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#REDIRECT [[User:UxieLover1994]]
This page is my column, called the '''{{Uxie-TT|Legado|which is Spanish for Legacy}}'''. If you are a staff member, you are allowed to edit the page (such as to correct images or fix my spelling). However, everyone else needs my permission.
==KHFM Status==
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #dimgray solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:#98D8D8; color:black"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|colspan=2 style="text-align: center; background:#98D8D8|<center></center>
|valign="top" style=" background:#98D8D8; color:black; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:#98D8D8"|[[Kingdom Hearts Final Mix|<font color="#98D8D8">Kingdom Hearts Final Mix</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:#98D8D8; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:#98D8D8"|
|valign="top" style=" background:#98D8D8; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Guest Character'''
|style="background:white; color:#98D8D8"|
|valign="top" style=" background:#98D8D8; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Levels'''
|style="background:white; color:#98D8D8"|Sora: 1<br />Donald: 1<br />Goofy: 1<br />Guest: 1
|valign="top" style=" background:#98D8D8; color:black; width:120px"|'''Trophy Completion (PS3 version)'''
|style="background:white; color:#98D8D8"|95%
<!--> Kingdom Hearts Final Mix ''will begin May 1''.
The next round, simply called "Season: Winter", is set to begin on May 1. The round takes on a winter theme, with the signature Pokémon being Snorunt, which evolves into Glalie once Sora reaches a certain point, and becomes capable of Mega-Evolution even later on.
Many of the boss battles were recorded for the KHWiki's YouTube account and boss articles. Certain bosses were not be recorded out of difficulty. Some bosses will be rerecorded.
File:Sora KHHD.png|[[Sora]] (Level 1)
File:Donald Duck (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png‎|Donald Duck (Level ?)
File:Goofy (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png‎|Goofy (Level ?)
''Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories'' will run if KHFM is completed by May 31. It should begin on June 5. If not, then the Days cutscenes will play again.
File:Riku KHHD.png|[[Riku]] (Level 1)
==KHIIFM Status==
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #705848 solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:#705848; color:white"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|colspan=2 style="text-align: center; background:gray|<center></center>
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|[[Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix|<font color="#A29288">Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Current Guest Character'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|N/A
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Current Level{{Uxie-TT|*|Roxas/Sora}}'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|1
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Current Levels{{Uxie-TT|*|Donald, Goofy, Guest}}'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|Donald: 2<br />Goofy: 2<br />Guest: 2
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Highest Hits with [[Limit|<font color="white">Limits</font>]]'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"| Sora: 0<br /> Donald: 0{{Uxie-TT|*|Fantasia}}/0{{Uxie-TT|*|Flare Force}}<br /> Goofy: 0{{Uxie-TT|*|Teamwork}}/0{{Uxie-TT|*|Twister Fusion}}<br /> Fa Mulan: 0<br /> Beast: 0<br /> Auron: 0<br /> Jack Sparrow: 0<br /> Aladdin: 0<br /> Jack Skellington: 0<br /> Simba: 0<br /> Tron: 0<br /> Riku: 0<br /> Chicken Little: 0<br /> Genie: 0{{Uxie-TT|*|Valor}}/0{{Uxie-TT|*|Wisdom}}/0{{Uxie-TT|*|Master}}/0{{Uxie-TT|*|Final}}<br /> Stitch: 0<br /> Peter Pan: 0
|valign="top" style=" background:#705848; color:white; width:120px"|'''Trophy Completion (PS3 version)'''
|style="background:white; color:#A29288"|22%
<!--> <big>''KHII has a floating beginning date, and will begin as early as July 1.''</big>
Keeping up with "Season: Winter", the Pokémon on the right will always be an Ice-type, but which one depends on Sora's current location.
<font color=#AB2813>'''Omega Ruby'''</font>
Riku's journey began on November 21, 2014, and entered the Hall of Fame the first time on January 2, 2015.
<font color=#26649C>'''Alpha Sapphire'''</font>
May's journey began on January 7, 2015, and each badge was obtained in separate worlds. She entered the Hall of Fame for the first time on February 2.
;World Badges:
*<font color=#B8A038>Roxanne</font> - <font color=#F08030>The Land of Dragons</font>
*<font color=#C03028>Brawley</font> - <font color=#705848>Beast's Castle</font>
*<font color=#F8D030>Wattson</font> - <font color=#6890F0>Port Royal</font>
*<font color=#F08030>Flannery</font> - <font color=#C03028>Olympus Coliseum</font>
*<font color=#A8A878>Norman</font> - <font color=#E0C068>Agrabah</font>
*<font color=#A890F0>Winona</font> - <font color=#705898>Halloween Town</font>
*<font color=#F85888>Tate & Liza</font> - <font color=#78C850>Pride Lands</font>
*<font color=#6890F0>Wallace</font> - <font color=#F85888>Space Paranoids</font>
===Active Party===
File:Sora (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png‎|Sora (Level 1)
File:Donald Duck (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png‎|Donald Duck (Level 2)
File:Goofy (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png‎|Goofy (Level 2)
This order is the current party. If there is a guest character in this world, then one character is in the reserve. If a guest character's name is in red, they cannot be swapped out (due to the "'''<font color="red">!</font>'''" next to their names), and either Donald or Goofy is in the reserve.
Should the party be in a world where they change forms (such as [[Timeless River]]), they will be shown in the forms for that world; in the case of Halloween Town, the choice of form will be randomized. Party members who change appearance are also shown in their new outfit; however, the only two world-based party members that change clothes are [[Mulan|Fa Mulan]] and [[Jack Skellington]].
Due to personal reasons, I always keep the guest party member in the reserve when I am not playing the game. No party member is ever used 100% of the time when active. The only exception to this rule is Riku; once he joins the party, he is permanently active, regardless.
Birthday Worlds
2007 (13th) = Timeless River
2008 (14th) = Pride Lands
2009 (15th) = N/A
2010 (16th) = N/A
2011 (17th) = Timeless River
2012 (18th) = Space Paranoids
2013 (19th) = The Grid
2014 (20th) = Land of Departure
2015 (21st) = TBA
===EXP at 99===
::''I used math to determine the exact amount of EXP needed for level 99''
*Sora: 2,875,578
*Donald: 2,868,214
*Goofy: 2,843,153
*Guest: 2,818,098
This can be useful for training to level 99 at an early stage. This means that: if you want to reach level 99 as Roxas (while in the [[Dive to the Heart]]), you will need to defeat 479,263 [[Dusk]]s, each coming in groups of ten at one time, meaning Roxas would have to make 47,927 trips.
This goes for those who pick the [[Dream Sword]] and the [[Struggle Bat]] of Defense.
File:Chicken Little KHII.png|[[Chicken Little]]: 656 (<font color="gold">1st</font>)
File:Goofy KHII.png|[[Goofy]]: 521 hits (<font color="silver">2nd</font>; Twister Fusion)
File:Tron KHII.png|[[Tron]]: 425 hits (<font color="sandybrown">3rd</font>)
File:Sora KH3D.png|[[Sora]]: 341 hits (4th)
File:Simba KHII.png|[[Simba]]: 312 hits (5th)
File:Donald KHII.png|[[Donald Duck]]: 299 hits (6th; Flare Force)
File:Stitch KHII.png|[[Stitch|Stitch/Experiment 626]]: 260 (7th)
File:Genie KHII.png|[[Genie]]: 178 hits (8th; Master)
File:Jack Skellington KHII.png|[[Jack Skellington]]: 172 hits (9th)
File:Riku KH3D.png|[[Riku]]: 167 hits (10th)
File:Aladdin KHREC.png|[[Aladdin]]: 161 hits (11th)
File:Peter Pan KHBBS.png|[[Peter Pan]]: 117 hits (12th)
File:Mulan KHII.png|[[Mulan|Fa Mulan]]: 98 hits (13th)
File:Beast KHII.png|[[Beast]]: 73 hits (14th)
File:Jack Sparrow KHII.png|[[Jack Sparrow|Captain Jack Sparrow]]: 47 hits (15th place)
File:Auron KHII.png|[[Auron]]: 40 hits (16th)
'''Note:''' All images are as of their latest appearance, with the [[Rinzler|exception]] of Tron.
==BBSFM Status==<!--
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #dimgray solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:chocolate; color:black"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|valign="top" style=" background:chocolate; color:black; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:chocolate"|[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep|<font color="chocolate">Birth by Sleep</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:chocolate; color:black; width:120px"|'''Character'''
|style="background:white; color:chocolate"|[[Terra|<font color="chocolate">Terra</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:chocolate; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Time of Gameplay'''
|style="background:white; color:chocolate"|
|valign="top" style=" background:chocolate; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:chocolate"|
|valign="top" style=" background:chocolate; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Level'''
|style="background:white; color:chocolate"|62
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #dimgray solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:lime; color:black"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|valign="top" style=" background:lime; color:black; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:lime"|[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep|<font color="lime">Birth by Sleep</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:lime; color:black; width:120px"|'''Character'''
|style="background:white; color:lime"|[[Ventus|<font color="lime">Ventus</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:lime; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Time of Gameplay'''
|style="background:white; color:lime"|
|valign="top" style=" background:lime; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:lime"|[[Keyblade Graveyard|<font color="lime">Keyblade Graveyard</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:lime; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Level'''
|style="background:white; color:lime"|56
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #dimgray solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:aqua; color:black"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|valign="top" style=" background:aqua; color:black; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:aqua"|[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep|<font color="aqua">Birth by Sleep</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:aqua; color:black; width:120px"|'''Character'''
|style="background:white; color:aqua"|[[Aqua|<font color="aqua">Aqua</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:aqua; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Time of Gameplay'''
|style="background:white; color:aqua"|
|valign="top" style=" background:aqua; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:aqua"|Radiant Garden
|valign="top" style=" background:aqua; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Level'''
|style="background:white; color:aqua"|58
<!--> <!--''BBS (Ventus) was started November 17 and finished December 15.''-->''BBS (Aqua) began June 1. Main story mode was completed June 30, and the Final Episode was finished July 8.''<!-- BBS (Terra) began July 19 and ended August 24''-->
Aqua's story was the very last gameplay on the PSP before the Final Mix re-release with 2.5 on the PS3 in December. It was in rotation with the ''Ratchet & Clank'' trilogy and ''Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy''.
Story mode for BBS has been completed forever. The Final Mix version should begin around February/early March 2015.
==DDD Status==
{| class="infobox" style="border: 1px #dimgray solid; background: white; float: right; padding: 7px; width:290px;"
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; background:#EE99AC; color:black"|'''<big>Status</big>'''
|colspan=2 style="text-align: center; background:#F4BDC9|<center></center><br><center>''<font color=#705848>ほとんどが使用されます!おめでとう...再び。!</font>''</center>
|valign="top" style=" background:#EE99AC; color:black; width:120px"|'''Game'''
|style="background:white; color:#705848"|[[Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance|<font color="#705848">Dream Drop Distance</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:#EE99AC; color:black; width:120px"|'''Most Used Dream Eater'''
|style="background:white; color:#705848"|[[Majik Lapin|<font color="#705848">Majik Lapin</font>]]{{Uxie-TT|*|second time in a row}}
|valign="top" style=" background:#EE99AC; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current World'''
|style="background:white; color:#705848"|Sora: [[Prankster's Paradise|<font color="#705848">Prankster's Paradise</font>]]<br>Riku: [[The Grid|<font color="#705848">The Grid</font>]]
|valign="top" style=" background:#EE99AC; color:black; width:120px"|'''Current Levels'''
|style="background:white; color:#705848"| Sora: 18<br> Riku: 19
<!--> ''KH3D began February 18 (Ash Wednesday) and ended March 31.''
This round commemorated with Lent, and began on Ash Wednesday, and ended (alongside ''Jak 3'') on March 31; the last game of the "Mad Rush" and AFL off-season period.
During this time, the active Pokémon game depends on the character currently in control. If Riku is in play, then ''Y'' or ''Omega Ruby'' is active; if Sora, then ''X'' or ''Alpha Sapphire''.
;Represented Pokémon
*<font color=#A8A878><big>'''La Cité des Cloches'''</big></font>:
*<font color=#EE99AC><big>'''Prankster's Paradise'''</big></font>:
*<font color=#705848><big>'''The Grid'''</big></font>:
*<font color=#C03028><big>'''Country of the Musketeers'''</big></font>:
*<font color=#F85888><big>'''Symphony of Sorcery'''</big></font>:
;Sora's Team
File:Sora KH3D.png|<font color=#26649C>Sora</font> (Level 45)
File:R & R Seal (Spirit) KH3D.png|R&R Seal (Level 13)
File:Me Me Bunny (Spirit) KH3D.png|Me Me Bunny (Level 24)
File:Ursa Circus (Spirit) KH3D.png|Ursa Circus (Level 22)
;Riku's Team
File:Riku KH3D.png|<font color=#AB2813>Riku</font> (Level 48)
File:Thunderaffe (Spirit) KH3D.png|Thunderaffe (Level 11)
File:Staggerceps (Spirit) KH3D.png|<font color=#eb00b0>Staggerceps</font> (Level 21)
File:Cyber Yog (Spirit) KH3D.png|Cyber Yog (Level 27)
File:Pricklemane (Spirit) KH3D.png|Pricklemane (Level 27)
File:Jestabocky (Spirit) KH3D.png|Jestabocky (Level 1)
File:Hebby Repp (Spirit) KH3D.png|Hebby Repp (Level 20)
File:Sudo Neku (Spirit) KH3D.png|Sudo Neku (Level 1)
File:Wheeflower (Spirit) KH3D.png|Wheeflower (Level 1)
File:Fin Fatale (Spirit) KH3D.png|Fin Fatale (Level 1)
File:Majik Lapin (Spirit) KH3D.png|<font color=#eb00b0>Majik Lapin</font> (Level 31)
File:Meowjesty (Spirit) KH3D.png|Meowjesty (Level 25)
File:Woeflower (Spirit) KH3D.png|Woeflower (Level 24)
File:Tatsu Steed (Spirit) KH3D.png|Tatsu Steed (Level 1)
File:Escarglow (Spirit) KH3D.png|Escarglow (Level 19)
File:Sir Kyroo (Spirit) KH3D.png|Sir Kyroo (Level 21)
File:Zolephant (Spirit) KH3D.png|Zolephant (Level 1)
File:KO Kabuto (Spirit) KH3D.png|KO Kabuto (Level 1)
File:Ducky Goose (Spirit) KH3D.png|Ducky Goose (Level 1)
File:Juggle Pup (Spirit) KH3D.png|Juggle Pup (Level 32)
File:Tatsu Blaze (Spirit) KH3D.png|Tatsu Blaze (Level 1)
File:Fishboné (Spirit) KH3D.png|Fishboné (Level 1)
File:Chef Kyroo (Spirit) KH3D.png|<font color=#eb00b0>Chef Kyroo</font> (Level 1)
File:Electricorn (Spirit) KH3D.png|Electricorn (Level 1)
File:Pegaslick (Spirit) KH3D.png|Pegaslick (Level 1)
File:Flowbermeow (Spirit) KH3D.png|Flowbermeow (Level 25)
File:Cera Terror (Spirit) KH3D.png|Cera Terror (Level 1)
File:Ghostabocky (Spirit) KH3D.png|Ghostabocky (Level 1)
File:Drak Quack (Spirit) KH3D.png|Drak Quack (Level 1)
File:Halbird (Spirit) KH3D.png|Halbird (Level 1)
File:Tyranto Rex (Spirit) KH3D.png|Tyranto Rex (Level 1)
File:Aura Lion (Spirit) KH3D.png|Aura Lion (Level 1)
File:Drill Sye (Spirit) KH3D.png|Drill Sye (Level 1)
File:Eaglider (Spirit) KH3D.png|Eaglider (Level 1)
File:Keeba Tiger (Spirit) KH3D.png|Keeba Tiger (Level 1)
File:Frootz Cat (Spirit) KH3D.png|Frootz Cat (Level 1)
File:Kab Kannon (Spirit) KH3D.png|Kab Kannon (Level 29)
File:Ryu Dragon (Spirit) KH3D.png|Ryu Dragon (Level 56)
File:Skelterwild (Spirit) KH3D.png|Skelterwild (Level 1)
File:Yoggy Ram (Spirit) KH3D.png|Yoggy Ram (Level 44)
File:Iceguin Ace (Spirit) KH3D.png|Iceguin Ace (Level 41)
File:Lord Kyroo (Spirit) KH3D.png|Lord Kyroo (Level 60)
File:Tama Sheep (Spirit) KH3D.png|Tama Sheep (Level 30)
File:Meow Wow (Spirit) KH3D.png|Meow Wow (Level 19)
File:Necho Cat (Spirit) KH3D.png|Necho Cat (Level 18)
File:Kooma Panda (Spirit) KH3D.png|Kooma Panda (Level 19)
File:Komory Bat (Spirit) KH3D.png|Komory Bat (Level 18)
File:Toximander (Spirit) KH3D.png|Toximander (Level 17)
File:Peepsta Hoo (Spirit) KH3D.png|Peepsta Hoo (Level 16)
Like with ''Kingdom Hearts II'', should Sora or Riku be in The Grid, their images will change; if only one of them is in there, '''both''' images ''will'' change, regardless.
Most used Dream Eater
NOV/DEC 12: Staggerceps
MAY/JUN 13: Chef Kyroo
DEC/JAN 13/14, JUL/AUG 14 & FEB/MAR 15: Majik Lapin

Latest revision as of 13:49, 28 June 2015

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