User:ShardofTruth/Interviewspace: Difference between revisions

replaced: {{reflist|1}} → {{reflist}}, typos fixed: ablities → abilities, For example → For example, (6), However → However, (2), disney → Disney, … → ... (26), one man → one-man, straight-forward → straightforward, alot → a lot,...
(replaced: ’ → ' (769), ‘ → ' (30), {{Expand → {{cleanup)
(replaced: {{reflist|1}} → {{reflist}}, typos fixed: ablities → abilities, For example → For example, (6), However → However, (2), disney → Disney, … → ... (26), one man → one-man, straight-forward → straightforward, alot → a lot,...)
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<u>Nomura:</u> In the beginning I didn't want to do it because I knew it was difficult. (laugh) When I offered to do a Disney game, there was no team. It turned out I would do the planning myself and talk it over with Disney.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In the beginning I didn't want to do it because I knew it was difficult. (laugh) When I offered to do a Disney game, there was no team. It turned out I would do the planning myself and talk it over with Disney.<br><br>
'''You were a „solo team“ in the beginning?'''<br>
'''You were a „solo team“ in the beginning?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I was a one man team for a year. (laugh) I began after FFVIII.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I was a one-man team for a year. (laugh) I began after FFVIII.<br><br>
'''You were different from other directors because you had to give directions while drawing. Was it hard to hold two positions at the same time?'''<br>
'''You were different from other directors because you had to give directions while drawing. Was it hard to hold two positions at the same time?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I thought from the beginning that there would be places where I couldn't touch upon while I drew. In order to settle that, I made sure to gather excellent leaders. I believed that if I left the rest up to trustworthy people, than I don't have to spend time giving direction for the small, fine details. It was still tough while I drew pictures, but I think it worked out. Normally when the drawing job becomes tough because of the schedule, it is the director's role to push the artist to get the job done and say, „The drawings are not finished?“ But there were times when I myself would be late, and troublesome situations arose. I would make subtle changes to the schedule. (laugh)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I thought from the beginning that there would be places where I couldn't touch upon while I drew. In order to settle that, I made sure to gather excellent leaders. I believed that if I left the rest up to trustworthy people, than I don't have to spend time giving direction for the small, fine details. It was still tough while I drew pictures, but I think it worked out. Normally when the drawing job becomes tough because of the schedule, it is the director's role to push the artist to get the job done and say, „The drawings are not finished?“ But there were times when I myself would be late, and troublesome situations arose. I would make subtle changes to the schedule. (laugh)<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> Even though I would like to keep that obscure, there is a scene in Destiny islands where Riku is being swallowed by darkness, a light appears, and Sora first obtains the keyblade. With the setting I created, the darkness that surrounds them is Riku's heart's darkness. At that moment, Sora enters the darkness, and the light he sees inside is Riku's heart's light. Sora, who was squirming in the darkness to save Riku, touched the light and temporarily obtained the Keyblade from Riku.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Even though I would like to keep that obscure, there is a scene in Destiny islands where Riku is being swallowed by darkness, a light appears, and Sora first obtains the keyblade. With the setting I created, the darkness that surrounds them is Riku's heart's darkness. At that moment, Sora enters the darkness, and the light he sees inside is Riku's heart's light. Sora, who was squirming in the darkness to save Riku, touched the light and temporarily obtained the Keyblade from Riku.<br><br>
'''Does not the Keyblade itself choose its owner?'''<br>
'''Does not the Keyblade itself choose its owner?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The Keyblade reacts to the rightful owner's heart and appears to them. Even though it was definitely Riku who called the Keyblade towards him, the reason why Sora was able to weild it was because he also had the right qualities too.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The Keyblade reacts to the rightful owner's heart and appears to them. Even though it was definitely Riku who called the Keyblade towards him, the reason why Sora was able to wield it was because he also had the right qualities too.<br><br>

'''Also, I would like to talk about the nuance about what Kairi's grandmother told her: „The world was destroyed once, but it was revived thanks to the strength of the childrens' light.“ Does that „world that was born again through the power of light“ have to do with each of the worlds in the game?'''<br>
'''Also, I would like to talk about the nuance about what Kairi's grandmother told her: „The world was destroyed once, but it was revived thanks to the strength of the childrens' light.“ Does that „world that was born again through the power of light“ have to do with each of the worlds in the game?'''<br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> That is why this time, I want to expand on Cloud's story and such.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That is why this time, I want to expand on Cloud's story and such.<br><br>
'''That means the overseas version is not exactly the same?'''<br>
'''That means the overseas version is not exactly the same?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> There are many components added into the Plus Alpha. For example [censored]  was added. In the local version, the design was finalized and the polygon model was created, but we had to cut it out because of the time constraints. We revived it in this version. Since my staff never became so immersed in a game before, many of them said, „I want to fight a strong enemy!“ Various suggestions were taken into consideration, as much tuning and additions were feasibly added under time constraints, and certain parts that we were bothered about were improved.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> There are many components added into the Plus Alpha. For example, [censored]  was added. In the local version, the design was finalized and the polygon model was created, but we had to cut it out because of the time constraints. We revived it in this version. Since my staff never became so immersed in a game before, many of them said, „I want to fight a strong enemy!“ Various suggestions were taken into consideration, as much tuning and additions were feasibly added under time constraints, and certain parts that we were bothered about were improved.<br><br>
'''On top of that, the original Disney voice actors will be in the NA version?'''<br>
'''On top of that, the original Disney voice actors will be in the NA version?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, the Disney voice actors are definitely splendid, but there are many good voice actors for the original characters as well. For example, Sora's voice is done by Haley (Haley Joel Osment: main works are „Six Sense“ and „A.I“). There are actors from dramas and singers that are popular overseas that are voicing as well.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, the Disney voice actors are definitely splendid, but there are many good voice actors for the original characters as well. For example, Sora's voice is done by Haley (Haley Joel Osment: main works are „Six Sense“ and „A.I“). There are actors from dramas and singers that are popular overseas that are voicing as well.<br><br>
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====Message: To the people who played this game====
====Message: To the people who played this game====
'''This time around, you've been drawing the Donald and Goofy illustrations, haven't you? On that subject, with Disney's sacred-like image, how was illustrating?'''<br>
'''This time around, you've been drawing the Donald and Goofy illustrations, haven't you? On that subject, with Disney's sacred-like image, how was illustrating?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, I didn't draw them from start to finish. With this "tight-pencil" technique I do the rough draft first of all then I pass it off to a Disney person. There, a disney designer draws and sends over a character. Then after all that, I draw it once more. This is how it's done and I don't change their corrections that much.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, I didn't draw them from start to finish. With this "tight-pencil" technique I do the rough draft first of all then I pass it off to a Disney person. There, a Disney designer draws and sends over a character. Then after all that, I draw it once more. This is how it's done and I don't change their corrections that much.<br><br>
'''Were the Atlantica and Halloween Town Donald and Goofy designs also done by a person at Disney?'''<br>
'''Were the Atlantica and Halloween Town Donald and Goofy designs also done by a person at Disney?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, I did those too. Particularly, the Halloweentown Donald and Goofy I drew completely from the beginning.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, I did those too. Particularly, the Halloweentown Donald and Goofy I drew completely from the beginning.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> In a kind of vague way yes. The most precise visions I hade were those of KHII as I already had decided that it would take place a year after KH, that the atmosphere would be different in some ways. If I was to create a KHII I wanted it to begin in the most intriguing way as it would be possible. I only began thinking about “What happens in that year between” in KHCOM much later.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In a kind of vague way yes. The most precise visions I hade were those of KHII as I already had decided that it would take place a year after KH, that the atmosphere would be different in some ways. If I was to create a KHII I wanted it to begin in the most intriguing way as it would be possible. I only began thinking about “What happens in that year between” in KHCOM much later.<br><br>
'''When we look at the project book (will be pictured!) we can see that KHCOM was originally called “KH: Lost Memories”.'''<br>
'''When we look at the project book (will be pictured!) we can see that KHCOM was originally called “KH: Lost Memories”.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Though for some we had to change the title you'll notice it isn't that much different than the orignal.. I though that “Chain of Memories” had more style and it matched the general outline of the story too (i.e. Sora relieving a sucession of memories, a chain) and I personally liked it.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Though for some we had to change the title you'll notice it isn't that much different than the original.. I though that “Chain of Memories” had more style and it matched the general outline of the story too (i.e. Sora relieving a succession of memories, a chain) and I personally liked it.<br><br>
'''What was the reason you decided to develop this installment for the GBA?'''<br>
'''What was the reason you decided to develop this installment for the GBA?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Soon after the release of the previous installment, I was told that I should make a KH for GBA. But at the time I was skeptical of the idea of seeing KH in 2D and said “Can't do it”. Then as I began to think about what I could work on next, I began to hear “Our kid wants to play KH on GBA” alot more frequently. That kind of real voice that was saying that “Kids want to play” got me seriously considering it.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Soon after the release of the previous installment, I was told that I should make a KH for GBA. But at the time I was skeptical of the idea of seeing KH in 2D and said “Can't do it”. Then as I began to think about what I could work on next, I began to hear “Our kid wants to play KH on GBA” a lot more frequently. That kind of real voice that was saying that “Kids want to play” got me seriously considering it.<br><br>
'''So it was the voices of the children that moved you?'''<br>
'''So it was the voices of the children that moved you?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. That is when I began to elaborate a gameplay system, visuals and concept artwork as well as a storyline to fill that one year story gap on the GBA. Eventually I began to think that KH in 2D really was manageable but since it was still pretty vague I came up with some systems that could adapt the KH gameplay to the GBA and asked for feedback on many members of the staff. Then I started getting “This can be done, can't it?” and that is when the KHCOM project was really set in motion.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. That is when I began to elaborate a gameplay system, visuals and concept artwork as well as a storyline to fill that one year story gap on the GBA. Eventually I began to think that KH in 2D really was manageable but since it was still pretty vague I came up with some systems that could adapt the KH gameplay to the GBA and asked for feedback on many members of the staff. Then I started getting “This can be done, can't it?” and that is when the KHCOM project was really set in motion.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> But all of that is written in the project book is not sufficient to make a game. All I created was the very basic concept of the game. Then by borrowing the talents and strengths of all the staff those small ideas get bigger and bigger.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> But all of that is written in the project book is not sufficient to make a game. All I created was the very basic concept of the game. Then by borrowing the talents and strengths of all the staff those small ideas get bigger and bigger.<br><br>
'''Where did you get the idea of making it a sort of card game?'''<br>
'''Where did you get the idea of making it a sort of card game?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> This is talking about KHII more but, if you were to begin the game with the very powerful Sora you had aquired at the end of KH, KHII would'nt stand up to much as a game. I wanted the players to know the potential in strength Sora has more or less fulfilled at the end of the previous installment yet not be able to use all those abilites right from the start. That is when I thought that if I could make a story in which Sora's abilites and memories all get mixed up, KHCOM would be a perfect bridge between KH and KHII. I thought that to symbolise those messed memories and abilities cards could be used soI had to create a card based system. Thats the jist of it, I think.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> This is talking about KHII more but, if you were to begin the game with the very powerful Sora you had acquired at the end of KH, KHII wouldn't stand up to much as a game. I wanted the players to know the potential in strength Sora has more or less fulfilled at the end of the previous installment yet not be able to use all those abilites right from the start. That is when I thought that if I could make a story in which Sora's abilites and memories all get mixed up, KHCOM would be a perfect bridge between KH and KHII. I thought that to symbolise those messed memories and abilities cards could be used soI had to create a card based system. That's the jist of it, I think.<br><br>
'''Normally when you'd say “KH for GBA” we'd think of a 2D action game where Sora flings his keyblade and defeats enemies. However in, KHCOM we see this card system a new kind of fun coming out of the restrictions that impose a card based system.'''<br>
'''Normally when you'd say “KH for GBA” we'd think of a 2D action game where Sora flings his keyblade and defeats enemies. However, in KHCOM we see this card system a new kind of fun coming out of the restrictions that impose a card based system.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> When I think of making a game system, I refer myself back to the one I created for FFV, In the latter, there were loads of abilites but only the possibility of equipping three at a time at most. Learning them all does not mean you are all powerful, therefore. To be efficient you need to sacrifice some things. But it isn't that dramatic. I believe that these restrictions are closely connected to the fun you hve in a game. In the previous installment, this was in the slight delay between the input of the action and Sora's execution of that action, which created a little risk. This time, we aimed for a close balance between the effects of the cards and the stock techniques and the penalties they impose.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> When I think of making a game system, I refer myself back to the one I created for FFV, In the latter, there were loads of abilites but only the possibility of equipping three at a time at most. Learning them all does not mean you are all powerful, therefore. To be efficient you need to sacrifice some things. But it isn't that dramatic. I believe that these restrictions are closely connected to the fun you hve in a game. In the previous installment, this was in the slight delay between the input of the action and Sora's execution of that action, which created a little risk. This time, we aimed for a close balance between the effects of the cards and the stock techniques and the penalties they impose.<br><br>
'''Nowadays, Game Crews are divided into Scenario, Graphic, Sound and Programming departments but in your case, while being the Director, you can also draw, think of the game system, write the story plot and take on a variety of roles and we think that's amazing.'''<br>
'''Nowadays, Game Crews are divided into Scenario, Graphic, Sound and Programming departments but in your case, while being the Director, you can also draw, think of the game system, write the story plot and take on a variety of roles and we think that's amazing.'''<br>
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'''In the opening, there is a scene where Namine drawing Castle Oblivion and that image overlaps with the real thing but does that mean that the Castle was created out of Namine's drawing?'''<br>
'''In the opening, there is a scene where Namine drawing Castle Oblivion and that image overlaps with the real thing but does that mean that the Castle was created out of Namine's drawing?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That is incorrect. Castle Oblivion is under the orders of a member of the “org”, Marluxia and Namine is taken there by them. Within the Castle, the org members are conducting a little research but the real meaning of the “Organization” will be explained fuly in KHII. For now those aspects remain obscur so it is a relativeley enigmatic group. Incidently, there are 13 members in the Organization, therefor some have yet to be introduced.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That is incorrect. Castle Oblivion is under the orders of a member of the “org”, Marluxia and Namine is taken there by them. Within the Castle, the org members are conducting a little research but the real meaning of the “Organization” will be explained fuly in KHII. For now those aspects remain obscur so it is a relativeley enigmatic group. Incidently, there are 13 members in the Organization, therefor some have yet to be introduced.<br><br>
'''About the Org. members' names, they all seem to have an 'x' in them when translated into english.'''<br>
'''About the Org. members' names, they all seem to have an 'x' in them when translated into English.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Although it gives them an otherworldly sound, in their case there is another trick behind the choice of their names. It's just that, with the members that appeared this time, it is difficult to figure this out. I'm planning on making characters appear in KHII with names that will make you got “Aaaaah. I got it.”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Although it gives them an otherworldly sound, in their case there is another trick behind the choice of their names. It's just that, with the members that appeared this time, it is difficult to figure this out. I'm planning on making characters appear in KHII with names that will make you got “Aaaaah. I got it.”<br><br>
'''Speaking of not understanding, the identify of the leader of the Organization is also an enigma.'''<br>
'''Speaking of not understanding, the identify of the leader of the Organization is also an enigma.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> “Isn't it Ansem?” or “Isn't it the one bandaged in red?” are just some of the theories I guess some of you have thought of. The thing is, KHII is, even for me, unfolding in developing in such a complex way that at this stage nothing may be pronounced with certainty. Thanks to those members of the “Organization”, I think KHII will be quite an interesting and fun story.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> “Isn't it Ansem?” or “Isn't it the one bandaged in red?” are just some of the theories I guess some of you have thought of. The thing is, KHII is, even for me, unfolding in developing in such a complex way that at this stage nothing may be pronounced with certainty. Thanks to those members of the “Organization”, I think KHII will be quite an interesting and fun story.<br><br>
'''By “the one bandaged in red”, you mean DiZ?'''<br>
'''By “the one bandaged in red”, you mean DiZ?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. DiZ will be one of the most important characters in the story to come and holds the answer to many questions. But, what he is thinking and what he wants is unclear to his entourage. When you learn his identity, you'll possibly be suprised.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. DiZ will be one of the most important characters in the story to come and holds the answer to many questions. But, what he is thinking and what he wants is unclear to his entourage. When you learn his identity, you'll possibly be surprised.<br><br>
'''Is there a link between the name DiZ and Disney?'''<br>
'''Is there a link between the name DiZ and Disney?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It was suggested that it would be his name because a few members of the staff liked it. I also put it in because of a reason but… i'll try to remember what that was until next time (laugh).<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It was suggested that it would be his name because a few members of the staff liked it. I also put it in because of a reason but... i'll try to remember what that was until next time (laugh).<br><br>
'''In the newly introduced “Org.” members, which is your favorite?'''<br>
'''In the newly introduced “Org.” members, which is your favorite?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I guess that would be Axel. He is also very popular with a majority of the other members of the staff. Given that he is further given delicious roles in KHII… Axel's true motivations, though I cannot tell them now, are a great story. You could cry. The scene where he tells you what he really wants is one scene you simply cannot miss in KHII.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I guess that would be Axel. He is also very popular with a majority of the other members of the staff. Given that he is further given delicious roles in KHII... Axel's true motivations, though I cannot tell them now, are a great story. You could cry. The scene where he tells you what he really wants is one scene you simply cannot miss in KHII.<br><br>

====Who is the kid who appears in the ending?====
====Who is the kid who appears in the ending?====
'''Why didn't Sephiroth appear this time?'''<br>
'''Why didn't Sephiroth appear this time?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since he had been given the role in KH: Final Mix, the fans wouldn't forgive me if the next time I used him, I didn't give him a role more closely related to Cloud. If I am to use him, I want him to stand out and that is why he did not appear this time. However I am thinking of a little something with Cloud in KHII…<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since he had been given the role in KH: Final Mix, the fans wouldn't forgive me if the next time I used him, I didn't give him a role more closely related to Cloud. If I am to use him, I want him to stand out and that is why he did not appear this time. However I am thinking of a little something with Cloud in KHII...<br><br>
'''In the ending of Riku's story, Riku chooses neither the path of Light nor Darkness, but the road in-between. How will that choice affect him as one who wields the keyblade?'''<br>
'''In the ending of Riku's story, Riku chooses neither the path of Light nor Darkness, but the road in-between. How will that choice affect him as one who wields the keyblade?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> What Riku is thinking at that point will become clear later. He decides to follow the road in-between to achieve a certain goal. Riku's story was about “What is my relation with the Darkness?”, but some things, such as what he is, have yet to be explained.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> What Riku is thinking at that point will become clear later. He decides to follow the road in-between to achieve a certain goal. Riku's story was about “What is my relation with the Darkness?”, but some things, such as what he is, have yet to be explained.<br><br>
'''At that point, DiZ says “The road to twilight…”, but does that have a relation with Twilight Town?'''<br>
'''At that point, DiZ says “The road to twilight…”, but does that have a relation with Twilight Town?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, it does. This will again be talked about in KHII, but… twilight, that is the time when it is neither day nor night. That theme of being in-between light and dark is central to KHII. In the previous installment it talked more about being of either Light or Dark, but this time we've added being “in the middle”. That is why there now is a Twilight Town and a Riku who follows neither Light nor Dark, but both. Twilight Town is the first world to appear in KHII, too. It is very different opening from the Destiny Islands abundant with light you begin the previous instalment on and people who played KH might say “What's this?” and get confused. However, I plan to give that confusion further depth as the story goes on.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, it does. This will again be talked about in KHII, but... twilight, that is the time when it is neither day nor night. That theme of being in-between light and dark is central to KHII. In the previous installment it talked more about being of either Light or Dark, but this time we've added being “in the middle”. That is why there now is a Twilight Town and a Riku who follows neither Light nor Dark, but both. Twilight Town is the first world to appear in KHII, too. It is very different opening from the Destiny Islands abundant with light you begin the previous instalment on and people who played KH might say “What's this?” and get confused. However, I plan to give that confusion further depth as the story goes on.<br><br>
'''During this game, Twilight Town is presented as being: “A town built out of the memories of Sora's other side.”'''<br>
'''During this game, Twilight Town is presented as being: “A town built out of the memories of Sora's other side.”'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. But, let's just say it's not a town that is in Sora's own memories. It's not that Sora has any memory of that town but… hmmmm… there is a link. It is a very important part in KHII so it's difficult to explain.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. But, let's just say it's not a town that is in Sora's own memories. It's not that Sora has any memory of that town but... hmmmm... there is a link. It is a very important part in KHII so it's difficult to explain.<br><br>
'''At the end of Riku's story we see a young kid standing in Twilight Town. Who is he?'''<br>
'''At the end of Riku's story we see a young kid standing in Twilight Town. Who is he?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> He is a new character to appear in KHII and he holds a very important part to play, too. I will refrain from too much detail but he is to be a playable character. Besides him, many of the secret characters from the previous instalment's secret movies will appear in KHII. I plan to explain what the situations depicted in the secret movies signify.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> He is a new character to appear in KHII and he holds a very important part to play, too. I will refrain from too much detail but he is to be a playable character. Besides him, many of the secret characters from the previous instalment's secret movies will appear in KHII. I plan to explain what the situations depicted in the secret movies signify.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> There's those chess pieces we revealed at the Game Show. They are considerably well done. There are many female fans for KH which is rather different from the other goodies we release. So we're looking into developing more female oriented products. There are plenty of ideas in that respect when it comes to KH so please look forward to it.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> There's those chess pieces we revealed at the Game Show. They are considerably well done. There are many female fans for KH which is rather different from the other goodies we release. So we're looking into developing more female oriented products. There are plenty of ideas in that respect when it comes to KH so please look forward to it.<br><br>
'''We have heard that in America, there is a KH being developed for the mobile phone.'''<br>
'''We have heard that in America, there is a KH being developed for the mobile phone.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> There are quite a few things concerning that… Officially it has nothing to do with the original KH. It's completely different. The title is KH, Sora makes an appearance but the story has nothing to do whatsoever with KH, KHCOM, and KHII, we're developing since Disney is designing it.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> There are quite a few things concerning that... Officially it has nothing to do with the original KH. It's completely different. The title is KH, Sora makes an appearance but the story has nothing to do whatsoever with KH, KHCOM, and KHII, we're developing since Disney is designing it.<br><br>

====Beyond KHII?====
====Beyond KHII?====
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<u>Nomura:</u> No, for now it's been decided on how KHII will end but I really haven't been thinking beyond that. All the enigmas that arose in KH and KHCOM will be solved in KHII so it is possible to end it all then and there. However, quite a few new mysteries are glimpsed at in KHII so it isn't impossible to create another story afterwards. The question now is “shall it be done?”.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, for now it's been decided on how KHII will end but I really haven't been thinking beyond that. All the enigmas that arose in KH and KHCOM will be solved in KHII so it is possible to end it all then and there. However, quite a few new mysteries are glimpsed at in KHII so it isn't impossible to create another story afterwards. The question now is “shall it be done?”.<br><br>
'''But will KHII feature secret movies that glimpse into a possible sequel again?'''<br>
'''But will KHII feature secret movies that glimpse into a possible sequel again?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I quite like secret movies so there might something in KHII… But first, we need to finish KHII (laughs).<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I quite like secret movies so there might something in KHII... But first, we need to finish KHII (laughs).<br><br>
'''Besides KHII you are developing quite a few other titles.'''<br>
'''Besides KHII you are developing quite a few other titles.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well apart from KHII I'm also committed to “Compilation of FF7″, with AC (Advent Children), BC (Before Crisis), CC (Crisis Core), and DC (Dirge of Cerberus). Then there's also Samurai Legend Musashi and another, that makes six… not counting the other projects that might being to develop soon.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well apart from KHII I'm also committed to “Compilation of FF7″, with AC (Advent Children), BC (Before Crisis), CC (Crisis Core), and DC (Dirge of Cerberus). Then there's also Samurai Legend Musashi and another, that makes six… not counting the other projects that might being to develop soon.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> In the days following the release, I felt similarly to the way I felt after that of the previous instalment. The players were first saying “Not that we're complaining, but it is a kind of worrying title” and similar feedback rose. This is what I call a good feeling. Indeed, similarly to the previous instalment, as the feedback of more and more players came to me, the popularity increased and that makes me really happy.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In the days following the release, I felt similarly to the way I felt after that of the previous instalment. The players were first saying “Not that we're complaining, but it is a kind of worrying title” and similar feedback rose. This is what I call a good feeling. Indeed, similarly to the previous instalment, as the feedback of more and more players came to me, the popularity increased and that makes me really happy.<br><br>
'''The previous instalment, for a contemporary game, has become quite a long running hit.'''<br>
'''The previous instalment, for a contemporary game, has become quite a long running hit.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Indeed. But this instalment isn't exactly the concept I originally had in mind… as well as being portable, it was designed so that you could interrupt your game at any time but with KHCOM, once you start, it's hard to put down. (laugh) That is a truly happy feeling. So much data in such a small cartridge which I think is for players to explore. It is all connected with KHII so I really hope that fans of the previous instalment will play this game.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Indeed. But this instalment isn't exactly the concept I originally had in mind... as well as being portable, it was designed so that you could interrupt your game at any time but with KHCOM, once you start, it's hard to put down. (laugh) That is a truly happy feeling. So much data in such a small cartridge which I think is for players to explore. It is all connected with KHII so I really hope that fans of the previous instalment will play this game.<br><br>
'''When we play KHCOM, we really being to feel anxious for KHII.'''<br>
'''When we play KHCOM, we really being to feel anxious for KHII.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> KHII is a lot faster than the previous instalment but, still within limits. But, please look forward to it. Though I can't really say this myself, KHII is really looking to become a bloody great episode. It's as if we just crammed into it all we thought of KH and KHCOM. The volume of it isn't exactly many times that of the previous instalment but I'm really beginning to scratch my heart as to if it's all going to hold on a single DVD-ROM. (Note: This interview was before the one where it was stated 2 discs would be used)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> KHII is a lot faster than the previous instalment but, still within limits. But, please look forward to it. Though I can't really say this myself, KHII is really looking to become a bloody great episode. It's as if we just crammed into it all we thought of KH and KHCOM. The volume of it isn't exactly many times that of the previous instalment but I'm really beginning to scratch my heart as to if it's all going to hold on a single DVD-ROM. (Note: This interview was before the one where it was stated 2 discs would be used)<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> Before choosing a world I certainly wondered if the choice was okay or not. But when I thought of “Tron”, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Steamboat Willie” and so on, I got the feeling those are good choices. Half of the worlds overlayed with the previous game's but the new worlds give great impact so I thought they would be alright. Besides, this is still a sequel so people might want to re-visit some old worlds. In that way, both old and new worlds are inserted at the right ratio.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Before choosing a world I certainly wondered if the choice was okay or not. But when I thought of “Tron”, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Steamboat Willie” and so on, I got the feeling those are good choices. Half of the worlds overlayed with the previous game's but the new worlds give great impact so I thought they would be alright. Besides, this is still a sequel so people might want to re-visit some old worlds. In that way, both old and new worlds are inserted at the right ratio.<br><br>
'''I heard it was you who suggested to insert the Seasalt Ice-cream in the game.'''<br>
'''I heard it was you who suggested to insert the Seasalt Ice-cream in the game.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, I did. When the Tokyo Disney Sea opened and I went there by invitation, they were selling Seasalt Ice-creams at the time. You would think a “salty ice-cream” seems a pretty weird idea, right? I was like “What is this?” so I tried it out and it turned out to be very tasty. My impression of it back then was so strong that I overlapped Disney's image with seasalt ice-cream. Besides that, Roxas' story is set in summer break and I wondered what did I eat back in summer breaks when I was a kid and I remembered “Ah, of course, ice-cream.” Although I was the one who said I wanted to use it, Nojima-san was was the one who actually made it show up that much. Even I was surprised; “You're using it this often!?” (laugh) I think that shows the playful-ness of Nojima-san's scenarios.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, I did. When the Tokyo Disney Sea opened and I went there by invitation, they were selling Seasalt Ice-creams at the time. You would think a “salty ice-cream” seems a pretty weird idea, right? I was like “What is this?” so I tried it out and it turned out to be very tasty. My impression of it back then was so strong that I overlapped Disney's image with seasalt ice-cream. Besides that, Roxas' story is set in summer break and I wondered what did I eat back in summer breaks when I was a kid and I remembered “Ah, of course, ice-cream.” Although I was the one who said I wanted to use it, Nojima-san was the one who actually made it show up that much. Even I was surprised; “You're using it this often!?” (laugh) I think that shows the playful-ness of Nojima-san's scenarios.<br><br>
'''The text that's written on the photos in Jiminy Memo's Album is written by you, right?'''<br>
'''The text that's written on the photos in Jiminy Memo's Album is written by you, right?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. The project and menu leader came to my booth and said hesitantly “I want the text in the Album to be hand-written.” I answered “I think that's okay” and he replied “No, I want you to write them down, Nomura-san.” At that time there weren't that many sheets of paper so I said, “sure, I can write it” but just as I finished writing and gave back those sheets, more and more sheets kept coming in to the point of making me wonder when exactly they would stop coming in, and that's when I thought, “Oh, shoot.” (laugh)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. The project and menu leader came to my booth and said hesitantly “I want the text in the Album to be hand-written.” I answered “I think that's okay” and he replied “No, I want you to write them down, Nomura-san.” At that time there weren't that many sheets of paper so I said, “sure, I can write it” but just as I finished writing and gave back those sheets, more and more sheets kept coming in to the point of making me wonder when exactly they would stop coming in, and that's when I thought, “Oh, shoot.” (laugh)<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> In a way, we selected characters that are on demand. We considered from both fans and the staff's opinions and it all ends with just characters that are highly on demand.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In a way, we selected characters that are on demand. We considered from both fans and the staff's opinions and it all ends with just characters that are highly on demand.<br><br>
'''And Tifa from FFVII showed up.'''<br>
'''And Tifa from FFVII showed up.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In fact, back when we were working on KHFM, some of the staff members wanted to have Tifa show up. They said “Battling with Tifa would be fun, in a melee sense” and originally wanted to add both Sephiroth and Tifa (into KHFM) but due to tight schedules, we could only go with one character so we inserted Sephiroth into KHFM. Because of that, we decided to let Tifa show up in this game. When we were recording the voices for KHII, coincidentally they were also doing the recording for FFVII:AC so somehow we end up doing “Today we record FFVII:AC, tomorrow KHII”… (laugh) The voices were recorded in the same flow so I'm glad about that.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In fact, back when we were working on KHFM, some of the staff members wanted to have Tifa show up. They said “Battling with Tifa would be fun, in a melee sense” and originally wanted to add both Sephiroth and Tifa (into KHFM) but due to tight schedules, we could only go with one character so we inserted Sephiroth into KHFM. Because of that, we decided to let Tifa show up in this game. When we were recording the voices for KHII, coincidentally they were also doing the recording for FFVII:AC so somehow we end up doing “Today we record FFVII:AC, tomorrow KHII”... (laugh) The voices were recorded in the same flow so I'm glad about that.<br><br>
'''Speaking of Tifa, there's an event where she talked to Cloud after beating Sephiroth.'''<br>
'''Speaking of Tifa, there's an event where she talked to Cloud after beating Sephiroth.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In Nojima-san's scenario, it explained Cloud and Tifa's connection more in-depth but I deleted it away. I thought it would be more interesting to let the gamers think about it. For example, “If Cloud's darkness is Sephiroth, then Tifa is light”; in that sense you can take it that Tifa isn't really human. The reason Tifa doesn't talk to anyone else besides Sora and co. may be because she doesn't exist as a human. Of course, I also presented her in a way that she could also be a resident of Hollow Bastion, so I think you can feely think for yourself about her.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In Nojima-san's scenario, it explained Cloud and Tifa's connection more in-depth but I deleted it away. I thought it would be more interesting to let the gamers think about it. For example, “If Cloud's darkness is Sephiroth, then Tifa is light”; in that sense you can take it that Tifa isn't really human. The reason Tifa doesn't talk to anyone else besides Sora and co. may be because she doesn't exist as a human. Of course, I also presented her in a way that she could also be a resident of Hollow Bastion, so I think you can feely think for yourself about her.<br><br>
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'''Following the previous game, Utada Hikaru also sang the theme song for this game, “Passion.”'''<br>
'''Following the previous game, Utada Hikaru also sang the theme song for this game, “Passion.”'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Many fans seem to have the image Kingdom Hearts = Utada Hikaru so I didn't think of changing that at all. This time I wrote a story explanation for her that's longer than the previous game's. We decided to have it played at the last scene, so for me the theme was “Sora and Riku's reunion.” I wrote stuff like “An image of a reunion, a happy moment in a way” and “Like a Hikari 2″ in there.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Many fans seem to have the image Kingdom Hearts = Utada Hikaru so I didn't think of changing that at all. This time I wrote a story explanation for her that's longer than the previous game's. We decided to have it played at the last scene, so for me the theme was “Sora and Riku's reunion.” I wrote stuff like “An image of a reunion, a happy moment in a way” and “Like a Hikari 2″ in there.<br><br>
'''In the single version, there are phrases like “Seems like a child will be born in winter” and “The New Year's card has a photo attached to it” in it…'''<br>
'''In the single version, there are phrases like “Seems like a child will be born in winter” and “The New Year's card has a photo attached to it” in it...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> After getting the finished song, we worked on the movie to make it synchronize with the song, and when we were almost finishing, suddenly I was told “we've made a single version” so I tried listening to it and noticed those phrases were added into the lyrics, so we didn't know about it initially. Come to think about it, if those phrases were added earlier, we would have been brainstorming how to make the movie fit that part of the song. (laugh) I guess it's because Utada-san understood that “Kingdom Hearts” won't be using that part of the song.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> After getting the finished song, we worked on the movie to make it synchronize with the song, and when we were almost finishing, suddenly I was told “we've made a single version” so I tried listening to it and noticed those phrases were added into the lyrics, so we didn't know about it initially. Come to think about it, if those phrases were added earlier, we would have been brainstorming how to make the movie fit that part of the song. (laugh) I guess it's because Utada-san understood that “Kingdom Hearts” won't be using that part of the song.<br><br>
'''It was amazing on how the ending synchronized well with the song and movie.'''<br>
'''It was amazing on how the ending synchronized well with the song and movie.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The first KH's ending also stuck well with the theme song, but this time it was a bit more difficult because the song started with soft piano keys. Before, the scene that synchronized with the start of the song was Sora letting go of Kairi's hand but this time this two would hold each other's hands. In the editting process, we were arguing on how many seconds we should show them holding hands. Someone said “Shouldn't it look better if we show it longer?” but I said “No, we're going to show it for just a split second” so we cut it short enough to just show them holding hands. The external editors told me “you're a really cold person”, though. (laugh)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The first KH's ending also stuck well with the theme song, but this time it was a bit more difficult because the song started with soft piano keys. Before, the scene that synchronized with the start of the song was Sora letting go of Kairi's hand but this time this two would hold each other's hands. In the editing process, we were arguing on how many seconds we should show them holding hands. Someone said “Shouldn't it look better if we show it longer?” but I said “No, we're going to show it for just a split second” so we cut it short enough to just show them holding hands. The external editors told me “you're a really cold person”, though. (laugh)<br><br>
'''In the last scene in the ending, they received a letter from the king. I'm quite curious to what's written in it.'''<br>
'''In the last scene in the ending, they received a letter from the king. I'm quite curious to what's written in it.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I was troubled for a very long time on whether I should show the letter's contents or not, and in the end I decided to let people speculate it themselves. You can guess what's in the letter by looking at those three's facial expressions: Sora looking at it blankly, Riku smirking and Kairi looking slightly worried. If it was just a “Hello, it's been awhile”, they would be smiling instead so at least it's hinted it is not that kind of simple letter. Actually, it was planned to have a little more scene to it and by watching it you could tell what's in the letter. I might be able to show that scene when I get the chance to.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I was troubled for a very long time on whether I should show the letter's contents or not, and in the end I decided to let people speculate it themselves. You can guess what's in the letter by looking at those three's facial expressions: Sora looking at it blankly, Riku smirking and Kairi looking slightly worried. If it was just a “Hello, it's been awhile”, they would be smiling instead so at least it's hinted it is not that kind of simple letter. Actually, it was planned to have a little more scene to it and by watching it you could tell what's in the letter. I might be able to show that scene when I get the chance to.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> I actually have a solid idea on what the movie's setting will be in my head. In the previous game's secret movie, I wasn't even sure if I would be making a sequel or not, so some parts of it were quite vague. But this time I already have an idea my head where I think “This is it.”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I actually have a solid idea on what the movie's setting will be in my head. In the previous game's secret movie, I wasn't even sure if I would be making a sequel or not, so some parts of it were quite vague. But this time I already have an idea my head where I think “This is it.”<br><br>
'''Did that scene happen in the future or in the past?'''<br>
'''Did that scene happen in the future or in the past?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I would at least say it's an episode in the past, but…. Hmm, how should I say this? It's in the past but you can also think it's in the future, something like that.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I would at least say it's an episode in the past, but.... Hmm, how should I say this? It's in the past but you can also think it's in the future, something like that.<br><br>
'''Who are the 3 armoured people?'''<br>
'''Who are the 3 armoured people?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Those 3 are completely new people who haven't shown up at all. In fact, I've already thought of their names. Back when I was making that movie, I only had their settings but now I've even drawn their faces to give myself a clearer image of them.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Those 3 are completely new people who haven't shown up at all. In fact, I've already thought of their names. Back when I was making that movie, I only had their settings but now I've even drawn their faces to give myself a clearer image of them.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> It's to show that those three armoured people aren't them but that doesn't mean they don't have connections. The words “Keyblade War” that showed up in the middle were to implicate that there were fights between Keyblades. Most of the puzzles in the first KH have been solved in KHII but there are many things about the Keyblade that haven't been revealed yet. A line from the previous game's Ansem Report #8 appeared in the movie but that is to say “It means this but it's not explained yet.”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It's to show that those three armoured people aren't them but that doesn't mean they don't have connections. The words “Keyblade War” that showed up in the middle were to implicate that there were fights between Keyblades. Most of the puzzles in the first KH have been solved in KHII but there are many things about the Keyblade that haven't been revealed yet. A line from the previous game's Ansem Report #8 appeared in the movie but that is to say “It means this but it's not explained yet.”<br><br>
'''Does that mean you already have a plot for KHIII?'''<br>
'''Does that mean you already have a plot for KHIII?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Hmm… I have an idea but it can't be helped because my team are planning to work on our next different title. So we're not working on KHIII now and we're not planning to work on it for some time, too. I have a plot in my head but I'm not sure if it'll be released to the world or just stay in there.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Hmm... I have an idea but it can't be helped because my team are planning to work on our next different title. So we're not working on KHIII now and we're not planning to work on it for some time, too. I have a plot in my head but I'm not sure if it'll be released to the world or just stay in there.<br><br>
'''Well then, is there a possibility for a Final Mix version to be released like the previous game's?'''<br>
'''Well then, is there a possibility for a Final Mix version to be released like the previous game's?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Actually, I wasn't planning for KHII to have a Final Mix. In beginning of the project, I wanted to have the English voices inserted, too, but the disc space was almost full and the recording of the English voices got delayed so that plan couldn't be realized. Compared to FF, there's a high demand for the English version of “Kingdom Hearts”. I assume it's because there are many fans who came in through KHFM so it felt quite weird to play KHII in Japanese when they played the previous game in English. Thanks to KHFM selling very well, many fans think the English voices are meant for “Kingdom Hearts” so right now I'm in the middle of wondering what to do about Final Mix.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Actually, I wasn't planning for KHII to have a Final Mix. In beginning of the project, I wanted to have the English voices inserted, too, but the disc space was almost full and the recording of the English voices got delayed so that plan couldn't be realized. Compared to FF, there's a high demand for the English version of “Kingdom Hearts”. I assume it's because there are many fans who came in through KHFM so it felt quite weird to play KHII in Japanese when they played the previous game in English. Thanks to KHFM selling very well, many fans think the English voices are meant for “Kingdom Hearts” so right now I'm in the middle of wondering what to do about Final Mix.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> Not really disappear but more like they're somewhere else as normal Heartless. Xehanort was about the only one who was able to keep a human form.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Not really disappear but more like they're somewhere else as normal Heartless. Xehanort was about the only one who was able to keep a human form.<br><br>
'''In the beginning of the game, there's a conversation between Xemnas and Roxas that went like “I met him. He looks just like you.” “Who are you?” at the beach in the World of Darkness. Did this happen right after Sora's fight with the Enigmatic Man in KHFM?'''<br>
'''In the beginning of the game, there's a conversation between Xemnas and Roxas that went like “I met him. He looks just like you.” “Who are you?” at the beach in the World of Darkness. Did this happen right after Sora's fight with the Enigmatic Man in KHFM?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> “Right after”…. I'm not sure about that but yes, it's after that. In this game it was never stated that Xemnas was the EM in KHFM but from the way he fights and his line “He looks just like you”, I hinted that it was him in KHFM.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> “Right after”.... I'm not sure about that but yes, it's after that. In this game it was never stated that Xemnas was the EM in KHFM but from the way he fights and his line “He looks just like you”, I hinted that it was him in KHFM.<br><br>
'''Roxas asked for Xemnas' name so does that mean that scene shows him meeting Xemnas for the first time and that's when he joined the Organization?'''<br>
'''Roxas asked for Xemnas' name so does that mean that scene shows him meeting Xemnas for the first time and that's when he joined the Organization?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Not really. It's true that he had a conversation with Xemnas at that beach before but that's not their first meeting and their conversation wasn't like that either. The conversation at the beginning of the game was Roxas' dream, mixed with his memories and feelings. The part where he asked for Xemnas' name but instead was asked back for his real name was a reflection of Roxas' feelings on who really is. Roxas didn't know his real name, remember? If he remembered that he was Sora, I think he wouldn't join the Organization in the first place.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Not really. It's true that he had a conversation with Xemnas at that beach before but that's not their first meeting and their conversation wasn't like that either. The conversation at the beginning of the game was Roxas' dream, mixed with his memories and feelings. The part where he asked for Xemnas' name but instead was asked back for his real name was a reflection of Roxas' feelings on who really is. Roxas didn't know his real name, remember? If he remembered that he was Sora, I think he wouldn't join the Organization in the first place.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, they contacted each other between Sora and Riku's stories. Namine coorperated with DiZ not just because she's against the Organization but also because she wanted to protect Sora. She promised to restore Sora's memories so she needed to stay beside him. As stated in Ansem's Other Report #10, DiZ thought it's dangerous to leave Sora in Castle Oblivion, and in order to protect Sora, Namine needed DiZ.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, they contacted each other between Sora and Riku's stories. Namine coorperated with DiZ not just because she's against the Organization but also because she wanted to protect Sora. She promised to restore Sora's memories so she needed to stay beside him. As stated in Ansem's Other Report #10, DiZ thought it's dangerous to leave Sora in Castle Oblivion, and in order to protect Sora, Namine needed DiZ.<br><br>
'''Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?'''<br>
'''Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, they have nothing to do with it. It's just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there's a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion's was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, they have nothing to do with it. It's just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transferred Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there's a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion's was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.<br><br>
'''Please tell us a bit more about the Twilight Town Roxas was in. From Ansem's Other Report #12, there's the line “For the moment, I have converted all of Twilight Town into data, and formed a 'copy of the world' in Sora's memories…”'''<br>
'''Please tell us a bit more about the Twilight Town Roxas was in. From Ansem's Other Report #12, there's the line “For the moment, I have converted all of Twilight Town into data, and formed a 'copy of the world' in Sora's memories…”'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The Twilight Town Roxas was in is the data of the real Twilight Town, inside a computer. The pod Sora sleeps in is connected to a computer and in that computer is a data of that world and the XIII Organization hacked into the computer. It's not that Axel went into Sora's brain, it's actually that the Nobodies invaded the world that's in the computer that Sora's brain is accessing.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The Twilight Town Roxas was in is the data of the real Twilight Town, inside a computer. The pod Sora sleeps in is connected to a computer and in that computer is a data of that world and the XIII Organization hacked into the computer. It's not that Axel went into Sora's brain, it's actually that the Nobodies invaded the world that's in the computer that Sora's brain is accessing.<br><br>
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'''If we directly translate “Way to the Dawn”, “dawn” means “in-between night and daytime”, so does that mean that Keyblade is from the In-between World? In other words, this means the Keyblades that Sora, King Mickey and Riku wield represent the Worlds of Light, Dark and In-between?'''<br>
'''If we directly translate “Way to the Dawn”, “dawn” means “in-between night and daytime”, so does that mean that Keyblade is from the In-between World? In other words, this means the Keyblades that Sora, King Mickey and Riku wield represent the Worlds of Light, Dark and In-between?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, if I have to say where they belong, it's just as you said. But the name of “Way to Dawn” doesn't have to mean that. This name came from the scene at the end of Riku's story in KHCOM that suggested which path he would walk on, where he said “The road to dawn.”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, if I have to say where they belong, it's just as you said. But the name of “Way to Dawn” doesn't have to mean that. This name came from the scene at the end of Riku's story in KHCOM that suggested which path he would walk on, where he said “The road to dawn.”<br><br>
'''In Ansem's Other Report #13, DiZ had the unanswered question, “How did Xehanort open the door in Hollow Bastion's underground?” but….'''<br>
'''In Ansem's Other Report #13, DiZ had the unanswered question, “How did Xehanort open the door in Hollow Bastion's underground?” but....'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't talk about this yet. But, weeell, it's something you can speculate over, I think.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't talk about this yet. But, weeell, it's something you can speculate over, I think.<br><br>
'''Speaking of “opening the door”, I'm going to move the subject to the previous game. Why when Riku opened Destiny Island's door, this accidentally called the darkness? Do the powers of Keyblade wielders that are called “Heroes of Light” are connected to darkness?'''<br>
'''Speaking of “opening the door”, I'm going to move the subject to the previous game. Why when Riku opened Destiny Island's door, this accidentally called the darkness? Do the powers of Keyblade wielders that are called “Heroes of Light” are connected to darkness?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Currently Sora and co. are the only Keyblade wielders and they're doing things that grant them the titles “Heroes of Light” but, as stated in the first game's Ansem Report #8 and the secret movie this time, the real Keyblade wielders “can bring chaos to the world, just as one can bring peace to it.”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Currently Sora and co. are the only Keyblade wielders and they're doing things that grant them the titles “Heroes of Light” but, as stated in the first game's Ansem Report #8 and the secret movie this time, the real Keyblade wielders “can bring chaos to the world, just as one can bring peace to it.”<br><br>
'''In the World that Never Was, Xigbar said to Sora “Compared to the ones before this, you're weaker”; does that mean he's comparing Sora to previous Keyblade wielders before him?'''<br>
'''In the World that Never Was, Xigbar said to Sora “Compared to the ones before this, you're weaker”; does that mean he's comparing Sora to previous Keyblade wielders before him?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, he was. I was hinting “Xigbar has met other Keyblade wielders before.” As for something more than that… I'll leave it to your imagination.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes, he was. I was hinting “Xigbar has met other Keyblade wielders before.” As for something more than that... I'll leave it to your imagination.<br><br>

==[[Director's Secret Report XIII]], March 29, 2007 ==
==[[Director's Secret Report XIII]], March 29, 2007 ==
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'''At the end of Sora and Riku's stories in Re: Chain of Memories, Roxas looks back while Hayner and the rest are walking and eating ice-cream, and without seeming to care, Hayner and the others continue walking. Is this because they can't see Roxas?'''<br>
'''At the end of Sora and Riku's stories in Re: Chain of Memories, Roxas looks back while Hayner and the rest are walking and eating ice-cream, and without seeming to care, Hayner and the others continue walking. Is this because they can't see Roxas?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well it's just because they don't know Roxas that they don't notice him, not because they can't see him. At that time, right after Xemnas explains Roxas' name, Axel says to leave things to him. Then, Roxas seems jealous of how Hayner and the others are enjoying themselves while eating ice-cream, and Axel interprets this as him wanting some ice-cream, so he is obliged to go buy him some.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well it's just because they don't know Roxas that they don't notice him, not because they can't see him. At that time, right after Xemnas explains Roxas' name, Axel says to leave things to him. Then, Roxas seems jealous of how Hayner and the others are enjoying themselves while eating ice-cream, and Axel interprets this as him wanting some ice-cream, so he is obliged to go buy him some.<br><br>
'''In the real Twilight Town, didn't Roxas cross paths with Hayner and the others and make aquaintances with them?'''<br>
'''In the real Twilight Town, didn't Roxas cross paths with Hayner and the others and make acquaintances with them?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I suppose. You can think whatever you want about that.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I suppose. You can think whatever you want about that.<br><br>
'''What triggered Roxas' separation from the Organization?'''<br>
'''What triggered Roxas' separation from the Organization?'''<br>
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'''What is the armored youth's name?'''<br>
'''What is the armored youth's name?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> His name appeared once in code in the 2006 Tokyo Game Show Promotional Video. Also, Ven is actually a nickname, but his real name is a little bit longer. Sora, Riku, and Kairi's names can be seen as “Sky, Land, and Sea” respectively. The 3 armored people's names take the shape of different properties of the world, "Water, Wind, and Earth".<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> His name appeared once in code in the 2006 Tokyo Game Show Promotional Video. Also, Ven is actually a nickname, but his real name is a little bit longer. Sora, Riku, and Kairi's names can be seen as “Sky, Land, and Sea” respectively. The 3 armored people's names take the shape of different properties of the world, "Water, Wind, and Earth".<br><br>
'''Ven looks an awful lot like Roxas…'''<br>
'''Ven looks an awful lot like Roxas...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't give any specifics about that. He may just resemble him, and if there is a connection, Sora may be related too. What I can say right now is that these mysteries are all connected to the story.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't give any specifics about that. He may just resemble him, and if there is a connection, Sora may be related too. What I can say right now is that these mysteries are all connected to the story.<br><br>
'''In the beginning, the armored youth's eyes are blue, but at the end they change to gold. Is this revealing a change in him?'''<br>
'''In the beginning, the armored youth's eyes are blue, but at the end they change to gold. Is this revealing a change in him?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't give specifics about this either… I think everyone's imaginations are pretty capable so please try and anticipate a lot of things.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I can't give specifics about this either... I think everyone's imaginations are pretty capable so please try and anticipate a lot of things.<br><br>

==Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Ultimania, May 27, 2009 ==
==Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Ultimania, May 27, 2009 ==
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<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. Actually, from just before the DS was released, there were voices saying it should definitely have KH. When we first heard of the DS' specifications, we thought it was a kind of hardware completely unheard of in previous ways of thinking. There had been no other game machines with two screens, and we were pretty worried about how they should be put to practical use. So we didn't get started straight away, rather we continued searching for the form of a KH that it would be meaningful to release on DS. Separately, we wanted to make a completely new game making full use of the DS' functionality, and began The World Ends with You. So we were able to work on the concept for KH while actually working with the DS.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. Actually, from just before the DS was released, there were voices saying it should definitely have KH. When we first heard of the DS' specifications, we thought it was a kind of hardware completely unheard of in previous ways of thinking. There had been no other game machines with two screens, and we were pretty worried about how they should be put to practical use. So we didn't get started straight away, rather we continued searching for the form of a KH that it would be meaningful to release on DS. Separately, we wanted to make a completely new game making full use of the DS' functionality, and began The World Ends with You. So we were able to work on the concept for KH while actually working with the DS.<br><br>
'''When you decided to make KH for the DS, what was the first concept you thought of?'''<br>
'''When you decided to make KH for the DS, what was the first concept you thought of?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It was the multiplayer. With The World Ends with You, there hadn't previously been a game concept like it, and we couldn't fit in the concept of playing with multiple people at the same time. So this time, we thought we wanted to expand on that. Then, looking at the hardware specs, we considered whether to go with 2D presentation like KHCOM or The World Ends with You, or whether to use a specialised system for the DS' capabilities. When the market changed to more serious games (for example, educational games), I felt as a game creator that I wanted to give people a more straight-forward “game”-like game. Also, from our experience with Chain of Memories we felt that what fans wanted from KH was this kind of straight-out game, so first of all we had h.a.n.d. draw up a test version of a traditional, fundamental KH, and when we saw how good it was, our resolve to go with a straight KH game even on DS was solidified.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It was the multiplayer. With The World Ends with You, there hadn't previously been a game concept like it, and we couldn't fit in the concept of playing with multiple people at the same time. So this time, we thought we wanted to expand on that. Then, looking at the hardware specs, we considered whether to go with 2D presentation like KHCOM or The World Ends with You, or whether to use a specialised system for the DS' capabilities. When the market changed to more serious games (for example, educational games), I felt as a game creator that I wanted to give people a more straightforward “game”-like game. Also, from our experience with Chain of Memories we felt that what fans wanted from KH was this kind of straight-out game, so first of all we had h.a.n.d. draw up a test version of a traditional, fundamental KH, and when we saw how good it was, our resolve to go with a straight KH game even on DS was solidified.<br><br>
'''Where did the idea to use the Organization members for the multiplayer come from?'''<br>
'''Where did the idea to use the Organization members for the multiplayer come from?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> We made a game where characters from various FF games got together to battle, Dissidia, but that was a project we were originally thinking of using for KH. However, deciding it would be a bad idea to make Disney characters fight each other, it never materialized for KH and ended up shifting to FF. Even this time we thought that it would be difficult to bring out Disney characters and have them fight each other in multiplayer, and wondering what to do, we arrived at the idea of using Organization XIII. These guys were still connected to Disney, but we thought it would be okay because they were original KH characters. Also, with all their attributes and weapons being different, it would be easy to show their individuality, so made a scenario where you could play as Organization XIII in multiplayer. After deciding that, when we were thinking about which time period we should place the scenario in, we thought if we cut out the one year that Roxas was in the Organization it would link well with the multiplayer idea.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> We made a game where characters from various FF games got together to battle, Dissidia, but that was a project we were originally thinking of using for KH. However, deciding it would be a bad idea to make Disney characters fight each other, it never materialized for KH and ended up shifting to FF. Even this time we thought that it would be difficult to bring out Disney characters and have them fight each other in multiplayer, and wondering what to do, we arrived at the idea of using Organization XIII. These guys were still connected to Disney, but we thought it would be okay because they were original KH characters. Also, with all their attributes and weapons being different, it would be easy to show their individuality, so made a scenario where you could play as Organization XIII in multiplayer. After deciding that, when we were thinking about which time period we should place the scenario in, we thought if we cut out the one year that Roxas was in the Organization it would link well with the multiplayer idea.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> It was decided from the start that she would have a deep connection to Kairi, so she was based on Kairi with her hair changed a little. We were actually thinking of changing nothing but the colour of her hair, but when designs were drawn up her hairstyle was made quite a bit different too. Even the 3D polygon model's face is the same as Kairi's, apart from the hair. So, if you look at the 3D models of Xion, Namine and Kairi, they have the same face and differ only in their hair, but unexpectedly have individual personalities.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It was decided from the start that she would have a deep connection to Kairi, so she was based on Kairi with her hair changed a little. We were actually thinking of changing nothing but the colour of her hair, but when designs were drawn up her hairstyle was made quite a bit different too. Even the 3D polygon model's face is the same as Kairi's, apart from the hair. So, if you look at the 3D models of Xion, Namine and Kairi, they have the same face and differ only in their hair, but unexpectedly have individual personalities.<br><br>
'''Also, Xion's voice actor is Risa Uchida, the same as Kairi, and bits of Kairi's theme tune are included in Xion's theme tune; elements that showed there was a connection between the two.'''<br>
'''Also, Xion's voice actor is Risa Uchida, the same as Kairi, and bits of Kairi's theme tune are included in Xion's theme tune; elements that showed there was a connection between the two.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Truthfully she's not unconnected to Kairi, but if if I had to explain, we were thinking of trying to mislead people with things like, "Is Xion Kairi's Nobody?" This probably wouldn't work for people who'd played KHII, but on the other hand we also aimed to confuse them; "If she isn't a Nobody, what is Xion?" That was why we made her similarity to Kairi so strong.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Truthfully she's not unconnected to Kairi, but if I had to explain, we were thinking of trying to mislead people with things like, "Is Xion Kairi's Nobody?" This probably wouldn't work for people who'd played KHII, but on the other hand we also aimed to confuse them; "If she isn't a Nobody, what is Xion?" That was why we made her similarity to Kairi so strong.<br><br>
'''Was her true nature decided from the start?'''<br>
'''Was her true nature decided from the start?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah. At the start of development, I worked on the scenario with Kanemaki-san, Watanabe (Daisuke Watanabe, scenario supervisor) and Ishida (Yukari Ishida, planning director), and it was decided then. This is related to the misdirection from before - people who know the KH series would think that the Organization members are all Nobodies. But it would be boring if she was really a Nobody, so we thought about what we could do for her true nature.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah. At the start of development, I worked on the scenario with Kanemaki-san, Watanabe (Daisuke Watanabe, scenario supervisor) and Ishida (Yukari Ishida, planning director), and it was decided then. This is related to the misdirection from before - people who know the KH series would think that the Organization members are all Nobodies. But it would be boring if she was really a Nobody, so we thought about what we could do for her true nature.<br><br>
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'''Single missions are fairly short, but there is quite a number of them.'''<br>
'''Single missions are fairly short, but there is quite a number of them.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At first we were going to have a mission for each of the 358 days. But we thought that would be too much, so we were going to make it around 150, but when writing the scenario we realized even that would be too much, so I gradually got rid of more and more missions. Then the guys on Planning got rid of even more, and then even after that when we sat down to play the finished product we still felt it was too much. I wonder what would have happened if we had made it as originally planned. (laughs)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At first we were going to have a mission for each of the 358 days. But we thought that would be too much, so we were going to make it around 150, but when writing the scenario we realized even that would be too much, so I gradually got rid of more and more missions. Then the guys on Planning got rid of even more, and then even after that when we sat down to play the finished product we still felt it was too much. I wonder what would have happened if we had made it as originally planned. (laughs)<br><br>
'''I heard the Panel System was your idea. I thought it was a ground-breaking new way of using the ablities you've gained on your characters in multi-player.'''<br>
'''I heard the Panel System was your idea. I thought it was a ground-breaking new way of using the abilities you've gained on your characters in multi-player.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> We didn't want you to have to train each character from the ground up. Also, since you can't allow two of the same Disney character or Organization member to exist at the same time, two people can't use the same character during multi-player. So if two people had only trained the same character, multi-player would lose a lot of it's fun. So instead of training individual characters we made a system where you could take all the abilities that you've learned and move them to any other character.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> We didn't want you to have to train each character from the ground up. Also, since you can't allow two of the same Disney character or Organization member to exist at the same time, two people can't use the same character during multi-player. So if two people had only trained the same character, multi-player would lose a lot of its fun. So instead of training individual characters we made a system where you could take all the abilities that you've learned and move them to any other character.<br><br>
'''By the way, I heard that it was your decision to name Luxord's weapon, "Ultimate Illusion 13"...?'''<br>
'''By the way, I heard that it was your decision to name Luxord's weapon, "Ultimate Illusion 13"...?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, the Planning staff always send us many different ideas for names, and this time they sent us something like "Ultimate Illusion 13" or "XIII Illusion", so we just put those together. Since the weapon was just for fun, we figured why not? But then the localize team said, “If we do a literal translation it will become “Final Fantasy XIII”. Is that okay?” I seem to remember saying that might be a bad idea. (laugh)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, the Planning staff always send us many different ideas for names, and this time they sent us something like "Ultimate Illusion 13" or "XIII Illusion", so we just put those together. Since the weapon was just for fun, we figured why not? But then the localize team said, “If we do a literal translation it will become “Final Fantasy XIII”. Is that okay?” I seem to remember saying that might be a bad idea. (laugh)<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> When we were writing up the plan, it had already been decided that the usual KH team would make FF Verses XIII, and so I thought I'd ask another team to develop it. Then, the Osaka team sent an offer saying 'we could do it better than any other development team, so please let us do it'. After that they made a demo for me with Sora, Donald and Goofy running around smoothly on the PSP, and, thinking I could definitely leave it to them, I made the request. At that time, development of FFVII Crisis Core had just begun, and that development team was battling with how things appeared on the PSP. Hearing this, I showed them Osaka team's demo, and told them 'this is how far you can go with the PSP'.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> When we were writing up the plan, it had already been decided that the usual KH team would make FF Verses XIII, and so I thought I'd ask another team to develop it. Then, the Osaka team sent an offer saying 'we could do it better than any other development team, so please let us do it'. After that they made a demo for me with Sora, Donald and Goofy running around smoothly on the PSP, and, thinking I could definitely leave it to them, I made the request. At that time, development of FFVII Crisis Core had just begun, and that development team was battling with how things appeared on the PSP. Hearing this, I showed them Osaka team's demo, and told them 'this is how far you can go with the PSP'.<br><br>
'''The game system specialises in commands. Was that your idea, Mr. Nomura?'''<br>
'''The game system specialises in commands. Was that your idea, Mr. Nomura?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. The deck command element was implemented in the first stages of planning. It began when we wondered whether it would be more invigorating if we took card-using deck system adopted in KHCOM and made it simpler. Then, we put that with the idea of waiting to charge after using commands adopted in The World Ends with You (released 2007 on the Nintendo DS), and aimed to evolve it further. There's a degree of freedom in the manual charging as it is in KH CoM, but we thought the tension created by automatic charging when you're in a pinch would be more fun, having you escaping from the enemy thinking 'hurry up and fill, hurry up and fill…' with the cursor on Curaga.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. The deck command element was implemented in the first stages of planning. It began when we wondered whether it would be more invigorating if we took card-using deck system adopted in KHCOM and made it simpler. Then, we put that with the idea of waiting to charge after using commands adopted in The World Ends with You (released 2007 on the Nintendo DS), and aimed to evolve it further. There's a degree of freedom in the manual charging as it is in KH CoM, but we thought the tension created by automatic charging when you're in a pinch would be more fun, having you escaping from the enemy thinking 'hurry up and fill, hurry up and fill...' with the cursor on Curaga.<br><br>
'''The 'command board' was also born from a suggestion of yours, right, Mr. Nomura?'''<br>
'''The 'command board' was also born from a suggestion of yours, right, Mr. Nomura?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I've loved board games for ages. When I was little, my father would make sugoroku (Japanese board game like backgammon or snakes and ladders) for me, and I'd copy him and make them myself. With that sort of thing having happened, I wanted to use a board game element as a system in a game someday. For example, like the board game-like sphere grid growth system in the FF series? I've always thought about using something that took that further, and could be played independently like sugoroku, and that's what became the 'command board'.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I've loved board games for ages. When I was little, my father would make sugoroku (Japanese board game like backgammon or snakes and ladders) for me, and I'd copy him and make them myself. With that sort of thing having happened, I wanted to use a board game element as a system in a game someday. For example, like the board game-like sphere grid growth system in the FF series? I've always thought about using something that took that further, and could be played independently like sugoroku, and that's what became the 'command board'.<br><br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> No, I had a relatively hard time with that. Especially with those three armored suits they transform into, when I was first designing them I had decided that it'd be “armor that becomes a round device.” However thinking of how to incorporate that sort of device into clothing was difficult. But once “X” became a keyword for this story, the shape of that symbol became inspiration for the main three's outfits.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, I had a relatively hard time with that. Especially with those three armored suits they transform into, when I was first designing them I had decided that it'd be “armor that becomes a round device.” However thinking of how to incorporate that sort of device into clothing was difficult. But once “X” became a keyword for this story, the shape of that symbol became inspiration for the main three's outfits.<br><br>
'''As for their faces, what  manner of design went into that?'''<br>
'''As for their faces, what  manner of design went into that?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> For Terra, since his appearance after this had already been decided, he was designed to have a younger feeling of that. Ventus would inevitably resemble either Sora or Roxas, though I worried over which, I thought that Vanitas resembling Sora would have a greater impact, so Ventus ended up resembling Roxas. By the way, there's a reason Vanitas has Sora's face. Sora supplements the damaged parts of Ventus' heart, and as a result of Sora's influence on those damaged parts, Vanitas' face changed into the same as Sora's. Therefore if Riku was supplementing the missing parts of Ventus' heart, Vanitas' face would likely look like Riku.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> For Terra, since his appearance after this had already been decided, he was designed to have a younger feeling of that. Ventus would inevitably resemble either Sora or Roxas, though I worried over which, I thought that Vanitas resembling Sora would have a greater impact, so Ventus ended up resembling Roxas. By the way, there's a reason Vanitas has Sora's face. Sora supplements the damaged parts of Ventus' heart, and as a result of Sora's influence on those damaged parts, Vanitas' face changed into the same as Sora's. Therefore, if Riku was supplementing the missing parts of Ventus' heart, Vanitas' face would likely look like Riku.<br><br>
'''How about the lone lady Aqua?'''<br>
'''How about the lone lady Aqua?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since there was no base for her to begin with like with Terra and Ventus, I drew up an entirely new character. Since Terra's outfit was slightly Japanese inspired, I carried those elements to her design, with the ties ending in her lower back and the sleeves with wide openings at the ends.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since there was no base for her to begin with like with Terra and Ventus, I drew up an entirely new character. Since Terra's outfit was slightly Japanese inspired, I carried those elements to her design, with the ties ending in her lower back and the sleeves with wide openings at the ends.<br><br>
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====The characters who were calling to Sora have the possibility of being born through sleep====
====The characters who were calling to Sora have the possibility of being born through sleep====
'''The overseas version of KH BbS is currently being developed, are there parts in that will change from the original release?'''<br>
'''The overseas version of KH BbS is currently being developed, are there parts in that will change from the original release?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The scenarios won't change particularly, except for various adjustments. Apart from Proud mode, there is the more difficult Critical mode. I had a hand in some of the event scenes that according to the circumstances weren't able to be produced with my own intentions. More songs for the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game were added and the number of Keyblades also increased. Furthermore the battle balance and play feeling of it were regulated.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The scenarios won't change particularly, except for various adjustments. Apart from Proud mode, there is the more difficult Critical mode. I had a hand in some of the event scenes that according to the circumstances weren't able to be produced with my own intentions. More songs for the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game were added and the number of Keyblades also increased. Furthermore, the battle balance and play feeling of it were regulated.<br><br>
'''Like with KHI and KHII, can we expect a Final Mix version of KH BbS so Japanese fans can enjoy the perks of the overseas version?'''<br>
'''Like with KHI and KHII, can we expect a Final Mix version of KH BbS so Japanese fans can enjoy the perks of the overseas version?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, if I answered “there aren't plans right now”, it might be perceived as “not releasing one”, and so I can't say anything. Though the voice work in the overseas version is fantastic, releasing a Final Mix version wouldn't be bad… But when we released KHIIFM+ we attached KH Re:COM with it, so I get the feeling everyone would expect something big with the Final Mix version of this. So even though I'd like to say that was the case, I don't think that such a big accomplishment could be achieved twice! (Laughs)<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Well, if I answered “there aren't plans right now”, it might be perceived as “not releasing one”, and so I can't say anything. Though the voice work in the overseas version is fantastic, releasing a Final Mix version wouldn't be bad... But when we released KHIIFM+ we attached KH Re:COM with it, so I get the feeling everyone would expect something big with the Final Mix version of this. So even though I'd like to say that was the case, I don't think that such a big accomplishment could be achieved twice! (Laughs)<br><br>
'''Now that KH BbS is complete, we're interested in the future titles to come in the Kingdom Hearts series…'''<br>
'''Now that KH BbS is complete, we're interested in the future titles to come in the Kingdom Hearts series...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> KHIII can't be started if the goals for Final Fantasy Versus XIII are not concluded, however development of the next title(s) in the series has already begun. There's one I plan to release within the year. After that, there's another one I'm thinking I want to release from next year onwards, and I think there will be more than one main character again. By the way, the scene “Blank Points” in Birth by Sleep in which Sora ends up setting off on his journey is planned to connect to KHIII.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> KHIII can't be started if the goals for Final Fantasy Versus XIII are not concluded, however development of the next title(s) in the series has already begun. There's one I plan to release within the year. After that, there's another one I'm thinking I want to release from next year onwards, and I think there will be more than one main character again. By the way, the scene “Blank Points” in Birth by Sleep in which Sora ends up setting off on his journey is planned to connect to KHIII.<br><br>
'''It means that KHIII will wrap up the story so far, right?'''<br>
'''It means that KHIII will wrap up the story so far, right?'''<br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> You can think of it as being thanks to Yen Sid, and also because the Mysterious Tower is a loophole world in the first place, so it comes under slightly different rules than the ones that connect the other worlds. By the way, when Donald and Goofy visit the Mysterious Tower in KHII, they say "Isn't this tower strange!" even though they know it from KH BbS. This is because the floors are constructed differently to the previous time they visited, which is strange (laughs).<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> You can think of it as being thanks to Yen Sid, and also because the Mysterious Tower is a loophole world in the first place, so it comes under slightly different rules than the ones that connect the other worlds. By the way, when Donald and Goofy visit the Mysterious Tower in KHII, they say "Isn't this tower strange!" even though they know it from KH BbS. This is because the floors are constructed differently to the previous time they visited, which is strange (laughs).<br><br>
'''Are the Unversed of a similar nature to the Heartless?'''<br>
'''Are the Unversed of a similar nature to the Heartless?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. The Heartless are born from the darkness of the heart, and Unversed are born from negative emotions, so you can call them relatives (laughs). To make them fundamentally similar, we made the designs similar. However there's one difference in that the Heartless are seeking hearts, whereas the Unversed behave according to Vanitas' will, and emotionally. For example, the Flood portray feelings of irritation.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That's right. The Heartless are born from the darkness of the heart, and Unversed are born from negative emotions, so you can call them relatives (laughs). To make them fundamentally similar, we made the designs similar. However, there's one difference in that the Heartless are seeking hearts, whereas the Unversed behave according to Vanitas' will, and emotionally. For example, the Flood portray feelings of irritation.<br><br>
'''In KHI when Sora stabs the "Keyblade of people's hearts" into himself to release his heart and Kairi's, Sora's Heartless and Nobody were born. When Master Xehanort and Terra:Xehanort stab themselves with the Keyblade, were his and Terra's Nobodies not created?'''<br>
'''In KHI when Sora stabs the "Keyblade of people's hearts" into himself to release his heart and Kairi's, Sora's Heartless and Nobody were born. When Master Xehanort and Terra:Xehanort stab themselves with the Keyblade, were his and Terra's Nobodies not created?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That is not yet clear. However I will say that the fixed sentiment that remained just after Master Xehanort stabbed himself with the Keyblade was not a Heartless.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That is not yet clear. However I will say that the fixed sentiment that remained just after Master Xehanort stabbed himself with the Keyblade was not a Heartless.<br><br>
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====Battle system with elements taken from 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep!====
====Battle system with elements taken from 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep!====
'''The battles this time had an increasing number of fun actions to enjoy.'''<br>
'''The battles this time had an increasing number of fun actions to enjoy.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At the time that KH Days went on sale, since most games were intended for the mainstream light players of the DS, I wanted to throw a stone into that tendency and make a game that had backbone. However KH Days seemed to have had more backbone than expected; many people thought it was too hard. Therefore this time we tried something intended for those light players. (Laughs) Especially since the crosspad buttons of the DS are difficult to operate, we avoided technical fights as much as possible. As for the direction we took the battle systems, we increased the number of selectable in-battle abilities that from our experience making KH BbS we knew would be enjoyable. The more the better! Also, Yasue who was in charge of the KH BbS  battles was supervising KH Re:coded's battles, so in that way KH Re:coded inherited KH BbS 's blood. The base parts were from KH coded and the panel system of KH Days was brought back. So in that way, you could say that the battle system of KH Re:coded is a combination of 3 titles.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At the time that KH Days went on sale, since most games were intended for the mainstream light players of the DS, I wanted to throw a stone into that tendency and make a game that had backbone. However KH Days seemed to have had more backbone than expected; many people thought it was too hard. Therefore, this time we tried something intended for those light players. (Laughs) Especially since the crosspad buttons of the DS are difficult to operate, we avoided technical fights as much as possible. As for the direction we took the battle systems, we increased the number of selectable in-battle abilities that from our experience making KH BbS we knew would be enjoyable. The more the better! Also, Yasue who was in charge of the KH BbS  battles was supervising KH Re:coded's battles, so in that way KH Re:coded inherited KH BbS 's blood. The base parts were from KH coded and the panel system of KH Days was brought back. So in that way, you could say that the battle system of KH Re:coded is a combination of 3 titles.<br><br>
'''The Status Matrix plays the central role in the growth system of KH Re:coded, how did you come up with this concept?'''<br>
'''The Status Matrix plays the central role in the growth system of KH Re:coded, how did you come up with this concept?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Original I had planned to do a renewed version of the panel system from KH Days, but Yasue had the idea to use electrical blocks (electric toy made of small blocks connecting in a circuit) which I liked better. When I read the proposed design I thought the system looked very difficult, but then when I saw the illustrated image that the designer from the Osaka team had come up with I thought that the atmosphere was very fun and decided to use that. It's very important for the things you customize and play with to be visually appealing too! You can change the numerical value on the Cheat Tuner, as well as twist the dials and switches. Seeing the touchable screen, I thought that players would enjoy it.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Original I had planned to do a renewed version of the panel system from KH Days, but Yasue had the idea to use electrical blocks (electric toy made of small blocks connecting in a circuit) which I liked better. When I read the proposed design I thought the system looked very difficult, but then when I saw the illustrated image that the designer from the Osaka team had come up with I thought that the atmosphere was very fun and decided to use that. It's very important for the things you customize and play with to be visually appealing too! You can change the numerical value on the Cheat Tuner, as well as twist the dials and switches. Seeing the touchable screen, I thought that players would enjoy it.<br><br>
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'''Perhaps that's the recently announced title for Nintendo 3DS tentatively known as KH3D?'''<br>
'''Perhaps that's the recently announced title for Nintendo 3DS tentatively known as KH3D?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah, it's related to that.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah, it's related to that.<br><br>
'''Seems that a demo trailer was premiered at the American game show E3…'''<br>
'''Seems that a demo trailer was premiered at the American game show E3...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In the trailer Sora and Riku are on Destiny Islands, and then in Traverse Town many Soras are shown falling from the sky. Those weren't real cutscenes from the game; the trailer merely portrayed the overall feeling of the game. At the moment, we are selecting the worlds that will appear; the Disney worlds used in previous titles will likely be changed out for the most part. We're considering using the Disney films I've thought about using someday as well as relatively newer films. The system components are also progressing, and development in each section has already begun.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> In the trailer Sora and Riku are on Destiny Islands, and then in Traverse Town many Soras are shown falling from the sky. Those weren't real cutscenes from the game; the trailer merely portrayed the overall feeling of the game. At the moment, we are selecting the worlds that will appear; the Disney worlds used in previous titles will likely be changed out for the most part. We're considering using the Disney films I've thought about using someday as well as relatively newer films. The system components are also progressing, and development in each section has already begun.<br><br>
'''About when will we be able to play it?'''<br>
'''About when will we be able to play it?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I'd like it to be available as soon as possible, but… It was premiered at E3 in the 3DS line up in order to get a reaction and to take those reactions into consideration. I strongly feel that it must live up to those expectations.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> I'd like it to be available as soon as possible, but... It was premiered at E3 in the 3DS line up in order to get a reaction and to take those reactions into consideration. I strongly feel that it must live up to those expectations.<br><br>
'''When we were discussing in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania, you mentioned that there were 2 new Kingdom Hearts titles other than KHIII coming up. One coming out in 2010, and one more being announced in 2011. It seems the title releasing in 2010 was KH Re:coded, but what about the other one? Were you referring to KH3D or KH BbS Final Mix?'''<br>
'''When we were discussing in the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania, you mentioned that there were 2 new Kingdom Hearts titles other than KHIII coming up. One coming out in 2010, and one more being announced in 2011. It seems the title releasing in 2010 was KH Re:coded, but what about the other one? Were you referring to KH3D or KH BbS Final Mix?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, at the time of that interview I intended to hint toward a different project. However, focusing my energy on KH3D and KH BbS Final Mix comes first. Since a new Secret Episode is revealed in the KH BbS Final Mix, I definitely want it to be seen. I think when you see it you'll be excited for future developments.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, at the time of that interview I intended to hint toward a different project. However, focusing my energy on KH3D and KH BbS Final Mix comes first. Since a new Secret Episode is revealed in the KH BbS Final Mix, I definitely want it to be seen. I think when you see it you'll be excited for future developments.<br><br>
'''Moreover 2012 will be the 10th anniversary for Kingdom Hearts, it seems that you are planning something.'''<br>
'''Moreover, 2012 will be the 10th anniversary for Kingdom Hearts, it seems that you are planning something.'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah. Actually, the real reason I went to E3 this year was to speak with the chairman of Disney Interactive Studios. The things we discussed are confidential, but our discussion had everyone's interests in mind. From within that conversation, I'm considering whether there was something about the 10th Anniversary that I could announce.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yeah. Actually, the real reason I went to E3 this year was to speak with the chairman of Disney Interactive Studios. The things we discussed are confidential, but our discussion had everyone's interests in mind. From within that conversation, I'm considering whether there was something about the 10th Anniversary that I could announce.<br><br>
'''For the 10th anniversary there is talk of remaking the original KHI, what do you say to that?'''<br>
'''For the 10th anniversary there is talk of remaking the original KHI, what do you say to that?'''<br>
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<u>Nomura:</u> No, it's a data version the entire time. However like with the first Keyblade, it wasn't created by someone else. It comes from the heart's connections with the data, hinting towards the story theme, “Can a heart be born in an existence made of data?”<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> No, it's a data version the entire time. However like with the first Keyblade, it wasn't created by someone else. It comes from the heart's connections with the data, hinting towards the story theme, “Can a heart be born in an existence made of data?”<br><br>
'''During KH Re:coded, Namine seems to have explained the reason for the “pain” mentioned in the journal to Sora and company, but why does she take the roundabout method of accessing the data in the Jiminy Journal and adding to it?'''<br>
'''During KH Re:coded, Namine seems to have explained the reason for the “pain” mentioned in the journal to Sora and company, but why does she take the roundabout method of accessing the data in the Jiminy Journal and adding to it?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At the point of time when Namine explained Sora's secret in the real world, she already knew that by the time Sora and company woke up she would be gone. She thought she wouldn't be able to speak to them directly. Thus she left a note in Jiminy's Journal, however she didn't presume what sort of form the meaning of the message would take when presented to Sora and company. Therefore Jiminy's Journal was made into data according to the King and co.'s assumptions.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> At the point of time when Namine explained Sora's secret in the real world, she already knew that by the time Sora and company woke up she would be gone. She thought she wouldn't be able to speak to them directly. Thus she left a note in Jiminy's Journal, however she didn't presume what sort of form the meaning of the message would take when presented to Sora and company. Therefore, Jiminy's Journal was made into data according to the King and co.'s assumptions.<br><br>
'''Was the message presented in Jiminy's Journal prepared entirely by Namine herself?'''<br>
'''Was the message presented in Jiminy's Journal prepared entirely by Namine herself?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The very first message, “We must return to free them from their torment,” was the only one by Namine, however the messages “Their torment has been lessened” etc. were transmitted by the data itself when Sora eliminated the bugs, implying that restoring the data would bring him closer to understanding the mystery of the message.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> The very first message, “We must return to free them from their torment,” was the only one by Namine, however the messages “Their torment has been lessened” etc. were transmitted by the data itself when Sora eliminated the bugs, implying that restoring the data would bring him closer to understanding the mystery of the message.<br><br>
'''As for the outbreak of bugs in Jiminy's Journal, did they accidentally appear as a result of Namine adding data? Or did Namine intentionally devise the bugs in order to make Sora triumph over the “pain”?'''<br>
'''As for the outbreak of bugs in Jiminy's Journal, did they accidentally appear as a result of Namine adding data? Or did Namine intentionally devise the bugs in order to make Sora triumph over the “pain”?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That occurring wasn't part of Namine's intentions. She couldn't predict that Sora Heartless would take charge and bring about a crisis like that.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> That occurring wasn't part of Namine's intentions. She couldn't predict that Sora Heartless would take charge and bring about a crisis like that.<br><br>
'''I see… Roxas appears dressed in the black coat in Castle Oblivion among other worlds too. Was that something else that Namine had not added intentionally?'''<br>
'''I see... Roxas appears dressed in the black coat in Castle Oblivion among other worlds too. Was that something else that Namine had not added intentionally?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Right. Since Roxas and Sora together make up one existence, if there is a Sora made of KHI data, then data of Roxas must exist too. Roxas says, “It's my personal duty to check whether or not Sora is ready to take the pain.” However that role was not assigned by Namine, Roxas personally decided that goal and acted upon it accordingly.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Right. Since Roxas and Sora together make up one existence, if there is a Sora made of KHI data, then data of Roxas must exist too. Roxas says, “It's my personal duty to check whether or not Sora is ready to take the pain.” However that role was not assigned by Namine, Roxas personally decided that goal and acted upon it accordingly.<br><br>
'''Who was the person taken from the data of Jiminy's Journal that took the form of Riku in the data world?'''<br>
'''Who was the person taken from the data of Jiminy's Journal that took the form of Riku in the data world?'''<br>
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'''“If you release the heart of the Heartless and annihilate the body of the Nobody, then the real form will be revived.” If those conditions are met, can others outside of Xehanort be revived too?'''<br>
'''“If you release the heart of the Heartless and annihilate the body of the Nobody, then the real form will be revived.” If those conditions are met, can others outside of Xehanort be revived too?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It can be considered a possibility. Although it's what-if speaking, I think that if the members of Organization XIII were restored, they would become there true form.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> It can be considered a possibility. Although it's what-if speaking, I think that if the members of Organization XIII were restored, they would become there true form.<br><br>
'''Though he's a member of Organization XIII, Axel is shown in the end of KH Re:coded in the memories of “pain”…'''<br>
'''Though he's a member of Organization XIII, Axel is shown in the end of KH Re:coded in the memories of “pain”...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since healing the necessary “pain” of Axel's is different than with other people, if he is revived he will take a form like Xehanort's. In the end of the story, Namine says, “Those whose memories are sleeping inside Sora need relief.” In the KH BbS secret cutscene “Blank Points”, certain characters call out to Sora, however in that scene Axel is the only one who appears and doesn't say Sora's name out loud.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since healing the necessary “pain” of Axel's is different than with other people, if he is revived he will take a form like Xehanort's. In the end of the story, Namine says, “Those whose memories are sleeping inside Sora need relief.” In the KH BbS secret cutscene “Blank Points”, certain characters call out to Sora, however in that scene Axel is the only one who appears and doesn't say Sora's name out loud.<br><br>
'''Speaking of the KH BbS secret cutscene, Ansem the Wise says that he hid his research results in Sora. This complies with what happens in KH Re:coded when Namine says DiZ (Ansem the Wise) has hid something inside Sora. Is that mystery remaining unsolved?'''<br>
'''Speaking of the KH BbS secret cutscene, Ansem the Wise says that he hid his research results in Sora. This complies with what happens in KH Re:coded when Namine says DiZ (Ansem the Wise) has hid something inside Sora. Is that mystery remaining unsolved?'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. Namine added data to the Jiminy Journal in order to convey that the “pain” of those connected to Sora must be healed, but at the point in time Ansem hid the research results inside Sora, he didn't know that. Accordingly, Ansem's research results will become the key to healing the “pain” in the future of the story.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Yes. Namine added data to the Jiminy Journal in order to convey that the “pain” of those connected to Sora must be healed, but at the point in time Ansem hid the research results inside Sora, he didn't know that. Accordingly, Ansem's research results will become the key to healing the “pain” in the future of the story.<br><br>
'''So even though Namine and Ansem acted independently, as a result of what the two did, it leads to one thing. And speaking of those details…'''<br>
'''So even though Namine and Ansem acted independently, as a result of what the two did, it leads to one thing. And speaking of those details...'''<br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since that will likely become the story for KHIII, please look forward to that until then.<br><br>
<u>Nomura:</u> Since that will likely become the story for KHIII, please look forward to that until then.<br><br>
