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|name=Crown Unlimit
|name=Royal Radiance
|Vimage=Crown Unlimit KHBBS.png
|romaji=Kuraun Anrimitto
|desc=The most powerful Keyblade.<br>Hastens the Command Gauge when equipped.
|jpname=Crown Unlimit
|Timage=Royal Radiance (Terra) KHBBS.png
|Vimage=Royal Radiance (Ventus) KHBBS.png
|Aimage=Royal Radiance (Aqua) KHBBS.png
|desc=The most powerful of Keyblades. When equipped, it increases the speed at which the command gauge fills.
|get=Clear [[Machinations unto Darkness]]
|get=Complete [[Peering into Darkness]].
{{Nihongo|'''Crown Unlimit'''|クラウンアンリミット|Kuraun Anrimitto}} is a [[Keyblade]] that can be wielded by all three heroes in ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix]]''.
The '''Royal Radiance''' is a [[Keychain]] for [[Earthshaker|Terra's]], [[Wayward Wind|Ventus's]], and [[Rainfell|Aqua's Keyblades]] that appears in ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix]]''. The three Keyblade wielders receive this Keychain as a reward for successfully defeating [[No Heart]] at the [[Mirage Arena]].
<!--Defeat No Heart/Clear Machinations Unto Darkness - to specify, do you get it as soon as he loses his last HP, or when the match ends?-->

The Royal Radiance appears to be modeled after parts of the Mirage Arena. Its handle is covered in blue stripes, its guard is comprised of five gold gears with light blue centers, and a much larger, blue-white and spiked gear is set at the top of the handle. The base and tips of the blade resemble the Mirage Arena teleportation hubs and are connected by a light red beam that gives off a dim glow. This beam is surrounded by a light blue, double-helix structure. The tip of the blade is further decorated by a translucent sphere which emanates the same dim red glow as the blade. A gold crown resembling the one worn by No Heart sits off-kilter on the tip of the blade, forming the Royal Radiance's teeth. The Keychain has three gold links that connect to a charm shaped like a small, three-pointed gold crown, similar to the one on [[Sora]]'s necklace, but with a gold circle on each of its points.
The former part of the Royal Radiance's name references the crowns that are incorporated into its design, while "Unlimit" may be a corruption of "unlimited", reflecting the Keyblade's power.