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{{Drake|time=23:24, January 9, 2010 (UTC)|text=I haven't seen this around the talk pages, but among all the other spoilers I haven't found out what Ventus' connection to Sora/Roxas is. I know about Vanitas, but not Ven. Anyone know?}}
{{Drake|time=23:24, January 9, 2010 (UTC)|text=I haven't seen this around the talk pages, but among all the other spoilers I haven't found out what Ventus' connection to Sora/Roxas is. I know about Vanitas, but not Ven. Anyone know?}}
{{Randomnessity|text=Most likely because it hasn't been revealed yet.}}

Revision as of 23:34, 9 January 2010

Keyblade Difference

Has anyone else noticed that in the gameplay videos for Birth by Sleep, the teeth of Ven's keyblade now face the other way. I only brought this up because the article says he strikes with the toothed edge, which, granted, he does in the original Birth by Sleep video. Insignificant, I know, just something that's been bugging me. Adaxredael 23:33, 26 February 2009 (UTC)


Can somebody please put english subs on the video with Ven in Castle of Dreams? Veroso 07:13, 7 March, 2009

Ven left-handed?

It is very strange for someone state that Ven is left-handed, as seen in the secret teaser trailer the Gathering and secret teaser trailer Birth by Sleep. Especially when we have all seen that Ven holds his Keyblade in his right hand in Birth by Sleep game play. I don't even see how that little bit was even put on his page when there is even a picture of Ven holding his Keyblade in his right hand.. The teaser videos may lay down the ground work, but it is rather silly to reference them as factual. Were I am getting is that the little bit on Ven being a lefty should be modified.


Ven seems to be ambidextrous, just like Roxas. Hyperwre_2.0 08:10, November 26, 2009 (UTC)


Ven meets xigbar

Xeyj -'re lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is...over.
TALK - We're friends right?
I don't know why everyone says that braig met ven, what if its xigbar that meets ven.
  1. Birth by Sleep was ten years ago. The Organization is younger than that given obvious clues—Nobodies didn't exist ten years ago (making it unlikely Xigbar met them).
  2. It's probably safe to say that Terra, Ven, and Aqua don't end well, creating a slim margin for Braig/Xigbar to have met them.
  3. Braig (as in, Braig) will appear in BBS, meaning an obvious opportunity to meet Terra, Ven, and Aqua.—Urutapu 06:57, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

should we have xigbar's "Goldfish" quote(if you get there you know the one) as a placeholder quote for ven's page.

No. Not only is that a trivial quote, its not really that important to Ven. "Staring at him like Xigbar killed his goldfish?" Wouldn't sound right. The important event is that Xigbar saw Ven instead of Xion.--Xion4ever 01:30, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

it's kinda funny and might well be better on braig's page in the Birth by sleep section.

Indeed, it was somewhat funny. But its a very trivial note that isn't worth mentioning. It's already mentioned on Xion's page (check the trivia), only in a more mature form (excluding the quote). If you wanna post your idea on Braig's BBS talk page, you'd probably get more responses.--Xion4ever 01:51, October 15, 2009 (UTC)

Master Aqua - Set my friend's heart free !
TALK - 17:56, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
There is one article on BBS that showes Braig--I think in Radiant Garden or somewhere else-- with Xenahort teid up, and then Braig is a boss fight for at least Ven. That would explain one of the reasons Xigbar was shocked at seeing Ven, the one who killed his person.Here--Famitsu14.jpg

a question

Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.<
TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
I have a question.When did they say that in english that Jesse Mccartney is gonna voice Ven?(just wondering).

Is that even confirmed yet? If it's not it shouldn't be on the page...

The Wikipedia says he is going voice Ven, but I dunno. I hope so.--NinjaSheik 20:04, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

I wouldnt mind...but has it been confirmed?! aah oh well. it believable i mean rly it just seems like all he has to do is make "The Roxas Voice" n and make it sound a lil younger. (i still havnt gotten over the fact that its Jesse Mccartney who voiced Roxas....but whatever) -Xero

Jesse McCartney just said the following on Twitter:
"Recording yet another Kingdom Hearts Game. All you Gamers eat your heart out! Man what a process tho. First recordin was in 2005 for game 1"
(Yes, I follow him on twitter, don't judge me T_T)
Anyway, since it's very unlikely that this would be for Roxas (They've already covered every moment of Roxas' existence from Birth to Reuinion) I think it's pretty safe to assume he's talking about Ven. I know it's not 100% confirmation, but its pretty strong evidence that Jesse is voicing Ventus. Which I'm excited about :D --Zephyrus11 20:57, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

YAHOO~! JESSE'S GOING TO VOICE FOR VEN!! YAY~!--NinjaSheik 21:18, November 30, 2009 (UTC)


Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

Could Ven be younger then Terra and Aqua, since they take their master test and he doesn't? Plus the height difference.
Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Yes, he is. Noumra even said so. Terra and Aqua are at least 25 years old. In the Final Mix of Kingdom Hearts II, Xaldin stated that Sora was ten years too young to wield the Keyblade when he was only 15 years old. Ven looks like his at least 14 or so.
Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

Ahh... thank you Lady Sheik. Well that crushes all speculation of VenxAqua.
Tigger (Talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.png
PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
Not necessarily. I've heard of people getting married with 10+ age differences between them. (I'm not saying I believe in the pairing, I don't make any opinions on characters until I play the game)
Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
That's craddle robbing and it's illegal.
Tigger (Talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.png
PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
Well it was several years ago I heard that...
Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

We have teenagers running around with oversized keys destroying wooden crates and lamp posts. I think what's illegal and what's not has been dismissed by now.
Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Good point.

Once you're past the age of consent (as long as it is consensual anyone is fair game. I'm proof of this as 20+ years of difference existed between my parents when I was born.

And are you sure he says 10 too young to wield the keyblade? From what i've seen that line could be translated differently. It's definitely a crack about sora's age but he could also mean it's ten years too late for someone to have the keyblade. (if he'd showed up a couple years earlier we could have saved a lot of trouble)

Wait, HOLD IT! Terra is only 19, Aqua's only 16, Ven is 14. So yeah, AquaxVen is possible.

How do you know their exact age? Are you just guessing?--NinjaSheik 00:42, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

NinjaShiek- No, I found their age's on a website. I forgot the name. By the way, I'll post the link on my userpage once I find it...

Can you find it again? Show me proof.--NinjaSheik 03:03, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, sure. Gimmie a couple days; it might take that long...

Is is that hard to find?--NinjaSheik 04:10, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

Like Andie, I don't relly care about the pairing, but if someone has to be at least 25 to have a Keyblade, doesn't that mean that Ven needs to be at least 25 too? It Does seem likely that Ven is younger than, or at least not as experienced as Terra and Aqua though. LapisScarab 00:50, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure the ten years comment is just an expression, also Ven could be 14 years old since he looks just like Roxas who was created when Sora was 14 years old.--Masgrande 00:21, December 16, 2009 (UTC)

Except that he appears to be as tall as Roxas was in KHII, which was when Sora was 15. Adam 148 17:11, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
But Nobodies don't age. Explain that. Maggosh 17:48, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
Naminé and Roxas BOTH aged, due to them still being connected to an 'active' heart. Keep up; this is old news. Adam 148 17:51, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
Naminé I don't know, but Roxas never aged, he's always looked the same and the heart thing you are talking about only gave them the ability feel emotions and somehow pass them to others i.e. Axel.--Masgrande 17:57, December 18, 2009 (UTC)
Compare Naminé in Chain of Memories with Naminé in KHII - she's clearly taller. Also, you don't see Roxas grow due to the pointlessness of making character models that get progressively taller. But if you compare Roxas with Sora in KHII, they're about the same height. If he'd stopped aging, surely he'd be the same height Sora was in KH. Adam 148 18:03, December 18, 2009 (UTC)
Camera tricks, I tell you. Maggosh 13:07, December 18, 2009 (UTC)

I think their age are estimated to be for Terra is 17, Aqua is 16, and Ventus is 15 years old. Also I think a VentusxAqua is possible. --Cococrash11 23:18, December 18, 2009 (UTC)Cococrash11

The Armor

the part of the article about the armor needs to be edited. In the TGS 2009 trailer when he is riding his keyblade the armor is different colors, and recent scans show him wearing the same colored armor from the trailer. The cape has also been removed

Hmmmm...i was just wondering that. i HAVE seen Ven in 2 or 3 diffrnt armor colors. lets see...trailer one. scans...oh thats two. still. odd isnt it?

Roxas Ripoff?

I like to call Ventus the "Roxas Ripoff". Does anyone have a clue why Ventus looks like Roxas?

If its not in the article then all of us ar still guessing n wishing n hoping and ummmm...WAIT RIPOFF?!?!...-_- u wudnt like it if someone threw ripoff at the end of ur name...i dont like that. that hurts my feelings -XeroXero

How is Ven a Roxas ripoff? Chronologically, Ven came first. :P Adam 148 17:05, November 21, 2009 (UTC)

I do. It's because he has the closest connection to Sora. Found that on the Internet can't remember the site.

Ambixterous keyblade wielders

why is it only Xion,Roxas and Ventus are the only keyblade wielders that can use both hands well I'm abidexterous too but it seems rare (Naminépower)

Ambi- ambid- whatever. It's really rare. Only about 1 every 8 people have it. Also, you forgot Sora in his Drive forms, except for Limit, Anti, and Wisdom.

Indeed, ambidexterity is very rare in the real world, so it makes sense that the same applies here. Also, sign your posts with 4 tildes (four ~). LapisScarab 04:38, November 26, 2009 (UTC)

More Trivia

I saw the new birth by sleep gameplay. You should add that one of Ventus's special moves (i think its speed rave) is similar to riku's DARK Aura and riku's limit break in 358/2 days. This may imply a connection because Ven takes The Way to the dawn keyblade also

LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png In regards to the comparison to Riku, that's purely speculation and should not go onto the article.

Venkix - Having no heart, no emotions. It's Better this way.
TALK - Open your heart. -
But it also shows Ven falling with the Soul Eater in the awakening.

Keyblade Armor (Aqua) KHBBS.png
HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
The Kingdom Key is also visible.

But why the soul eater? maybe Ven has some connection with riku...

I believe Ven has a connection with Sora, not RIku. From the trailers I thik Ven is having a little trouble with his heart. Just like Riku. ---Master Aqua 21:49, December 26, 2009 (UTC)


Maybe everybody will come back in KH III

Maybe you should sign your name. And stop with this so far pointless speculation. Elaborate a little, give evidence that could support it for crying out loud! Adam 148 08:33, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Ventus Awakening?

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Indeed it is.


Keyblade Armor (Aqua) KHBBS.png
HarpieSiren - Here's one for all of us
TALK - It will keep us connected
Maggosh's most recent edit just got me thinking. Considering that it's not actually Ven, but rather Xigbar seeing Xion as Ven, does Days really count as an appearance?
LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png Cameo appearance maybe.

That doesn't make sense why make Ventus first appear in Days I mean his first appearce is The Gathering. I mean the first appearce means where they first appear I mean like Stich first appeared in Lilo and Stich movie not Kingdom Hearts II. So Ventus should be The Gathering not Days. --Cococrash11 03:29, December 22, 2009 (UTC)Cococrash11

LapisScarab - Xemnas (card).png You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? Nobody.png
TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Interdiction KHD.png We don't count The Gathering or the Birth by Sleep video because they are non-canon.

Then why is roxas 1st appearance deep dive :/ ?--Ataradesu 01:20, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

I'm guessing it was like that before we started fretting about this.

Ataradesu]] Qu'as-tu fait à son coeur ?
Vsymbol.png Shouldn't we change Roxas then ? putting him in COM ? it's the exact same thing, both appeared in secret movies, both appeared in spin off games briefly before having their own game where they were playable.

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

No, not CoM. KHII.
He did appear in CoM, actually appeared unlike Ven in Days who was basically just a hallucination on the part of another character.HarpieSiren 01:45, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

So we change Ven's to BbS, then?

That sounds like a plan. HarpieSiren 01:48, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Same with Terra and Aqua, too?

You do mean BBS the game, right? Just wanna be 100% sure.HarpieSiren 01:56, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

maggosh Strike backwards... "That's a nice expression."

You're terrified, aren't you?

Of course the game. :P

^^;; That's what I thought.HarpieSiren 01:57, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

Ataradesu]] Qu'as-tu fait à son coeur ?
Vsymbol.png Seems fair enough since "BBS video" is the climax of the game, just with amazing graphics, BBS game will show their true first appearance.
KrytenKoro - Pinocchio with his nose attached to the trigger of a rifle, which points at his face as he says, "I want to live!"
The game template includes times when the subject was just shown or mentioned. It doesn't have to be a physical appearance, or Xehanort wouldn't show up in KHII, for instance.

Ataradesu]] Qu'as-tu fait à son coeur ?
Vsymbol.png No, Xehanort is a flash back, that shows a physical appearance of him. It's not an hallucination where the character doesn't even act or talk.
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy."
The nature of Xion is that that appearance was a flashback as well; plus, Xigbar mentions Ventus in the reports.

mode change

in the new jump festa 2010 trailer, the wingblade seem to develop from speed rave also, the swords (vertical rays of light) from roxas' final limit comes from speed rave, doesn't it

NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Hmm. Hmmmmmmm! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Nah. Not really.

Oi, oi... =_=;;

NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Hey now, I needed to make a few grammatical tweaks to this article. And I can't very well do that when some of ya'll are just frakking about and getting the page locked! Quit screwing around! And Bluerfn, it'll be super if you can unlock it again.


OKay, how do we know that Xemnas sees Xion as Ven? I can't remember that being in Days. I remember Xigbar, but not Xemnas. Can someone clarify?--User:PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart/sig 20:57, January 9, 2010 (UTC)


Sora (Final Form) KHII.png
Drake Clawfang - Anger and hate are supreme....power and control are pretty nice too.
TALK - 23:24, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
I haven't seen this around the talk pages, but among all the other spoilers I haven't found out what Ventus' connection to Sora/Roxas is. I know about Vanitas, but not Ven. Anyone know?
Most likely because it hasn't been revealed yet.
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.