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I believe we can tell what Xion looks like by the second pic. I think we're fine with just one or two.[[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 23:02, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
{{archive box|
* [[Talk:Xion/Archive 1|Archive 1]] - February, 19, 2018
== Theory ==
This is a theory, this has nothing to do with the article. Could it be possible that Xion is Kairi's TRUE nobody. I mean, it may sound weird cause Namine is her nobody, but could it be possible that she is the other half of Namine? [[User:Squallinoa 08|Squallinoa 08]] 03:06, 20 October 2008 (UTC)
:She could be Kiari's unbirth... or her version of a heartless given the black hair... Maybe she's just a freak clone of kiari Xheanort created during his expariemants.....  I like the last one :)
::I think she is Kairi´s second nobody because Kairi´s Heart changed place two times.the first time when she passed it to Sora on Destiny Islands.The second time when Sora stabbed himself with the dark keyblade and released his and Kairi´s Heart wich was when Naminé and Roxas where born.
:::This makes Sense think of this
:::There is Sora and Roxas.. but also Ven
:::There is Kairi and Naminé.. but also Xion
::::Well, what I see...
::::There is Sora and Roxas... but also Ven
::::There is Kairi and Naminé... but also Aqua... but also Xion...
::::We know Nomura has a thing for the number 3.
:::::I've posted a theory about this somewhere else, but I think Naminé is the odd one out here. Sora is to Roxas as Kairi is to Xion. Naminé's already an exception to the nobody rule. [[User:Summon:WALL•E|Summon:WALL•E]] 05:05, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
::::::Could it be possible for a person to have '''two''' nobodies?? [[User:Squallinoa 08|Squallinoa 08]] 01:19, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
:::::::Sure? Why not? If Sora had 2 hearts with him, he'd make two nobodies. Thats what I think. [[User:Summon:WALL•E|Summon:WALL•E]] 01:48, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
::::::::if thats true,Xion was made first. [[Special:Contributions/|]] 12:30, 18 December 2008 (UTC)
::::::::Then how do you explane Roxas? [[Special:Contributions/|]] 13:26, 13 March 2009 (UTC)
::::::: This Thoery is very clever but alas, it can't be true. Yes, Kairi's heart is released twice, once on Destiny Islands and once when Sora stabbed himself with the dark keyblade. But through most of the first game, Kairi's body is in a comatose state, not a Nobody. Weither or not it was because she's a Princess of Heart and her body can't leave the Relm of Light or because her heart didn't make a Heartless doesn't make a diffrence. My guess is that she is Kairi's Unbirth because she has connections with Kairi ans Naminé and that really the only thing she could be. [[Xnaminex]] 19:56 January 2 2009 (UTC)
::::::::Technically, a second nobody could form through the "loophole" that Naminé did, which wouldn't require Kairi's body. The problem with her being a unbirth is that it'd require a person to play Birth By Sleep to UNDERSTAND 358/2 Days, which would be rather unfair. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 01:19, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
I think she isnt even a nobody i think namine made her out of the memories of Sora, Kairi and Namine herself it would explain y shes friends with Xion and why Xion looks like Kairi and why Xion and wield the Kingdom Key thats my theory
::::::::{{Billylemmon|text=She can't be an unbirth, Organization XIII is made up of nobodies. I'm sure Xemnas wouldn't let an Unbirth in...}}
{{TNE|text=And here's another thought : if they say that Xion '''is''' related to Kairi in some way, then could Xion be made out of Kairi's body ? Because Namine was born when Kairi lost her heart, but the body was '''Sora's''', not Kairi's.
{{Xiggie|text=Well, Kairi never lost her body (did she?), her body remained in the realm of light because she's a princess of heart. So Xion couldn't have been made of Kairi's body. However, if she did, why did she join the Organization so late? she would had been "born" near the beginning of KH and Roxas was "born" near the end of KH, why did he join before her? also, in one of the gameplay pictures of 358/2 days Saïx says (when Xion is arriving to the room) ''"ah, you have awakened, Xion"'' (or something like that)}}
{{TNE|text=Think that last sentence of yours could be linked to the Room of Awakening ? Just a random thought that I had.}}
Is namine not made of '''BOTH''' sora & kairi? Therefore could xion not be her nobody & namine be a combination? <u>Hence namine having the power over sora's memories while looking like kairi.</u> In short:
''Xion = Kairi's nobody''<br>
''Roxas = Sora's nobody''<br>
''Namine = Both Sora & Kairi's nobody''<br>
After all she is the exception to the rule!!!
{{TNE|text=I'm not too sure... Yes, Namine is pretty much Sora's and Kairi's "Nobody child", formed from Sora's body and Kairi's heart. But what puzzles me more is the fact that Kairi's a Princess of Heart.}}
:kingdomhearts kairi
::[[Image:Paopu Fruit.jpg|26px]]Um.... actually, Xion isn't a nobody or a heartless or an unbirth. She's an unperfect "replica" of Sora, created by Xemnas from his memories in case Xemnas plans didn't work. She looks like Kairi because Sora was thinking of Kairi the moment she was created. Because shes a replica of Sora but she was created from his memories of Kairi, she doesnt have a gender(she isnt a boy but she also isnt a girl :P -_-'). So, lol, Roxas = Soras nobody, Namine = Kairis nobody and Xion = Soras replica.[[Image:Paopu Fruit.jpg|26px]]
== Name Change ==
Shouldn't it be Organization XIV now?  Did Xemnas get lazy?  --[[User:BlueHighwind|<font color = "#000080">'''Blue'''</font>]][[User Talk: BlueHighwind|<font color ="#000000">'''Highwind'''</font>]] 22:06, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
:Nomura specifically stated the name stays ORG XIII for a reason to be revealed in 358/2 days. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 22:52, 28 October 2008 (UTC)
::I bet it's because the guy who engraved organisation XIII everywhere refused to change it to XIV. [[User:Myself 123|'''<font color="scarlet">Myself 123</font>''']] 12:32, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
:::Plus, 13 is unlucky. Thats why it's so bad ass! 14? Psh. Thats just some spoiled girls birthday where she gets a car. 9__9
um..........................................that's fifteen. XV. get it, got it, good. [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] 23:15, 23 December 2008 (UTC)
::::13+1=15? [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 01:29, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
no...i think hes talking about a hispanic tradition about when girls turn fifteen, they get cars for their birthdays. [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] 05:26, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
The reason that xemnas didn't change the organization's name is because Xion is being kept agenst her will! It kinda mentions that in the japenese comerical thingys...
{{Template:ST|time=12:45, October 28, 2009 (UTC)|text=He didn't change the name because a) Xion was not a real Nobody ad b)when his plan was completed, either roxas or xion would be destroyed, leaving them back with only 13 (although, admittedly, the numbers got screwed after C.O.)}}
== ur theory  ==
[[Image:Example.jpg]] its exactly what i believe and u see i have prof if u pay attention u understand that everything is connected our hearts r 1 as r the worlds
u see becuz of destiny islands and sora piercing his heart to release kairi's heart it created 2 seprete nobodies namine and xion u see kairi never lost her heart she gave it to sorry but still her body was lost which made xion and when sora released her heart it created roxas and nomine u see
I can barely understand what you just typed. [[User:Guardian Soul|Guardian Soul]] 13:40, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
Hookt on fonix werkt fer me! (lol)
{{troisnyxetienne|text=But that'd mean... if Xion does die in Riku's arms like what we all speculated, and Xion is the second Nobody of Kairi, then wouldn't Kairi be incomplete ?
According to the "Another Report" and Ansem Reports, when a Nobody is destroyed, it goes back to its original form (provided the Heart is not in Heartless form). Kairi should be good to go.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Not even Mr. Lister's Koromon</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>survived intact.</small>]] 06:46, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
{{TNE|text=I see. So Kairi's complete after all, no matter what happens...}}
== Just a thought... ==
Shouldn't we use this pic ([ Xion pic]) instead, so Xion's page/image matchs the pages of the other Org.XIII members?
[[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 22:04, 18 November 2008 (UTC)
: the quality sucks. Gte a smoother picture. --Zack fair 007 00:13, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
::Oh, it'd probably look better than lets say, the Roxas picture once you shrink it down. I think that picture will do for now. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 01:50, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
::: I don't think there's anything wrong with that pic. [[User:Dr.Kermit|<span style="color: #00C;">'''Dr.Kermit'''</span>]]<sup>([[User talk:Dr.Kermit|<span style="color: #93C;">'''The Doctor is in'''</span>]])</sup> 23:39, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
::::Considering we don't have any nice, hi-res images from ''328/2 Days'' yet, that's pretty bloody good.  Go for it. [[User:BebopKate|BebopKate]] 04:07, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
:::::Okay, once I shrink it a bit (and try to fix the quality, I guess... sort of hard for me to do when I have no clue what's so bad about the quality in the first place...) I'll put it up. (BTW, "Zack fair", there is no need to be rude, m'kay?) [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 04:05, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
::::::Don't you tell me what to be. That picture is NOT going on that page as long as I'm here --Zack fair 007 04:10, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
:::::::Dude. WTF. I did NOT tell you what to be. I only said there is no need to be rude. Because there certainly isn't. I don't know what your problem is, with me. I also have no idea what your problem is with the pic. However, I seem to have the approval/go-ahead from two staff members. I'm sorry if I somehow rub you the wrong way, but I have no clue what the big beef here is. I did say I'd try to fix the pic up a bit. If this is really such a big deal to you, then please, take it to a staff member. I don't mind. But I don't want to deal with someone I ''don't even know'' biteing my head off. [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 04:19, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
::::::::Learn some grammar, ok? you said "I DIDN'T TELL YOU WHAT TO BE... DON'T BE RUDE!" fucking idiot. The picture is ugly, and unless you fix it up REAL good, its not going up there. don't take some shit u probably don't even know about up with me. you got it? I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. But still, i cant believe were working on a shit picture, and '''we have a high quality one right there'''. SO YEAH --Zack fair 007 04:40, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
:::::::::You know, my grammer is pretty fine, actually. That is not what I said, nor how I said it. I don't see what is wrong with the damn picture, and you telling me that it's "ugly" or "shit" does not tell me what the fuck your damn problem with it is. I'm working on fixing it "real good". (and you have a problem with '''my''' grammer? Don't even MAKE me rip apart every little wrong thing with everything you've said above.) I was working very hard to hold my temper, because I don't like to pull out what I'm going to call "Super b*tch" on random strangers. But if someone like you is going to give me a hard time, on a fu**ing '''wiki''' site, for pete's sake... really. You don't own this friggin' site. You aren't even a staff member. '''And I have the approval of at least one (and I think it's TWO) STAFF MEMBERS.''' SO YEAH! If you have a problem with all of this (which you obviously do!) TAKE IT UP WITH A STAFF MEMBER, THEN! [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 04:53, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
::::::::::Personally, I find this Xion pic better. It's a full body shot like the others. Also, the Xion pic we use now ( is of worse quality. Also: Grammar and spelling. It's not a race. Mistakes are fine, but take the time to type out what you want to say. (Same to anyone else reading this)
:::::::::::You know, Zack fair... never mind. '''I''' will take it to a staff member. But I'm not going to bother replying to you again. It's not worth my time or my stress. [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 05:07, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
WTF? KHPEIDA FLAME WAR?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *Runs out of breath* *Inhales* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... You were bei--Zack fair 007 01:50, 12 December 2008 (UTC)ng rude Zack... knock it off.[[Special:Contributions/|]] 21:25, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
the pic is already up, don't call me rude, i already apologized.
Um yeah, already done and over with.<br>
And... why the page stretching? [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 03:54, 12 December 2008 (UTC)
Seriously, a point of advice, zack fair, if you don't learn to behave, you could get kicked off the site. [[User:Rock2060|Rock2060]] 14:03, 21 January 2009 (UTC) I changed the pic to this [] (a few days ago ^^' ). It's smaller, but with a better quality. --[[User:Unbirth|Unbirth]] 20:19, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
== Xion's Name ==
{{Billylemmon|text=I'm not sure if this is the right place, but has anyone noticed that Xion is pronounced the same as Zion? As in, Zion the Holy Land?}}
I thought so too. But it's pronounced Shi-on. Like Mar-lu-sha.
'''Name Theory'''
Xion = No I
As in Xion is a nobody that never had a heartless counterpart.
But another theory is that Kairi can have many nobodies because she is a Princess of Heart.
Please don't post your fucking theories HERE. go put it on Khinsider. theories can't be used on a wiki. --Zack fair 007 05:08, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
:Don't be so negative... there's no major problems if you post it HERE, just don't post them in the actual article. Longer theories should go on userpages and stuff. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 07:19, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
::No. This is a TALKPAGE. we talk about the page, and stuff about the person. Not sharing dumb theories that make no sense. --Zack fair 007 21:19, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
:::Well, technically, the theories are on-topic (about Xion). I suppose they don't contribute much, but there's no need to make a fuss when they show up. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 03:07, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
::::I '''did''' say I wasn't sure if this was the right place. - [[User:Billylemmon|Billylemmon]] 18:19, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
You know what, Xienzo is right. Oh and by the way, a really obvious fact about her name is that you can spell ion, an irregular form of a compound, the mixture of 2+ compounds. That is somewhat symbolic seeing that the elements that make up a human are a heartless and a nobody. So...
Heartless + Nobody = Human
If Xion, Namine, and Kairi are part of that case,
Xion + Namine = Kairi
THis could not be the case although, if in fact, Kairi's Heartless was actually created when her heart left Sora's body, thus creating Xion, Namine, AND Roxas. Roxas is Sora's Nobody, Namine is Kairi's Nobody, but where does Xion fit in all of this? She could very well be a special Heartless, being Sora's, but looking like Kairi, formed by Kairi's heart leaving Sora's body.
But, as that person with no name said, Kairi is a Princess of Heart, so she could have created 2 Nobodies, instead of creating a heartless and a Nobody, creating
Nobody + Nobody = Human
Xion + Namine = Kairi
But, the fact that Sora DID become a heartless combined with the fact that His and Kairi's Heart were in Sora's body, The
Xion + Namine + Roxas = Sora + Kairi
theory is somewhat plausible.
Please, tell me if any of this makes sense or not, and I will change it. Thanks to all who do! Also, If this REALLY isn't where this belongs, I will post it on KHInsider. [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] 05:49, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
:kingdomhearts kairi
::[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]Xion + Namine = Kairi with Sora memories(or a Sora that looks like Kairi LOL!) xD. Xions a replica of Sora not Kairis heartless lol oganization XIII would never let a heartless become a member of the organization.[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]
:Well, no one will complain if you put theories on your user page. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 06:19, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
BTW, Xion is pronounced as Shion. -[[User:OrangeGel]]
:In Japan. They also pronounce Xigbar with an S instead of a Z sound. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 04:15, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
:I personally think Xion's name will be pronounced "shion" in English too (I'm looking at Marluxia's name as a base; pronounced "mar-lew-sha" and not "mar-lew-zee-ah"). Either way, we'll find out when the game is released. [[User:LapisScarab|LapisScarab]] 22:32, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
This may be a coincidence, but in the Bloody Roar game series, there is a character called Xion the Unborn. [[User:Dr.Kermit|<span style="color: #00C;">'''Dr.Kermit'''</span>]]<sup>([[User talk:Dr.Kermit|<span style="color: #93C;">'''The Doctor is in'''</span>]])</sup> 17:45, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Her name could be an anagram of 'Ino' with an X added, just to keep up with the characters having Japanese names. [[User:Kaihedgie|Kaihedgie]] 18:36, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
:I already said that, but it's good to know its not only me :) --Zack fair 007 18:39, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Okay, with all due respect, (which isn't much), SHUT UP! [[User:Rock2060|Rock2060]] 14:07, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
:What do you mean? Towards me ?
::Just ignore him, he probably read the argument up above and thought you did that recently. [[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 05:12, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
{{TNE|text=I hear some people saying that Xion's original name is Oni = demon. What do you guys think ?}}
:That makes sense as there's suspicion on whether or not she's real. [[User:Myself 123|'''<font color="scarlet">Myself 123</font>''']] 22:58, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
::That's what I said, added it to the page, but that got removed. [[User:Drake Clawfang|Drake Clawfang]] 23:23, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
{{TNE|blahtext=Oh dear. Here we go again......}}
:She could just be made out of memories...?--[[User:Scarlet Avatar]] 10:44, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
{{Xiggie|text=Well, Naminé talked about "leaking memories" in [ the trailer]}}
{{TNE|shocktext=Which could mean... leaking memories of Kairi ? o.O}}
:kingdomhearts kairi
::[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]No lol not leaking memories of Kairi but leaking memories of SORA. In the trailer, when Namine said that "If it's connected to another memory, surely she can't endure it.", she was talking about Kairi("she"), and that if she found out that Soras memory of her("another memory") was gone she wouldn't be able to endure it :o D:.[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]
== Used Pods ==
In the "Mansion: Basement Corridor" area of Twilight Town, there are two pods that say something to the effect of "It seems this pod has been used before." It's been confirmed that Xion has been in a pod. I'm not sure if it's too speculative, or if we should make note of that in her trivia.-[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]]
I believe those pods belong to Donald and Goofy. Where did you hear that Xion has been in a pod?[[User:XienZo|XienZo]] 03:26, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Well it's not confirmed, but it's a good theory. He's right about the first part - in the hallway, there's two pods that say there were Donald's and Goofy's. There's two others, that say when examined "there's evidence this has been used before", and "this hasn't been used in a while". Interesting indeed.... [[User:Drake Clawfang|Drake Clawfang]] 03:39, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Very Interesting. And I shouldn't have said "confirmed". I'm referring to the scene in the 358/2 Days trailor when Naminé and DiZ are talking about Xion in front of a pod. So should this be put in her article? -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]]
{{Xiggie|text=eh, in the trailer, Naminé and DiZ only talk in front of '''Sora's pod'''!}}
Still, They were talking about manipulating someone's memories, and Naminé said "she". I think it a reasonable assumption to say that she was talking about Xion. -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]] In a screenshot, Axel says she was asleep. It can be in a pod, but Naminé says "I wanted to meet you, Xion", so maybe they have never met before. --[[User:Unbirth|Unbirth]] 20:35, 1 March 2009 (UTC)
{{TNE|text=So let's piece together what we've got :
*Xion resembles Kairi, and the former herself acknowledges it.
*Namine says "I wanted to meet you, Xion" - perhaps implying that her name has been mentioned but they had never met, similar to the case of Roxas meeting Namine in the digital Twilight Town.
*Namine and DiZ talk in front of Sora's pod, talking about the manipulation of someone's memories. We assume that Namine is talking about Xion.
*Xion is told by Riku to get back into her real self but she's not ready to, because she has friends.
*Xion has a Keyblade, which Riku calls a fake.
*It seems that when Namine and DiZ are talking in front of Sora's pod, they talk about leaked memories. Could Xion have been created out of these leaked memories, particularly those of Kairi ?
*Xion has a pod.
Guys, what can we make out of this ?}}
Naminé sounded like she was having a very hard time reassembling Sora. Maybe Xion is a temparary holder of Sora's most important memories. Which would explain her likeness to Kairi, and the fact that many characters have implied she doesn't, or wasn't supposed to, exist. If this is true it may also be why the Organization seems to be keeping her in the organization agianst her will, so that Sora can't be complete. She'd be like the Riku Replica, but instead of remembering fake memories, she has someone else's memories; Sora's. In order of Troisnyxetienne's facts, it would be:
*Xion resembles Kairi because most of Sora's important memories revolve around Kairi.
*Naminé wasn't allowed to mean Xion like she wasn't allowed to mean Roxas.
*DiZ and Naminé could had that disscssion before she was released meaning that the leaking memories were being transfered to Xion at that moment.
*Riku spent his year with DiZ and Naminé to make sure Sora would wake up. He wants Xion to "get back into her real self" because she possesses Sora's memories.
*The "fake" Keyblade baffles me to no end. Riku may be playing mind games with Xion to make her want to return to Sora?
* Already explained.
*An artificial body was put into a pod, the leaked memories were transfered into it, and the body came out as Xion. The reason Xion doesn't look exactly like Kairi is because not 100% of Sora's important memories are of Kairi, meaning Xion would have small qualities of other people, like her "dark" appearance comes from Sora's important memories of Riku and her her ability to weild the Kingdom Key comes from Sora's memories of himelf.
If I get many or this right I'll probably pass out. -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]]
{{Amy Cotton|text=We might get more ansers soon. We just have to be pacint and wait for a while.}}
==Here's my proof==
== New Theory ==
{{Drake|time=21:32, 25 March 2009 (UTC)|text=I had an idea for what Xion could be - the product of Sora's memories.
Think about it for a sec. Namine replaced Sora's memories of Kairi with memories of her, right? Well, I think Xion was created from those extracted memories, which explains why she looks like Kairi. To return to her true self means she has to rejoin with Sora, similar to Roxas, in order for Sora to fully regain his memories. This is also why Xion can use a Keyblade, because both Kairi and Sora can as well. This is furthermore why Namine talks about "leaked" memories - Xion is that leak, and until she rejoins Sora his other memories could be damaged as well since Kairi was so integral to what Namine did to him. And because Nobodies sustain themselves on memories, it just makes more sense.
So, that's my idea - Xion is a Nobody constructed out of Sora's memories of Kairi.}}
{{TNE|text=xNaminex has the same idea too. I think this souds like the most plausible option.}}
{{TNE|shocktext=On second thought, I think we might have to deny this theory. Xion joined some time before Sora went to Castle Oblivion. Larxene and all the people from Chain were there.}}
{{unbirthtalk|text=I've never thought of it, but you're right troisnyx, it's impossible.}}
{{TNE|blahtext=Having said thus, now who '''is''' Xion ? Every one of our theories seems to be coming to nowhere. Square Enix did a great job this time (the last time, it was rather predictable and we knew DiZ was Ansem the Wise).
EDIT : We'll keep watch over this theory for now. I mean, who knows what Squenix will come up with to surprise us once again ?}}
Drake Clawfang was really close! As we know now, Xion is made from Sora's leaked memories (which he got right). However, we also know that she is not a Nobody. I'd like to give thumbs up to Drake Clawfang! His theory turned out to be true. :) [[User:HealerSpirit|HealerSpirit]] 09:58, 3 June 2009 (UTC)
== Rip off!!!!! ==
Me (xion) and my brother (axl) were using the screen names xion and axl for years before kingdom hearts came out . Some game desingers saw us on the net and stole our names.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 19:11, 30 March 2009 (UTC) xion.
{{Xiggie|shocked =I really doubt that!
I bet that Xion's name has a logical explanation, not just a rip off off your name!
plus, If my name was the same as a KH character, I'd be delighted!}}
Are you cereal? Are you coco puffs cereal? Part of this nutritional breakfest? The name Axel sounds like it isn't THAT uncommon. Seriously, stop being such a loser... You're probably like a 5 year old or something!
Dude, don't be stupid. It's not funny OR cool. Besides, there is another video game character named Xion. I'm not sure what game he's from, but his full name is "Xion the Unborn." [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] 15:00, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
|time=21:48, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
|text="Xion the Unborn", eh? That's... [[Unbirth|interesting]], albeit probably coincidental
So, as far as Kingdom Hearts III goes, rather than mention that Xion replicated Saix's Lunatic and fighting style several times, would we be able to instead mention Xion's ability to copy more vaguely in the Abilities section and then also include the Berserker in the Gallery under her weapons. It's interesting too because Xion didn't summon her replica Keyblade until Xemnas told her to kill Lea. It seems that it was because Xemnas reminded her of her past with Axel, but it's never really elaborated on. Also, Xion's face is not seen again until after she makes contact with Sora, which suggests that her Heart wasn't released from Sora until that point, but again, it's never really talked about. ([[User:Levi657|Levi657]] ([[User talk:Levi657|talk]]) 17:02, 17 February 2019 (UTC))

{{NinjaSheik|angry=Don't call Xiggie a loser! He's very cool! For your information, the name Axel is comman, but not in AMERICA! This is Japanese we're talking about, dude! Xion is a Japanese name, right?! I see the name Axel here and there all the time! About it's just coincidence!}}
== Probably opening a can of worms here ==
{{Xiggie|text=I think [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] was referring to "", not me, NinjaSheik.
but thanks for standing up for me :P}}
{{NinjaSheik|happy=You're welcome! What are friends for?}}
it can't be a addicent(i have bad spelling)but when they use my name(katie)i'll believe this isn't a addicent
deal with it druggie[[User:D.Dark.|D.Dark.]] 17:48, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
== Kairi's Keyblade ==
I think Xion has some sort of connection to the [[Kairi's Keyblade|Keyblade]] Riku gave Kairi.
Saturday-04-apr-2009: [[User:Charmed-Jay|Charmed-Jay]]
I understand why one would think that, but what would the connection possibley be? It's already been shown that Xion's canon ketblade is the Kingdom Key. -[[User:Xnaminex|xNaminéx]]
{{unbirthtalk|text=Yeah, but he could just have changed the keychain. I wonder if Xion's keyblade could also be Roxas's second one ?}}
{{TNE|happytext='''''Unbirth, tu as raison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD''''' Xion's Keyblade '''is''' Roxas' second one ! I think I should count on you for BBS and Coded theories too.}}
== Theories ==
{{Azul|text=Should theories have it's own page as Xion/Theories ?}}
{{Xiggie|text=That would be a good idea :P
if this idea "passes", then shouldn't we also put up a page for theories on the other upcoming characters (the BBS characters and the New unknown)}}
{{Twoface13|That page is unecessary. Click on ''Light'' in my talk bubble, and you'll see why.|}}
{{Azul|text=Soo.... move them to your sub-page?}}
{{Xiggie|text=Well, we could create a "official" theory page... or, wait, that's why we have the forums, right...}}
{{Twoface13|I was just stating an option. Feel free to put your theories wherever you want.|}}
{{Azul|text=My first reaction was to create something [[finalfantasy:Gogo_(Final_Fantasy_VI)/Identity_Speculation|like this]], or [[finalfantasy:Ramza/Marche Theory|this]].}}
{{Xiggie|text=yeah... I think it would be wiser to have a theory page for each character rather than having it all in the same spot!}}
{{Azul|text=Yes, it would be better. If there are no objections I will continue with this.}}
{{yer mom|text=Well the pages you offered as example are about theories from games that are already out in the market. If we start pages about theories from characters in games that aren't released (such as Xion, Ven, etc.) the articles would turn into unnecessary pages once the games ARE released since most (if not all) the theories would be either proven as false or true. But that's just my opinion, I do like reading theories tho XD!}}
{{Xiggie|text=true, but we could just remove the page once the game's released! and say so in the article!
or just keep it on for fun, I mean, who doesn't like theories :P ''(as long as they're not rubbish!)''}}
{{Azul|text=Or we can just move them to the forums...?}}
== Kingdom hearts in the sky !!!! ==
When you look at the picture of Xion in the section ´´Here is my proof´´ you can see Kingdom Hearts in the top right corner ?
{{TNE|blahtext=No doubt ; that thing took place in The World That Never Was.}}
We know that Roxas entered the Organisation before Xion, and it means that the theory about kairi´s heart could make two nobodies useless.For that theory to work Xion had to be born before Roxas and she didn´t so guess its Proof: 1 Guess: 0
==Semi-protection ?==
{{TNE|text=Do you think we need to semi-protect this article such that registered users can edit this ? Because we've had too many cases of anonymous IPs editing this page and adding unnecessary speculation.
Similar case for the Sora page.}}
{{MM841||Yeah, and all pages which are subject to speculation- MX, MX's apprentice, Terra, Ventus, Aqua.}}
{{TNE|text=Let's just hope any one of our admins sees this......}}
I once did a picture of what Xion's attribute might be. The closest could be mirrors and reflection. This is probably because Xion looks like Kairi and she has a Kingdom Key of her own. Plus, I think it would be cool. Another possibility is Sound, She can create sonic vibrations. Another is Metal She can probably turn herself into metal and finally like Saix rises with the moon, Xion could rise with the sun. What do the rest of you think? [[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 14:13, 29 May 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
:Why would she do any of that when her attribute is given as light?—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 23:55, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
::Since when is Xion's power Light. Do you have any proof? Also, I saw the Extra's section of KH 358/2 Days and Donald Goofy And Xion are Secret Playable Characters. [[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 00:02, 30 May 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
:::...Exactly why did you bring up Donald and Goofy? ...And I'd be looking up the magazine scan that says it if ''any of the big fansites would work algajdgbjag''—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 05:00, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
::::And here it is! [] Both Xion and Roxas are shown with the attribute "光" (light).—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 05:58, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
Ok. In my fanfic she had the power of Mirrors.[[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 12:14, 30 May 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
I don't suppose anyone else was thinking that Roxas's ability to dual-wield could be related to Xion’s Keyblade.
:Wow. That's actually pretty cool. I agree --Zack fair 007 21:36, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
I dont get it either. --[[User:Kairi4evr|Kairi4evr]] 00:05, 30 May 2009 (UTC)
== Absorbed by Roxas? ==
{{XNamineX|text=I'm not saying it's wrong, but does anyone know where the info that Xion is absorbed Roxas came from?}}
{{NinjaSheik|text=It's probably came from someone who already played the game.}}
{{XNamineX|text=OH!! =O That's right! It came out in Japan already. Sorry, I didn't realize. X)}}
{{NinjaSheik|happy=It's okay.}}
If it is already out in Japan why isn´t there any wideo fotage on youtube or other channels ?
{{NinjaSheik|text=It is on YouTube. You just to need to type in the right thing to find it.}}
My bad, just found it at first try =)
{{NinjaSheik|text=It's fine.}}
should probably be sourced and accurately confirmed.
also it seems to be a bit to soon after release to have gotten that far completed.
{{Guardian Soul|text=It's been completed.  You can easily watch the youtube video where she gets absorbed.}}
{{NinjaSheik|text=Yes, that's true}}
Xion isn't absorbed. All the video of the death shows is that she turned into crystals, and the memories floated up into the air and away, rather than Roxas taking any of it in.
==Wait a Minute==
{{Amy Cotton|text=Risa Uchida, who voiced Xion in the Japanese version, is also Kairi's Japanese voice actress. I wonder if Alison Stoner or Hayden Panettiere will voice her in Engilsh? I doubed that, y'know.}}
{{NinjaSheik|text=Why? It could be possible, Amy.}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=It might. I think I'll take another look.}}
{{Amy Cotton|text=I checked wikipedia pages of Panettiere and Stoner, but both are of Kairi and not Xion. So, we may have to wait another month. Sombody will voice her, and it could be one of the girls who voiced Kairi.}}
{{NinjaSheik|text=Perhaps. But remember, Amy, no one really trust the wiki, do they? I wonder who will voice Naminé...}}
==Xion's English Voice==
{{HarpieSirenTalk|text=They just showed the first English trailer on G4's E3 coverage. It featured Xion's English voice. It was really good, not to mention really familiar. I couldn't tell who she was though
ETA: And here it is, low quality, but what are you gonna do?:
</youtube> }}
{{Xiggie|text=Wow, like it. thanks :D}}
:kingdomhearts kairi
::[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]omg. omg! OMG!!!!! :D :D :D ^u^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks!....and I think I might know whos voice her voice is like.... KAIRI! :o HER VOICE SOUNDS LIKE KAIRIS VOICE! I think it might be because she was created from Soras memories of Kairi, so she has Kairis voice.... :P :o[[File:Paopu Fruit.jpg|30px]]
{{EO|text=Xion is voiced by Alyson Stoner, who played Kairi in ReCoM.}}
{{Firaga44|text=that's cool but for some weird reason i think xion might say whatcha doing because alyson stoner voices isabella  and pretty much every episode of phineas and ferb she says whatcha doing}}
{{PrincessAndie|text= LOL. I highly doubt (HA! I FINALLY SPELLED IT RIGHT!) that would happen though. It'd be pretty cool though.}}
== Where have I seen this before? ==
I'm just thinking... Xion's story kind of resembles that of another famous character from square... They both belonged to a organization, found out about the terrible experiments behind their birth, went insane, deserted the organization and tryed to destroy they're former comrades... I swear, this is so familiar! But that's just my opinion!--[[User:Kai Maciel|Kai Maciel]] 19:54, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
{{Xiggie|text=Yeah, now that I think about it, her story resembles that of Sephioths. she is even "slain" by one of her fellow members from the Org., like Sephiroth was slain by Cloud...
I guess SE really likes to reuse ideas, huh?}}
{{NinjaSheik|text=You're right, Xiggie. It was probbaly Sephiroth that have a simliar story to Xion's. He was a member of SOLDIER, a good guy, and we eventually gone insane, hurting his friends and getting killed by one of his comrades.
SE should really be more originally, but it doesn;t really matter to me.}}
== Original Name proof, please. ==
Original name = No. I, as in Number 1? [[User:DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS|DiSlOcAtOr ChRiS]] 03:16, 3 June 2009 (UTC)
technically her true name would be S.O.R.A.But we've already got [[Roxas|one of those]].
:Why would it technically be Sora?  She isn't Sora's nobody, she's a puppet. [[User:Guardian Soul|Guardian Soul]] 03:28, 3 June 2009 (UTC)
she isn't a nobody at all. she's a clone. of sora.
{{NinjaSheik|text=Yes, that is true. But Xemnas made her from Sora's memories. I think he have the right to name her, don't you think? He calles No. I, according from what I heard.}}
{{Guardian Soul|text=And Repliku is likely No. II, unless it just refers to Sora clones.}}
or I means "Me" instead of "One"
Well, I guess you're right. After all Roxas wasn't originally named Roxas either, he was named by Xemnas when he first found him. So I guess he named Xion from Number I.
== So many questions ==
I don't get it, it said that if Xion absorbs Roxas, then Sora's memory restoration would cease completely, but when Roxas absorbs Xion, it works the same. How come? It's like no matter who absorbs the other one, the result would be the same. And how long has Sora been sleeping exactly? I remember in Kingdom Hearts II, while Naminé was restoring his memory, the database first said "Restoration at 12%" before further progressing. Did something happen? Did they re-do the process or something?
And why did Roxas fall asleep for weeks instead of never waking up, since Sora is already sleeping?
And why is it that they didn't merge Roxas with Sora once they captured him? After all, Ansem said they needed one another to be able to be complete. If that really was true, then why did Ansem lock him up in that Digitized Twilight Town?
And how exactly did Xemnas create Xion via Sora's leaked memories? Was it like, Xemnas gathered memories from Sora's lost heart?
I don't understand your first point but for your second, why would Roxas never wake up?
The reason DiZ didn't merge Roxas and sora immediately was that sora needed to recover his memories first
Well, during the superboss fight in final mix, Xemnas walks ''through'' sora and images from the game flash on screen. presumably She was created then.[[Special:Contributions/|]] 21:43, 3 June 2009 (UTC)
|sig=Now! Let's savor the utmost of suffering together!
|text=I feel so stupid now, my theories were nullified, but as for the the weapons, I still think Axel taught him how to use Duel. I mean, who else in the Organization uses two of the same weapons, and is close to Roxas? Just cause he gets a new keyblade, doesn't mean he knows how to use it perfectly.
|time=As the other dies, their agony radiates through my body, and living through it is pure ecstasy!
== Xion's title ==
We know almost everything about Xion except one: Her Title. Everyone in Organization XIII had a title. What is Xion's?[[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 13:00, 3 June 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
{{Xiggie|text=I think that it is "Key of Destiny", like Roxas' title. since it was planned to make them merge into one and become Sora. Then Roxas wouldn't had been a member anymore, and the new Sora would had been member nr. XIII, ''"The Key of Destiny"'' !}}
Really. Interesting.[[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 14:08, 3 June 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
{{NinjaSheik|text=Yes, that is true. That's why they didn't change their name from Organization XIII to Organization XIV when Xion joined. Xemnas planned to use Xion to absored Roxas, so the real Sora never awakens, and Xion will become the new thirthteen member!}}
That plan backfired and Roxas ended up absorbing Xion. WHich would explain how he could weild two keyblades. But which would be Oathkeeper and which would be Oblivion?[[User:Winxfan1|Winxfan1]] 16:46, 3 June 2009 (UTC)Winxfan1
organization didn't namechange because Xion isn't a Nobody.And at a rough guess i'd say Xion's keyblade was the oathkeeper one.(just a guess)
{{NinjaSheik|text=Could be.}}
{{Xiggie|text=Actually, Roxas just had two Kingdom keys to dual wield (which can both be changed into other forms using "gears") until he left the Organization (encountered Riku). then the two keyblades first changed into Oathkeeper and Oblivion, see [ this video] !}}
==Something is missing==
{{TNE|text=Remember the part where Xemnas and the other members gather in Where Nothing Gathers and Xion is introduced ? (I saw this in one of the early trailers by the way) Why is it that Larxene and the rest all mock her ? Shouldn't that have been mentioned too ?}}
Well maybe the reason they mock her is that she isn't a real nobody but an imperfect clone of Sora.Or maybe it's because she's new.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 17:48, 8 June 2009 (UTC)Goma107
{{TNE|text=We can't put in maybes, because Days is already out and surely the reason would've been made clear to players.}}
== Gender ==
She doesn't have a gender, does she? We already know she looks female ''only'' because Sora's strongest memory was Kairi, not that she was one herself. Sora's strongest memory could have been a special pencil he lost, and that's what she would have looked like. So, being a Sora clone, that either makes her male. If not, just genderless, seeing as her component are memories, and memories don't have any title to go by. She changes forms as well. Why was that erased from the article, then?
{{KrytenKoro|Technically, Nobodies' don't "have" gender, but Xion identifies and has been identified by the production team as a "she".}}
{{Guardian Soul|text=Has anyone ever thought that maybe in that scene Roxas only '''saw''' Xion as Sora?  Because Xigbar sees her as Ven and Roxas sees her face even though she has her hood up a couple of times.  I think that could be the case since she looks like herself after the fight.  I guess we'll need the NA version to know for sure.}}
They actually ''do'' have genders, considering that they take after who they were before. A Nobody is the leftover '''body''' and soul. They might not exist, but that doesn't mean they don't have a sex to go by. The production team labeled her as a "she", because, obviously, they are not going to spill the game and say she's genderless or a male, due to her being a Sora clone made of his memories. The point is, whether she identifies herself or not as a "she", and she's been that way for most of her stay, the factual reality of it is that "she's"...''not''. She looks the way she does because of Kairi being Sora's strongest memory. What if it was a beach ball that was his strongest memory? Or a boat? Or even a palm tree? Will she be a "she" then? The thing wasn't really wrong, honestly.
I dont think she has a gender,and because she is a memory being she doesnt even truly have form.Roxas and few other who are connected to a certain "apecial" person see her as xion.Other see her simply with her hood on and Xigbar sees her as ven.When riku saw her for the first time he already saw her as sora,because this form is her true nature,she IS Sora´s clone after all.that also explains why her body seems to change from a female to a male in one blink of an eye during the scene shortly before the battle against her.
    |fonttype=Segoe Print
    |name=Kai Maciel
    |sig=Love is terrible sin
    |time=now for me... soon to be past
    |text=I actually agree. Xion was a failed replica made out of Sora's memories. I can only assume that Xemnas wanted her to be an exact replica of Sora (which means same appearance). With Naminé's memory restoration Xion is becoming what she/he was supposed to be: just like Sora. Her body being that of a female during the majority of the game is a side effect of Sora's strongest memory being that of Kairi, should Xemnas create Xion out of data, like Vexen did with the Riku Replica, she/he would be male all along.
Guys, I'm going to have to disagree on this. I see Xion as female. She may be a clone/replica of Sora, but she's an -'''im'''perfect- clone/replica. And memories themselves may be genderless, but the people in memories aren't genderless. Had Xion been a, *cough* beach ball, or whatever, then yes, she would be genderless as beach balls have no gender. But she's not. She's a Kairi-alike, and last I knew, Kairi was a female. Thus, Xion should be female. *Raises up flame-protective shield* [[User:BelindaxRikku|Belinda-Rikku]] 17:54, 25 June 2009 (UTC)
== Xion / Ven ==
Can anyone tell me where to find the video where xion transforms into ven? and how do you know that its ven and not roxas?
:She doesn't transform, Xigbar just sees her as Ven in his mind. And you can tell it's Ven because he's wearing Ven's armor and clothing. 01:13, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
i realize that and i misunderstood about the ven and roxas thing because i thught it was another vid but can u tell me where i can see the video of this scene?
Justo go on youtube type in sumthin like...."xion is ven?" i think the video was...well. thers hundreds of copies from different youtube users. same stuffs tho.
== Xion a he-she?!? ==
{{PrincessAndie|text= Ya know where it says that Xion has Sora's body? Does that make her a he-she? I really hope I'm wrong. . .}}
|text=No, she looks like that because she's made of him, basically.
{{XNX|text=Well, actually, she's genderless (I my opinion.) Since she's made out of Sora's memories, her physical appearance changes with the changes in Sora's memories (Naminé's memory manipulation.)}}
{{PrincessAndie|text= Whew! Thank God I am ( Somewhat ) wrong! Curiosity really gets the best of me sometimes, and I either ask or do the dumbest things! (:B }}
== Fake Key ==
I am so through with this Fake Key crap, just find out Xion's title and make up mind, will'ya?
:We're going to have to wait until September, when the English translation for her title is released. Until then, any name will be fallacious.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 00:24, 19 June 2009 (UTC)
::According to the Japanese Wikipedia, she has ''no'' title (and why would she?), hence the "None."—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 01:37, 19 June 2009 (UTC)
== Navigation Boxes? ==
{{XNX|text=Does anyone know what happened to Xion's navigation boxes? They just dissappeared. I tried to fix it, but they keep getting put into the gallery and hide. Could someone fix it, please?}}
== Voice ==
{{OotL|text= When Xion changes into Sora does she still have a girl voice or does it change to Sora's voice? Just curious}}
:She retains her original voice. She just changes appearance. On a side note, hearing Sora speak in a girl's voice is the craziest mental image I've ever gotten. [[User:JudgmentDay95|JudgmentDay95]] 20:32, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
{{Template:Ninabean|time=05:34, 21 August 2009 (UTC)|text=Well in the first game he did kinda have a girly voice^^}}
{{JudgmentDay95|time=13:51, 21 August 2009 (UTC)|text=Good point. I guess every dude sounds a bit like a girl before they hit puberty.}}
== Aster tataricus ==
Anybody know where I can find the newest ''Days'' interview (the one that talks about ''Aster tataricus'') in Japanese? I want to verify it, because of what I said on this page's history [ (”reword and remove the 100% wrong Aster tataricus note (the "shion" for this flower means "purple garden", and the Japanese name for forget-me-not is wasurenagusa.")].—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 19:50, 7 July 2009 (UTC)
{{NinjaSheik|text=I do. Here it is~
If it's right, then, you'll have to put it back, okay?}}
:Aha! I knew it! Nomura said ''giving someone'' Aster tataricus means "I won't forget you" (the same way yellow roses show friendship). Not the forget-me-not flower. Crazy Heartstation :|—[[User:Urutapu|Urutapu]] 19:58, 7 July 2009 (UTC)
There's a need for an update. That interview in itself has confirmed and shown things that are now wrong in the article. For example, Roxas absorbing Xion. That wasn't the case. He just inherited her Keyblade.
== Not a Nobody ==
I noticed that that when you open the "nobodies" template thing it mentions Xion under Organization XIII. Considering the fact that Xion isn't a nobody do you think she should be taken off the template?--ShadowsTwilight 16:05, 10 July 2009 (UTC)
:I would say yes. [[User:JudgmentDay95|JudgmentDay95]] 20:35, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
she is sort of an organization member and we don't have a template for that on it's own.
== Sora.. OR Roxas? ==
There seems to be sufficient amounts of information in the secret reports to suggest that although Xion is full of Sora's memories, she is in fact a Replica of Roxas, not Sora. Has anyone else looked into this?
"The nobody of the hero, and that nobody’s replica, Xion."
-Day 276: The Other Side of the Truth (Axel)
It says in this article that she is absorbed by Roxas thats not true,she returns to Sora she even says so herself,i´ve seen the scene and she never is absorbed by Roxas she dissolves into many bits of light and shards of crystals/ice wich fly away-kaialone14
:Wait until the English version comes out before jumping to any conclusions. [[User:JudgmentDay95|JudgmentDay95]] 12:46 14 July 2009 (UTC)
== Protection Is Necessary ==
{{JudgmentDay95|text=This page needs to be protected. There is too much vandalism running rampant.}}
== It? ==
{{PrincessAndie|text= While I was at camp, one of my new friends and I were discussing Kingdom Hearts, and the topic of Xion came up. She said there was something in the CoM Manga that the Organization kept refering to as 'It' Quote: 'I'm going to check on It... How is It? It's fine...' She always assumed It was Roxas, but now we think It is Xion. And Namine was in the room, so It's not her. So, is my friend right? or is It something else?}}
{{JudgmentDay95|text=Considering the fact that Larxene and Marluxia were chowing down on chicken and soda in the manga, I say that It refers to their meal.}}
== Lefty! ==
{{PrincessAndie|text= OK, if you look carefully at the picture of Xion, you can see she has the keyblade in her left hand. Does that mean she's a lefty, or does she just carry the keyblade in her left hand? That be extremely cool if there is finally a left handed character! (considering the fact I"M left handed)}}
{{JudgmentDay95|text=Was Sora ever ambidextrous?}}
{{EO|time=23:32, 15 August 2009 (UTC)|text=Only when Dual-Wielding. He was always Right-handed. All Keyblade wielders are, except Ven. If there is a connection between Sora and Ven, Xion probably got it from Ven, as she can take his form in the eyes of Xigbar. They are obviously connected, Xion and the Keyblade wielder from BBS...I'm sure of it.}}
{{Keyblader|text=Wait a minute- Xion takes the form of Ven in Xigbar's eyes, and she's an imperfect replica of Sora made from, or at least holding, his leaked memories... Ventus looks like Roxas, Sora's Nobody... 8/! Aw, jeez, Nomura's teasing us again!}}
== Xion's True, True Name ==
Shouldn't it Say 'Sora Replica No. i'? After all, the replica of Riku is not called 'Riku', it's called 'Riku Replica'.
{{XNX|text= The term "Sora Replica" is ''never'' used or mentioned as a part of Xion's title. The name "Xion" was created as a way to keep her identity as a Replica secret from the game's characters, and from the audience. As for the "Riku Replica" thing, the Replica Project was established exclusively to make copies of Sora. My guess is that Riku Replica was an experimental test of creating a Replica out of data, and since they had no use for him, they brought him to Castle Oblivion to fuck with Sora and the real Riku.}}
== Stop in Confusion ==
When Xion died, the restoration of Sora's memories seized at once. But before she disappeared, she said she was going back to Sora. Does that mean she died instead of going back?
It's kinda confusing. And since she did not join with Roxas like the original version of the story, then that means Roxas has always been able to use the Keyblade, right?
[[User:Charmed-Jay|Charmed-Jay]] - September 25, 2009
:Yes, Roxas could use the Keyblade from the get-go. Xion's existence itself was halting Sora's memory restoration, because Roxas had unwittingly leaked the "key," Sora's memories of Kairi, into her. When Xion says she is "returning to Sora," she actually "returns to Roxas." Then Roxas can wield two Keyblades: Oathkeeper (his) and Oblivion (Xion's). Then Riku-Ansem drags Roxas to DiZ, Roxas and Axel play around in the digital Twilight Town, and eventually all of Xion's and Roxas's memories return to Sora.
:Bottom line: Sora, Roxas, and Xion are all the same person, and so their memories are all shared.
[[User:SavageLarxene011|SavageLarxene011]] 16:35, October 11, 2009 (UTC)
== Who created Xion? (Theory) ==
Now from what I read after beating the game, and unlocking the secret notes, it became obvious to me, that the creator of Xion was Vexen. He created Replica Riku, so could it be that Replica is No. 2? Maybe. If you notice, after about the first 3 entries for Xion, is a scientist speaking. Sounds like Vexen to me. And then he stops, as if as soon as Xion was finished, Vexen was disposed of, since the Organization could now control her themselves. It is just a thought, and I still need to check if the diary entries line up with the people at Castle Oblivion getting destroyed work together. I will just have to check. But all in all, I think this is a rather probable theory. Who agrees?
--[[User:Sylint19|Sylint19]] 01:33, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
:Um, yeah? It's not exactly a revelation that Vexen created "No. ''i''". And Vexen was disposed of for various reasons by Axel. None of them relating to what Xemnas wanted. His death was an inconvenience because he was supposed to personally monitor Xion. [[User:Interobangu|Interobangu]] 08:45, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
::Also, when Xion fades, she sort of '''freezes''', or turns into ice/crystal things. It seems like Vexen created her from Ice/crystal, or at least that's what I think :P  - '''[[User:Xiggie|<font face=Trebuchet MS color=blue>Ice</font>]][[User talk:Xiggie|<font face=Trebuchet MS color=dodgerblue>boy</font>]]''<sup>[[Special:Contributions/Xiggie|<font face=Trebuchet MS color=paleturquoise>Svalur!</font>]]</sup>''''' 08:52, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Either Vexen or Xemnas created her altough im pretty sure its Vexen.[[User:D.Dark.|D.Dark.]] 17:51, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
::Vexen created her under Xemnas' orders. She was made from Sora's memories, the basis of her body. Born w/ a blank face, she only grew to look like Kairi as Sora's memories flowed into her. - [[User:EternalNothingnessXIII|EternalNothingnessXIII]] 19:23, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
==Xion/Roxas Relaitionship? ==
So, I have a few points I'de like to make:
Xion is made from Sora's memorys of Kairi.
Kairi has romantic feelings for Sora.
So, Xion might have harboured romantic feelings for Sora had they ever met.
Roxas is Sora's nobody.
So is it possible Xion harboured romantic feelings for Roxas?
And since Roxas is Sora's nobody, and Sora has romantic feelings for Kairi, he could like her back.
The one flaw I see in this theory is that Sora may not have known Kairi had feelings for him atthe time of Xion's birth, so his memorys of her wouldn't contain that. I haven't played 358/2 days or read plot details from that, so I'm sorry if that contains information on the subject.-Coroxn-''The Lunar Brigade''
:While I suppose anything is possible, I don't recall any scenes from the game that would indicate that they were attracted to each other. Plus, Xion's gone now, so it kinda renders the whole thing moot. [[User:LapisScarab|LapisScarab]] 21:12, October 23, 2009 (UTC)
You do know this is the equivalent of loving yourself, right? Xion's not even a true female.
== Replica of Roxas, and not Sora? ==
The article currently states that "Xion is an imperfect Replica of Sora." However, in the Secret Report for Day 276, it reads:
"As the Nobody of the hero of the Keyblade and the Replica of that Nobody, those two are special. Unique in every sense of the word. But that doesn't change the fact that we're friends. Nothing will. Got it memorized, Xion?"
The first sentence seems to imply that Xion is a Replica of Roxas, and not Sora. It is also stated in-game that Xion was meant to imitate Roxas's behavior. Also, she was not created from Sora's memories; she was created in the same fashion that Riku-Replica was, by Vexen, according to the Secret Report for Day 23:
"The Program is largely on target. No. i, my finest Replica, has proven an even greater success than anticipated. I intend to take the other vessel - judged unfit for number status - to Castle Oblivion, where I will subject it to further testing. One thing is clear: could these Replicas not be classified as a special sort of Nobody?"
The final sentence also suggests that Xion actually is a Nobody, contrary to what the article currently says.
[[Special:Contributions/|]] 22:46, October 10, 2009 (UTC)
==Where did they came from?==
Where did they get Sora's memories to make Xion, since it seems she was born before he went to CO--[[User:Masgrande|Masgrande]] 08:56, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
{{Template:ST|time=16:29, October 23, 2009 (UTC)|text=Ya know how when you add an ability unit to roxas' and xion's Zero gear, you get oathkeeper? Well don't you think it would be a little bit more consistent to that if roxas got oathkeeper and xion got oblivion (considering when roxas absorbed Xion, his keyblade became oathkeeper and hers became oblivion)}}
Xion was not absorbed by Roxas!! How hard is it to understand?! She ''specifically'' said that she is returning to Sora!  Watch her death scene in English and you'll see.  She doesn't return to Roxas, but SORA. Play the game, people. Getting your facts wrong is really getting old now.

:What do you mean being incorrect is "getting old now"? You make it sound like people are delibrately getting their facts wrong to annoy you. This may be surprising, but people make mistakes and you can correct them ''politely''. [[User:LapisScarab|LapisScarab]] 20:20, October 23, 2009 (UTC)
But to me, it seems fairly obvious that Xion would qualify as trans (which, while still frustrating me that Nomura seemed to in some ways make her magical trans-ness the cause of her misery, does a lot to redeem her character arc by portraying her "good" ending as identifying as female).

Umm, because the game has been out for, what, a month now? I mean, come on.  I'll admit that I was a bit rude and impolite, but I've been reading that incorrect statement for a long time now. And I'm probably not the only one getting annoyed by it, mind you.  By the way, someone needs to unlock the editing for Xemnas so the info on Xion can be corrected.
Is this fair to state in the wiki? If I found notable articles discussing it, could I add it?{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 21:54, 21 February 2019 (UTC)
:She says that, but she's a Replica of Roxas, not Sora, and he's the one that gains the Keyblade when she disappears. And, apparently the memories as well, since KH2 shows us that Namine still has to recover them from Roxas.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 05:25, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
::That's solely opinion, and not allowed on the Wiki, as far as I'm concerned. We cover canon information, in which the Xion the story is concerned about is strictly female. Yes, she is intended to turn into Roxas/Sora, but this has nothing to do with her gender, in-universe or out. The furthest you could technically go is to say Xion's gender varies based on who looks at her, or how many of Sora's memories she has (enough to become a copy of him on Day 357). You could find the best fan-essay in the world, but adding "info" taken from such things goes completely against our policy here. - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 22:07, 21 February 2019 (UTC)
::Definitely a can of worms, you're not wrong. It's tough because the "anatomy" of replicas isn't really covered. Are they created to be the body of a specific person before being given the memories, data, heart, etc. of the person inhabiting them to influence their structure? When we see "blank" replicas in 3 they are like mannequins, completely blank slates and presumably sexless. Based on that and her initial appearances in Days, I don't see Xion as really having a gender until she has an identity for herself at all, based on how Roxas ends up seeing her. And given that this series never really covers gender identity at all, whether for Xion or anyone else, it doesn't seem like a relevant topic for anything beyond fan discussion, how someone might resonate with similar struggles based on her experience's similarity to trans-related struggles, etc. {{User:LightRoxas/Sig}} 00:34, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

The thing is, when would the Organization have had time to make a replica out of Roxas?  She joined right after he did.  And another thing; she has Sora's memories. She DID absorb Roxas' powers, but it was through him that she had access to Sora's powers. How would she be able to absorb someones power when they're sleeping? Through Roxas she was able to do that.  And Namine still needs to recover the memories from Roxas because he is Sora's Nobody and naturally has Sora's memories through the relapses. NOT A REPLICA OF ROXAS. She was supposed to absorb the Keyblade heros powers through Roxas. "Through Roxas, Xion is assembling a copy of the hero of the Keyblade." -Xemnas, Day 255. Reading the Secret Reports should really help.
:I viewed Xion's struggle as coping and learning to accept her eventual reality that she would have to return to Sora and disappear from existence. She only appeared to Roxas as Sora for a few minutes. Trying to frame it as anything else, like a struggle with gender identity issues, comes across as reaching. If you think Xion's misery was due to anything related to gender, then I think you missed the point of ''Days'' entirely. If we can't even mention blatantly obvious stuff like the Elrena/Larxene and Lauriam/Marluxia connections on the wiki, then I don't see how linking to fan essays about how Xion's plight was actually about gender identity would be somehow okay. I thought we aren't really supposed to care about fan interpretation on very strict wikis like this, otherwise we'd be mentioning all the Sora x Riku stuff out there. [[User:Soroxas|Soroxas]] ([[User talk:Soroxas|talk]]) 02:11, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
::Oh gosh, wow, I mean Vexen only created Riku Replica in the timespan of Sora climbing a floor or two, just by observing Riku once. It's so totally impossible he made Xion with the space of an ''entire week'', isn't it? Silly Nomura.
Her true appearance is that of a black-haired girl. She identifies as female, others refer to her as female, and no one ever questions otherwise. I really don't know what else to say. [[User:Rex Ronald Rilander|Rex Ronald Rilander]] ([[User talk:Rex Ronald Rilander|talk]]) 04:59, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
::Yes, and Nobodies are the ones who contain their somebody's memories. She took them from Roxas, he's the one who had them., Soroxas. Read closer, and assume good faith. Also, for the record, we can't mention Lauriam/Marluxia because ''Nomura himself'' went to the trouble of saying Lauriam and Marluxia aren't the same people. That probably ties into what the Nameless Star said about becoming a completely different person, but still.
::If you want to be a smartass about the Secret Reports - they specifically say "The Nobody of the Hero of the Keyblade, and that Nobody's Replica". It's fucking explicit that Xion is Roxas's Replica, and only indirectly Sora's.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 14:00, October 31, 2009 (UTC)
:::Rex -- to be clear, Saix ''consistently'' refers to her as "it", and then the bit with Xigbar starts referring to her as a him. It's not explicitly "about" the gender, but on a basic level Xion's drama is still about her feeling obligated to submit to another identity she doesn't truly identify with (one which is male, to the point that she ''specifically says'' "If you see somebody else's face...a boy's face"), while others try to treat her as just an "it", but then by the point of KH3 being encouraged to reclaim her "true" identity (one which is female). I'm not sure I would really call that a fan interpretation, because what I've just stated is plain fact -- the interpretation would be whether Nomura actually ''intended'' any of that, or whether it's all complete coincidence.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 13:11, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
:::Eternal: To be clear, I'd be talking about actual reputable articles, like something in let's say the NYT or famitsu, not fan essays on livejournal or tumblr. And I'm not asking to do a whole essay reinterpreting Days from a trans lens, but instead just state that Xion fulfills the criteria of being a trans character. Like, just that sentence, with a citation to a reputable article if necessary.
:::Then again, going back to the fan interpretation, it appears to also be offensive to some to state outright "Xion is trans" when her contrived scenario is so unlike the real struggle of people in the real world, so from that tack maybe it would be best to leave this out after all?{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 13:21, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
::::"her contrived scenario is so unlike the real struggle of people in the real world" -- I agree with this I think. I can definitely see how some trans folks would resonate with Xion's struggle of identity, just as many identify with Roxas' struggle at individuality as well. But I don't think that's equivalent to say that she's technically trans simply given that it's never really covered or seen that way officially in the games. {{User:LightRoxas/Sig}} 13:47, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

Well, excuse me!  So much for "you can correct people politely" from LapisScarab.  You're not correcting me though, because you're wrong.  I've played the game, so I think I know what I'm talking about.  IF she was Roxas' replica, why would she fade back to Sora, loser?  She had SORA's memories because Roxas didn't have Sora's memories.  If you read Roxas' diary, he says that he doesn't remember his past life, which would be Sora.  All I said was that reading the Secret Reprts should help-and I meant it in a nice way, dingbat.  Just because Axel called her the Nobody's Replica doesn't mean anything. Xion belongs with Sora.  Period.  She is Roxas and Sora in a sense, but is Sora's imperfect replica regardless.  Someone, PLEASE hear me out and help me against these annoying people!
== That chair was meant for Xion ==

:Umm, for the record, Mister Anonymous-Editor-Who-Doesn't-Sign-His-Comments, Mister KrytenKoro is correct. And, also for the record, this is coming from someone who has played through 358/2 Days and read all of the Secret Reports: myself.
Isn't that chair meant for Sora, and Xion is a replacement for Sora when they fail to commit him?{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 18:00, 5 March 2019 (UTC)
:Who knows. I edited it for ambiguity. [[User:Soroxas|Soroxas]] ([[User talk:Soroxas|talk]]) 18:09, 5 March 2019 (UTC)
::That is my understanding as well. In KHDDD there was Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Young Xehanort, Dark Riku, Vanitas, Terra-Xehanort, Xigbar, and Saix confirmed, so if you add in Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, that leaves only one spot - I suppose Demyx was replaced by Dark Riku prior to the ending of KHDDD, and since Sora was intended as the 13th then it only makes sense that they would have used Xion as his replacement, as as replica of Sora's Nobody. ([[User:Levi657|Levi657]] ([[User talk:Levi657|talk]]) 18:14, 5 March 2019 (UTC))
:::Nomura stated in the Ultimania that Demyx and Vexen were already benched as of KH3D, and Dark Riku was one of the twelve.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 20:02, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

:(Brace yourself for a wall of text.)
== KH3 hooded model ==

:Xion wasn't ORIGINALLY supposed to be a Replica of Roxas. Don't argue with that, because Nomura said it in an interview. My understanding is that Xemnas, Xigbar, and Vexen collaborated on a project to replicate Sora based on the memories Xemnas sampled in KH:FM. After all, they DID need a Keyblade-wielder to collect hearts for them. However! Their plans changed somewhat when Roxas came about. He was unexpected, and they decided to make use of their situation so they would have two Keyblade-wielders working for them. Vexen created two empty Replicas, and the first was inducted into Organization XIII as Xion. At that time, Xion wasn't a Replica of anyone. However, as she spent more time around Roxas, she began to replicate him. You see, she was designed to become a Replica of Sora, but because she was never exposed to Sora (except indirectly through Roxas), she became a Replica of Roxas instead. This is why when Roxas weakens, Xion grows stronger, and vice versa. Sora is unaffected because (one) he is asleep and (two) Xion is replicating Roxas, not Sora. The only reason Xion needed to recombine with Sora was because she was inadvertently absorbing Sora's memories of Kairi using Roxas as a medium. Because she was originally intended to essentially become Sora, she was like a Sora-Memory-Magnet, if you will. So Roxas has no idea who the heck Sora is, other than some guy wearing red clothes, but Xion starts getting these random memories from Sora. She even remembers fighting Axel in Castle Oblivion. But, I digress. Your other point is that Xion said she was going to "rejoin with Sora." Yes, she did say that, but she wasn't able to join with him just then. Roxas happened to be more closeby than Sora was (and I think it also has something to do with Roxas managing not to forget about her immediately), so her entire existence (which was only made up of memories) went to Roxas instead of Sora. Although, it is also arguable that Xion considered Roxas and Sora to be the same person at that point, since she does later say "I am you, in the same way that I am Sora." Regardless, she merges with Roxas, and that is why Roxas can wield two Keyblades: Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Had she merged with Sora and not Roxas, she would not have been able to speak to Riku through the Oblivion Keyblade. Plus, the only reason Sora couldn't wake up was because he didn't have his memories of Kairi, Xion did. Roxas never had any memories of Kairi until KH2, because he had merged with Xion. DiZ needed Roxas once Xion was gone, because Roxas had absorbed Xion's being, and those precious memories of Kairi, into himself.
Can we please get some confirmation on this? I'm seeing conflicting accounts: [ This post] is claiming her eyes are gold underneath the hood, but [ this model rip] has her hooded model with blue eyes. Devil's advocate/flipside: Twitter post could be brightened up/altered in Photoshop, model rip could've been altered before uploading. ''[[User:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#002395 ;">Ultima Spark</span>]]'' '''[[User talk:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#007FFF ;">(talk)</span>]]''' [[File:Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png|17px]] 05:52, 1 October 2019 (UTC)
::Huh, I wasn't aware there was conflicting accounts about Xion's eyes. The user who added that bit was Reign, a regular and good contributor. Looking at the link from DA, I'm doubtful that model rip is from the game. The render looks fan-made. While it makes sense for Xion to have gold eyes since she is Xehanort's vessel, if there is a confusion, we should ask one of the users on the wiki who are skilled on retrieving renders and images from the game to assist on finding proof.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 19:30, 5 October 2019 (UTC)
:::The same user ripped 0.2 stuff that's being used by the wiki, so I'm erring on "yes, they can also rip official KH3 material". I actually did ask if the model was altered beforehand but didn't get a clear answer. ''[[User:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#002395 ;">Ultima Spark</span>]]'' '''[[User talk:Ultima Spark|<span style="color:#007FFF ;">(talk)</span>]]''' [[File:Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png|17px]] 09:05, 6 October 2019 (UTC)
::::I guess the only way to find out is checking the game ourselves. I'm almost done with my Critical playthrough, so I'll keep it in mind once I reach the Keyblade Graveyard. --{{User:ShardofTruth/Sig}} 13:55, 6 October 2019 (UTC)
:::::Thank you, ShardofTruth. :)--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 03:00, 8 October 2019 (UTC)
::::Hehe, it pays to have compulsive extra saves! I have a save right at the start of the gauntlet. Gimmie about 30 minutes to run through, record and see what's up. --[[User:Samoa Joe|Samoa Joe]] ([[User talk:Samoa Joe|talk]]) 20:59, 8 October 2019 (UTC)
:::::Sigh. So unfortunately, I think we're gonna have to write this one off as impossible to ascertain. [[ Check it out.]] That's the best in-game shot I could get where she wasn't obscured by a glow, and as you can see...nothing. Her eyes are totally obscured by the shadow effect. I could try a few more times, but I was lucky enough to get this shot. Maybe Shard might have better luck, but I think we should wait until a proper model is extracted before we decide anything. --[[User:Samoa Joe|Samoa Joe]] ([[User talk:Samoa Joe|talk]]) 22:05, 8 October 2019 (UTC)

:That, my friends, is the tragic tale of a Replica known as Xion. Got it memorized?
Woohoo! There's been a development! While fiddling around in the game's Data Greeting mode, I can 100% confirm that hooded Xion's eyes are indeed gold! Will upload a picture later. --[[User:Samoa Joe|Samoa Joe]] ([[User talk:Samoa Joe|talk]]) 18:33, 27 January 2020 (UTC)
:Actually, screw it lol [[ here it is right now]]. Cranked up the brightness and contrast, and voila. Gold eyes under the hood. --[[User:Samoa Joe|Samoa Joe]] ([[User talk:Samoa Joe|talk]]) 18:39, 27 January 2020 (UTC)

[[User:SavageLarxene011|SavageLarxene011]] 00:42, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
== Xion's Ruse ==
::To the anon: If you're going to bitch and act patronizing, I'll do it back.
::She didn't, in any way, fade back to Sora. The memories she had of Sora went to Roxas, as seen in KH2. Her memories went to Roxas, as seen when Riku gets the shock from the Oblivion. Her powers went back to Roxas, as seen with Roxas getting the Oblivion. So your basic argument is "I totally played the game! It doesn't matter what the game actually says! Everyone but me is stupid!" Well, that's nice for you. Take your nonsense elsewhere, please.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 01:57, November 4, 2009 (UTC)

I'm not going to argue this anymore because, for one, I'm badly outnumbered.  Which really sucks.  Makes it a lot harder to have a debate when you're stuck with the wrong people.  It would help if another brain could make a few points I haven't already attempted to make.  When was I patronizing?  That didn't make any sense.  Still, despite everything written above, I'm still not convinced.  When did Nomura confirm that she was Roxas' replica?  Last time I checked, that wasn't the case, but whatever.  Nomura did confirm that Roxas influences Sora, and Xion influences Roxas.  They have a yo-yo effect.  She was getting Sora's powers through Roxas because he had those same powers.  The flashback Riku had was indeed carried about by Xion through Roxas.  Regardless, that doesn't change my views.  Why did she have Sora's memories?  She was created a memory being.  Namine confirmed that returning to SORA would mean she would be forgotten by everyone.  At one point in the game, Axel says to think of Xion as a mirror that reflects Roxas, but when Axel 'looked' in the mirror, he didn't see Roxas.  He saw Sora.  Why did Roxas see her as Sora, when according to you, he should have seen himself.  That's the impression I get from you. She had Sora's memories.  The crystals that left her body didn't go into Roxas, but the air.  And in the end, it doesn't really matter because she is Roxas the same way that she is Sora, as she herself confirmed at the end of the game. It makes me feel better to know that not everyone doesn't have the same mindset as you, and therefore, there are others bound to believe me and/or feel the same way.  I don't plan on hopelessly arguing anymore anytime soon, (unless you decide to call me plenty of other names. At least I am more respectful than the lot of you)so, as of now, good riddance.
So on Xion's page, it says, 'It is explained in her Secret Reports that this is somewhat of a ruse—she knows that Roxas will disappear if she continues to exist, so she plans to force Roxas to absorb her, saving himself and thwarting Xemnas's plan.' But after reading through Xion's secret reports myself, I can't seem to find a concrete source for that line (even though I'm well aware of it being what Xion had in mind). Am I missing something in one of the entries? --[[User:Mikoto|Mikoto]] ([[User talk:Mikoto|talk]]) 04:20, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
:''Play the game, people. Getting your facts wrong is really getting old now.'' So, yeah, you're the one who brought in the whole "annoying as fuck patronizing crap". You're not "more respectful than the lot of us", you're just more melodramatic. Get over yourself.
::I believe the current revision is incorrect in citing the Secret Reports as a source, instead I think a better source would be her final words; "It was my choice to go away now. I belong with Sora." seems to better illustrate that fact of her knowing and planning for Roxas to absorb her. I don't think there's any Secret Report of her outright saying that, but maybe it was referring to Day 352's where she recognizes Roxas and Axel forgetting her after she goes through with her plan. [[User:Pureautism|Pureautism]] ([[User talk:Pureautism|talk]]) 02:03, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
:Just because Xion is the Replica of Roxas doesn't mean that she has to look like him. After all, she's not the Replica of Kairi or Ventus, but she looks like them at times. It has to do with who's looking at her and what memories she has absorbed - and she's absorbed Sora's memories, which ''belong to Roxas'', same as with all Nobodies.
:Roxas HAD Sora's memories, just as the other Nobodies have their somebody's memories. Xion took them, however.
:You used annoying patronization to tell us to "read the Secret Reports", and then ignore the one actual claim within them of who she is a Replica of? What kind of twisted-ass logic is that?
::"As the Nobody of the hero of the Keyblade and the Replica of that Nobody, these two are special." And this is coming from the one living being with direct contact with active Replicas.
::In fact, to follow up: "But now, as I get stronger, Roxas keeps getting weaker. I shouldn't exist anymore." The implication is heavy that her existence is linked to ROXAS, not so much Sora. Her only real relation to Sora is that she has been sponging his memories, not his powers and being (like the Replica Riku tried to do with Riku).
:Xion returned to Sora, in the end, through ROXAS. That's the whole plot of the first week as Roxas, in KHII. He finally has all the memories he was supposed to have, so Namine can put him back together with Sora.
:The "crystals that left her body" were ice. She even starts refreezing. Vexen made here, she's made of ice. She basically shattered, liberating the stolen memories back to Roxas.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 04:42, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

You are definately wrong about the ice.  It's crystals.  Vexen did not make her out of ice, that's just bull.  Get over this stupid arguement.  In the end, she is Roxas and Sora.  Good enough for you? Now shut up and leave me alone.  GOOD-BYE.  (At least now I know never to comment on these blasted discussion pages ever again.)
== Xion as a replica of Roxas? ==
:...1) Ice is a type of crystal; 2) VEXEN made her, and she makes a freezing sound when she transforms back and shatters, why would it be anything about ice; 3) If you're absolutely unable to back up your argument, the patronizing just makes you look like an ass.[[User:KrytenKoro|<small>Glorious</small>]] [[User_talk:KrytenKoro|<small>CHAOS!</small>]] 04:00, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

== Coak and chest ==
Is she really a replica of Roxas, not Sora? I know that one secret report by Axel is listed as a source, but we also get this from one of Xemnas' reports (day 255):

Is it just me or should Xion’s cloak be noted further. In all her appearances when her hood was up she’s the only one who has ever had her chest shown. Everyone else has always had the collar covering their chest when the hood was up. Sooooo?--[[User:Nanohano|Nanohano]] 00:27, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
''Through Roxas, Xion is assembling a copy of the hero of the Keyblade. As proof, she sometimes appears to take on his form to my eyes.''

== Cutscence  ==
I understand the whole 'through Roxas' thing, but in the end, wasn't she made to be a replica of Sora, using Sora's leaked memories from Roxas?--[[User:Mikoto|Mikoto]] ([[User talk:Mikoto|talk]]) 09:47, 13 July 2021 (UTC)

Do you know the Snarl of Memories Cutscence? Did Roxas experince that if he didn't he should and whats the point of that cutscence?. Cococrash11
:Seems fair enough, the game makes a point several times to say that she was intended to be a copy of Sora, but only due to being an imperfect replica did she gain her own identity. Granted there is that one secret report, but that's really the only bread crumb, other than that the game points pretty clearly to 'meant to replicate sora' rather than 'meant to replicate roxas'. There should be no problem editing the page to reflect this. [[User:Pureautism|Pureautism]] ([[User talk:Pureautism|talk]]) 10:59, 13 July 2021 (UTC)
::The Xion and who's she a replica has always been a subject of discussion, because of confusing it was (just look at the archives). Honestly, it still confuses me sometimes, but it was discussed with the community before and Xion being Roxas's replica with Sora's memories was what decided on after many debates.--{{User:NinjaSheik/Sig}} 00:59, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
::... So, I can't change it to her being a replica of Sora, then? Because, although that may be the conclusion the community came to, her being a replica of Roxas just doesn't sound right.--[[User:Mikoto|Mikoto]] ([[User talk:Mikoto|talk]]) 10:35, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
:::According to the English Ultimania, "she is a replica puppet modeled after Kairi from Sora's memories. The Organization created her to absorb Roxas's power as a Keyblade wielder."
:::And her KH3 journal entry states "She was an experimental replica used to siphon Sora's memories out of Roxas, and this allowed her to become a Keyblade wielder."
:::So it sounds like she's not really anyone's replica, but just absorbs Sora's memories and Roxas's powers. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 10:49, 14 July 2021 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 10:49, 14 July 2021

So, as far as Kingdom Hearts III goes, rather than mention that Xion replicated Saix's Lunatic and fighting style several times, would we be able to instead mention Xion's ability to copy more vaguely in the Abilities section and then also include the Berserker in the Gallery under her weapons. It's interesting too because Xion didn't summon her replica Keyblade until Xemnas told her to kill Lea. It seems that it was because Xemnas reminded her of her past with Axel, but it's never really elaborated on. Also, Xion's face is not seen again until after she makes contact with Sora, which suggests that her Heart wasn't released from Sora until that point, but again, it's never really talked about. (Levi657 (talk) 17:02, 17 February 2019 (UTC))

Probably opening a can of worms here[edit]

But to me, it seems fairly obvious that Xion would qualify as trans (which, while still frustrating me that Nomura seemed to in some ways make her magical trans-ness the cause of her misery, does a lot to redeem her character arc by portraying her "good" ending as identifying as female).

Is this fair to state in the wiki? If I found notable articles discussing it, could I add it?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:54, 21 February 2019 (UTC)

That's solely opinion, and not allowed on the Wiki, as far as I'm concerned. We cover canon information, in which the Xion the story is concerned about is strictly female. Yes, she is intended to turn into Roxas/Sora, but this has nothing to do with her gender, in-universe or out. The furthest you could technically go is to say Xion's gender varies based on who looks at her, or how many of Sora's memories she has (enough to become a copy of him on Day 357). You could find the best fan-essay in the world, but adding "info" taken from such things goes completely against our policy here. - Challenge Sigil KHD.pngEternal Nothingness XIIIChallenge Sigil KHD.png 22:07, 21 February 2019 (UTC)
Definitely a can of worms, you're not wrong. It's tough because the "anatomy" of replicas isn't really covered. Are they created to be the body of a specific person before being given the memories, data, heart, etc. of the person inhabiting them to influence their structure? When we see "blank" replicas in 3 they are like mannequins, completely blank slates and presumably sexless. Based on that and her initial appearances in Days, I don't see Xion as really having a gender until she has an identity for herself at all, based on how Roxas ends up seeing her. And given that this series never really covers gender identity at all, whether for Xion or anyone else, it doesn't seem like a relevant topic for anything beyond fan discussion, how someone might resonate with similar struggles based on her experience's similarity to trans-related struggles, etc. LightSymbol Character - Roxas.pngRoxas 00:34, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
I viewed Xion's struggle as coping and learning to accept her eventual reality that she would have to return to Sora and disappear from existence. She only appeared to Roxas as Sora for a few minutes. Trying to frame it as anything else, like a struggle with gender identity issues, comes across as reaching. If you think Xion's misery was due to anything related to gender, then I think you missed the point of Days entirely. If we can't even mention blatantly obvious stuff like the Elrena/Larxene and Lauriam/Marluxia connections on the wiki, then I don't see how linking to fan essays about how Xion's plight was actually about gender identity would be somehow okay. I thought we aren't really supposed to care about fan interpretation on very strict wikis like this, otherwise we'd be mentioning all the Sora x Riku stuff out there. Soroxas (talk) 02:11, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

Her true appearance is that of a black-haired girl. She identifies as female, others refer to her as female, and no one ever questions otherwise. I really don't know what else to say. Rex Ronald Rilander (talk) 04:59, 22 February 2019 (UTC), Soroxas. Read closer, and assume good faith. Also, for the record, we can't mention Lauriam/Marluxia because Nomura himself went to the trouble of saying Lauriam and Marluxia aren't the same people. That probably ties into what the Nameless Star said about becoming a completely different person, but still.
Rex -- to be clear, Saix consistently refers to her as "it", and then the bit with Xigbar starts referring to her as a him. It's not explicitly "about" the gender, but on a basic level Xion's drama is still about her feeling obligated to submit to another identity she doesn't truly identify with (one which is male, to the point that she specifically says "If you see somebody else's face...a boy's face"), while others try to treat her as just an "it", but then by the point of KH3 being encouraged to reclaim her "true" identity (one which is female). I'm not sure I would really call that a fan interpretation, because what I've just stated is plain fact -- the interpretation would be whether Nomura actually intended any of that, or whether it's all complete coincidence."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:11, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
Eternal: To be clear, I'd be talking about actual reputable articles, like something in let's say the NYT or famitsu, not fan essays on livejournal or tumblr. And I'm not asking to do a whole essay reinterpreting Days from a trans lens, but instead just state that Xion fulfills the criteria of being a trans character. Like, just that sentence, with a citation to a reputable article if necessary.
Then again, going back to the fan interpretation, it appears to also be offensive to some to state outright "Xion is trans" when her contrived scenario is so unlike the real struggle of people in the real world, so from that tack maybe it would be best to leave this out after all?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:21, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
"her contrived scenario is so unlike the real struggle of people in the real world" -- I agree with this I think. I can definitely see how some trans folks would resonate with Xion's struggle of identity, just as many identify with Roxas' struggle at individuality as well. But I don't think that's equivalent to say that she's technically trans simply given that it's never really covered or seen that way officially in the games. LightSymbol Character - Roxas.pngRoxas 13:47, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

That chair was meant for Xion[edit]

Isn't that chair meant for Sora, and Xion is a replacement for Sora when they fail to commit him?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 18:00, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

Who knows. I edited it for ambiguity. Soroxas (talk) 18:09, 5 March 2019 (UTC)
That is my understanding as well. In KHDDD there was Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Young Xehanort, Dark Riku, Vanitas, Terra-Xehanort, Xigbar, and Saix confirmed, so if you add in Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, that leaves only one spot - I suppose Demyx was replaced by Dark Riku prior to the ending of KHDDD, and since Sora was intended as the 13th then it only makes sense that they would have used Xion as his replacement, as as replica of Sora's Nobody. (Levi657 (talk) 18:14, 5 March 2019 (UTC))
Nomura stated in the Ultimania that Demyx and Vexen were already benched as of KH3D, and Dark Riku was one of the twelve."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 20:02, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

KH3 hooded model[edit]

Can we please get some confirmation on this? I'm seeing conflicting accounts: This post is claiming her eyes are gold underneath the hood, but this model rip has her hooded model with blue eyes. Devil's advocate/flipside: Twitter post could be brightened up/altered in Photoshop, model rip could've been altered before uploading. Ultima Spark (talk) Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png 05:52, 1 October 2019 (UTC)

Huh, I wasn't aware there was conflicting accounts about Xion's eyes. The user who added that bit was Reign, a regular and good contributor. Looking at the link from DA, I'm doubtful that model rip is from the game. The render looks fan-made. While it makes sense for Xion to have gold eyes since she is Xehanort's vessel, if there is a confusion, we should ask one of the users on the wiki who are skilled on retrieving renders and images from the game to assist on finding proof.--NinjaSheik 19:30, 5 October 2019 (UTC)
The same user ripped 0.2 stuff that's being used by the wiki, so I'm erring on "yes, they can also rip official KH3 material". I actually did ask if the model was altered beforehand but didn't get a clear answer. Ultima Spark (talk) Lofty Fantasy KH3D.png 09:05, 6 October 2019 (UTC)
I guess the only way to find out is checking the game ourselves. I'm almost done with my Critical playthrough, so I'll keep it in mind once I reach the Keyblade Graveyard. --ShardofTruth 13:55, 6 October 2019 (UTC)
Thank you, ShardofTruth. :)--NinjaSheik 03:00, 8 October 2019 (UTC)
Hehe, it pays to have compulsive extra saves! I have a save right at the start of the gauntlet. Gimmie about 30 minutes to run through, record and see what's up. --Samoa Joe (talk) 20:59, 8 October 2019 (UTC)
Sigh. So unfortunately, I think we're gonna have to write this one off as impossible to ascertain. [Check it out.] That's the best in-game shot I could get where she wasn't obscured by a glow, and as you can see...nothing. Her eyes are totally obscured by the shadow effect. I could try a few more times, but I was lucky enough to get this shot. Maybe Shard might have better luck, but I think we should wait until a proper model is extracted before we decide anything. --Samoa Joe (talk) 22:05, 8 October 2019 (UTC)

Woohoo! There's been a development! While fiddling around in the game's Data Greeting mode, I can 100% confirm that hooded Xion's eyes are indeed gold! Will upload a picture later. --Samoa Joe (talk) 18:33, 27 January 2020 (UTC)

Actually, screw it lol [here it is right now]. Cranked up the brightness and contrast, and voila. Gold eyes under the hood. --Samoa Joe (talk) 18:39, 27 January 2020 (UTC)

Xion's Ruse[edit]

So on Xion's page, it says, 'It is explained in her Secret Reports that this is somewhat of a ruse—she knows that Roxas will disappear if she continues to exist, so she plans to force Roxas to absorb her, saving himself and thwarting Xemnas's plan.' But after reading through Xion's secret reports myself, I can't seem to find a concrete source for that line (even though I'm well aware of it being what Xion had in mind). Am I missing something in one of the entries? --Mikoto (talk) 04:20, 23 April 2021 (UTC)

I believe the current revision is incorrect in citing the Secret Reports as a source, instead I think a better source would be her final words; "It was my choice to go away now. I belong with Sora." seems to better illustrate that fact of her knowing and planning for Roxas to absorb her. I don't think there's any Secret Report of her outright saying that, but maybe it was referring to Day 352's where she recognizes Roxas and Axel forgetting her after she goes through with her plan. Pureautism (talk) 02:03, 24 April 2021 (UTC)

Xion as a replica of Roxas?[edit]

Is she really a replica of Roxas, not Sora? I know that one secret report by Axel is listed as a source, but we also get this from one of Xemnas' reports (day 255):

Through Roxas, Xion is assembling a copy of the hero of the Keyblade. As proof, she sometimes appears to take on his form to my eyes.

I understand the whole 'through Roxas' thing, but in the end, wasn't she made to be a replica of Sora, using Sora's leaked memories from Roxas?--Mikoto (talk) 09:47, 13 July 2021 (UTC)

Seems fair enough, the game makes a point several times to say that she was intended to be a copy of Sora, but only due to being an imperfect replica did she gain her own identity. Granted there is that one secret report, but that's really the only bread crumb, other than that the game points pretty clearly to 'meant to replicate sora' rather than 'meant to replicate roxas'. There should be no problem editing the page to reflect this. Pureautism (talk) 10:59, 13 July 2021 (UTC)
The Xion and who's she a replica has always been a subject of discussion, because of confusing it was (just look at the archives). Honestly, it still confuses me sometimes, but it was discussed with the community before and Xion being Roxas's replica with Sora's memories was what decided on after many debates.--NinjaSheik 00:59, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
... So, I can't change it to her being a replica of Sora, then? Because, although that may be the conclusion the community came to, her being a replica of Roxas just doesn't sound right.--Mikoto (talk) 10:35, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
According to the English Ultimania, "she is a replica puppet modeled after Kairi from Sora's memories. The Organization created her to absorb Roxas's power as a Keyblade wielder."
And her KH3 journal entry states "She was an experimental replica used to siphon Sora's memories out of Roxas, and this allowed her to become a Keyblade wielder."
So it sounds like she's not really anyone's replica, but just absorbs Sora's memories and Roxas's powers. TheSilentHero 10:49, 14 July 2021 (UTC)