Template:InfoAbility/doc: Difference between revisions

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|comboost||Enemy cards that boost the ability's power.||Use the {{t|Sleight}} template.
|comboost||Enemy cards that boost the ability's power.||Use the {{t|Sleight}} template.
!colspan="3" style="{{style|com|b}}"|''Re:Chain of Memories'' tab
|recomimage, recomdesc||Same as above||
|recomel, recompow, recomcard||Element, Power, and Card Combination for a single ability in ''Re:Chain of Memories''.||If left blank, ''comel'', ''compow'', and ''comcard'' are used. (One of these is required for the tab to show up.)
|recomel1, recompow1, recomcard1, etc.||Element, Power, and Card Combination for each Lv in ''Re:Chain of Memories''.||If left blank, ''comel1a'', ''compow1a'', and ''comcard1'', etc. are used. (One of these is required for the tab to show up.)
|recomboost||Enemy cards that boost the ability's power.||Use the {{t|Sleight}} template. If left blank, ''comboost'' is used.
!colspan="3" style="{{style|com|b}}"|Second tab
!colspan="3" style="{{style|com|b}}"|Second tab
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|khdimage||Image of the ability.||
|khdimage||Image of the ability.||
|dddimage2||A second image of the ability.||Optional.
|dddimage1tab, dddimage2tab||Tab names of the two images.||Default to "Roxas" and "Xion".
|khddesc||Description of the ability.||
|khddesc||Description of the ability.||
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|bbsimage||Image of the ability.||
|bbsimage||Image of the ability.||
|bbsimageT, bbsimageV, bbsimageA||(Optional) Images of the ability for Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.||Used when the ability animation varies between characters.
|bbsdesc||Description of the ability.||
|bbsdesc||Description of the ability.||
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|recblock1, recblock2, etc.||How many Bug Blocks will be broken by the attack.||Use either Single or Multiple, with (↓) behind to indicate Blocks below Sora.
|recblock1, recblock2, etc.||How many Bug Blocks will be broken by the attack.||Use either Single or Multiple, with (↓) behind to indicate Blocks below Sora.
|rectype||Whether an attack is Physical or Magic.||Use either Physical or Magic, with the {{t|AT}} template.
|recel||The element of the ability.||
|recel||The element of the ability.||
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|recsell||The ability's selling price.||
|recsell||The ability's selling price.||
|recdonald, recgoofy||The command used by Donald or Goofy in Hollow Bastion.
|reccompiled||The compiled command in the Coliseum's labyrinth.
!colspan="3" style="{{style|khc|b}}"|Labyrinth stats
|recname, reckana, recromaji, recjpname, recimage, recdesc||Same as above||
|rechit||Number of hits of the ability.||
|recpow||Power of the ability.||For compiled commands, only LV 1 is required.
|recrate||Hit rate of the ability.||
|reccrit||Critical rate of the ability.||
|rectar||Target and range of the ability.||For example, Single, Random, or Single (Far).
|rectype||Whether an attack is Physical or Magic.||Use either Physical or Magic, with the {{t|AT}} template.
|recel||The element of the ability.||
|recreload||Reload count of the ability.||
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|dddimage||Image of the ability.||
|dddimage||Image of the ability.||
|dddimage2||A second image of the ability.||Optional.
|dddimage1tab, dddimage2tab||Tab names of the two images.||Default to "Sora" and "Riku".
|ddddesc||Description of the ability.||
|ddddesc||Description of the ability.||
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|dddgrd1, dddgrd2, etc.||Whether each attack can be guarded.
|dddgrd1, dddgrd2, etc.||Whether each attack can be guarded.
|dddinv1||How much invincibility time the ability grants.||For movement abilities. Replaces the ''dddstat'' column.
|dddreload||The reload speed of the ability.||Only use the number of seconds, the word ''seconds'' is added automatically.
|dddreload||The reload speed of the ability.||Only use the number of seconds, the word ''seconds'' is added automatically.
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|dddsell||The ability's base selling price.||
|dddsell||The ability's base selling price.||
!colspan="3" style="{{style|ddd|b}}"|Flick Rush parameters
|dddfrimg||The Flick Rush card image.||Only include the card name, e.g. "Attack 1".
|dddfrdmg||The Flick Rush damage correction.||
|dddfrstat||The Flick Rush status effect.||
|dddevoimg||The Flick Rush card image.||rowspan="6"|'''Evolved Command''': Use in place of ordinary Flick Rush parameters for Evolved Commands that have different stats from the normal Command Deck version.
|dddevoimage||An image of the attack.
|dddevoel||The element of the attack.
|dddevopow||The power of the attack.
|dddevodmg||The Flick Rush damage correction.
|dddevostat||The Flick Rush status effect.
|dddfroimg||The Flick Rush card image.||rowspan="7"|'''Flick Rush Only''': Use when the Flick Rush version of the command is made up of multiple ordinary commands.
|dddfroimage||An image of the attack.
|dddfroatk1, dddfroatk2, etc.||The name of each sub-attack.
|dddfroel1, dddfroel2, etc.||The element of the attack.
|dddfropow1, dddfropow2, etc.||The power of the attack.
|dddfrodmg||The Flick Rush damage correction.
|dddfrostat||The Flick Rush status effect.
!colspan="3" style="{{style|ddd|b}}"|Additional tabs
|dddtab1, dddtab2, etc.||The title of each tab.||dddtab1 will default to the ability name.
|dddatk1t2, dddatk2t2; dddatk1t3, dddatk2t3; etc.||The name of each part of the attack.||The first part will default to the ability name.
|dddimaget2, dddimaget3, etc.||Images of each attack.||
|dddelt2, dddelt3, etc.||The elements of each attack.||dddel2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
|dddpowt2, dddpowt3, etc.||The power of each attack.||dddpow2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
|dddstatt2, dddstatt3, etc.||The status effect of each attack.||dddstat2t2, etc. for attacks with multiple parts.
|dddfrimgt2, dddfrimgt3, etc.||The Flick Rush card images.||rowspan="3"|Only needed if the ability appears in Flick Rush.
|dddfrdmgt2, dddfrdmgt3, etc.||The Flick Rush damage corrections.
|dddfrstatt2, dddfrstatt3, etc.||The Flick Rush status effects.
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|uxdmg1at2, uxdmg1bt2, uxdesc1at2, etc.||Damage and description of the ability.||
|uxdmg1at2, uxdmg1bt2, uxdesc1at2, etc.||Damage and description of the ability.||
{|border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="width:60%; {{style|text|a}}" align="center"
!colspan="3" style="{{style|khdr|a}}"|''Kingdom Hearts Dark Road'' parameters
|style="width:20%"|drname||style="width:40%"|The English name of the ability.||style="width:40%"|
|drkana, drromaji, drjpname||Japanese name of the ability.||Use these when the ability's Japanese name is different.
|drimage||Image of the ability.||
|drdesc||The in-game description of the ability.||
|drcol1, drcol2, drcol3, etc.||The color of the Cards that activates the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drcol1'' if left blank.
|drtype1, drtype2, drtype3, etc.||The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability).||Higher numbers will use ''drtype1'' if left blank.
|drel1, drel2, drel3, etc.||The element of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drel1'' if left blank.
|drpow1, drpow2, drpow3, etc.||The power of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drpow1'' if left blank.
|drname2, drkana2, drromaji2, drjpname2||The English and Japanese name of additional abilities.||rowspan="2"|Use only for abilities with multiple variations.
|drdesc2||Description of additional abilities.
|drcol21, drcol22, drcol23, etc.||The color of the Cards that activates the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drcol21'' if left blank.
|drtype21, drtype22, drtype23, etc.||The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability).||Higher numbers will use ''drtype21'' if left blank.
|drel21, drel22, drel23, etc.||The element of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drel21'' if left blank.
|drpow21, drpow22, drpow23, etc.||The power of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drpow21'' if left blank.
!colspan="3" style="{{style|khdr|b}}"|Second tab
|drtab1||Title of the first tab.||Will use ''drname'' if left blank.
|drtab2||Title of the second tab.||
|drnamet2, drkanat2, drromajit2, drjpnamet2||English and Japanese name of the ability.||
|drcol1t2, drcol2t2, drcol3t2, etc.||The color of the Cards that activates the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drcol1t2'' if left blank.
|drtype1t2, drtype2t2, drtype3t2, etc.||The type of the ability (Physical, Magic, Support, Sub-ability).||Higher numbers will use ''drtype1t2'' if left blank.
|drel1t2, drel2t2, drel3t2, etc.||The element of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drel1t2'' if left blank.
|drpow1t2, drpow2t2, drpow3t2, etc.||The power of the ability.||Higher numbers will use ''drpow1t2'' if left blank.
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