Forum:Xion's kari's nobody: Difference between revisions

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You misunderstood, Namine is the nobody of Kairi's heart leaving sora's body, and Roxas is the nobody of sora's heart leaving his body.  Kairi and Sora share Namine as a nobody.  So my theory is when Kairi's heart left her body Xion was formed because like Sora's body Kairi's body spit in two.  One being Xion and the other staying as Kairi because she is a P.o.P.H. [[User:Roxas-rules|Roxas-rules]] 21:08, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
You misunderstood, Namine is the nobody of Kairi's heart leaving sora's body, and Roxas is the nobody of sora's heart leaving his body.  Kairi and Sora share Namine as a nobody.  So my theory is when Kairi's heart left her body Xion was formed because like Sora's body Kairi's body spit in two.  One being Xion and the other staying as Kairi because she is a P.o.P.H. [[User:Roxas-rules|Roxas-rules]] 21:08, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
Huh. You've both got the same exact theory, except that you both have Namine and Xion's positions reversed in your theories. Funny. I myself don't know who to agree with. It seems that Xion and Namine both have traits connected to Sora (the ability to change his memories/use a keyblade) and Kairi (besides both looking like her, the ability to change memries of Kairi/use a keyblade). So...they both seem to be similar to them both...Roxas, Namine, and Xion are the ''weirdest'' nobodies...
Anonymous user