User:Super Sword-chucks: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Audit Award: Yeah, nothing to say, really.)
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{| class="infobox" style="border: 3px #000000 solid; background: #FFFFFF; float: right; padding: 9px; width:290px;"
{{User:Super Sword-chucks/Quote}}
|colspan="2" style="border: 2px black solid; text-align: center; color: midnightblue; background: #FFFFFF;" |'''Super Sword-chucks'''
|colspan=2 style="border: 2px black solid; text-align: center;"|[[Image:Roxas Keyblades.PNG | 250px]]
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #6666FF solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#6666FF"|'''Name'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#6666FF "| Super Sword-chucks
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #4D4DFF solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#4D4DFF"|'''Real name'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#4D4DFF "| ダイ (Dai)
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #3333FF solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#3333FF"|'''Residence'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#3333FF "| California, US
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #0000FF solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#0000FF"|'''Birthday'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#0000FF "| July 28
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #0000EE solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#0000EE"|'''Ethnicity'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#0000EE "| Asian
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #0000CD solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#0000CD"|'''Height'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#0000CD "| IDK
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #00009C solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#00009C"|'''Orientation'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#00009C "| Straight
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #00008B solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#00008B"|'''Laterality'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#00008B "| Left-handed
|valign="top" style="border: 2px #000080 solid; background:#CAE1FF ; width:140px ; color:#000080"|'''Job Class'''
|style="border: 2px black solid; background:#000080 "| Sword-Chucks
Hello. I am Super Sword-chucks. I came here from the [ Sardapedia]. I do not have much to say about myself other than that I am Japanese and can teach Japanese (If I can teach Japanese to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, 'course I can to practically anyone here). When I edit, I fix grammatical errors.
{{User:Super Sword-chucks/Talk
|time=21:37, 20 June 2009 (UTC)
|text=The talk bubble I'll use here.
== About me ==
I don't believe I decided to do this, but... Yeah.
* I'm Japanese. Been there, spoke there. I even taught lessons to the class.
* I'm more a follower than a leader.
* I'm an introvert. For those who don't wanna pop out a dictionary, it means the opposite of extrovert, which means an outgoing person. So I'm the type who wants to be left alone, sorta, so I can do what I want.
* When I feel like it, I annoy people. Don't worry, I doubt it'll ever happen to people here.
* I'm not a "stereotypical" Asian. I'm pretty much born outside the "box" people want me in.
* I seem to know words that other people never really care about. Introvert, extrovert, nostalgia, etc.
* I do play video games, such as:
** Final Fantasy, including
*** I & II: Dawn of Souls and Soul of Rebirth
*** II (got it on WiiWare)
*** III DS
*** IV DS
*** V Advance
*** VII, including
**** Crisis Core
**** Dirge of Cerberus
*** X
*** Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
*** Dissidia
** Kingdom Hearts II
** Song Summoners: The Unsung Heroes
** Crystal Defenders
** Dynasty Warriors
** Need for Speed
** Ace Combat
** Super Smash Bros.
** And some more games that I can't think of...
== Stuff ==
=== Poll ===
You have one Potion and one Ether. You're pretty much screwed in battle. What would you do?
Use the Potion, that's the only thing I got left to keep me alive for now!
<option>''Currently in a state that is neither lost nor found: Voluntary rest.''</option>
Use the Ether, I can use Curaga now and get the guy with attacks later!
<option>''I know I like swords. I just don't feel like it now.''</option>
Just go in and take a chance. Besides, using either takes up one turn.
<option>''Why did I write this when I should be breaking?''</option>
Flee! "To flee is to win!" is the old Japanese saying if you've got nothing left.
<option>''The game.''</option>
<option>''Don't look for an "About Me."<br>Too bothersome to make one and too wasteful an edit to update.''</option>
<option>''Do the impossible, see the invisible!<br>Raw, raw, fight the power!<br>Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable!<br>Raw, raw, fight the power!''</option>
<option>''Hail fellow well met.<br>Now, please, do a guy a favor and leave him alone.''</option>
=== Currently Playing... ===
<option>''"Mark my words, this CORE will open a hole in the universe.<br>And that hole will be the path for those behind us,<br>the dreams of those who have fallen,<br>the hopes of those who will follow!<br>Those two sets of wishes fold together into a double CORE!<br>And that's Tengen Toppa! That's ROOMMEN CORENN!<br>My CORE is the CORE that will create the heavens!"''</option>
Final Fantasy II (Wii) - Yeah, I'm playing it because the Dawn of Souls version won't let me save over my better file that doesn't count as a Finished File in no way. Sorta sucks seeing as hardly any attacks hit and each battle takes up five minutes. Also, HP and weapon level grinding isn't easy... A measly 2 Weapon points per battle if you even fought with weapons. So far, Frioniel has the lowest weapon levels of the three (Frioniel, Guy, Maria) because I have him use offense spells.
Final Fantasy IV (DS) - Man, I went up to the last Four Fiends battle and beat it. Woo. Then I noticed I had to fight this ball thing. I forgot what it was called, so I call it "Shoop da Whoop ball" since it fires its lasers every turn, killing practically everyone. So I started a new file because I also realized I was going under the recommended level.
Dissidia - Final Fantasy (PSP) - Most characters are at Level 100, one around low 90's, one in the 60's, one in the high 20's, and one in the high 10's. I have 81% of the shop completed, 99% of all the stuff in the PP Catalog, over 80% of the Battle Rises, and about 70% of the missions done. My Friend Card name is 神風クラウド (KamikazeCloud), quote is "冒険だ、冒険!" (It's an adventure, an adventure!) and main is, I believe, Butz Klauzer/Bartz (FFV).

Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends (PS2) - I have four of the five harnesses, the Red Hare, Hex, Storm Runner, and Elephant. All I need is the Shadow. I have one of the four orbs, the Ice Orb. I believe getting the Fire Orb will be easy, then I can get the two others. I have two helmets and, I think, four sets of armor for torso and legs each. I made a character that looks just like the Ninja from FFIII. :D
==Audit Award==
<center>''Well. I feel rather, um, how do I say this. I'm not going to say some showy crap like "Thank you, fellows. Goodbye Wikia. And to all the editors, congratulations!" Naw. Nope. Not going to say that. Instead, I'm going to say this:It's been wonderful working with all of you on this audit. Took us... a couple months, but we finished it in the end. Feel proud. I know I'm feeling proud that we finished this.<br>Well. I don't mean to be inspirational or anything here. Really. Just be proud that we got over this. That's about it.<br>Oh. I never really did get to what I wanted to say besides "Thank you, goodbye, congratulations!", huh?<br>Well… uh… yeah, about that, I lied. There really isn't much I wanted to say besides that.<br>Well, keep up the good work, I'll be lurking on and on.<br><br>皆に、ありがとう<br>ウィキアに、さようなら<br>そして、全てのエディッターに<br><big><big><big>おめでとう</big></big></big>''</center>

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - Gone a long way already in the game, up to the point Xion entered a depression and won't be seeing Roxas for a while. (一体何が起きるんだ? - What's gonna happen next?) Suspense just continues to rise when I play! Hopefully, nothing horribly stupid and appropriate for seven year old kids happens *cough*Atlantica*cough*. No, I don't plan on looking at the KH358/2 Article. Don't want it ruined for me. D:< Rawr.

=== Userboxes ===
|{{user ja}}{{user en3}}
|{{user male}}{{user safari}}
|{{user age|14}}{{User timezone|PST}}
|{{user Gunship}}{{user Nobody}}
|{{user Xemnas}}{{user Vivi}}
|{{user Auron}}{{user Stitch}}
|{{user Sparrow}}{{user Struggle}}
|{{user Summer Job}}{{user Skateboard}}

Latest revision as of 08:07, 11 June 2011

"Compailn here. Yes, compailn."
-- Tabbeh

Do the impossible, see the invisible!
Raw, raw, fight the power!
Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable!
Raw, raw, fight the power!

Audit Award

Promotional Art 02 KH3D.png

"This world has been disconnected. Severed from the darkness. As of now, no longer eclipsed."

As of today, June 11th, 2011, the audit resulting from the declared independence of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki from Wikia has been successfully completed! Thanks to work from users like you, all articles, images, templates, and other pages are now fully synced with the wiki, which has restored content that could have been lost forever during the move. Thanks to you, this wiki is now completely free from Wikia, as well as all of its forced skins, policies, and content that shunned encyclopedic content for contests and irrelevant material. Your invaluable work has forever separated the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, allowing us to reach higher, transcend the stars, pierce the heavens, and ultimately conquer the darkness, and shall never be forgotten. From the hearts of truly every user on this wiki: thank you.
Well. I feel rather, um, how do I say this. I'm not going to say some showy crap like "Thank you, fellows. Goodbye Wikia. And to all the editors, congratulations!" Naw. Nope. Not going to say that. Instead, I'm going to say this:It's been wonderful working with all of you on this audit. Took us... a couple months, but we finished it in the end. Feel proud. I know I'm feeling proud that we finished this.
Well. I don't mean to be inspirational or anything here. Really. Just be proud that we got over this. That's about it.
Oh. I never really did get to what I wanted to say besides "Thank you, goodbye, congratulations!", huh?
Well… uh… yeah, about that, I lied. There really isn't much I wanted to say besides that.
Well, keep up the good work, I'll be lurking on and on.


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