Cerberus: Difference between revisions

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{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Bite'''|かみつき|<br>Kamitsuki}}|None|x0.02|4|Repellable<br>(Recoil: 90)|Cerberus bites with either of his heads.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Bite'''|かみつき|<br>Kamitsuki}}|None|x0.02|4|Repellable<br>(Recoil: 90)|Cerberus bites with either of his heads.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Simultaneous Bite'''|一斉かみつき|<br>Issei Kamitsuki}}|None|x0|6|Repellable<br>(Recoil: 100)|Cerberus bites with all three heads at the same time.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Triple Chomp'''|一斉かみつき|<br>Issei Kamitsuki|lit. "Simultaneous Bite"}}|None|x0|6|Repellable<br>(Recoil: 100)|Cerberus bites with all three heads at the same time.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Shock Wave'''|衝撃波|<br>Shōgekiha}}|None|—|6|—|Cerberus stomps on the ground, creating a shock wave around him.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Shock Wave'''|衝撃波|<br>Shōgekiha}}|None|—|6|—|Cerberus stomps on the ground, creating a shock wave around him.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Miasma of Darkness'''|闇の瘴気|<br>Yami no Shōki}}|Dark|—|4|—|Cerberus exhales a purple breath, causing flames to erupt from the ground.}}
{{atk|{{nihongo|'''Miasma of Darkness'''|闇の瘴気|<br>Yami no Shōki}}|Dark|—|4|—|Cerberus exhales a purple breath, causing flames to erupt from the ground.}}