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| Alas, dear editors of Wikia. This life of UE has been quite brutal to UE. UE has been beaten battered bruised. UE has never faced anything like this before. It's destroying UE. Destroying UE down to UE'S soul. UE doesn't know what's going on... UE's never failed like this ever! UE was at UE's prime in high school. UE was doing okay during his summer term in college. It all started in the fall semester when UE was already starting to fail... UE is devistated... UE lacks motivation, purpose, or an ambition. UE came here to find it. Alas dear editors of Wikia, UE has not found it... Life in itself is a mystery to UE. UE was once devoted to UE's God. If you are confused of which God UE speaks of, UE speaks of the One God that has been bashed and criticized due to the actions of UE's fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. UE sees it everyday in this world. Nobody in this world understands. UE has done much thinking, but UE's thinking has gotten UE nowhere. Thought and logic has lead UE in an infinitely repeating cycle like domain and range of sine cosine and tangent functions. UE's path leads UE to a never ending destination like the function 1/x, where the lines approach x and y axes but never touch. Forever approaching these lines, they forever approach these lines. UE is not eternal like these graphs... UE grows weary. UE grows tired. UE may just quit. Will UE bring an end to the world, by turning humanity against itself like the deep down savages that exist deep down in our hearts? Will UE bring to life our dark natures within all of us and watch the world cave in on itself? Does UE have such an ambition? Alas, UE does not know... Forever continues UE's never ending cycle of searching for UE's destiny. This dear Wikians is UE's prayer:
| | The BK is also an Enigma... |
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| Dear God,
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| I don't know what is going on... I have forever been wandering this life for so long... If you exist, do you not have a purpose for me? Have I been a good ambassador during my stay here? I think not... Why? Why has this fate befallen upon me? What am I to do? Where should I go? Tell me now... Have I done something wrong? Have I locked people out of my heart? Have I kept the peers of my school away from my heart, fear for what they may say to me? Tell me now, oh, Heavenly Father... Where lies my ambition? Does it lie within the hearts of people? Am I to edify this world? Am I to construct it? What purpose is there for me? If you exist, You will hear my prayer... You will hear my morning cry... Don't You hear the echoes of my sorrow? Don't You see me here typing a letter to You, for all to see? Save me now... Unlock my heart to the people of this world... I have faced too many failures with some success... Why? How long must I continue to face failures? How many times must I walk into brick walls during my journey through the darkness of this world? How many mountains must I climb? How many times must I fall? How many impediments are left for me to triumph??? If You exist, surely You can give me strength. My journey has yet to begin... The fight has yet to begin... I have faced many things through my journey with You... Forgive me if I have forsaken You. I am sorry Dad... Forgive me if You can hear me...
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| Dear, Wikians:
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| I have not set the best example to all of you that I should have. I am not here to Bible bash you all... No... I have better things to do with my time if you don't want what I have to offer or show you... I can't show you now... Forgive me if I have been, rather annoying. I have not been on my best behavior... I am going through a tough time right now. I am still trying to find what I should make out of myself in life. We shall see in the far future if I stay here that long... Who knows... You may even see me in the news or something weird like that. I'm bored now... I'm still confused... and wavering. I must go now. Good night/evening/afternoon/morning/day.
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Revision as of 15:10, 16 April 2010
The BK is also an Enigma...