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I knew I couldn't just sit there. I had to take action. So as I walked through town I bumped into some random guy. "Hey, what's your problem?!", he yelled. "Don't talk to me like that, boahy!", I yelled back. He took out his Gunblade and aimed it at me. "Whoa! What's wrong with ya, son?", I asked. "I'm waiting for an apology", he said. "Oh. Well... gee, sorry Random Stranger", I said. He walked away. Some ninja walked up to me and said, "Don't be the guy to get on Leon's nerves. He's a bit short-tempered", she said. "Huh. Well gee, it was just a little push", I said rolling my eyes. "He's pretty aggrevated. You know, what with the darkness and such", the ninja said. "The darkness? You know about the darkness?", I asked. "Well duh. I mean, who doesn't? Everyone here is because the darkness ate up their house. Until the Keyblade master comes, we're all doomed", she explained. "What's so great about the bloomin' keyblade?", I asked. "Well for starters, it beats up the Heartless. And second of all, it can open any lock. So basically it's good to have around whenever you lose your apartment key", she said, and then she walked away.
I knew I couldn't just sit there. I had to take action. So as I walked through town I bumped into some random guy. "Hey, what's your problem?!", he yelled. "Don't talk to me like that, boahy!", I yelled back. He took out his Gunblade and aimed it at me. "Whoa! What's wrong with ya, son?", I asked. "I'm waiting for an apology", he said. "Oh. Well... gee, sorry Random Stranger", I said. He walked away. Some ninja walked up to me and said, "Don't be the guy to get on Leon's nerves. He's a bit short-tempered", she said. "Huh. Well gee, it was just a little push", I said rolling my eyes. "He's pretty aggrevated. You know, what with the darkness and such", the ninja said. "The darkness? You know about the darkness?", I asked. "Well duh. I mean, who doesn't? Everyone here is because the darkness ate up their house. Until the Keyblade master comes, we're all doomed", she explained. "What's so great about the bloomin' keyblade?", I asked. "Well for starters, it beats up the Heartless. And second of all, it can open any lock. So basically it's good to have around whenever you lose your apartment key", she said, and then she walked away.

I needed to find out more about this so called "darkness." Luckily, this nice lady named Aerith told me about it. "See, there's light and there's darkness. They're both eternal", she said. "Just like the smell of my uncle's burp", I muttered. "However, the Heartless - being made from darkness - have joined up. And since, they've been going to various worlds and swallowing them in darkness", she went on. "Like my uncle swallows a Subway sandwich", I muttered. "But the light can defeat the darkness. So the Keyblade can lock the 'keyholes' in the worlds, so darkness can't get in", she said. "Like how my aunt locks the door so Uncle can't get in the house", I muttered. "So the only chance we have at saving the universe is if the Keyblade master rises up and saves us all!", she concluded. "Huh. Sounds like a Final Fantasy movie", I said. "But like you said, light can defeat darkness, correct?", I asked. "Yep", she replied. "So could the light from a rubber lightsaber could kill Heartless?", I asked. "That's a... weird question. But I suppose it could", she said. "Great!" I got up and ran away. "Thank you, Red-Headed Freak!", I called. "It's Aerith! Aerrrr-iiith!"

I knew exactly what I needed! I came up to the door that led to the outside of the world. "Well... I best forge on", I said. "What you doin', boy?!", an old geezer said. "I'm about to venture into the unknown, y'old beast", I said. "Name's Cid. And I'm not ''that ''old", he said. "Sure? Have you looked the mirror? Got a few white hairs over there", I pointed out. "Whatever, shut up kid. Why are you just gonna jump into outer space like that?", he asked. "What, you got a problem with that? If so, I can introduce you to my fist", I threatened. "No. What, you too good for this town?", he asked. "Yes. Yes I am. But that's not why I'm leaving. I got a bone to pick with them Heartless", I explained. "Well, that's pretty darn stupid of ya, ya juvenile fool. But if you're gonna go and kill yourself, ya gotta travel in style", he said. Then he took me to his inventory. "I got plenty of gummi ships for you to choose from, all at a considerable price", Cid said. Then he opened his eyes. "Boy?", he called.

I was already in outer space riding along in my stolen gummi ship. "Who-wee! This is some good fun right here!", I said as I sat down and listening to the radio. "''Hello Random Gummi Ship Passenger. You're probably gonna go to some world for no good reason so why should I give a dang? But just so you know, your approaching the Pride Lands." ''"Whooza?", I stammered. But before I knew it, I had already landed in some random world. It was in bad shape so I guessed it had just been swallowed by the hearless. Before I knew it, an entire swarm of Shadow heartless surrounded me! "Whoa! This heartless is wilin'!", I yelled. They crashed through the window of the ship and pounced on me. Before I knew it, I was covered by Shadows. I... lost energy. I didn't feel anything. Then it was all black.

I found myself in a dark room. "Where the heck am I?" My voice echoed. "Is anyone there?" No response. "Y'all got any fried chicken? I'm hungry." Nothing. "Well gee, you could at least reply---" Then I felt something in my heart. Then I fell backward into darkness oblivion..................................................................................

When I got up, I was back in my hometown. "What's goin' on?", I asked. My friend Jordan walked up to me. "J. Severe, you've been asleep for months. This kid named Sora came and restored all the worlds", Jordan explained. "Was this kid a Keyblade master?", I asked. "Heck if I know. I'm just watching the news on NBC." And Jordan ran back inside. I looked around. It was good to be home.

== What I Like About "Kingdom Hearts" ==
== What I Like About "Kingdom Hearts" ==