18th February
Kingdom Hearts Games I Own
Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts, 358/2 Days Re:COM and Kingdom Hearts II
Other Hobbies
Reading, Writing, Drawing, Gaming, Photoshopping, Shopping and multiple other things.
Kingdom Hearts Stuff
Favorite Playable Protagonist
Tie between Sora and Roxas
Favorite Support Character
Least Favorite Support Character
King Mickey.
Favorite Antagonist
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. He comes out of nowhere!
Least Favorite Antagonist
Pete. He's impossible to take seriously
Favorite Keyblade
Ultima. I LOVE Power!
Least Favorite Keyblade
Kingdom Key. Too Plain
Favourite World
Wonderland! Followed closely by Halloween Town
Least Favourite World
Atlantica. For obvious control reasons
Favourite Organisation XIII member
Axel.(Excluding Roxas of course)
Least Favourite Organisation XIII member
Marluxia. Flowers, really?
What I'm Up To
What I'm Playing
Birth by Sleep
What I'm Reading
Nothing right now.
What I'm Watching
A bunch of different Anime. Mainly Bleach and Claymore
Journal Entries
On the Wiki

I find it hard to add things to this wiki so I decided to take my directions from the Expand Template. I try to add something to the mainspace every one to two days and if my edits don't get reverted then I take it as a sign that I'm doing well! Right now I am focusing on adding or expanding the origin sections.
On the Game

I am playing BBS right now and so far I am loving it! I'm up to Ven's Neverland, but I think its time for some Mirage Arena. I'm dreading having to redo Keepers of the Arena.

I dont really have a niche on this wiki, but I try to help out as best I can. If you're confused with something I'll try and help you out, even if the only way I can help is by reffering you to someone else! I LOVE messing around with images, so image requests will be happily taken and I am able to create sprites (thanks to help from Roxas). As for the mainspace I dont have much info to give, but I can do the bare minimum (basic personality and origin sections etc.). I basically aim to be as helpful as I can be to this wiki and everyone on it!

I am a girl of regular height and weight. I have straight light brown hair with blonde streaks that reaches about halfway down my back and I NEVER wear it up. I have bright greeny hazel eyes that are the same colour as my sister's and mother's eyes and I have light olive skin. My casual dress is everyone elses formal wear and I only own one pair of pants that I got for jogging (which I never do). I like high shoes and I've had my ears pierced multiple times but due to my irratably sensitive skin I'm only able to use one earring in each ear. I have ridiculously long nails that are constantly painted, because I keep forgetting to buy nail polish remover and I hate chipped polish on nails.

My personality sort of contradicts itself. I consider myself shy, but at the same time I am comfortable meeting new people. I prefer to be alone, but I thrive in group situations. I guess I'm a bit...complicated.
I don't judge people before I know them and I give people the benefit of the doubt, but if someone does something that rubs me the wrong way, then thats it- they've lost their chance.
One thing people learn about me fast is that I trust people VERY easily, which is something that usually ends up getting me hurt.
I have no tolerence for cruelty, rudeness, backstabbing or mind games. I usually end my friendships with girls early because I can't stand the bitchiness, so I'm usually hanging with guys. Take note of that: NO BITCHINESS AND/OR DRAMA!!!!!
I am a big nerd and am proud of it! The Nerd revolution is here people!!
I am very smart and I think its wonderful. People that say things like 'I Don't Read' or 'I don't care if I fail' like those are cool facts about themselves, are usually people I don't get along with.
All in all I'm a friendly person and I love making new friends, so please don't hesitate to say hello on my TalkPage!

The Real World

My life has kind of been a flurry of backstabbing friends and dissapointments that all came to a climax in 2008. I was part of a group that was made up of four groups of three best friends and we all came together to form a huge group that got along extremely well. I was part of a 'three group' with two girls, but one of my besties and I became best friends with a girl from another trio. We three became really close and I didnt even realise that my original best friend (who had never had a friend before me) was becoming extremely possesive of me and lashed out with bullying to cope with her jealousy. The year eneded terribly with one of the trios moving schools and my new friedn from the other trio going to a boarding school. My mother requested that my school put me in a class with my bestie and away from the posseisve best friend who had become a bit of a bully. What we didnt know was that the possesive girl had also requested to be in a class with my best friend. So the school put me and Miss Bully in the same class in the hopes that with my best friend between us all would be well. When school started I was annoyed to find that I had, against my mothers request, been put in the same class as the bully and was even more aggravated to find that, without telling anyone, my so-called best friend had moved schools. I was left alone with noone. I tried to move classes to be with other friends from last year and instead they were moved into my class, due to the school wanting the bad boys of our year (all of which were in my class) to be balanced out by girls. What did this achieve? The bully was able to manipulate the other girls against me. How? I'm not sure. She was (although its mean to say) a social loser. She had no power over them, but they were somehow afraid of her. I tried to ignore her, but she was crafty. She knew how to bully without anyone knowing it was bullying. I told the other girls the way I felt about how the bullying and they replied 'Maybe its just your personality'. This was the final straw and I left that group. Luckily I'm good at making friends and I found new girls to have fun with in class and one of the girls that hung out with the bully became one of my closest friends during classtime (although she wasn't gutsy enough to leave the bullies group entirely). I also met one of my best friends to date. I found a new group to hang with at lunch- a big group of guys that was spearheaded by three female best friends. One of the girls welcomed me in whole heartedly and the other two didnt take much interest in me. Until I started getting along with what they thought of as 'thier guys'. They started to freeze me out after that- talking over me, blocking me out of circles, throwing get togethers for everyone to attend except me- and the guys were oblivious. When the girls made jokes about me, the guys laughed, not realising how much it hurt to be the outsider. It was the worst time of my life. I cried every day and after months of enduring it by myself I told my mum and dad about what was going on. When school ended for the year I decided that there was no way I was going back to that school. My parents eventually decided to let me homeschool myself. It was a great descision for my grades as well, as the school had the crappest teachers and my grade had suffered IMMENSLY that year. I later learned that the bully had started bullying other girls in the group and they had finally got up the courage to ditch her and they asked me to forgive them for not being sympathetic about what I was going through. Little too late guys. I also found out that the best friend who had left without telling me had been hanging out with the bully behind my back, so I didnt try to reconcile with her either. Now I am back on track and although it was a terrible year it really helped me grow as a person. Although, it goes without saying that I have a few trust issues, I am alot wiser and that experience has turned me into the person that I am today.
Kingdom Hearts and I

I am a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland and everything related to it (except for the latest remake, blegh) and I always look for Wonderland related media. It was through this that I heard about a game where you could play in Wonderland. It sounded really cool so I sent my Dad off to the DVD rental store to rent it out. As soon as I heard the first line of Simple and Clean I was hooked. I played the game through, loving every moment, and as soon as I finished it I sent my Dad to get the second game. This time I decided to play properly so I spent weeks making sure I didnt die, getting the max amount of money, levelling and all that other maticulous stuff. This took me so long that I managed to rack up a pretty hefty bill on our rental account. My parents finally got sick of paying for a game I constantly had out and they made me return it just before the final boss. I went on a little hiatus after that, but after a few months my parents let me get it out again. I was a good gamer by now as opposed to the novice I was when I first got into Kingdom Hearts, so I got out both games and decided to play them both through again, while completing every avaialble objective. I finished both games in half the time it took me to do KH II by itself, the first time I played it. It was around this time that I started to research more into the franchise and each time my main source of information ended up being this wiki. I was able to get myself a copy of both the main games and the Kingdom Hearts manga, all of which were surprisingly hard to find. I decided I wanted to play the series in chronological order so I didnt touch my own copies in the hope that I'd be able to get BBS to play first. I then joined the wiki, because I checked in on it every day anyway. When Christmas 2010 came around I was estatic to find that I got a PSP and Birth by Sleep as well as the guide, which was simply astounding because we're not the richest family. I started to play it immediatly. I also got Days and the KH guide for my birthday and I am hoping I will soon be able ot get my PS2 chipped and Re: COM imported as I don't live in a place where it is available. After that I'll be aiming for RE:Coded and then 3D after that!

Here are some of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting on this wiki. The awesome Wonderland theme was created by the always amazing Roxas. It is in no particular order.
If you wanna be my friend please don't hesitate to leave a message on my talk page and I will add you up right away!

Here are the userboxes of the awesome people above. If I have your name above but I don't have your userbox, just let me know and I'll add it up. Its in order of meeting.

Welcome to my gallery! This is the place where I store all the image type stuff that I use on this wiki.

Below are all the sprites I have created so far. I must mention that I wouldn't be able to do any of these without the help of Roxas.
Feel free to use, just let me know if you decide you want to use any of the sprites below. I can also recolor the backround colours easily and will happily do so at anyones request!

This is my Hearltess collection. I used the heartless that I think look the awesomest! I shall add on more soon.
Princesses of Heart

Here is my Princess of Heart collection. One for each of the seven princesses.

These are my sprites for other Kingdom Hearts characters.
Non KH Related

These are my sprites that contain characters from outside the Kingdom Hearts universe. It also shows a few of the things I like. If you don't who they are of, then I hate you. No, just kidding! Simply ask and I'll tell you!

These are variations of some of the sprites above.
Show Images
My Stuff

These are all the things that are for my own personal use.

This is my userbox. Feel free to add it if you feel so obliged, but let me know and I shall add you too. The code is {{User FinalRest}}.
Show Images
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.

This is my sig. I use it when I feel like taking a break from Talk Bubbles
Talk Bubbles

These are all my talkbubbles I have made from the time I got here. I have obviously come quite far. I might make more later if I feel like it.
Yay my first Text box!
Off with thier heads!!
FinalRest 05:05, December 15, 2010 (UTC)
FinalRest - "Has my house been involved in any illegal activities?" TALK - 23:46, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
My tester. Quote from Skullduggery Pleasant, a totally wicked series of books
Final Rest Talk! — "I'm cap'n of you, Whale!" You sir, are a mover and a shaker.
Another tester. This time quotes are from the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. I should also mention I am doing these boxes with the help of JFHavoc's TalkBubble 101 page which is ----> here
FinalRest "We live to make the impossible possible! That is our Focus!"
Skinny bubble! :O Quote from another game I Lurv- FFXIII
Inverserific! Its also another Skullduggery quote.
FinalRest"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
01:07, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Testing out my mega cool sprite from RoxasXIIILK.
FinalRest"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
01:16, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
FinalRest "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."
Talk!- 02:47, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
My First Happy Bubble
FinalRest "We live to make the impossible possible! That is our Focus!"
Talk!- 03:23, 7 March 2011 (EST)
My First Normal Bubble
FinalRest - "Has my house been involved in any illegal activities?" TALK - 03:23, 7 March 2011 (EST)
My First Shocked Bubble
FinalRest - "This boat runs on happy faces!" TALK - 03:23, 7 March 2011 (EST)
My Second Happy Bubble
FinalRest - "We often confuse what we wish for with what is. " TALK - "Google googly googly, go away." – 02:47, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
And my shocked bubble!
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 03:35, 28 February 2011 (EST)
My happy bubble
FinalRest - "He spoke as if he were talking to someone new" - 03:47, 7 March 2011 (EST) TALK - "Like I was a complete stranger."
A sad bubble. :( Hopefully I'll never have to put this one to use
FinalRest - "Bear! You made a Bear! Undo it, undo it!" TALK - 20:27, 7 March 2011 (EST)
For when I'm confused. This will probably be used more than it should be.
FinalRest - Not every lost soul is a lost cause. TALK - They can't order me to stop dreaming. – 03:07, 8 March 2011 (EST)
For when I'm ANGRY!!!!! I don't intend to use this one too much, but ya never know! The quote is from Lilo and Stitch 2. XD
FinalRest - "How can you fail at this? It isn't even a test!" TALK - "And here I thought this room was dangerously unlethal." – 21:32, 8 March 2011 (EST)
Another bubble for general use. The character is Teresa from my favourite anime, Claymore.

Here are some odd facts about me that you may or may not want to know.
- I have five cats. No, I'm not some crazy cat lady, I just found a family of strays (three boys and their mother) and managed to domesticate them.
- I type really fast. So fast, that the letters in my words often get jumbled up.
- I am a big fan of Zenescope[1] comics
- I like everything Pineapple flavoured, but I hate eating Pineapple.
- I have two sisters and no brothers.
- I love icecream. ALOT. If you like icecream too, you should put this userbox on your page:

