Template:DreamEaterDirectory: Difference between revisions

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{| class="navbox mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background:#F5F5F%; border:2px {{style|DreamEater|c}}"
{| class="navtemplate mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" width="100%" style="clear:both; background:#EBC3CA; border: 2px solid #2F3430; border-radius: 10px;"
! style="{{style|DreamEater|a}}" | [[Dream Eater]]s
! align="center" style="background:#4325BB; border-radius: 7px;" width="100%" |<div style="margin-left:75px;">[[Dream Eater|<span style="color:white;">Dream Eaters</span>]]</div>
! style="{{style|DreamEater|b}}" | Spirits and Nightmares
! align="center" style="background:#825DEE; border-radius: 7px;" width="100%" |[[Dream Eater#Spirits and Nightmares|<font color="white" style="font-size:small;">Spirits and Nightmares</font>]]
| [[Aura Lion]] | [[Cera Terror]] | [[Chef Kyroo]] | [[Cyber Yog]] | [[Drak Quack]] | [[Drill Sye]] | [[Ducky Goose]] | [[Eaglider]] | [[Electricorn]] | [[Escarglow]] | [[Fin Fatale]] | [[Fishboné]] | [[Flowbermeow]] | [[Ghostabocky]] | [[Halbird]] | [[Hebby Repp]] | [[Iceguin Ace]] | [[Jestabocky]] | [[Juggle Pup]] | [[Keeba Tiger]] | [[KO Kabuto]] | [[Komory Bat]] | [[Kooma Panda]] | [[Lord Kyroo]] | [[Majik Lapin]] | [[Me Me Bunny]] | [[Meow Wow]] | [[Necho Cat]] | [[Peepsta Hoo]] | [[Pegaslick]] | [[Pricklemane]] | [[Ryu Dragon]] | [[Sir Kyroo]] | [[Skelterwild]] | [[Staggerceps]] | [[Tama Sheep]] | [[Tatsu Blaze]] | [[Tatsu Steed]] | [[Thunderaffe]] | [[Toximander]] | [[Tyranto Rex]] | [[Wheeflower]] | [[Woeflower]] | [[Yoggy Ram]] | [[Zolephant]]
| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller;"> |<small>[[Meow Wow]] | [[Tama Sheep]] | [[Yoggy Ram]] | [[Komory Bat]] | [[Pricklemane]] | [[Hebby Repp]] | [[Sir Kyroo]] | [[Toximander]] | [[Fin Fatale]] | [[Tatsu Steed]] | [[Necho Cat]] | [[Thunderaffe]] | [[Kooma Panda]] | [[Pegaslick]] | [[Iceguin Ace]] | [[Peepsta Hoo]] | [[Escarglow]] | [[KO Kabuto]] | [[Wheeflower]] | [[Ghostabocky]] | [[Zolephant]] | [[Juggle Pup]] | [[Halbird]] | [[Staggerceps]] | [[Fishboné]] | [[Flowbermeow]] | [[Cyber Yog]] | [[Chef Kyroo]] | [[Lord Kyroo]] | [[Tatsu Blaze]] | [[Electricorn]] | [[Woeflower]] | [[Jestabocky]] | [[Eaglider]] | [[Me Me Bunny]] | [[Drill Sye]] | [[Tyranto Rex]] | [[Majik Lapin]] | [[Cera Terror]] | [[Skelterwild‎]] | [[Ducky Goose]] | [[Aura Lion]] | [[Ryu Dragon]] | [[Drak Quack]] | [[Keeba Tiger]]</small>
! style="{{style|DreamEater|b}}" | Rare Spirits
! align="center" style="background:#825DEE; border-radius: 7px;" width="100%" |[[Dream Eater#Rare Spirits|<font color="white" style="font-size:small;">Rare Spirits</font>]]
| [[Beatalike]] | [[Catanuki]] | [[Frootz Cat]] | [[Kab Kannon]] | [[Meowjesty]] | [[R & R Seal]] | [[Sudo Neku]] | [[Tubguin Ace]] | [[Ursa Circus]]
| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller;"> |<small>[[Meowjesty]] | [[Sudo Neku]] | [[Frootz Cat]] | [[Ursa Circus]] | [[Kab Kannon]] | [[R & R Seal]] | [[Tubguin Ace]] | [[Catanuki]] | [[Beatalike]]<br>[[Riku]] | [[Chirithy]]</small>
! style="{{style|DreamEater|b}}" | Special Spirits
! align="center" style="background:#825DEE; border-radius: 7px;" width="100%" |[[Dream Eater#Pets|<font color="white" style="font-size:small;">Rare Spirits</font>]]
| [[Chirithy]] | [[Riku]]
| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller;"> |<small>[[Pupstar]] | [[Kitstar]] | [[Bunstar]] | [[Pigstar]] | [[Reinstar]]</small>
! style="{{style|DreamEater|b}}" | Pets
! align="center" style="background:#825DEE; border-radius: 7px;" width="100%" |[[Dream Eater#Nightmare Bosses|<font color="white" style="font-size:small;">Nightmare Bosses</font>]]
| [[Alpacastar]] | [[Axolstar]] | [[Bunmoon]] | [[Bunstar]] | [[Chameleostar]] | [[Coonstar]] | [[Cubstar]] | [[Fenstar]] | [[Flowerkit]] | [[Foxstar]] | [[Gingerbread]] | [[Giraffestar]] | [[Hamstar]] | [[Hedgestar]] | [[Horstar]] | [[Kitstar]] | [[Lambstar]] | [[Lionstar]] | [[Monstar]] | [[Mummystar]] | [[Otterstar]] | [[Pigstar]] | [[Pupmoon]] | [[Pupstar]] | [[Reinstar]] | [[Snowpup]] | [[Squirrelstar]] | [[Tortoistar]] | [[Wolfstar]]
| align="center" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;font-size:smaller;"> |<small>[[Spellican]] | [[Commantis]] | [[Char Clawbster]] | [[Chill Clawbster]] | [[Hockomonkey]] | [[Holey Moley]] | [[Wargoyle]] | [[Brawlamari]] | [[Queen Buzzerfly]] | [[Buzzerfly]] | [[Anti Black Coat]] | [[Armored Ventus Nightmare]] \ [[Nightmare Chirithy]]</small>
! style="{{style|DreamEater|b}}" | Nightmare bosses
| [[Anti Black Coat]] | [[Armored Ventus Nightmare]] | [[Brawlamari]] | [[Buzzerfly]] | [[Char Clawbster]] | [[Chill Clawbster]] | [[Commantis]] | [[Hockomonkey]] | [[Holey Moley]] | [[Queen Buzzerfly]] | [[Spellican]] | [[Wargoyle]]<br>{{ns|Game|Nightmare Chirithy}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Navigation templates|Dream Eater]]</noinclude>
|}<noinclude>[[Category:Navigation templates|Dream Eater]]</noinclude>
