MediaWiki:Gadget-MultiUpload.js: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
// Author: pcj
// Author: pcj

mw.loader.using(["site"]).then(function() {
mw.loader.using(["site"]).then(function() {
Line 99: Line 100:

             // Description is summary + license + category
             // Description is summary + license + category
            var summary = $("#wpUploadDescription").val();
             var description = getUploadDescription();
             var description = getUploadDescription();
             var watch = getWatchlistPreference();
             var watch = getWatchlistPreference();
Line 124: Line 126:
                 fd.append("filename", files[currentFileIdx].name);
                 fd.append("filename", files[currentFileIdx].name);
                 fd.append("file", files[currentFileIdx]);
                 fd.append("file", files[currentFileIdx]);
                fd.append("comment", summary);
                 fd.append("text", description);
                 fd.append("text", description);
                 fd.append("watchlist", watch);
                 fd.append("watchlist", watch);

Latest revision as of 21:08, 28 October 2024

// Author: pcj

mw.loader.using(["site"]).then(function() {
    if (mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") !== "Upload")
    var l10nFactory = l10nFactory || function($lang, $data) {
        return function ($key) {
            // (null == undefined) is true, (null === undefined) is false
            return ($data[$lang] && $data[$lang][$key] != null) ? $data[$lang][$key] : $data.en[$key];
    const l10n = l10nFactory(mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage"), {
        en: {
            multiupload: "Upload multiple files:",
            yes: "Yes",
            no: "No",
            sourcefiles: "Source files:",
            categoryname: "Category name:",
            categorynamehint: "Page name of the category the files will automatically be added to, e.g. Item images",
            categorynamespace: "Category",
            uploadfiles: "Upload files",
            nofiles: "Please select some files first.",
            nolicense: "Please select a valid license first.",
            summary: "Summary",
            license: "Licensing",
            categories: "Categories",
            uploading: "Uploading files...",
            uploaded: "Uploaded:",
            failed: "Failed:",
            done: "Done."
    const getUploadDescription = function() {
        var sections = [];
        var summary = $("#wpUploadDescription").val();
        var licenseDisplayName = $("#wpLicense option:selected").val();
        var categoryName = $("#multiFileCategory").val();
        if (summary !== "")
            sections.push("== " + l10n("summary") + " ==\n" + summary);
        if (licenseDisplayName !== "") {
            var licenseTemplateText = $("#wpLicense option:selected").prop("title");
            sections.push("== " + l10n("license") + " ==\n" + licenseTemplateText);
        if (categoryName !== "")
            sections.push("[[" + l10n("categorynamespace") + ":" + categoryName + "]]");
        return sections.join("\n\n");
    const getWatchlistPreference = function() {
        if ($("#wpWatchthis").is(":checked")) {
            return "watch";
        } else {
            return "nochange";
        $("tr.regularFileSelect").before('<tr><td class="mw-label">'+ l10n("multiupload") + '</td><td class="mw-input"><label><input type="radio" name="multipleFiles" value="'+ l10n("yes") + '" /> '+ l10n("yes") + '</label> &nbsp; <label><input type="radio" name="multipleFiles" value="'+ l10n("no") + '" checked="" /> '+ l10n("no") + '</label></td></tr>');
        $("tr.regularFileSelect").after('<tr class="multipleFileSelect" style="display:none;"><td class="mw-label">' + l10n("sourcefiles") + '</td><td class="mw-input"><input type="file" id="multiupload" multiple /></td></tr>');
        // Append "category name" textbox to multiupload section
        $("#mw-upload-form #mw-htmlform-description tbody").append('<tr class="mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTextField multipleFileSelect" style="display:none;"><td class="mw-label"><label for="multiFileCategory"><abbr title="' + l10n("categorynamehint") + '">' + l10n("categoryname") + '</abbr></label></td><td class="mw-input"><input id="multiFileCategory" name="multiFileCategory" size="60"></td></tr>');
        $("input[name='wpUpload']").after('<input type="button" value="' + l10n("uploadfiles") + '" class="multipleFileSelect" style="display:none;" id="multiFileSubmit" />');
        $("input[name='multipleFiles']").change(function() {
            if (this.value === l10n("yes")) {
		$("#hotcatLabel + td").hide();
            } else {
		$("#hotcatLabel + td").show();
        $("#multiFileSubmit").click(function() {
            var files = $("#multiupload")[0].files;
            // Cancel upload if no files are selected
            if (files.length === 0) {
                return false;

            // Description is summary + license + category
            var summary = $("#wpUploadDescription").val();
            var description = getUploadDescription();
            var watch = getWatchlistPreference();
            $("#mw-content-text").html("<h3>" + l10n("uploaded")  + "</h3><ul></ul><div style='display:none;' id='multiUploadFailed'><h3>" + l10n("failed") + "</h3><ul></ul></div>");
            var currentFileIdx = 0;
            var uploadCurrentFile;
            uploadCurrentFile = function() {
                if (currentFileIdx > files.length) {
                    $("#mw-content-text").append("<h3>"+ l10n("done") + "</h3>");
                if (files[currentFileIdx] === undefined) {
                fd = new FormData();
                fd.append("action", "upload");
                fd.append("token", mw.user.tokens.get("csrfToken"));
                fd.append("filename", files[currentFileIdx].name);
                fd.append("file", files[currentFileIdx]);
                fd.append("comment", summary);
                fd.append("text", description);
                fd.append("watchlist", watch);
                fd.append("ignorewarnings", 1);
                fd.append("format", "json");
                    url: mw.util.wikiScript("api"),
                    method: "POST",
                    data: fd,
                    cache: false,
                    contentType: false,
                    processData: false,
                    type: "POST"
                }).done(function(d) {
                    if (d.error == undefined) {
                        $("#mw-content-text > ul").append('<li><a href="' + d.upload.imageinfo.descriptionurl + '" target="_blank">' + d.upload.filename + '</a></li>');
                    } else {
                        $("#multiUploadFailed ul").append('<li>' + files[currentFileIdx].name + '</li>');
                }).fail(function() {
                    $("#multiUploadFailed ul").append('<li>' + files[currentFileIdx].name + '</li>');