User:Keyblade0/IRC: Difference between revisions

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[12:40] <Keyblade0> XD
[12:40] <Keyblade0> XD
==Keyblade0's Creepypasta (kind of) and Dance Parties==
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> ._.
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> Wait what
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> This can't be.
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> O.o
[23:13] <BlackSoulBlade> Eh?
[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> I have 666 rupees!
[23:13] * Linkblade0|TP shivers
[23:13] <Baka|Cloud> ._.
[23:14] <Baka|Cloud> is it wrong to hear a tune right now from zelda and not even be listening to zelda?
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> Uh...
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> As UE
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> *Ask
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> He's the zelda expert
[23:15] <Baka|Cloud> well..i'm hearing it..and wondering if u cursed me XD
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> ._.
[23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> None of the grass has rupees
[23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I'm suposedly in the sky
[23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> Where heaven is.
[23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I still have 666 puees
[23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> HELP ME
[23:16] <Baka|Cloud> You've met a terrible fate havent you?
[23:17] * Mikazuki_Neko (475c654e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social
[23:17] <BlackSoulBlade> Hey Mikazuki
[23:17] <BiscuitEnigma> Hi Mikazuki
[23:17] <Baka|Cloud> hey Mika-chan~!
[23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> >_>
[23:18] * Hexedmagica ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> Somebody wanted my help?
[23:18] * Hexedmagica_ ( has joined #KHWiki-social
[23:18] * Hexedmagica_ is now known as Hexedmagica
[23:18] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hi BSB and Engima. Hey baka-sempai~
[23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Yes, I have met a terrible fate, yet not meeting a terrible fate
[23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Wierd, huh.
[23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Hi Mikazuki and WB Hexed
[23:19] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hello.
[23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh, good the grass gave out a rupee
[23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Now I have 667
[23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> -_-
[23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> Crisis averted
[23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social
[23:19] <BEN__> K0
�03[23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #KHWiki-social
[23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> e_e
[23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> What the heck?
[23:20] <Baka|Cloud> ._.
[23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ._.
[23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> Baka did you you do that?
[23:20] <Sapheta> Erm, I don't recognize the code.
[23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> It was for me...?
[23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ...
[23:20] <Baka|Cloud> BE: that wasnt me....honest ._.
[23:20] * Sapheta blames Chrono. it's always him.
[23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ,-,
[23:21] <Linkblade0|TP> ^
[23:21] <KARTABS> Oh, Corno
[23:21] <Sapheta> At least, it's a recurring thing. <_<
[23:21] <Sapheta> Him and his silly angel thing from way back when.
[23:22] <Baka|Cloud> well hey,u never know..coulda been coicidence :\
[23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Crono's obsession with BEN...
[23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> CRONO
[23:22] <KARTABS> Wait, no.
[23:22] <KARTABS> Can't be him.
[23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> There's some serious thunder and lightning outside my house :(
[23:22] <Baka|Cloud> how so?
[23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I don't like it D:
[23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Aww, Bye UE
[23:22] <Baka|Cloud> D:
[23:22] <KARTABS> He's obsessed with CAPTAIN PLANEEEEET (which is STUPID) and POTATOES (which are also STUPID).
[23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> :(
[23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I have a laptop :3
[23:22] <Baka|Cloud> bye UE ;-;
[23:22] <Baka|Cloud> oh....yay :3
[23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Independent power sources FTW
[23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Then, who is it>
[23:23] <Sapheta> NO UE NOOOO--Wait.
[23:23] <Sapheta> Yay, you're not leaving.
[23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm not leaving :p
[23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh
[23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> YAY
[23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Heck no
[23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Not now
[23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> let's have a Dance Party. In. London!
[23:23] <Sapheta> I has desktop.
[23:23] * Linkblade0|TP dances
[23:23] * Linkblade0|TP is shot during a riot
[23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm up for some DDR
[23:23] <Baka|Cloud> XD

Revision as of 03:40, 14 August 2011

This page is a page with IRC moments that I thought were awesome, funny, or epic. Usually, the following stories are funny, so please read if you feel down. Remember: Laughter is the best medicine! c:


Global Warming comes to the IRC

[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[17:25] <globalwarming> I WARNED YOU
[17:25] == globalwarming [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[17:25] <Sove> ._.

Random's "Show"

[16:03] <Randomnessity> This has been Fun Times with Random.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> Join us next week when Random visits a farm.
[16:03] <Randomnessity> With kuh-razy results!
[16:03] <Satoru123> -_-

The TarNation

[21:28] <UnknownEnigma> What in tarnation
[21:29] <UnknownEnigma> What is tarnation?
[21:29] <Reeves|Lost> Tar Nation.
[21:29] <Randomnessity> ._.

The Universe

MX is a girl!?

Aqua and the Unnamed Heartless

[20:08] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: Ooh, extra BBS stuffs
[20:09] <Tabbeh> if I ever do fanon
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: My, what big red eyes you have
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> ???: ALL THE BETTER TO SEE YOU WITH
[20:09] <Crono|Editing> Aqua: ಠ_ಠ

...they forgot.

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Oh yeah...

[18:56] <Pokeblade0|Black> Today's the next meeting right?

[18:57] <Doorsey> It is? ._.

[18:57] <Doorsey> ... oops.

[18:59] <BakaKidd> lol

[18:59] <BakaKidd> meeting fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> schedule fail

[18:59] <BakaKidd> just fail

[19:02] <Luke|away> ...

[19:02] <Pokeblade0|Black> Tomorrow, then?

[19:03] <BakaKidd> ...

*In the other channel... the KHWiki-noticeboard channel...*

[19:03] <Doorsey> ...


[19:04] <Pokeblade0|Black> ._.

A bit of RP

Emoticons and butterflies

I went insane.

[22:45] <Keyblade0> MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[22:45] <Keyblade0> PREPARE TO BURN, KID

[22:45] <Baka|Cloud> ._.


[22:46] <Keyblade0> KILL!

[22:46] <Keyblade0> WOO!!

[22:46] <Keyblade0> 1913 more DP :3

Finland - 1, Smosh - 0

[17:18] <Keyblade0>

[17:18] <Keyblade0> 3:22

[17:18] <Keyblade0> *4:22

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDDDDDD

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XDXDXD

[17:18] <Keyblade0> XD

[17:20] <Sove> As a matter of fact

[17:21] <Sove> I have never got a package with newspaper in it

[17:22] <Sove> Or then they do that when they are sent abroad

[17:22] <Keyblade0> Finland - 1 Smosh - 0

RP, abilities and EXP

[23:46] * DoctorReeves counter-strike's Keyblade0

[23:47] <Keyblade0> ._.

[23:47] * DoctorReeves has defeated (1) Keyblade0! 12 EXP recieved.

[23:47] <Keyblade0> I took a part of his arm


[23:47] * Keyblade0 has auto-revive

[23:47] <Keyblade0> Aha!

[23:47] <TaBzEe> 8D

[23:47] <TaBzEe> Infinite EXP!

[23:48] * Keyblade0 also notices he has auto-death

[23:48] <TaBzEe> Oh.

[23:48] <Keyblade0> ;-;

[23:48] <TaBzEe> :\

[23:48] <Keyblade0> Crap

Twygs River

Keyblade0's Creepypasta (kind of) and Dance Parties

[23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> Wait what [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> This can't be. [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> O.o [23:13] <BlackSoulBlade> Eh? [23:13] <Linkblade0|TP> I have 666 rupees! [23:13] * Linkblade0|TP shivers [23:13] <Baka|Cloud> ._. [23:14] <Baka|Cloud> is it wrong to hear a tune right now from zelda and not even be listening to zelda? [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> Uh... [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> As UE [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> *Ask [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> He's the zelda expert [23:15] <Baka|Cloud> well..i'm hearing it..and wondering if u cursed me XD [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:15] <Linkblade0|TP> None of the grass has rupees [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I'm suposedly in the sky [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> Where heaven is. [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> And I still have 666 puees [23:16] <Linkblade0|TP> HELP ME [23:16] <Baka|Cloud> You've met a terrible fate havent you? [23:17] * Mikazuki_Neko (475c654e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social [23:17] <BlackSoulBlade> Hey Mikazuki [23:17] <BiscuitEnigma> Hi Mikazuki [23:17] <Baka|Cloud> hey Mika-chan~! [23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> >_> [23:18] * Hexedmagica ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) [23:18] <BiscuitEnigma> Somebody wanted my help? [23:18] * Hexedmagica_ ( has joined #KHWiki-social [23:18] * Hexedmagica_ is now known as Hexedmagica [23:18] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hi BSB and Engima. Hey baka-sempai~ [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Yes, I have met a terrible fate, yet not meeting a terrible fate [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Wierd, huh. [23:18] <Linkblade0|TP> Hi Mikazuki and WB Hexed [23:19] <Mikazuki_Neko> Hello. [23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh, good the grass gave out a rupee [23:19] <Linkblade0|TP> Now I have 667 [23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> -_- [23:19] <BiscuitEnigma> Crisis averted [23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #KHWiki-social [23:19] <BEN__> BEN.jpg K0 �03[23:19] * BEN__ (62f02803@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #KHWiki-social [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> e_e [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> What the heck? [23:20] <Baka|Cloud> ._. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ._. [23:20] <BiscuitEnigma> Baka did you you do that? [23:20] <Sapheta> Erm, I don't recognize the code. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> It was for me...? [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ... [23:20] <Baka|Cloud> BE: that wasnt me....honest ._. [23:20] * Sapheta blames Chrono. it's always him. [23:20] <Linkblade0|TP> ,-, [23:21] <Linkblade0|TP> ^ [23:21] <KARTABS> Oh, Corno [23:21] <Sapheta> At least, it's a recurring thing. <_< [23:21] <Sapheta> Him and his silly angel thing from way back when. [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> well hey,u never know..coulda been coicidence :\ [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Crono's obsession with BEN... [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> CRONO [23:22] <KARTABS> Wait, no. [23:22] <KARTABS> Can't be him. [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> There's some serious thunder and lightning outside my house :( [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> how so? [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I don't like it D: [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> Aww, Bye UE [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> D: [23:22] <KARTABS> He's obsessed with CAPTAIN PLANEEEEET (which is STUPID) and POTATOES (which are also STUPID). [23:22] <Linkblade0|TP> :( [23:22] <BiscuitEnigma> I have a laptop :3 [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> bye UE ;-; [23:22] <Baka|Cloud> oh....yay :3 [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Independent power sources FTW [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Then, who is it> [23:23] <Sapheta> NO UE NOOOO--Wait. [23:23] <Sapheta> Yay, you're not leaving. [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm not leaving :p [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> Oh [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> YAY [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Heck no [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> Not now [23:23] <Linkblade0|TP> let's have a Dance Party. In. London! [23:23] <Sapheta> I has desktop. [23:23] * Linkblade0|TP dances [23:23] * Linkblade0|TP is shot during a riot [23:23] <BiscuitEnigma> I'm up for some DDR [23:23] <Baka|Cloud> XD |}