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{{Key-blade master|time=04:45, February 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=I can't wait to get the game! And I'm kinda skeptical about the changed event scenes. But I hope they add a few hidden bosses like they did for the first game, however unlikely. But the changes sound fairly decent and not too bad. I can't wait!}}
{{Key-blade master|time=04:45, February 19, 2010 (UTC)|text=I can't wait to get the game! And I'm kinda skeptical about the changed event scenes. But I hope they add a few hidden bosses like they did for the first game, however unlikely. But the changes sound fairly decent and not too bad. I can't wait!}}
== Journal ==
{{DrK|text=Is there the equivalent of a Jiminy's Journal in this game?}}

Revision as of 15:55, 19 February 2010

TGS 2009 trailer...

Ok, from what I see, there is a video for the 2008 Jump Fiesta, the 2008 TGS, but there's no video for the 2009 TGS? Odd...are you sure that Square-Enix released a 2009 TGS trailer for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep?--Pkthis 21:21, October 19, 2009 (UTC)

KrspaceT; Where is that trailer!!!!! Call in the bloodhounds, the search satelittes and a turkey sandwitch ( searching make me famished)

every trailer square has had so far was in a closed theater. apparently someone couldn't smuggle in a camera this time.

(and yes there was a bloody trailer there were at least two other trailer summary's on this page removed because some Jack@$$ was to lazy to search you tube or just trust the crack news team who could get to japan)


i've noticed all the birth by sleep articles have already been "Dated" and it all seems a little fishy to me (who says the gathering place is at the end or enchanted kingdom is first, or maybe you have to revisit a world.)

Where are the articles "dated"? I can't find that anywhere. Remember; this game has three storylines. Terra's story, Ven's story and Aqua's story. It is confirmed that all the characters begin their story in the Land of Departure, but they will apparently go their separate ways as the story goes on. Their stories will probably end in The Gathering Place.
I am pretty positive that is the currently confirmed timeline:
  • Land of Departure
    • This is the beginning World!
    • Master Eraqus is seen presenting the Master Qualification exam to Terra and Aqua. Ven is apparently not ready for it/old enough/trained enough for it.
    • Terra receives advice from Master Xehanort, about controlling the darkness in his heart, rather than getting rid of it.
    • Ven encounters Vanitas and he tells Ven that Terra will change in the future (fall into Darkness?). He also tell Ven to follow him, to see it for himself.
    • Aqua gives her friends charms, as a promise that they'll meet again. She is also seen talking to Eraqus, saying that Terra won't fall into Darkness.
    • Aqua and Eraqus are seen asking Ven to stop while looking into the air (Ven is most likely "teleporting"). From this, we can assume that Terra went away first, and Ven follows Vanitas' advice and decided to follow him. Aqua then goes away, to look for both of them.
    • Anyway, the characters all leave this world at some point and go their separate ways to find Master Xehanort (and Vanitas) who have mysteriously disappeared.
  • Enchanted Dominion
    • I am pretty sure this is Terra's first world, since this is where he meets Maleficent and she tells him of the 7 princesses of light, and it's after that that he starts searching for them.
    • Someone arrives before Terra, since Aurora is asleep when he's there, but she has also been shown awake. Whether it is Ven or Aqua is unknown.
    • Ven and Aqua meet in this world, but that must be a 2nd visit (maybe only for either of them), since Maleficent has already spoken to Terra before she speaks to them.
    • Aqua encounters Maleficent again sometime later, without Ven, and asks her if what she said to Ven was a lie. Maleficent claims that it was the truth, and Terra now uses the darkness to gain power. Aqua is later seen battling her along with Philip.
    • Ven has also been shown to meet Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather in Aurora's "sleeping room".
  • Castle of Dreams
    • I'm guessing Ven comes here first and perhaps this is his first world.
    • Terra and Aqua meet in this world, so we can assume that they arrive around the same time. Aqua is also seen asking Jaq if he knows Ven, which he apparently does.
  • Dwarf Woodlands
    • Ven and Terra definitely arrive before Aqua, since Snow White hasn't eaten the poisoned apple when they're there, but she has been put in the glass coffin when Aqua first arrives.
    • I guess Terra arrives before Ven, because the Dwarfs are shown talking to him about another man being there before (possibly Terra). Another hint about that is that Terra is seen talking to the Queen in her normal form, while Ven encounters her in her "old hag" form.
  • Deep Space
    • Ven definitely arrives the last, since he asks 626 is he knows Terra and Aqua and he responds by saying they're his friends.
    • Aqua is the one to beat up Gantu, so I guess she comes first, but who knows...
  • Neverland
    • Not enough info to guess in which order they arrive, but we do know that Mickey apparently arrived before Ven, and left something there (a "star fragment").
    • Ven has only been seen encountering Tink and Peter in friendly conversation, and he also meets Hook, who is seen holding the Star fragment and Tinker Bell.
    • Aqua has been shown along with Peter, Tink and the Lost Boys and she seems to be giving them help with a map (treasure hunt?).
    • Terra has been shown in battle stance facing Peter at Skull Rock, but he also seems to have a friendly chat with the lost boys at the same place. Terra also encounters Hook, but they seem to be talking, rather than arguing.
  • Olympus Coliseum
    • Only Ven has been shown in this world, and there, he encounters Master Xehanort. he seems to give Ven quite a scare, and it looks like he is about to attack him as well.
    • It is unknown if the other will come to this world as well, thought I find it rather likely that there will be some kind of Games held there.
  • Yen Sid's Tower
    • Only Mickey, Donald and Goofy have been shown to appear here, along with Master Yen Sid, who is training Mickey.
    • It is unknown if the playable characters will arrive to this world.
  • Radiant Garden
    • We only have Ven and Terra confirmed, but I am 100% sure that Aqua will show up as well, as Braig has been confirmed to meet them all at some point.
    • Ven has been shown trying to access the castle, but being stopped by Dilan and Aeleus. Even is also seen talking to someone, about having a connection to that someone in the future.
    • Ven and Terra have also been seen "hanging" atop the Great Maw, and talking. There, Terra thanks Ven for saving him. Terra has also been shown holding Ven while Summoning his Keyblade in the Great Maw, talking to an unknown character (most likely Master Xehanort or Vanitas, but it could also be one of the apprentices).
  • Destiny Islands
    • Who knows when this one comes in... I'm guessing this is quite late in the game, at least in Ven and Aqua's story, since this is the place where he asks her to "erase" him (on the mainland).
    • It is unknown when Terra arrives to this world, but he is seen standing on the island shore and watching the young Sora and Riku fight with their toy swords. Perhaps he chose Riku that time, and that might be what the Lingering sentiment (Terra in KHIIFM) is blabbing about.
  • The Gathering Place
    • This world will definitely appear in the end (most likely the last world) and all the character's stories will cross here. This will be at the Keyblade War area.
    • Another area of this world will appear at least twice during the story of Terra and Ven;
      • Terra is seen meeting Master Xehanort there, and he seems to be telling Terra to "cross over to his origin" and that he's tired of waiting for him. It is unknown if this is in the same conversation, but Master Xehanort also talks about Vanitas' fall into darkness, and he asks Terra to "undo his mistake". it is also unknown in which of their conversation Terra says that he doesn't care about being a Master, and asks what Xehanort has done to "his firend's" Heart. This all takes place in "the gathering place", where the lingering sentiment is fought in KHIIFM.
      • Ven has been shown to encounter Vanitas here, asking about the meaning of his words back in the Land of Departure. They are later seen clash there (and Ven seems surprised that Vanitas has a Keyblade!), and even alter, Ven is seen lying on the ground. Mickey then comes to his aid. This is either at the same place as Terra and Xehanort meet, or in a new area that looks similar...
I hope that helps someone... - IceboySvalur! 19:17, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

FF characters that would be in BbS

Has nobody brought this up? i was just sitting here in class thinking "i wonder what ff characters would go well in this game..." i was thinkin Cloud and Zack, but the timing doesnt really fit seeing that BbS is 10 years befor KH n the time befor Crisis Core to FF7 is about 5 years right? itd also be ok to include onion night or worrior of light maby? what do you guys think?

Needs moar Garland Kaihedgie 20:31, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

High School Musical

I know it's probably impossible, but I kinda have a small hope that HSM would be involved in this game. If not in this, then perhaps the next one.

--Charmed-Jay 21:02, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

Not a chance.--NinjaSheik 21:06, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

People, if you really think Square is gonna put that Disney Channel crap in KH, go stick your head in a bucket of ice water. If that doesn't work, a lobotomy is also recommended.

Okay, hey! That's not very nice. You don't have to be rude, even if it's the truth.--NinjaSheik 21:16, October 29, 2009 (UTC)

Hey, I was just thinking, okay? If you don't like the idea, then you might as well throw yourself into the ocean.

Charmed-Jay 06:18, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

Excuse me, then, it's about a twenty-minute walk...—Urutapu 07:09, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

Instead of arguing, we could try to look at this from both sides. Amongst reasons why it might not be included are: The game is probably almost finished, and trying to rush in another world could end up just as bad as trying to work sonic into the subspace emissary. As catchy and lively as all the songs are, they just don't really fit the feel or the mood of what has been seen so far of bbs. As far as reasons why it could be in there are: If they can think up a scenario for the 100 acre wood, then they could probably make one for hsm. Even just a mention of hsm would probably be enough for some outrageously obsessed people to buy the game, and that means they get more of what they want, which is money. 14:32, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

I've got to agree with Maggosh and Urutapu here. HSM is terrible, just terrible.Glorious CHAOS! 14:50, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

All right, that's it! Let's drop the subject. I was just saying this to a discussion page. if nobody agrees, then it's nothing to talk. besides, my message says "i have a small hope", i'm just hoping for a silly thing, what's with all the dramatic discussion?

let's just drop the subject, okay. just drop it

Charmed-Jay 15:10, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

You know I would go all for it, with KH having a High School Muscial world. I was hoping it will be in KH358/2 Days but it didn't get out. Right now I don't care about HSM anymore if its gonna be out in BBS or other seaqul I'm okay with it. But what is with you guy saying about Charrmed-Jay he just wishing about a disney world thats all. Cococrash11

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Um, no. HSM was made by Disney Channel, not Disney all by its onesy, savvy? You don't put sitcoms in an action RPG. It's not done.

Sora would be like "WTH!"--User:PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart/sig 12:58, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

9 years or 10 years?

Why does people kept saying Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep is 10 years before KHI its 9 years for the first game and KHII is the one that was 10 years ago. Didn't you guys remember Leon saying in KHI that his home world was devoured by the Heartless 9 years ago. It is suppose to be 1 year later after KHI and KHCOM and in KHII that is 10 years before Leon saying the year is nine and in KHII it is 10 years when he says. I know the last sentece doesn't make sense or had some bad grammer but my point is that BBS is 10 years before KHII not KHI. KHI is 9 years before. I just want to get this year thing clear out. Cococrash11

Not necessarily. You see, it takes time for something like this to happen. And it was said that this Xehanort lost his memory when he became Ansem's apprentice. There is a chance it dates back to 10 years before KH1 began, because the Radiant Garden was first world to turn into disaster. So it could take a year for all that to happen before Leon left it.

Charmed-Jay 08:04, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

It's 10 years, Sora is 4 and Riku is 5, when they are 14 and 15 in the first game. I can assume you can do math to figure out how we got there...--User:PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart/sig 13:06, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

It is 10 years in KHII and KHI is 9 years. Sora is 14 years old in KHI and 9 years ago in KHBBS and Sora is at KHII is 15 years old it is 10 years when he was 5 you guys do the math. Cococrash11

Nine years prior to the events of KHI, Hollow Bastion was taken over by "Ansem" and Leon and the others had to go to Traverse Town. THAT was 9 years prior to KHI! Now, if we say that BBS begins 10 years prior to KHI, then it makes sense! The timeline of BBS could be during weeks or even months! When Xehanort was found by Ansem, it seems that the three Keyblade heroes from BBS were nowhere to be found, and that might mean that one of them is indeed the Xehanort we've all come to know and lov— hate :P Xehanort must have been Ansem's apprentice for quite some time before he and the other 5 took over Radiant Garden and banished Ansem to the realm of Nothingness. THAT happens 9 years prior to KHI! Then "Ansem" and the other six eventually gave in to the Darkness and became nobodies, but Xehanort's Heartless remained in Human form and continued their business. This makes sence, ya? - IceboySvalur! 09:32, November 1, 2009 (UTC)


File:TAV Vevicles.png

Vanitas Awakening (Art) KHBBS.png
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.pngI found these on the official BbS site. Note how they look like each rider's keyblade. We need a place to put this

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Indeed we do.
Xiggie Buy / Sell Welcome! What do you wanna do?

Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 13:53, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

green.png Wait a second! remember how the Lingering Sentiment could transform his keyblade into stuff? one of those was THIS thing (at the top)! I think that this is definitely their way of getting around the universe! this should be on their keyblade articles...
maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

I do believe it is now...

It shall be interesting as to how this is explained in BbS as the previous games said that travel was impossible until the DtD was opened. Hopefully we see some insight into that explanation soon.

Automated transfer of Problem Report #25988

The following message was left by Dullfangs via PR #25988 on 2009-10-18 03:41:09 UTC

grammatical error in the World section: "Castle Oblivion might appear due to it's unknown past as well as it's supposed connections to the Chambers of Repose and Waking."

should read: "Castle Oblivion might appear due to its unknown past as well as its supposed connections to the Chambers of Repose and Waking."

Theme song

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

This section needs to be removed. NOTHING has been confirmed yet. We've had Fate of the Unknown up until now, and everyone thinks it's official because they used a different song? No.
Xiggie Buy / Sell Welcome! What do you wanna do?

Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 23:45, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Untitled-1.png Yes, it sort of has been confirmed! so far, they've always used the game's theme song in their trailers and commercials or some battle music. Since Simple and Clean (Hikari) is not a battle theme, so I think we can safely assume that this will be the game's theme song!

Don't they always use Hikari for the TV spots? Even the ones for KH2 and Days? HarpieSiren 23:55, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

No, they used Sanctuary/Passion. Not exactly helping my case here...

Xiggie Buy / Sell Welcome! What do you wanna do?

Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 11:05, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

Untitled-1.png in a recent interview with Nomura, he stated that the theme song would be Hikari/Simple and Clean. Here's that little bit:

-- We’ve seen some scenes from the opening movie, what is the song that will be playing this time?
Nomura:' The same song we’ve been using, Hikaru Utada’s “Hikari”. Setting that alongside the movie, we put in scenes that echo the secret movie from KHIIFM, with scenes of their training, and scenes with them holding their charms.

I'm gonna add that information to the article, oh and BTW, I am pretty sure that "scenes of their training" is a reference to the Aqua vs. Terra thing.

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! You need to see it with your own eyes. When you stop being yourself.

Show me your strength!

From watching the opening video, I can confirm the Theme Song is Hikari/Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru, only in its PlanetB Remix.


Kairi (Live talk sprite) 2 KHCOM.gif
Ninabean822 - No matter what, I'll always be with you.
TALK - Sora, don't ever change.
hey guys (^-^) i found a new trailer for bbs that i think u guys should check out :)


maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Did you REALLY think we didn't know about it? It's on BbS' page, for crying out loud.

Zack Fair could be in this game. Look at 0:07 of the latest commercial. (He's talking to Hercules) --Silver Mage Ω 08:24, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Damn, you're late. He's been confirmed two weeks ago Kaihedgie 08:43, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, dude. I've been out of touch. Was only looking at FFXIII. Also, I've been cleaning up the DMC wiki. Apologies, I just found out yesterday :P --Silver Mage

Awakening in BBS

At the beginning of the commerical, that was Awakening. I don't know if anyone else noticed, or if it has already been noted on the Awakening page, but it was there.--User:PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart/sig 23:23, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah it's already in the Awakening page, actually its been there for like two days:-).--Masgrande 20:30, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

Non Existent Voices

I think somebody went crazy with the voice actors section.--Masgrande 20:22, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

No its accurate. has already confirmed most o the enlgish voice actors already...

You can't trust IMDB. As you see, they still have Japanese actors on there. That's just a "guess" of who's to be voicing them, the actors from the characters main series. Wait for confirmation from the actors themselves. - Eternal Nothingness XIII

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

That's why I'm sticking to emailing all the voice actors on the list.

We should take down all of that voicing data. Don't want all those people to get, y'know, FIRED71.54.128.73 02:31, December 23, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

...Who are you?

An anon who recognizes that these confirmations fly in the face of Disney and Square's confidentiality contracts,possibly leading to some form of corperate retrobution.Also that didn't sound very polite you big MEANIE. 15:36, December 23, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

You seem to LIKE to put EMPHASIS on random WORDS like a Frank Miller comic BOOK.

Regardless, these have been confirmed without any breaches in their confidentiality agreements.

It was hardly random, the first post emphasized they would be fired as the most important part of the sentence that I wished to emote on,and I was trying to reflect my hurt at your impolite meanness in my second post. 17:34, December 23, 2009 (UTC)

Jump Festa 2010

Yay finally another trailer. It seems Lea and Saix are confirm and they too are for radiant garden, lets hope the info is real.--Masgrande 05:04, December 19, 2009 (UTC)

  • Hmm....I hope they have ALL the organization members in the game. They already have members 1-8. Hopefully they are able to squeeze Numbers 9-12 in there...I always wondered about Luxord's real name and Past........

Khinsider made a more detailed impression of the trailer so here it is: DiZ is probably the one doing the narration...

DiZ: “Everything is born from sleep. Yes, even you...” Ven is sleeping on a chair. We don’t know where it is, but is this the “Room of Awakening”?

Birth by Sleep

In Land of Departure Eraqus is speaking with Xehanort Xehanort: “There is only a little that has come down to us about the Keyblade Wars. After the destruction creation slept. After the Keyblade Wars what slept? Are we destined to discover the light and be equal to it as it says in the legend? That is what I want to find out.”

In Land of Departure Terra and Aqua are trying to comfort Ven who looks depressed. Terra: “My dream is to become a Keyblade Master.” Aqua: “You mean it’s “our” dream, right?” Terra: “Right. All of us. It’s our dream.” Terra hands over a wooden keyblade. (On it is written “TERRA”)

In the Mysterious Tower Ven appears in front of Donald and Goofy Donald: “Gaaaaaaaaaah!?” Wrapped in light and unconscious [? maybe unconscious ‘fallen’] Ven us holding the King’s “star fragment” in his hand. Donald: “The King!?” Goofy: “Nope, doesn’t look like it.”

In Castle of Dreams Terra talks with the Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother: “Terra, do you have a heart that believes in dreams?”

In Disney Town Captain Justice appears in front of Aqua. Captain Justice: “Captain Justice at your service!” Aqua: “Huh?” (cocks her head)

In Neverland Peter Pan appears in front of Ven. Lost Boys: “Peter Pan!” Peter Pan: “Who’s this?”

In Disney Town Terra seems to be asking Chip and Dale something. Chip: “What are you doing!” Dale: “That’s against the rules!” Minnie: “No, I don’t think we can accept that...”

In Olympus Colosseum Zack asks Aqua out on a date. Zack: “Hey, want to go on a date with me? Just one?” Aqua: “I.. I...” Aqua tries to decline.

In Dwarf Woodlands Ven is comforting Snow White. Ven: “A heart that is scared will see illusions.”

In Olympus Colosseum Hercules talks with Terra. Hercules: “Someday I’ll be a champ too, and then I’ll become a hero.”

In Deep Space Aqua gives 626 a charm. Aqua: “This will be my connection to you.” 626: “?” Aqua: “Will you be my friend?”

In Olympus Colosseum Hades tries talking to Terra. Hades: “Why don’t you try controlling the darkness and becoming even more powerful?”

In Castle of Dreams, Ven and Jaq have made Cinderella’s dress. Jaq: “Hurry! The ball is going to start soon!” Cinderella: “Thank you so much.”

In Neverland Peter Pan hands Aqua a wooden keyblade. Aqua: “This...” Peter Pan: “Ven left that behind.”

In Dwarf Woodlands the Queen laughs as she makes Snow White eat the poison apple.

In Enchanted Dominion Terra seems to have realized something. Terra: “What did you make me do!?”

In the wastelands Mickey stands over Ven, who has fallen. Mickey: “A keyblade isn’t something you use to hurt people!” He is pointing his keyblade at someone.

[Hikari plays]

Scenes from the opening movie and the Birth by sleep secret movie play. - Terra and Aqua fight. - Vanitas holds out his hand to Ven. (Reminiscent of the opening to KHII with Sora and Riku.) - TAV look at the charm they hold in their hands. - Three stained glass floors - Ven is running. You can’t tell where, but afterward the darkness turns to light. - Terra runs, in a place that looks like Castle Oblivion. Afterward the light turns to darkness. - Aqua looks worried, holding her hands to her chest. - Aqua then Terra then Ven fall with a lot of keyblades. Ven smashes the stained glass floor (Maybe the picture is Sora or Roxas?)

- Radiant Garden, Terra and Xehanort. Xehanort: “Aqua and Ventus have light that is too strong, it will just make the darkness inside you more apparent.”

- In Land of Departure Eraqus asks something of Aqua. Eraqus: “If the unthinkable happens and Terra really falls into darkness, bring him back to me immediately.”

Enchanted Dominion, Maleficent makes Terra’s darkness stronger. Maleficent: “Look, look at the darkness that sleeps inside you.”

Land of Departure, Ven and Vanitas Ven: “Who are you?” Vanitas: “You’ll have to see for yourself, when Terra will stop being Terra.”

Radiant Garden, Xehanort speaks with Terra. They’re outside. Xehanort: “You should know him, the masked boy. His name is Vanitas.”

Radiant Garden, Vanitas has fallen and Aqua gets close to him and tries to take off his mask. Aqua: “Just who are...?” Vanitas: “Hahahahahaha” (He suddenly starts laughing.)

Radiant Garden, Xehanort tries to get Terra to leave. They’re inside. Xehanort: “Travel the worlds! And destroy that one who disturbed the balance, Vanitas!”

Mysterious Tower, Mickey and Yen Sid. Yen Sid: “Mickey, it seems something terrible is going to happen.”

Wastelands, Xehanort and Ven who is holding his head, the King has fallen. Xehanort: “You are losing [yourself?], you must take it all back, grab it anew!”

Unknown place, Someone is talking with Vanitas ??? (Xehanort?): “How is he, Ventus?” Vanitas: “I must make him stronger.” Vanitas holds his mask.

Destiny Island, Riku talks with Terra. Terra: “Why do you want to go to other worlds?” Riku: “I want to become stronger.”

Radiant Garden Aqua and the King have just save (?) Kairi. Aqua: “I feel a light in this girl.” The King: “There might be something special in this girl.” Kairi just stares at them.

Radiant Garden, Ven runs past the two guardsmen. Ven: “Leave him to me!” Eleaus: “Wait!” Dilan: “What can a child do!?”

Radiant Garden, Braig laughs slightly. Braig: “You mean this kid is actually a pretty good keyblade wielder?”

Radiant Garden, Ven seems to have rescued Ienzo. Even: “It seems we owe you thanks.”

Radiant Garden, Lea (Axel’s human) and a boy (Saix’s human, name unknown) are looking at Ven. Boy: “Looks like you’re all ready to do it.” Lea: “Of course, because we’re already friends. Got it memorized?”

Radiant Garden, the air is tense around Terra, Ven and Aqua. Aqua: “I thought it when I saw you leave for other worlds. I thought you are getting too close to the darkness.” Ven: “Aqua, what are you saying!? Terra wouldn’t...” Terra: “So you’ve been watching me...” Ven looks surprised, Aqua looks serious.

Birth by sleep Secret Movie, Aqua is glaring at someone, and Ven is covered in ice though he hasn’t given up yet. “The bond of our hearts isn’t something that can be broken so easily by someone like you!”

Land of Departure, Eraqus is pointing his keyblade at someone. “You shouldn’t exist!”

Battle, Minigame, Multiplayer Style Change “Wing Blade” “Ice Blast” Shoot Lock “Ultima Cannon” “Multi Vortex” D-LINK “Donald” Command Board “100 Acre Wood” “Disney Town” “Land of Departure” Land of Departure special move “Keyblade Ride”, allows you to move where you want. Etc.

Narration and scenes from the BbS secret movie.

DiZ: “The world has been almost been swallowed by darkness many times, but always a keyblade wielding boy has come to save it.” - Land of Departure is swallowed in darkness, Terra looks up at it. - Place unknown, Xehanort vs. Terra? Xehanort: “You won’t be able to Ventus or Aqua!” Terra: “I won’t forgive for this Xehanort!” Xehanort: “Yes, let anger fill your heart with darkness!” As Xehanort says, Terra starts pulsating with a dark aura.

DiZ: “Perhaps if it is him... the boy who can connect his heart with anyone...” - Sora watching falling stars. - On Destiny Island (?) a baby Ven is wrapped in white cloth and looks towards the sky. - Aqua stands in front of Castle Oblivion. - Vanitas stabs his keyblade into a fallen Aqua. - Unknown place. Aqua is pointing her keyblade at someone. Aqua: “My name is Master Aqua. And you will return my friend’s heart!”

DiZ: “Then he will be able to open the door and save those unhappy souls.” - Ven glares at someone. He is synchronizing with that “someone” [what? I don’t really understand what this means... maybe it needs to be seen.] - Aqua stands in a world of darkness and cries. - Terra stabs his keyblade into the wasteland. - A place that looks like Dive to Heart, Ven stands on the stained glass and yells. Ven: “Our connected hearts are my power!”

DiZ: “His name is...” - On Destiny Island, Sora stares at the sunset (wearing his clothes from KHII_

Title Logo

Awesome ain't it--Masgrande 04:17, December 20, 2009 (UTC)


Ienzo was in trouble!?! What a trobulesome child. I can't believe him.--NinjaSheik 04:26, December 20, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks a lot Kingdom Hearts. This game now looks so awesome that I must get a PSP. Anybody else have Return of the Jedi flashbacks when they read the "Yes, let anger fill your heart with darkness"? --LapisScarab 04:41, December 20, 2009 (UTC)+

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

And then MX casts massive Thundagas at him, and eventually Vanitas picks him up and drops MX into a...pit.

Yeah, I just spoiled BbS for you. :P

Sora (Antiform) KHII.png
ZALGO THE IMMINENT! - Who...puts an evac station...up thirty flights of stairs?
TALK - Hey, maybe the helicopter...maybe it's made o' chocolate!
Maggosh, you just made my day with that...


Thomaskh2 Discussion — Our connected hearts are my power!

Is that Mickey's star fragment?

Vsymbol1.png Peter Pan in D-Link ?! Really ?!

RedemptionUltima - What IS he!?! No one's EVER worn the darkness the way that he does! It's impossible!
TALK - See my illusion!

Japanese Voice Acting

Since theres a section about english voice acting shouldn't there be a a list of Japanese voice actor? --Cococrash11 03:07, December 23, 2009 (UTC)Cococrash11

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

If you don't mind, I'll answer your answer with a question; can you speak Japanese?
We generally don't list the casts in the game articles. ETA: I assume it's just to keep a running tally on what English VAs are confirmed. Right?HarpieSiren 03:11, December 23, 2009 (UTC)
maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Right. It should be removed by the time the NA version is released and the cast list is revealed.


Ataradesu]] Qu'as-tu fait à son coeur ? — 12:22, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png Do we know anything about them ? Is this a Mode Change available near the middle/end of the game ? Is it some kind of limit mode ? A mode like Dark Mode ? Or will the heroes just wear that 24h/24 till you reached some point in the story. Can we remove them ? What does it do exactly ? Shouldn't a page be created for them ? Thanks for helping me out, if you have any info. ;)

Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngI hope it be a Mode like Dark Mode but i think it will be like sometimes we use sometimes we don't use it, about creating a page it is a good idea but we need more information first

Any word on Sephiroth

Has anyone heard if Sephiroth is going to be featured in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep? I have reason to believe that he 'may' appear in Birth by Sleep because of the descriptions set in Jimmy's Journal about him:

Kingdom Hearts

No one knows why he has suddenly returned.

Apparently, he and Cloud have crossed paths before.

Kingdom Hearts II

For a long time Sephiroth's whereabouts were unknown, and no one can say for sure why he has returned.

He seems to have some connection to Cloud's past.

If you noticed, it says in both descriptions that he has "Suddenly returned". Could he perhaps have been a key character in Birth by Sleep? And perhaps would the relation between Cloud and Sephiroth be explained in this? Might explain how they have crossed paths before...--Pkthis 20:42, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

Thomaskh2 Discussion — Our connected hearts are my power!

Hearts that are scared will show you illusions.

Vsymbol1.png It seems not possible beceause Nomura has said that Zack is the only Final Fantasy's charchater who appears in Birth by Sleep.

Course, Nomura may not want to give away information about the secret boss at this point.(In the same interview that stated Zack would be going solo this time, nomura mentioned that Cloud and Squall were considered to appear but removed because there'd be too damn many characters and subplots in Radiant Garden)

My take on the secret boss issue: "Enough expository banter!Now we fight like men!And ladies!And men who look like ladies!For's morphing time!" 04:40, December 27, 2009 (UTC)

Although Gilgamesh would be an amazing secret boss, him or *cough*Kefka*cough*, Nomura did say that Zach is the only Final Fantasy character in the game except for the moogles. My thoughts are that it will be a Disney character of an original character that we have not seen yet. Maybe Marluxia's somebody? Who knows. - HeartOfOblivion 05:08, December 27, 2009 (UTC)

Ataradesu]] Qu'as-tu fait à son coeur ?
Vsymbol.png Obviously not since he also said the members of orga XIII present in the games stop at number 8, Axel. but it could easily be Sora, Xemnas, or Xehanort, maybe.

Crispin Freeman

Vanitas Awakening (Art) KHBBS.png
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.pngThink it's possible that he's voicing Terra since he voiced Setzer in khII and Setzer's Japanese voice actor voiced Terra?

Symbol - Identity Disk.png
FA icon.png Possibly - at least we won't have Jesse McCartney, David Gallagher or Osment hogging the limelight for once. :P (Well, McCartney's voicing Ven, no doubt, but yeah, you get the point.)

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:56, January 14, 2010 (UTC)


First off, the Jump Festa and TFS trailers need to be replaced with the raw trailers, not fan-subtitled. For one, it seems to present the subtitles as official, for two, if there are inaccuracies, then it will only cause confusion, and for three, it seems inappropriate to use edited materials in the mainspace.

Second off, we need to remember that when the game is released, those trailer sections will be reduced to a video gallery.

Finally, the trailer sections need to be cracked down upon - the JF 2010 has no cohesive unity, and reads like someone on E. Different scenes should have different paragraphs, and absolutely no speculation, or design descriptions (like the Lea bit) should be made - just describe the events of the trailer.Glorious CHAOS! 05:28, December 29, 2009 (UTC)


Since Land of Departure is gonna be consume by darkness I hope we get to fight/see some heartless.--Masgrande 01:52, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! You need to see it with your own eyes. When you stop being yourself.

Show me your strength! — 20.11

It's unlikely, because the Heartless were created by Xehanort, who shows up after Birth by Sleep, and the Darkness probably stems from Master Xehanort or Terra. Or both, because they seem to be linked to the Xehanort we know. Anyway, no Heartless appear, as the Unversed are the enemies of the game.

From what I seen heartless(pureblood) appear in one cutscene and the nobodies too, can I mark their pages without getting into trouble.--Masgrande 10:39, January 9, 2010 (UTC)


do you guys think we should lock this due to how close the JPN release date is?

This should be brought before an admin. They're in charge of locking the pages. But yes, it should. I'd say it should only be for registered users. This goes for all the Birth by Sleep articles, as well. - EternalNothingnessXIII 10:47, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

Another Dive

this just surface on kh insider about a new game in teh serie called "another dive" it is to be a follow up to the secret ending of BBS it is rumord to be for the ps3, can any body plz giive a comfimation.--Zonnic2 13:33, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.

Anger and hate are supreme! — 20.07

Well, Square Enix did post a link about this Another Dive, but it doesn't go anywhere. It is rumoured to be a spin-off, but how many points of view do we need? Where the hell is my Xehanort spin-off?! The rumours appear to be just that. Rumours. No official details exist, and I think that someone is just screwing with us. It's not likt the other trailers, because as far as we know, this info doesn't exist. Again, where is my Xehanort spin-off?! I know you can see this Nomura!


Master Xehanort Talk to Me! Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.

Anger and hate are supreme! — 21.52

Does anyone know why there are only 14 worlds confirmed? For a game that is supposed to be so expansive, it seems lacking. I assume that not all of the worlds were released, and there are as many as KH, but they are being kept under wraps to be a surprise for us.

XIII-DARKNESS My friends are my power ! — 22:03, January 7, 2010 (UTC)
Vsymbol.png I think it might be because you visit it them with all three characters and they all have they diffrant story there.

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! The Keyblades and the legend of the Keyblade War has been passed down to us.

Yes, let your angry heart be stained in darkness! — 19.38

That makes sense. From what I've seen, each of the three have unique situations, such as battles and conversations that the others don't have. So it makes sense in that respect. And I realised that Birth by Sleep has as many worlds as the Original KH, so it probably is more expansive for gameplay and story line.

Playable Order

Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

I heard that there was some sort of order that was suggested for playing. Like... what order should I play as Terra, Aqua, and Ven? Should it be Terra, Ven, Aqua... Ven, Aqua, Terra? I dunno. Could someone help me out?
Symphony Master
LevL Fear my mighty instruments!
The recommended order is Terra, Ven, Aqua.

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! You need to see it with your own eyes. When you stop being yourself.

Show me your strength! — 19.41

Well, I intend to play Ven, Aqua, Terra. Mainly because I want the end of Terra's story to be a surprise. If I do it first, it'll spoil the rest of the game for me. That, and I want to play in order that I met the characters through the wiki.

update needed (I think)

I think the game has been released in Japan. In any case, it's already January 9 there. --Ixfd64 03:14, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png We're well aware that the game was released early, but the pages have been locked to stop the inevitable surge of speculation. We will update the pages (hopefully) as soon as we get footage of playthroughs.

Secret Ending

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! Heed me, Kingdom Hearts! Lend me your power, so that we may be complete! The power to erase the fools that hinder us.

Anger and hate are supreme! — 17.04

I just watched the 'Secret' ending on BbS, and it annoyed me. Aqua and Ansem meet before a roulette of Characters utter 'Sora'. It gears itself for a new game, and ends with the tagline: 'Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts'. What the hell does that mean?! Is there a new game planned?! I want to know! Give me answers Nomura!

Sora (Final Form) KHII.png
LOMI, Voice of Nothing Master of Fiction

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! You need to see it with your own eyes. When you stop being yourself.

Show me your strength! — 17.29

I know what you mean. It just seems that Kingdom Hearts is being dragged out incessantly, in order to rake in more revenue. Don't get me wrong. I love the games, I'd just like clear, defined points, and a focus on the real story, where it starts, and where it will end. We can't keep a series going for a decade on the one story. It gets repitive. Unlike Final Fantasy, Kigdom Hearts has not moved to Alternate worlds/dimensions between each game. Just stop dragging it out!

English Release Date

Master Xehanort Talk to Me! You need to see it with your own eyes. When you stop being yourself.

Show me your strength! — 17.27

Does anyone know the NA and EU release dates for BbS? Usually after it comes out in Japan, or just before that, we get the dates. Does anyone have them?

Does anybody know if this video I found is actually the opening to BBS? Here's the link: -- 21:33, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

I heard a rumor that NA/EU realease is 5/15/10. - User:One-Winged Angel 19:00 January 11, 2010

No.i - I'm Ventus. Call me Ven.
TALK - Leave this to me! ~ 01:51, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
it has been announced it will be released on june 1st, i'm gonna put it on the page alright?
And who announced this, exactly?—Urutapu 01:54, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
No.i - I'm Ventus. Call me Ven.
TALK - Leave this to me! ~
here is the URL

Info. Addition

AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
Why are we discussusing what we know about BBS, but not adding the information to other articles?(e.g. Terra being Xehanort)

If we know true facts, why don't we try to update the articles?

Saxisai Chat it up! — AHAHAHAHAHA!!

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png That boy is a monster infused with darknessSaxisai 08:22, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

because they dont want the story to be ruined for some people, even though if they click on their "My Home" page, it shows every single revision and edit made. So they locked the important threads so that nobody can edit them.
AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
Ah, I understand now, but (random, stupid question here), why would they look at the important articles if they would have large spoilers? Characters like Vanitas and Terranort, people would know that extreme spoilers would be dished out, so they wouldn't look at the articles. If they know not to look, wouldn't it be safe to add the info?
Saxisai Chat it up! — AH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Sorry, I just found it funny for some reason when you tried to take off my mask!"Saxisai 16:03, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

In my opinion yes, it would be safe to add the information IF and ONLY IF you add spoiler tags around what you put in, but once again, for the people who don't want to know the info, they cant even go to their home page or the forums because there are so many spoilers that cant be filtered....
I think they're also paranoid that a translation pandemic is going to happen like it did for the last game.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
If we DO put spoiler tags, can we put the information? For all we know, there could be people who want to see what's going on in BBS. I'm just sayin'. And I do agree that people can't go on the forums of their home page due to spoilers, but they don't have spoiler tags. So if we add the spoiler tags, can we put the info?
Saxisai Chat it up! — Hmmmmm...

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Think think think think think think think..."Saxisai 17:22, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it worked for my page, X-Blade, so I don't see why not...
AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
I fixed my box. Thanks for helping.

Okay, what if other users revert/delete what I would write?

Saxisai Talk if you must... — This is my story,

Guardian_Soul_Battlefields_of_WarResize.jpg "and you're not part of it!"Saxisai 02:44, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Nothing should get deleted if it is valid and has the correct spoiler tag placement
Just another Nobody - "But don't waste your time. We Nobodies can never hope to be Somebodies."
TALK - Think I'll pass, my heart just wouldn't be in it, y'know?
Now we CAN'T edit any BBS-related articles until April, because some user protected them... This stinks.
KrytenKoro - Pinocchio with his nose attached to the trigger of a rifle, which points at his face as he says, "I want to live!"
You could possibly discuss the spoiler policy on the forums, as was requested, or discuss additions to the page using this talk page, as was requested.
Saxisai Chat it up! — Hmmmmm...

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Think think think think think think think..."Saxisai 02:59, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Not entirely true, there are some articles that aren't locked. And you can also still create your own articles, like I did for my X-Blade article (before it got turned into X-Blade - dont ask :P)

Oh, and everything KrytenKoro said

AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
"Everything KrytenKoro said...?"

So... what other worlds do you think thta might be in BBS?

Saxisai Chat it up! — Do you remember

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "when the world was a simpler place?"Saxisai 00:47, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

"everything krytenkoro said", i mean everything that they posted, look above my previous post.

And all the worlds have already been revealed

Secret boss

It appears that light of a hidden boss battle in Birth by Sleep has come out thanks to a ripped track in the game which appears to be another remix of Destati. Who/what the boss is has yet to be found. Kaihedgie 17:09, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

AntMan9751 - "Man I miss the old times..Still got it memorized?"
TALK - He made me I had a heart. It's kinda funny...
Maybe its's the Darkside that Aqua encounters

D.Dark - Master of lame names!
TALK - D.Dark. 02:32, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
Ooo i love Destati *hums in head*. *SPOILER* Hope it will be like in the cutscene where Aqua is surrounded by 4 Darksides. *SPOILER* Well it would be nice if each character had like a secret/superboss to fight.
Don't know if any of you noticed this but the Darksides that surrounded Aqua were all destroyed in the same cutscene.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
Symbol - Magic Hat.png
FA icon.png Exactly.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:05, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

A reliable source said that the secret boss is the spirit of Vanitas. [2]Vaddie 05:34, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

I was sure they'd put in a secret boss, only that I didn't know where and when it'd be. Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban ! 06:02, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
I was disappointed when there was no secret boss in Chain of Memories. And the Dustflier in Days was kind of disappointing. That fight better be good.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

New info guys. From the look of things you fight Terranort as Aqua in the Last Episode. Only this time, he's using the Guardian. [3] Vaddie 17:23, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Saxisai Chat it up! — Hmmmmm...

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Think think think think think think think..."Saxisai 17:40, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Wait, do you mean the dark guardian that Ansem SoD uses or do you mean the literal Guardian that you linked to?

Yeah, the dark Guardian from KH1. Here's a video for the secret boss, an unversed Vanitas.[4] Vaddie 17:47, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Saxisai Chat it up! — OH MY GOD!

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Look at my face!"Saxisai 17:58, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

HOLY CRAP! That was a 1 hit KO! But didn't you say that it was Terranort? this is Vanitas....
No no no, Xehanort is the final boss. Vanitas Sentiment is the secret boss.—Urutapu 18:22, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
Saxisai Chat it up! — Hmmmmm...

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Think think think think think think think..."Saxisai 18:28, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Then why was he talking about the Dark Guardian? I have no memory of this

EDIT: and i know that xehanort is the final boss

I can't wait to fight that boss! I'm also dreading it. But it is disappointing it wasn't something more interesting. Although Vanitas looks awesome in black and white.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
Saxisai Chat it up! — OH MY GOD!

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Look at my face!"Saxisai 18:52, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

You just gave me an excelent idea....which you will find out later :P
I have a feeling I know what it is but I will wait to see if I'm right. Which I probably am.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

Not a Sentiment. Just another Absent Silhouette. Probably the first in existence. Kaihedgie 19:50, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Saxisai Chat it up! — Do you remember

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "when the world was a simpler place?"Saxisai 19:56, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Nevermind, I don't like the way it turned out, so I didn't bother adding it...I don't like how my picture in this one got pixelated either...

Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say that Terranort was the TRUE final boss in the game. The Unversed Vanitas was the secret boss. Vaddie 01:42, January 12, 2010 (UTC)

Games getting more feminine?

Has anyone else noticed that Kingdom Hearts games are starting to get more feminine as they go? Like Kingdom Hearts 1 wasn't really a big deal, big then chain of memories...Marluxia? Pink Hair?

and in BBS a MAL protaganist named TERRRA? Is that really a MALE name? and it appears tome that terra is wearing some kind of skirt.

First of all, Marluxia was originally supposed to be a female. But they changed their minds, but kept the design and name, hence the feminine-ness. Second, Terra means "earth" in Latin and can be used as a guy or girl name. And third, while I can't remember what it's called, it is not a skirt.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
Saxisai Chat it up! — Hmmmmm...

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Think think think think think think think..."Saxisai 17:07, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

It's not a skirt, it is a type of pants that Samurai's wear, look them up

(ever seen Bleach? it's similar to what they wear, or Afro Samurai)

Gah! What the heck is the name!? I can't think of it but I know I know it! So frustrating!
Randomnessity Well, you won't vanish from my memories.
Saxisai Chat it up! — AH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!

Unversed logo (removed) KHBBS.png "Sorry, I just found it funny for some reason when you tried to take off my mask!"Saxisai 17:17, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

They are Hakama pants...or at least thats what I was taught

(Oh, and Eraqus wears them too)

Right! That's it!
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

Spoiler Tags

Vanitas Awakening (Art) KHBBS.png
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person
Vanitas Sprite KHBBS.pngThink instead of having the word 'Spoiler' around sensitive info, we should have spoiler tags, that way if someone looks a a page that has spoilers on it, they don't accidentally catch something they didnt want to before they could look away?

Final Boss

Just to remind you guys in BBS it had 3 diffrent Final Bosses for TAV and the final. For Terra its Terra-Xehanort. For Ventus its Vanitas. For Aqua its Vanitas possed Ventus. For the final its Terra-Xehanort. --Cococrash11 05:33, January 13, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

100 Acre woods

Is the 100 acre wood available as a playable world, as the trailer with Rabbit suggests? If not, then how is Rabbits section presented to the viewer? ED1-T0R 16:33, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

Mickey (Talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.png
Birth By Blu - Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light.
TALK - I'll help you!
From what I have seen through multiple video's strewn across the internet, Rabbit is a part of the board game aspect of Birth by Sleep. He is shown as a landing space, if I recall correctly.
The 100 Acre Wood is not playable. A few of the characters are only featured as some sort of command board.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.
Symbol Character - Roxas.png
FA icon.png Which is kinda sad, because I was hoping that Ven would at least partake in Pooh's story.

Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:54, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

It would have been nice to know exactly where the book came from too.

Poor 100 Acre Woodsians. Never get any respect.

Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

Why didn't creator atleast make it playable or make a cutscence about it? --Cococrash11 17:42, January 14, 2010 (UTC)Cococrash11

it appear in the game but i don't know if it's playable since the vid that i saw cutted the scene. here it is: [5]--Xabryn 22:36, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

Aerith (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Mrsaxel - No matter how far away we are, our hearts will bring us together again.
TALK - Did the King send you?23:15, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
What else can you do in 100 acre woods, besides meet Christopher Robbin? I mean, you knew all the characters in KH, forgot about pPoh and helped him find his friends in KH:CoM, and then they forgot about you and you had to help Pooh find his friends again! It's all getting a little annoying to me. I'm glad it's not back. :/
Aww. :( Don't go hating on the Woodsians. They're stuffed animals in a book. They can't do much.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

Should Their Be A Remake?

HeartFallout Talk! — If I had a dollar for every time I broke my PS2..

I would still be very poor. — 01:24, January 21, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, their should. They did so with CoM, So I thought it would b cool if they remade BBS for the PS2/3 just came out. Doreiku Kuroofangu 22:42, January 21, 2010 (UTC)

LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png What's more, it's already basically a console game in terms of graphics and relevance to the series. I seem to recall Tetsuya Nomura saying that he only remade CoM so that it would have 3D cutscenes, and was not remaking Days because it aleady had them. By that logic, there's no reason for there to be a remake of a game with better graphics and voicework than Days.

WOAH! I just total facepalmed myself. I didn't realize it was for PSP! So, what, if we don't have one we won't be able to play?! If I'm ignorant of some up-to-date news, please forgive me, but I think it's totally unfair that all of their games (minus that cell phone game) have been on PS2, but this one PSP. If they don't make a remake, they're going to get a lot of fans mad. Heck-- I hope their sales go down, because there's no chance in heck that I'm going to buy a PSP just for this game. /rant D:< Mrsaxel 15:44, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

"I think it's totally unfair that all of their games (minus that cell phone game) have been on PS2"
CoM was GBA, 358/2 Days was DS. But alright, don't buy the game. I'm sure Disney and SE will weep at losing you. Doreiku Kuroofangu 15:51, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

Chain of Memories was remade into a PS2 game, thank you very much, but okay-- 358/2 did slip my mind. I still think they'll someday remake that into a PS2 game, too. As I said, I won't buy the game, then. And they will weep at losing me-- how kind of you to think so, too. ^__^ Mrsaxel 16:17, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

Release Date

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png But why? Help me understand, Master Xehanort. What is it that I have failed to learn?
TALK - What? How did I— What did I do? What did YOU do? — 01:21, January 25, 2010 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png Where/when was the release date confirmed? KHInsider,, and KH2.Co.Uk have no confirmation whatsoever...

OFFICIAL release date in the uk?

is it being planned for a uk release? everyone tells me a differant date im not interested in rumours or speculation.


KingdomKeyDarkside - So… You really do care about her. In that case, the answer is no.
TALK - We don't accept resignations.23:56, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Nobody.pngNinjaSheik asked for proof of Christopher Lee reprising his role as Ansem the Wise. here it is: [6]
You can't use a statement from Wikipedia as a source unless it's cited with another, reliable source. And it's not.—Urutapu 01:21, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

I figured that out after NinjaSheik undid my last edit, thank you very much. KingdomKeyDarkside 01:36, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

As Urutapu said, you CANNOT use Wikipedia as a source, unless it's cited with another that is an official statement. -Breaktheice16 (talk) 05:43, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, thank you for telling me twice. KingdomKeyDarkside 15:08, January 31, 2010 (UTC)

Tinker Bell doesn't have a speaking role in Birth by Sleep

The line that everyone thought was spoken by Tinker Bell, was actually spoken by one of the Lost Boys. I think Mae Whitman only said she's providing the voice of Tinker Bell, because she's now contracted with Disney as the official voice of Tinker Bell and is to provide her voice for everything she appears in that has her speaking, so she probably assumed that Tinker Bell would be speaking and Disney would have her provide the voice. -Breaktheice16 (talk) 05:58, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

NO Christopher Lloyd...

NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

I'm noticing this whole excitement rush again...but I should remind AWESOME as it may sound, and believe DOES sound awesome, you have to keep in mind that this "confirmation" came randomly from a random fan podcast, by a random dude, with no proof whatsoever. And might I add that this podcast is affiliated with Gaming Union, which by the way, is well known for their bullshit... So seriously people, let's settle down now... Absolutely nothing got confirmed here... And as for the Richard Epcar thing...that we've known for weeks now. So that doesn't back his "confirmation" up either.

Terra Fae Odosson - Too much hope is the opposite of despair. An overpowering love may consume you in the end.
TALK - Where can I buy a phone?
Excuse me but do you mean Christopher Lloyd or Christopher Lee? There is a huge difference. One between Back To the Future and The Lord of the Rings. I mean it would be kinda fun to have Christopher Lloyd in Kingdom Hearts. LOL
NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Both of them. Neither of them got a legitimate confirmation. There is always the off chance that Corey Burton will reprise the role of Ansem.
That is true. Sometimes Disney cheats and replaces actors near their deathbed with younger actors. And if Christopher Lloyd was going to be in KHBBS, he'd probably be (drum roll) Master Xehanort. Werehog 11:39 PM 2/2/2010 (UTC)

Summer 2010. It's something, at least

Keyblade Armor (Aqua) KHBBS.png
HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
According to Game Informer, BBS will be out between June and August [7]

Kamen Rider influience?

4 of the main characters have Armored forms... 3 of them have a traveling vehicle.. Anyone else think there might be some small connections in this game to Kamen Rider? Hyperwre_2.0 17:40, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

If they wanted to make a Kamen Rider reference, they'd give them scarves and have them kick people in the head, I think.—Urutapu 19:49, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

Braig has a scarf. But most of the Heisei (the current era in japan) Riders don't wear them, the only recent one is W, this years. Hyperwre_2.0 21:59, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

Western Release Changes

For those curious - Doreiku Kuroofangu 13:33, February 18, 2010 (UTC)

Key-blade master - I don't need a weapon! My friends are my power!
TALK - Roxas... I wish I could meet him too... — 04:45, February 19, 2010 (UTC)
I can't wait to get the game! And I'm kinda skeptical about the changed event scenes. But I hope they add a few hidden bosses like they did for the first game, however unlikely. But the changes sound fairly decent and not too bad. I can't wait!


Dr.Kermit - "Until now, I thought the darkness was bad. But my time with you made me change my mind. You've chosen a road I never thought of."
TALK - "Now, Sora! Let's close this door for good."
Is there the equivalent of a Jiminy's Journal in this game?