of Nothingness) indivigual Keyblades. Their's way too many possiblities to go further with this.
Maybe they (Ven, Terra, Aqua) didn't die but were passed one as the infulence of the next generation, but Terra apperantly goes evil, Riku, the origanil realm of light keyblader master, goes temporay evil, leaving the realm of light to chose Sora as, unlike Ven, the keyblade master of light, leaving Darkside to Aqua and Mickey, and the left over keyblade, Way to Dawn to Riku as, like Ven (I guess?), chose the Clarkmaster