Finish command (KHBBS): Difference between revisions

→‎List of Finish Commands: Replaced descriptions with in-game descriptions.
mNo edit summary
(→‎List of Finish Commands: Replaced descriptions with in-game descriptions.)
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|Smite foes with a powerful jumping attack. Four-hit combo.
|Smite foes with a powerful jumping attack.
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|Punish foes with a flurry of quick attacks. Five-hit combo.
|Punish foes with a flurry of quick attacks.
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|Two-stage flaming spin the deals fire damage.
|Frizzle foes with a fiery spin attack.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Activate the Firestorm [[Command Style]] 8 times.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Activate the Firestorm [[Command Style]] 8 times.</ref>
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|Heat Slash 1
|Heat Slash 1
|Flaming spin that deals fire damage. Can add two hit combo by tapping the {{button|x}} when prompted.
|Cloak yourself in fire an perform a jumping attack, then press {{button|x}} at the right time to follow with a spin attack.
|Aqua <ref>Activate the Firestorm Command Style 12 times.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Activate the Firestorm Command Style 12 times.</ref>
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|Four-hit combo that generates a shockwave and may Stun foes (50% chance).
|Bring enemies down with a spin attack and jumping attack.
|Terra <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
Line 72: Line 72:
|Rising Rock 1
|Rising Rock 1
|Four-hit combo that generates a shockwave and rock debris. May Stun foes (50% chance).
|Smite enemies with a spin attack and jumping attack, after which boulders burst from the ground and knock foes into the air.
|Terra <ref>Earn 4200 CP.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Earn 4200 CP.</ref>
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|Rising Rock 2
|Rising Rock 2
|Two-hit spin that generates a shockwave and a falling meteor. May Stun or Blind foes (50% chance).
|Smite enemies with spin and jumping attacks, then end by sending a meteor crashing down upon them. Blinds and stuns foes.
|Terra <ref>Defeat 420 enemies.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Defeat 420 enemies.</ref>
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|Dark Star 1
|Dark Star 1
|Two-hit spin that generates a shockwave and three falling meteors. May Stun or Blind foes (50% chance).
|Smite enemies with a spin attack and jumping attack, then end by raining meteors down upon them. Blinds and stuns foes.
|Terra <ref>Defeat 550 enemies.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Defeat 550 enemies.</ref>
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|Four-hit spin attack that may stun foes (25% chance).
|Knock enemies into the air with a flurry of wind-powered attacks. Stuns some foes.
|Ventus <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
Line 100: Line 100:
|Air Flair 1
|Air Flair 1
|Six-hit spin attack that may Stun foes (50% chance).
|Knock enemies into the air with a flurry of wind-powered attacks and a spin attack. Stuns some foes.
|Ventus <ref>Earn 4000 CP.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Earn 4000 CP.</ref>
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|Air Flair 2
|Air Flair 2
|Eight-hit spin attack that may Stun foes (50% chance).
|Punish foes with a flurry of wind-powered attacks, then mop up with several spin attacks. Stuns some foes.
|Ventus <ref>Take 4500 steps.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Take 4500 steps.</ref>
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|Air Flair 3
|Air Flair 3
|10-hit spin attack that Stuns foes (100% chance).
|Punish foes with a flurry of wind-powered attacks, then mop up with several spin attacks. Always stuns enemies.
|Ventus <ref>Take 7000 steps.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Take 7000 steps.</ref>
Line 121: Line 121:
|Unleashes a spinning orb that may Confuse foes (25% chance).
|Launch orbs of magic upward and knock surrounding enemies into the air. Confuses some foes.
|Aqua <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Earn 2000 CP.</ref>
Line 128: Line 128:
|Magic Pulse 1
|Magic Pulse 1
|Unleashes a spinning orb that may Confuse or Freeze foes (50% chance).
|Launch orbs of magic upward, confusing or freezing some foes.
|Aqua <ref>Earn 3800 CP.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Earn 3800 CP.</ref>
Line 135: Line 135:
|Magic Pulse 2
|Magic Pulse 2
|Unleashes a spinning orb that may Confuse, Freeze, or Blind foes (75% chance).
|Launch orbs of magic upward which confuse, freeze, or bind some foes.
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 350 enemies.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 350 enemies.</ref>
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|Magic Pulse 3
|Magic Pulse 3
|Unleashes a spinning orb that Stuns foes (100% chance). Can add up to two attacks by tapping the {{button|x}} when prompted.
|Press {{button|x}} at the right times to repeatedly launch orbs of magic upward which freeze, bind, or cause other negative status effects.
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 500 enemies.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 500 enemies.</ref>
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|Jumping slash that generates munny on impact.
|Perform a leaping strike that sometimes causes enemies to drop munny.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 1000 munny.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 1000 munny.</ref>
Line 156: Line 156:
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 1<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 1
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 1<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 1
|Four hit combo that deals Thunder-type damage. Can add one hit to the combo by pressing the {{button|x}} when prompted.
|Cloak yourself in lightning and perform a flurry of quick attacks, then press {{button|x}} at the right time to follow with a jumping attack.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Activate the Thunderbolt Command Style 12 times.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Activate the Thunderbolt Command Style 12 times.</ref>
Line 163: Line 163:
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 1<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 1<br>Gold Rush
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 1<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 1<br>Gold Rush
|Keyblade throw that may inflict the Slow or Stop condition (50% chance). Can add up to two throws by tapping the {{button|x}} button when prompted.
|Press {{button|x}} at the right times to throw the Keyblade at the enemy repeatedly. Inflicts Stop and Slow on some foes.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Take 7000 steps.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Take 7000 steps.</ref>
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|Gold Rush
|Gold Rush
|Single strike that generates munny and HP prizes if player taps random button when prompted.
|Focus your power and then unleash a jumping attack. Press the button shown and you will earn prizes.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 1400 munny.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 1400 munny.</ref>
Line 177: Line 177:
|Twisted Hours<br>Surprise! 1
|Twisted Hours<br>Surprise! 1
|Four-hit combo that generates munny and HP prizes if player taps random button when prompted.
|Focus your power and then unleash a jumping attack. Press all three of the buttons shown to earn lots of prizes.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 5200 munny.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Collect 5200 munny.</ref>
Line 184: Line 184:
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 2<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 2<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 2
|('''T:''') Rising Rock 2<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 2<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 2
|Three-hit spinning attack that recovers HP. Can add up to three attacks by tapping the {{button|x}} when prompted.
|Press {{button|x}} at the right times for a series of charging and spin attacks. The spin attacks restore your HP.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Use the effect of [[Second Chance]] or [[Once More]] to survive lethal damage 5 times.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Use the effect of [[Second Chance]] or [[Once More]] to survive lethal damage 5 times.</ref>
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|Twisted Hours
|Twisted Hours
|A randomized series of attacks composed of Quick Blitz, Sliding Dash, and Strike Raid that can inflict random status effect with a 50% chance.
|Press {{button|x}} at the right times to cause negative status effects with Keyblade throws and charging and jumping attacks.
|Terra <ref>Take 8000 steps.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Take 8000 steps.</ref>
Line 198: Line 198:
|('''T:''') Dark Star 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 3<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 3
|('''T:''') Dark Star 1<br>('''V:''') Air Flair 3<br>('''A:''') Magic Pulse 3
|Generates two-stage explosion that Stuns foes (100% chance).
|Smite enemies with a powerful jumping attack that causes a massive explosion and always stuns enemies caught in the blast.
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Earn 6400 CP.</ref>
|Terra, Ventus, Aqua <ref>Earn 6400 CP.</ref>
Line 205: Line 205:
|Surprise! 2
|Surprise! 2
|Causes a rain of HP and munny. If an enemy is targeted, its odds of dropping an item increases to 50%.
|Finish with a stroke of luck that brings tons of munny and prizes raining down.
|Ventus <ref>Collect 7000 munny.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Collect 7000 munny.</ref>
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|Magic Pulse 3
|Magic Pulse 3
|Spinning attack generates three waves of Blizzard-type ice shards.
|Perform a spinning attack, the follow with a series of Blizzard blasts.
|Aqua <ref>Activate the Diamond Dust Command Style 15 times.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Activate the Diamond Dust Command Style 15 times.</ref>
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|Dark Star 2
|Dark Star 2
|A series of five powerful explosions center on a flaming cursor that players can guide with the analog stick. Stuns foes (50% chance).
|Rain meteors down on enemies and trigger explosions. Use {{button|pspana}} to move the marker along the ground and direct the meteor strikes.
|Terra <ref>Earn 10000 CP.</ref>
|Terra <ref>Earn 10000 CP.</ref>
Line 226: Line 226:
|Air Flair 4
|Air Flair 4
|A leaping downward strike. Can strike up to four additional times by tapping random buttons when prompted.
|Press the right button for whirlwind boosts that bring you crashing down on foes. Finish with a dive that triggers a devastating storm.
|Ventus <ref>Defeat 800 enemies.</ref>
|Ventus <ref>Defeat 800 enemies.</ref>
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|Magic Pulse 4
|Magic Pulse 4
|Fires eight giant bullets. Can add up to eight bullets by tapping the {{button|x}} when prompted.
|Generate several magic orbs, then press the buttons shown to launch them toward enemies as you teleport from orb to orb.
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 800 enemies.</ref>
|Aqua <ref>Defeat 800 enemies.</ref>