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::This is already covered elsewhere on the Wiki. In the future, please sign your posts. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 05:31, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
::This is already covered elsewhere on the Wiki. In the future, please sign your posts. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 05:31, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
:::Specifically, we've covered it on the [[Foreteller]] page, as well as the pages for each individual Foreteller (ex. [[Foreteller Invi]]). Thanks for your contribution, though. If you're interested, we could use a lot of help filling in plot info for x and unchained.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 06:11, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
:::Specifically, we've covered it on the [[Foreteller]] page, as well as the pages for each individual Foreteller (ex. [[Foreteller Invi]]). Thanks for your contribution, though. If you're interested, we could use a lot of help filling in plot info for x and unchained.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 06:11, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
==Canon Unions==
There has been evidence to suggest that there is a canon way of approaching the Unions, with Unicornis being the Union which Player (and subsequently Strelitzia and Elrena) belongs to, while Ephemer and Skuld belong to Vulpes.
For starters, when you log into KHUX, no matter what Union you are in, the flashbacks from KHX that play over the intro set Player in Unicornis. So I believe that includes the scenes where you first meet your Union's Foreteller, and during the Keyblade War where Ira saves Player from being eliminated by Aced. Both are scenes where the scenario plays out dependant on the Union you have chosen. This observation is the same as how, in all scenes, Player appears in the standard Male outfit you're presented with at the beginning of the game.
From here, much relies on what makes the most sense with the narrative. Being in Unicornis puts Ephemer and Skuld in Vulpes. When we get the scene with Ephemer and Ava in the Fountain Square, Ava refers to a previous encounter in which Ephemer had approached her to ask about the reason the Unions were competing against one another. Contact between the Foretellers and their wielders is minimal at best, most often existing as communication between Player and Chirithy. I ask that you also consider the situation. Given the apparent competitive element, there would be no real reason for Ephemer to seek out another Union Leader, especially when he would’ve already had his own to ask his questions about the Book of Prophecies to. Now for this, naturally there are other arguments, like how Ava could’ve sought out Ephemer because her role dictated that she make him one of the Union Leaders following the Keyblade War, or even that Ephemer sought out Ava because she was the youngest of the Foretellers and was thereby the most relatable to the younger wielders, but I still feel that if Ephemer fell under any other Union, he’d still have a closer connection to his own Foreteller.
Next there's the fact that, when Player and Skuld seek answers concerning Ephemer's whereabouts within the Foreteller's Chamber, they face Ava under the guise of a Foreteller. However, in every circumstance, the Foreteller is Player’s own Union Leader - save for one. When you are from Vulpes - the projection Ava takes on is of Ira, just as it is if you are from Unicornis. It just seems interesting to me how the default Foreteller to choose is Ira.
Finally, we come to the Final Episode of Kingdom Hearts χ, and it is in the Final Episode that the relationship between Aced and Ira seems to influence me the most. We start out with the battle with Aced in the Fountain Square - which, is much more impactful if you are in Unicornis. The fact that Ira shows up to condemn Aced’s actions and speak with both Player and Skuld sympathetically is also strengthened by the notion of Player being in Unicornis. Progressing further we have Player and Skuld seeking out Gula to ask about Ava, something which only really feels natural if both Player and Skuld are not under Leopardus.
Finally that brings us to the Keyblade War, during which Player fights every Foreteller that is not his own. This works no matter what Union you’re in, but what is interesting is how, the cutscene following your battle with Aced and Ira basically both rehash the same information. After your fight with Aced, Ira intervenes, refusing to allow Aced to disturb the balance and all that. After your fight with Ira, Aced attacks Ira and proclaims that he wants to reshape the world and with Ira saying that he won’t allow Aced to disturb the balance. It is interesting because the way this is set up suggests that you are in either Ursus or Unicornis and that this is information that you should see regardless, hence the apparent duplication. This is only further cemented if you are from Anguis, Leopardus, or Vulpes, because you see both cutscenes rehash this information, which from a writing standpoint doesn’t really make sense.
With all this in mind, I would like to suggest potentially moving forward with restructuring the KHUX pages to comply with what appears to be more canon information. ([[User:Levi657|Levi657]] ([[User talk:Levi657|talk]]) 15:23, 6 January 2019 (UTC))