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(13 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Coldasfire|time=19:28, 11 October 2014 (UTC)|text=It looks like I'm gonna be hanging around here a bit more after my little hiatus, help out with Project Music and such because that's about all I can do. So yeah, that's about it.}}

{{Coldasfire|time=18:31, 8 November 2012 (UTC)|text=Eh, I never really do come on this wiki. I may be coming on more often though, just cuz I can. I'm almost always on the IRC though, but less now because my school firewall blocked freenode's servers. Although preferred method of contact is at the Keyhole, you can feel free to contact me here. Meanwhiles, I will attempt to set up a separate profile from my Keyhole one.}}
Official profile
Hi, I'm Coldasfire, but most people call me CAF or Cold. I have been editing at the Keyhole for almost a year, and started at .net just recently. Because of severe inactivity at the Keyhole, I will be setting up base here, but without completely abandoning the Keyhole.
I'll get around to lengthening my profile...later. Meanwhiles, enjoy what's here!
Let's see...between my slightly excessive randomness, my bad habit of switching locked lockers with my friend, and stealing color guard's sabers I think I'm fairly "normal". Usually, I'll be happy to answer your messages, be it on IRC or here, unless you give me reason not to.  I try to find the light in everything, and as a result am kinda optimistic about everything. It takes a lot to faze me, and even more to bring me down.
I'm kinda small in general, with long brown hair and nice brown eyes that change shade in the light. I love black and everything about it, and because of that my favorite days are Fridays, the only day that I can wear long black pants, long sleeved black shirt, black and silver sneakers, and fingerless black gloves without getting weird looks. Then again, I don't really care if I get weird looks. But my favorite days are still Fridays, because then the next day is Saturday and I don't get any homework.
I like chocolate, video games, storywriting, music, and friends. I LOVE music with a fiery passion. Sometimes I will turn on my PSP, pause the battle, and listen to the music for hours on end.
I hate red links. I busy myself fixing all red links that exist. I recently fixed all of the Gummi pages on the Keyhole and am fixing them here.
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My official wiki friends. Feel free to take my box, <nowiki>{{User Coldasfire}}</nowiki> or post yours on my page!
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Latest revision as of 19:28, 11 October 2014

Coldasfire - Eternal Flames KHII.pngHey, I feel like we're friends already.Eternal Flames KHII.png
TALK - Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngGet it memorized already.19:28, 11 October 2014 (UTC)Chaos Crystal KHBBS.png
It looks like I'm gonna be hanging around here a bit more after my little hiatus, help out with Project Music and such because that's about all I can do. So yeah, that's about it.
Names CAF, Zero, Starcutter
Title Essence of Zero
Favorite Color Black
Birthday 2/17/98