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== Key items ==
== Key items ==
*Debug Device: R -- Destroys one of the red bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.
;Debug Code
*{{nihongo|'''Debug Device: R'''|デバッグコード:R|Debaggu Kōdo: R|lit. "Debug Code: R"}} — Destroys one of the red bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.
*{{nihongo|'''Debug Device: Y'''|デバッグコード:Y|Debaggu Kōdo: Y|lit. "Debug Code: Y"}} — Destroys one of the yellow bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.

*Life Preserver -- An adorably designed life preserver. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
;Event Item
*Jump Rope -- A jump rope with colorful grips. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Life Preserver'''|浮き輪|Ukiwa}} — An adorably designed life preserver. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
*Folding Fan -- A folding fan that makes a loud "clap" when struck. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Jump Rope'''|なわとび|Nawatobi}} — A jump rope with colorful grips. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
*Wrench -- An essential tool when working with bolts. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Folding Fan'''|ハリセン|Harisen|lit. "Slapping Fan"}} — A folding fan that makes a loud "clap" when struck. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
*Waistband -- A big, warm waistband. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Wrench'''|スパナ|Supana|lit. "Spanner"}} — An essential tool when working with bolts. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
*Teacup -- A cup in which tea is served. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Waistband'''|はらまき|Haramaki}} — A big, warm waistband. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
*Red Rose -- A whiterose that has been painted red. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Goggles'''|ゴーグル|Gōguru}} — Eyewear worn by pilots. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
*Wristbands -- Special wristbands that contain weights. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Teacup'''|ティーカップ|Tīkappu}} — A cup in which tea is served. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
*Leather Gloves -- Training gloves designed to protect the hands. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Glass Vial'''|ガラスのびん|Garasu no Bin}} — An empty glass vial. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
*Crystal Earrings -- Earrings with an air of mystery but no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Red Rose'''|赤いバラ|Akai Bara}} — A whiterose that has been painted red. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Wristbands'''|リストバンド|Risutobando}} — Special wristbands that contain weights. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Barbell'''|ダンベル|Danberu|lit. "Dumbbell"}} — An extremely heavy barbell. Whew! Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Leather Gloves'''|革のグローブ|Kawa no Gurōbu}} — Training gloves designed to protect the hands. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Silver Ring'''|銀の指輪|Gin no Yubiwa}} — A beautiful ring, despite having no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants this.
*{{nihongo|'''Crystal Earrings'''|水晶のイヤリング|Suishou no Iyaringu}} — Earrings with an air of mystery but no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants these.
*{{nihongo|'''Ruby Hairpin'''|紅玉の髪かざり|Kougyoku no Kamikazari|lit. "Ruby Hair-ornament"}} — An intricate hairpin with otherwise no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants this.

*Inkling: Alice -- A memory of Alice. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*{{nihongo|'''Mystery Piece'''|なぞのかけら|Nazo no Kakera}} — A shiny fragment. Collect more of these and something is bound to happen...

*W1 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Alice'''|記憶:アリス|Kioku: Arisu|lit. "Memory: Alice"}} — A memory of '''Alice'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W1 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: White Rabbit'''|記憶:白いウサギ|Kioku: Shiroi Usagi|lit. "Memory: White Rabbit"}} — A memory of '''the White Rabbit'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W1 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Heartless'''|記憶:ハートレス|Kioku: Hātoresu|lit. "Memory: Heartless"}}Inkling: Heartless — A memory of '''Heartless'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W2 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Unbirthday'''|記憶:お誕生日|Kioku: Otanjōbi|lit. "Memory: Birthday"}} — A memory of an '''unbirthday'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W2 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Trial'''|記憶:裁判|Kioku: Saiban|lit. "Memory: Trial"}} — A memory of a '''trial'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W2 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Peculiar Hole'''|記憶:不思議な穴|Kioku: Fushigina Ana|lit. "Memory: Peculiar Hole"}} — A memory of a '''peculiar hole'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W3 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Queen of Hearts'''|記憶:ハートの女王|Kioku: Hāto no Joō|lit. "Memory: Queen of Hearts"}} — A memory of '''the Queen of Hearts'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W3 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Cheshire Cat'''|記憶:チェシャ猫|Kioku: Chesha Neko|lit. "Memory: Cheshire Cat"}} — A memory of '''the Cheshire Cat'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W3 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Cookie'''|記憶:クッキー|Kioku: Kukkī|lit. "Memory: Cookie"}} — A memory of a '''cookie'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W4 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Doorknob'''|記憶:ドアノブ|Kioku: Doanobu|lit. "Memory: Doorknob"}} — A memory of '''the Doorknob'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W4 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Red Roses'''|記憶:赤いバラ|Kioku: Akai Bara|lit. "Memory: Red Roses"}} — A memory of '''red roses'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W4 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: White Roses'''|記憶:白いバラ|Kioku: Shiroi Bara|lit. "Memory: White Roses"}} — A memory of '''white roses'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W5 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Looking-Glass'''|記憶:鏡|Kioku: Kagami|lit. "Memory: Looking-Glass"}} — A memory of a '''looking-glass'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W5 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Mad Hatter'''|記憶:マッドハッター|Kioku: Maddo Hattā|lit. "Memory: Mad Hatter"}} — A memory of '''the Mad Hatter'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W5 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Watch'''|記憶:懐中時計|Kioku: Kaichūdokei|lit. "Memory: Pocket Watch"}} — A memory of a '''pocket watch'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W6 Normal Card -- Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
*{{nihongo|'''Inkling: Card Soldiers'''|記憶:トランプ兵|Kioku: Toranpu Hei|lit. "Memory: Card Soldiers"}} — A memory of '''the card soldiers'''. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
*W6 Alternate Card -- Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
*{{nihongo|'''Emblem Piece'''|紋章のかけら|Monshō no Kakera}} — A fragment of the Heartless emblem. Collect more of these and something is bound to happen...
*W6 Extra Card -- Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
*{{nihongo|'''Potion'''|ポーション|Pōshon}} — An item you have been asked to deliver to the Ace of Spades.
;End Card
*{{nihongo|'''W1 Normal Card'''|W1ノーマルカード|W1 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''W1 Alternate Card'''|W1アナザーカード|W1 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''W1 Extra Card'''|W1エクストラカード|W1 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
*{{nihongo|'''W2 Normal Card'''|W2ノーマルカード|W2 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''W2 Alternate Card'''|W2アナザーカード|W2 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''W2 Extra Card'''|W2エクストラカード|W2 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
*{{nihongo|'''W3 Normal Card'''|W3ノーマルカード|W3 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland
*{{nihongo|'''W3 Alternate Card'''|W3アナザーカード|W3 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
*{{nihongo|'''W3 Extra Card'''|W3エクストラカード|W3 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
*{{nihongo|'''W4 Normal Card'''|W4ノーマルカード|W4 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''W4 Alternate Card'''|W4アナザーカード|W4 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''W4 Extra Card'''|W4エクストラカード|W4 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
*{{nihongo|'''W5 Normal Card'''|W5ノーマルカード|W5 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''W5 Alternate Card'''|W5アナザーカード|W5 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''W5 Extra Card'''|W5エクストラカード|W5 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
*{{nihongo|'''W6 Normal Card'''|W6ノーマルカード|W6 Nōmaru Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
*{{nihongo|'''W6 Alternate Card'''|W6アナザーカード|W6 Anazā Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
*{{nihongo|'''W6 Extra Card'''|W6エクストラカード|W6 Ekusutora Kādo}} — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.

Latest revision as of 19:15, 16 September 2012

Key itemsEdit

Debug Code
  • Debug Device: R (デバッグコード:R Debaggu Kōdo: R?, lit. "Debug Code: R") — Destroys one of the red bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.
  • Debug Device: Y (デバッグコード:Y Debaggu Kōdo: Y?, lit. "Debug Code: Y") — Destroys one of the yellow bug chips that obstruct slots in the Stat Matrix.
Event Item
  • Life Preserver (浮き輪 Ukiwa?) — An adorably designed life preserver. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
  • Jump Rope (なわとび Nawatobi?) — A jump rope with colorful grips. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
  • Folding Fan (ハリセン Harisen?, lit. "Slapping Fan") — A folding fan that makes a loud "clap" when struck. Surely someone on the Destiny Islands wants this.
  • Wrench (スパナ Supana?, lit. "Spanner") — An essential tool when working with bolts. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
  • Waistband (はらまき Haramaki?) — A big, warm waistband. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
  • Goggles (ゴーグル Gōguru?) — Eyewear worn by pilots. Surely someone in Traverse Town wants this.
  • Teacup (ティーカップ Tīkappu?) — A cup in which tea is served. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
  • Glass Vial (ガラスのびん Garasu no Bin?) — An empty glass vial. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
  • Red Rose (赤いバラ Akai Bara?) — A whiterose that has been painted red. Surely someone in Wonderland wants this.
  • Wristbands (リストバンド Risutobando?) — Special wristbands that contain weights. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
  • Barbell (ダンベル Danberu?, lit. "Dumbbell") — An extremely heavy barbell. Whew! Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants this.
  • Leather Gloves (革のグローブ Kawa no Gurōbu?) — Training gloves designed to protect the hands. Surely someone in Olympus Coliseum wants these.
  • Silver Ring (銀の指輪 Gin no Yubiwa?) — A beautiful ring, despite having no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants this.
  • Crystal Earrings (水晶のイヤリング Suishou no Iyaringu?) — Earrings with an air of mystery but no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants these.
  • Ruby Hairpin (紅玉の髪かざり Kougyoku no Kamikazari?, lit. "Ruby Hair-ornament") — An intricate hairpin with otherwise no special powers. Surely someone in Agrabah wants this.
  • Mystery Piece (なぞのかけら Nazo no Kakera?) — A shiny fragment. Collect more of these and something is bound to happen...
  • Inkling: Alice (記憶:アリス Kioku: Arisu?, lit. "Memory: Alice") — A memory of Alice. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: White Rabbit (記憶:白いウサギ Kioku: Shiroi Usagi?, lit. "Memory: White Rabbit") — A memory of the White Rabbit. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Heartless (記憶:ハートレス Kioku: Hātoresu?, lit. "Memory: Heartless")Inkling: Heartless — A memory of Heartless. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Unbirthday (記憶:お誕生日 Kioku: Otanjōbi?, lit. "Memory: Birthday") — A memory of an unbirthday. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Trial (記憶:裁判 Kioku: Saiban?, lit. "Memory: Trial") — A memory of a trial. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Peculiar Hole (記憶:不思議な穴 Kioku: Fushigina Ana?, lit. "Memory: Peculiar Hole") — A memory of a peculiar hole. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Queen of Hearts (記憶:ハートの女王 Kioku: Hāto no Joō?, lit. "Memory: Queen of Hearts") — A memory of the Queen of Hearts. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Cheshire Cat (記憶:チェシャ猫 Kioku: Chesha Neko?, lit. "Memory: Cheshire Cat") — A memory of the Cheshire Cat. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Cookie (記憶:クッキー Kioku: Kukkī?, lit. "Memory: Cookie") — A memory of a cookie. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Doorknob (記憶:ドアノブ Kioku: Doanobu?, lit. "Memory: Doorknob") — A memory of the Doorknob. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Red Roses (記憶:赤いバラ Kioku: Akai Bara?, lit. "Memory: Red Roses") — A memory of red roses. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: White Roses (記憶:白いバラ Kioku: Shiroi Bara?, lit. "Memory: White Roses") — A memory of white roses. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Looking-Glass (記憶:鏡 Kioku: Kagami?, lit. "Memory: Looking-Glass") — A memory of a looking-glass. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Mad Hatter (記憶:マッドハッター Kioku: Maddo Hattā?, lit. "Memory: Mad Hatter") — A memory of the Mad Hatter. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Watch (記憶:懐中時計 Kioku: Kaichūdokei?, lit. "Memory: Pocket Watch") — A memory of a pocket watch. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Inkling: Card Soldiers (記憶:トランプ兵 Kioku: Toranpu Hei?, lit. "Memory: Card Soldiers") — A memory of the card soldiers. See if you can reunite it with its owner.
  • Emblem Piece (紋章のかけら Monshō no Kakera?) — A fragment of the Heartless emblem. Collect more of these and something is bound to happen...
  • Potion (ポーション Pōshon?) — An item you have been asked to deliver to the Ace of Spades.
End Card
  • W1 Normal Card (W1ノーマルカード W1 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
  • W1 Alternate Card (W1アナザーカード W1 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
  • W1 Extra Card (W1エクストラカード W1 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of the Destiny Islands.
  • W2 Normal Card (W2ノーマルカード W2 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
  • W2 Alternate Card (W2アナザーカード W2 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
  • W2 Extra Card (W2エクストラカード W2 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Traverse Town.
  • W3 Normal Card (W3ノーマルカード W3 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland
  • W3 Alternate Card (W3アナザーカード W3 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
  • W3 Extra Card (W3エクストラカード W3 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Wonderland.
  • W4 Normal Card (W4ノーマルカード W4 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
  • W4 Alternate Card (W4アナザーカード W4 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
  • W4 Extra Card (W4エクストラカード W4 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Olympus Coliseum.
  • W5 Normal Card (W5ノーマルカード W5 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
  • W5 Alternate Card (W5アナザーカード W5 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
  • W5 Extra Card (W5エクストラカード W5 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Agrabah.
  • W6 Normal Card (W6ノーマルカード W6 Nōmaru Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the normal ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
  • W6 Alternate Card (W6アナザーカード W6 Anazā Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the alternate ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.
  • W6 Extra Card (W6エクストラカード W6 Ekusutora Kādo?) — Proof you have reached the extra ending in the card's illusory version of Hollow Bastion.